Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

TTC I know I'll be going to bed early tonight lol. Thank you, I'm going to try and hold off over the weekend and test on Monday. Key word though, *try* lol.

So glad your saw it! My gosh it was so sweet!

LOL good luck with that. I'm never good at resisting the urge but I'm going to be putting up my Christmas tree so I might stay content not to test lol.
labgal don't give up yet your not out till the witch shows and like ttc said you may have implanted later.

dragonfly I would hold out until 13 dpo and test again but im not a poas addict...yet :haha:

xan I think i see something on the bottom one. fx it will turn into a bfp soon.

afm i did another opk and it was extremely light so if i did O on cd 16 and im cd 18 would that make me 2 dpo?

* Baby Dust For Everyone *
Do u have O symptoms during it? If you normally do and didn't I would suggest paying close attention for those. TMI but I normally get ewcm and super sore boobs. I only got the ewcm but got my Smiley but actually ended up O'ing for real 3 weeks later and had both symptoms so I knew for sure.

I never really tracked symptoms but i know ive had really bad O cramps and tons of ewcm before. This time i had slight cramping and watery cm a couple days. I have a feeling that im not Oing like i should. But im going to remain positive and track my cycles better and next cycle im going to use my bbt therm.

Dragonfly sorry you got a bfn i hope af stays away and it turns into a bfp.

Labgal gl sunday! Fx!
LOL good luck with that. I'm never good at resisting the urge but I'm going to be putting up my Christmas tree so I might stay content not to test lol.

Haha thanks, I'll need all the luck I can get! Thankfully, the stupid tests I bought only came two in a box (that's all the pink dye ones they had!) so if I really want to test in the morning, I'll have to run back to the store to get more:dohh: Good thinking on the Christmas tree! DH doesn't allow the tree to come in until the first of December:haha: He says Thanksgiving has to happen first!

Leetie - Feeling hopeful for you! If we must, we'll both be temping next cycle.
labgal don't give up yet your not out till the witch shows and like ttc said you may have implanted later.

dragonfly I would hold out until 13 dpo and test again but im not a poas addict...yet :haha:

xan I think i see something on the bottom one. fx it will turn into a bfp soon.

afm i did another opk and it was extremely light so if i did O on cd 16 and im cd 18 would that make me 2 dpo?

* Baby Dust For Everyone *

Do u have O symptoms during it? If you normally do and didn't I would suggest paying close attention for those. TMI but I normally get ewcm and super sore boobs. I only got the ewcm but got my Smiley but actually ended up O'ing for real 3 weeks later and had both symptoms so I knew for sure.

I never really tracked symptoms but i know ive had really bad O cramps and tons of ewcm before. This time i had slight cramping and watery cm a couple days. I have a feeling that im not Oing like i should. But im going to remain positive and track my cycles better and next cycle im going to use my bbt therm.

Dragonfly sorry you got a bfn i hope af stays away and it turns into a bfp.

Labgal gl sunday! Fx!

I definitely suggest temping. I thought it was a waste of time but I also learned that just because you get a positive OPK doesn't mean you O so it has helped a lot with that. My first 2 cycles I'm not sure if I actually O'd.

LOL good luck with that. I'm never good at resisting the urge but I'm going to be putting up my Christmas tree so I might stay content not to test lol.

Haha thanks, I'll need all the luck I can get! Thankfully, the stupid tests I bought only came two in a box (that's all the pink dye ones they had!) so if I really want to test in the morning, I'll have to run back to the store to get more:dohh: Good thinking on the Christmas tree! DH doesn't allow the tree to come in until the first of December:haha: He says Thanksgiving has to happen first!

Leetie - Feeling hopeful for you! If we must, we'll both be temping next cycle.
Well that can certainly detour you from testing lol. I'm going to go get FRER tomorrow so I can test Sunday but after that I have to resist till the 21st. My DF doesn't care as long as he doesn't have to help lol. He just helps hang the lights and that's all. My daddy is exactly like your DH I remember begging to go it and he said nope not till Thanksgiving so our tradition was to do it Thanksgiving night after we ate and cleaned up hehe. I will be going to GA for the holidays so I want to be able to enjoy my tree before leaving.
Well, I have some spotting, brown. At about the same time I was hit by a really intense wave of nausea. Either a weird AF or...

Probably weird AF, not getting hopes up.
Well, I have some spotting, brown. At about the same time I was hit by a really intense wave of nausea. Either a weird AF or...

