Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

Xan - :hugs: A break may be a good thing, at least from all the meds and doctors. I'll be keeping you in my prayers that you get a bfp without all that business and just with you and DH having fun through the holidays!

Newlywed - I'm so sorry to hear this, my heart is hurting for you:hugs: I pray that it's a false alarm and that everything is alright. We're all here for you dear:hugs:

TTC - Fingers crossed for you, are you still spotting?

Leetie, Labgal - How we doing today?

AFM - Strangest af ever, had one day of extreme pain and really heavy bleeding. My gyno wanted me to do another hpt (but I didn't) and go into the ER if I bled any heavier but thankfully it lightened up by that evening. But the next day all I had was brown spotting and today I'm back in the ttc flow. I'm a little nervous with how short af was after just one day of extreme, should I be worried ladies? I don't really want to call my gyno again, don't want to be a pain in the butt... tomorrow I have an appointment with my regular family doctor for something else, should I bring it up with her?
Hi Dragonfly- I would definitely bring it up to your regular doctor since you're going to be there anyway. If you're concerned, she can tell you whether it's nothing to worry about or might have some advice.

Definitely looking forward to no more doctors visits for a while. Work has been crazy, and I see no end to that until at least the Christmas holidays. I'm going to deserve one awesome Christmas!
Hi Dragonfly- I would definitely bring it up to your regular doctor since you're going to be there anyway. If you're concerned, she can tell you whether it's nothing to worry about or might have some advice.

Definitely looking forward to no more doctors visits for a while. Work has been crazy, and I see no end to that until at least the Christmas holidays. I'm going to deserve one awesome Christmas!

Thanks Xan, I'll definitely bring it up with her. Hopefully she'll just assure me that all is alright. I thought af was gone so DH and I bd this morning and now I have bright red:shrug:

Not seeing doctors of a while sounds excellent, enjoy the holidays!! And an awesome Christmas is a must! :)
Hi ladies, how is everyone doing ? I glimpsed through to see if I could see any bfp's but nothing caught my eye... Any yet ?!
I have been gone for a while to avoid pregnancy chatter, but I had to drop in today.. I have to go to the hospital tomorrow because they think I am having a miscarriage :( .... I am so devastated. On friday I had an ultrasound and there was no heart beat, but it only showed 6w2d so that is still borderline as to if there is one or not. I've had some bloodwork done since as well and my hcg numbers have dropped, so it is not looking good .... Tomorrow I have to go in for more blood work and another ultrasound just to be sure, but my doctor told me to prepare myself for the procedure.
You hear of it happening and as nervous as you are you just never think it could happen to you..
Sending extra love and prayers your way today in hopes you get your bfp and a very healthy 9 months !!!!!
The joy of a bfp is the best feeling in the world, but the loss is a horrible feeling that is hard to explain. But I do trust God has a plan, and this time was not meant to be then I am glad I found out now and not a few months down the road.
xxoxo to all

Oh no!! I pray it was just a false alarm and everything is fine. I can't imagine. I had what they said was a missed m/c whatever that is but it pales in comparison to what you are experiencing. I'm so sorry hun. We are all here for you. :hugs::hugs:
Xan - :hugs: A break may be a good thing, at least from all the meds and doctors. I'll be keeping you in my prayers that you get a bfp without all that business and just with you and DH having fun through the holidays!

Newlywed - I'm so sorry to hear this, my heart is hurting for you:hugs: I pray that it's a false alarm and that everything is alright. We're all here for you dear:hugs:

TTC - Fingers crossed for you, are you still spotting?

Leetie, Labgal - How we doing today?

AFM - Strangest af ever, had one day of extreme pain and really heavy bleeding. My gyno wanted me to do another hpt (but I didn't) and go into the ER if I bled any heavier but thankfully it lightened up by that evening. But the next day all I had was brown spotting and today I'm back in the ttc flow. I'm a little nervous with how short af was after just one day of extreme, should I be worried ladies? I don't really want to call my gyno again, don't want to be a pain in the butt... tomorrow I have an appointment with my regular family doctor for something else, should I bring it up with her?

That sounds strange. I would definitely ask the fam dr about it and see if she has any info that could help. My thoughts of why the dr said go to ER if the bleeding got any heavier because she might of thought it was a m/c. The closest I've ever gotten to a bfp was a missed m/c (I still don't understand exactly what that is) and I only found out because I was bleeding so badly I went to the ER. (TMI) I was bleeding through super plus tampons in 10 mins or less. Lots of clotting too, it was very painful.

AFM I think AF is officially here. Not enough to get on the pad but it is more than just a little spotting when I wipe and it's dark red now. So I'm just waiting it out to see what happens.
That sounds strange. I would definitely ask the fam dr about it and see if she has any info that could help. My thoughts of why the dr said go to ER if the bleeding got any heavier because she might of thought it was a m/c. The closest I've ever gotten to a bfp was a missed m/c (I still don't understand exactly what that is) and I only found out because I was bleeding so badly I went to the ER. (TMI) I was bleeding through super plus tampons in 10 mins or less. Lots of clotting too, it was very painful.