Probably weird AF, not getting hopes up.

Hopefully just implantation! I was so sure of your tests. Keeping FX'd for you hun!
I also saw the Batboy story...so ridiculously sweet! I got all teary eyed too!

Leetie watery cm is also fertile cm; I almost exclusively get that rather than ewcm. It seems like a good sign you are Oing to me!

Xan - don't let the brown get you down! I thought mine would turn into AF but 3 days later, nope. It could be a good sign! Of course I'm the most terrible person to give "don't freak out" advice :p

TTC tomorrow is Mom's birthday and you're testing? I will be testing too, completely amazed that there's still no red. But I am still having the spotting; mostly in the AM, it seems to go away pretty much during the day...

I also kind of feel like I have to pee all the time. Not that I have to pee, it just kind of feels like I have to...hard to describe. A pressurey type of thing, I guess, but it's not exactly the same. Not sure what that means!

If I get a BFN I'm calling the GYN to see what to do.
I also saw the Batboy story...so ridiculously sweet! I got all teary eyed too!

Leetie watery cm is also fertile cm; I almost exclusively get that rather than ewcm. It seems like a good sign you are Oing to me!

Xan - don't let the brown get you down! I thought mine would turn into AF but 3 days later, nope. It could be a good sign! Of course I'm the most terrible person to give "don't freak out" advice :p

TTC tomorrow is Mom's birthday and you're testing? I will be testing too, completely amazed that there's still no red. But I am still having the spotting; mostly in the AM, it seems to go away pretty much during the day...

I also kind of feel like I have to pee all the time. Not that I have to pee, it just kind of feels like I have to...hard to describe. A pressurey type of thing, I guess, but it's not exactly the same. Not sure what that means!

If I get a BFN I'm calling the GYN to see what to do.

That sounds promising. Yep I'm going to test tomorrow with a FRER then ATTEMPT to wait until the 21st when I'm a day late if AF doesn't show. Are you going to use FRER? If you don't get a bfp that might be a good idea. But don't take my advice I'm the one that waits it out lol. Have you taken an opk? Taking those is what changed my mind about my O day plus my symptoms of course.

AFM I'm feeling nothing but a sore body that is contributed to moving furniture lol. My back is killing me and a headache that won't stop! Just trucking along at 9dpo YAY!
I'm out. Good luck you guys. :( Not feeling like I can even continue this ttc journey now. But I guess it's always like that when af shows.
Hope all you ladies are doing well! Just checking in! I cant believe the post I started has over a thousand comments.. It is great to have a place and friends on here to talk to! :D
Xan - Hopefully just implantation or something, I'm going to stay hopeful for you:hugs:

TTC - I love that tradition you had with your family :) Sounds so sweet. Fingers crossed for your testing tomorrow!!

Labgal - I'm so sorry af showed :hugs: I know it feels impossible, maybe take a small break would help. But we're here for you and I pray that once af begins to leave you that you feel ready to jump back in the ttc wagon with all us nuts!:hugs:

FarmersWife - Wow you're already 19 weeks!! Will you be finding out what your little one will be or keeping it a surprise? :) Thanks for creating such an amazing thread, it's definitely my home away from home lol!

AFM: Didn't test this morning, af is officially late but I woke up with the worst cramps this morning, they're gone at the moment but I'm worried af is on her way :( Feeling a little nauseous this morning, probably because I'm really hungry.
I'm out. Good luck you guys. :( Not feeling like I can even continue this ttc journey now. But I guess it's always like that when af shows.

I felt exactly like that last month. Everything was perfect we bd'd right on time and everything else was great and then the dreaded AF shows and I was heartbroken. I did a lot of soul searching and finally got back on the baby wagon so to speak. It's always difficult after AF shows I pray you find strength and don't lose hope!!
Xan - Hopefully just implantation or something, I'm going to stay hopeful for you:hugs:

TTC - I love that tradition you had with your family :) Sounds so sweet. Fingers crossed for your testing tomorrow!!

Labgal - I'm so sorry af showed :hugs: I know it feels impossible, maybe take a small break would help. But we're here for you and I pray that once af begins to leave you that you feel ready to jump back in the ttc wagon with all us nuts!:hugs:

FarmersWife - Wow you're already 19 weeks!! Will you be finding out what your little one will be or keeping it a surprise? :) Thanks for creating such an amazing thread, it's definitely my home away from home lol!