AFM I think AF is officially here. Not enough to get on the pad but it is more than just a little spotting when I wipe and it's dark red now. So I'm just waiting it out to see what happens.

Yeah I thought it was really weird. I was silly and panicked a little so didn't bother to ask why but since the bleeding slowed down by the evening I figured I was fine. Yikes, that's scary TTC! I wasn't bleeding that heavily but she did express concern as to how much I was. I normally get bad cramps that wiggle their way into my legs (if that makes sense) but they were so awful I felt it was hard to move. I stopped bleeding yesterday afternoon up until this morning when DH and I bd and now I'm back to red:dohh: Oh well, at least we got a break to get some fun in haha.

Sorry that af is showing, although I'm curious as to how it's more than spotting but not enough for more than just a pad.
That sounds strange. I would definitely ask the fam dr about it and see if she has any info that could help. My thoughts of why the dr said go to ER if the bleeding got any heavier because she might of thought it was a m/c. The closest I've ever gotten to a bfp was a missed m/c (I still don't understand exactly what that is) and I only found out because I was bleeding so badly I went to the ER. (TMI) I was bleeding through super plus tampons in 10 mins or less. Lots of clotting too, it was very painful.

AFM I think AF is officially here. Not enough to get on the pad but it is more than just a little spotting when I wipe and it's dark red now. So I'm just waiting it out to see what happens.

Yeah I thought it was really weird. I was silly and panicked a little so didn't bother to ask why but since the bleeding slowed down by the evening I figured I was fine. Yikes, that's scary TTC! I wasn't bleeding that heavily but she did express concern as to how much I was. I normally get bad cramps that wiggle their way into my legs (if that makes sense) but they were so awful I felt it was hard to move. I stopped bleeding yesterday afternoon up until this morning when DH and I bd and now I'm back to red:dohh: Oh well, at least we got a break to get some fun in haha.

Sorry that af is showing, although I'm curious as to how it's more than spotting but not enough for more than just a pad.

OUCH! That sounds painful! Have you ever been checked for endo? LOL at least you got some fun in between hehe. Is it heavy again or just there?
When I say spotting I don't mean it as actually spotting I guess. I consider spotting when you wipe and there's barely a streak there (if that makes sense?!) Now it's noticeably there on the TP when I wipe like a heavier spotting (lol I'm confusing huh?) but not enough to actually get on the pad. I consider it actually AF when it hits that pad. Normally my AF is pretty heavy I wake up the morning of and I've bled so much that it is everywhere even through the pad so that's what I expected when I woke up but nothing. 6pm and still not on the pad so I will have to see what tomorrow has in store. This cycle has been all over the place ugh.
OUCH! That sounds painful! Have you ever been checked for endo? LOL at least you got some fun in between hehe. Is it heavy again or just there?
When I say spotting I don't mean it as actually spotting I guess. I consider spotting when you wipe and there's barely a streak there (if that makes sense?!) Now it's noticeably there on the TP when I wipe like a heavier spotting (lol I'm confusing huh?) but not enough to actually get on the pad. I consider it actually AF when it hits that pad. Normally my AF is pretty heavy I wake up the morning of and I've bled so much that it is everywhere even through the pad so that's what I expected when I woke up but nothing. 6pm and still not on the pad so I will have to see what tomorrow has in store. This cycle has been all over the place ugh.

No, haven't been checked for endo. Although with the ultrasound and physical exam she gave me she said there wasn't any signs that she felt concerned over and to try a few more months before going in for further testing.

It was nice to have some fun before she started back up again:haha: Poor DH, from the moment af started he asked multiple times a day if it was gone yet:dohh: That's unusual for him and it's curious. It's not even heavy again, more like spotting so I've just been wearing liners all day.

I agree with you, I don't count af until it hits the pad as well lol. Well, on the bright side at least you're not dealing with it being everywhere like usual! Although it's not fun that it's been such a wacky cycle :( I hope that the next one will be more on top of itself than a guessing game like this last one was.
OUCH! That sounds painful! Have you ever been checked for endo? LOL at least you got some fun in between hehe. Is it heavy again or just there?
When I say spotting I don't mean it as actually spotting I guess. I consider spotting when you wipe and there's barely a streak there (if that makes sense?!) Now it's noticeably there on the TP when I wipe like a heavier spotting (lol I'm confusing huh?) but not enough to actually get on the pad. I consider it actually AF when it hits that pad. Normally my AF is pretty heavy I wake up the morning of and I've bled so much that it is everywhere even through the pad so that's what I expected when I woke up but nothing. 6pm and still not on the pad so I will have to see what tomorrow has in store. This cycle has been all over the place ugh.