AFM: Didn't test this morning, af is officially late but I woke up with the worst cramps this morning, they're gone at the moment but I'm worried af is on her way :( Feeling a little nauseous this morning, probably because I'm really hungry.

It was an awesome tradition. I tried to keep it once I moved her to WA without my family but this year especially with ttc I just need something to heighten my spirits so I figured why not put the tree up. It's during the holidays that I start feeling alone that's why I go to GA for Christmas but not long after I get there all I think about is coming back home to WA lol.

I agree! Thanks FarmersWife for making a place for so many of us to find support. This is definitely my go to thread lol.

Hopefully AF stays away for you and you get that BFP!!

AFM I woke up so hot I couldn't breathe! My temps have been rising yesterday and even higher today. I guess we will see what tomorrow brings. Heading out to Walmart to get more Christmas lights and FRER. Fx'd for all of us!!
Woohoo TTC! Fingers crossed this temp rise is fantastic news! :) Lol that's funny that you dream of coming home once you're there for Christmas.

Light brown spotting has started, no cramps anymore though. I think I'm going to be out by tomorrow morning:cry:
Im glad because this thread was always my "go to" place also!!! I cant even believe I am already 19 weeks either.. It seems like yesterday, I was here! We find out on the 25th if baby is boy or girl. Im pretty excited. Still seems so unreal. And I have been praying for you loving ladies to join me! Hopefully soon! With the holidays coming up.. it would be an amazing gift for you ladies!
Woohoo TTC! Fingers crossed this temp rise is fantastic news! :) Lol that's funny that you dream of coming home once you're there for Christmas.

Light brown spotting has started, no cramps anymore though. I think I'm going to be out by tomorrow morning:cry:

Too much drama in GA. People all fighting and arguing for my time and most days I just want to sit and relax so it gets stressful. Brown spotting doesn't have to be bad! I'm keeping my FX'd for you!
Ahhhhh lots of brown spotting going on, sorry ladies. :( I pray it isn't all bad news coming for y'all!!
Im glad because this thread was always my "go to" place also!!! I cant even believe I am already 19 weeks either.. It seems like yesterday, I was here! We find out on the 25th if baby is boy or girl. Im pretty excited. Still seems so unreal. And I have been praying for you loving ladies to join me! Hopefully soon! With the holidays coming up.. it would be an amazing gift for you ladies!

Can't wait to hear what you're having!! Thank you for not forgetting about us and prayers are always welcome!!

Feeling nervous for tomorrow but I know it's still super early at only 10dpo but I know my mom would be super excited to find out on her bday if I was.
TTC - Ouch, that's no fun. Family drama is the worst:nope: It is strange that a lot of us are experiencing brown spotting! You're right though, it isn't always a bad thing. I'm grateful that my cramps have stopped and I'm not spotting as much as I was earlier, we'll just have to see what the morning holds!

My fingers are extra crossed for you that even though it's 10dpo, I pray that you get a bfp on your mom's birthday :)

FarmersWife - How exciting :) Please come back and share with us what you're little one will be! Do you have names picked out yet?
TTC - Ouch, that's no fun. Family drama is the worst:nope: It is strange that a lot of us are experiencing brown spotting! You're right though, it isn't always a bad thing. I'm grateful that my cramps have stopped and I'm not spotting as much as I was earlier, we'll just have to see what the morning holds!

My fingers are extra crossed for you that even though it's 10dpo, I pray that you get a bfp on your mom's birthday :)

FarmersWife - How exciting :) Please come back and share with us what you're little one will be! Do you have names picked out yet?

I know but I've read where a lot of women get brown spotting at time of AF but it turns into a bfp so hoping that it's a good sign for y'all. So sad for lab. Hope she finds strength and comes back soon. Glad your cramps have stopped. I ate a corn dog and now I feel icky, don't think my tummy liked it ugh. Thanks so much, she would be so excited.
I didn't get up till 3pm today it's now almost 8 and I'm struggling to stay awake till 9 so I can call my mom to say Happy Birthday at midnight GA time. I might not make it lol.
Darn time zones! Could always call her earlier and just say you're falling asleep but send love and birthday wishes anyways lol :)

Sorry about the corndog, my stomach usually gets sour after those too :( Rare occasions I can have plain hotdogs, but only once in a while. Do you have peppermint tea? That always helps :)

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