No, haven't been checked for endo. Although with the ultrasound and physical exam she gave me she said there wasn't any signs that she felt concerned over and to try a few more months before going in for further testing.

It was nice to have some fun before she started back up again:haha: Poor DH, from the moment af started he asked multiple times a day if it was gone yet:dohh: That's unusual for him and it's curious. It's not even heavy again, more like spotting so I've just been wearing liners all day.

I agree with you, I don't count af until it hits the pad as well lol. Well, on the bright side at least you're not dealing with it being everywhere like usual! Although it's not fun that it's been such a wacky cycle :( I hope that the next one will be more on top of itself than a guessing game like this last one was.

Maybe he's just checking since your dr showed concern. That's definitely the bright side. I hope the next one is normal lol. I'm taking a break. I'm going to start back on the vitex and paba regularly though and hopefully I can get my cycle shortened.
Awww I'm extra sad now but I guess it's good that I didn't notice before. My FF chart says I had a triphasic chart on day 64 I'm on day 70 now. I've always read that was a good thing. Guess not since I think I have officially started AF. It's on the pad now but it's dark red/brown. Even when I wipe it's dark red/brown. Almost like dried up blood.
Newlywed im so sorry your going through this and im praying everything will turn out ok :hugs:

Dragonfly im glad the bleeding has slowed thats scarry ive had af where i was bleeding through a super tampon and a pad in about a half hour but it only lasted a day then slowed down. But i never got checked just figured it was a heavy af.

Ttc sorry af got you :hugs:

Afm im pretty sure af is on her way my cp is low and open and ive had a headache and moody. Atleast i will get to use the bbt therm. I bought.
Newlywed - :hugs: I hope you're doing alright today. We're all here for you dear, keeping you in my prayers.

Leetie - It was scary, I'm used to bleeding pretty heavy on the first day but never that much, and I think it was the pain that made it hard to move that made me call and ask. I'm sorry af feels like she's on her way:hugs: If she must show I'm praying for next cycle for you.

TTC - :hugs: Lots of hugs to you

AFM: Doctors appointment today and I plan to ask about the funky af. Going out to buy a thermometer today to start temping tomorrow morning, I guess it's a late start since I'm CD5 already but since I don't O for a while I think it's alright. The wait to O begins again:coffee:
Thanks dragonfly. I hope you get some answers from the dr and i will be joining you temping this cycle.
Thanks ladies. Sorry to hear you think the witch is on her way Leetie! Hopefully she passes you by.
Dragonfly I think temping is a great idea. I never knew it was so important, I really thought it was tedious and just too much but temping has helped answer a lot of questions for me this cycle.
AFM-veryyyyy painful AF happening now. I finished my tree to keep my mind off the pain but it's terrible. If it wasn't only 3pm I would take a pain pill but they knock me out so that wouldn't be a good idea. I'm torn and don't know if I should hope and pray O happens before I leave for GA or just take a break and try again in January when I get back. If I knew my O would happen on CD21 like it did my first cycle then no doubt I wouldn't take a break but these last 2 cycles it has been longer and longer. I guess I could make sure I take the vitex and paba regularly like I did the first cycle. The second month I didn't take it regularly and this cycle not at all (probably why it's so crazy lol) Hmmm I will have to decide soon because I need to start taking the vitex and paba like now lol.
Hey ladies- I think we need a group hug :hugs:

Dragonfly- could you possibly have had an ovarian cyst rupture? This happened to me twice, both times around AF. The first time DH said I got really white. He thought I had appendicitis and took me to the emergency room. Well after many (expensive) tests, they found some fluid around my ovaries and put it down to a ruptured ovarian cyst. It took several hours to do all the tests, and about 4 hours in the pain started dissipating.

The second time it happened (a few months later) I waited it out at home. Hasn't happened since (thank goodness) but it was quite scary. I remember both times were near the end of my period and I had a lot of flow, but it was bright red and not like usual AF (sorry, tmi).
TTC - Sorry to hear that the pain is awful and af is being a mean one! I don't have experience with those so I can't give advice, but I would say go with what you feel is best for you :hugs:

Xan - Group hugs definitely in order:hugs: The u/s showed I didn't have any cysts and the pains I was experiencing weren't the same as when I've had cysts previously, but I suppose it is possible:shrug:

My af wasn't really usual red either.. tmi alert
it was more like blackberry jelly, super dark and clotty and the texture was very different. It was like stretchy red egg white
but that only lasted the one day, after that it turned back into spotting. Now I have just light brown spotting as she leaves so who knows.
Awwww hugs Xan!! :hugs:

Dragonfly-have you taken another test like she suggested? Last night while I was trying to shut my mind off because I was so upset after seeing I actually had a triphasic chart I was reading all these stories of that exact thing happening to women that you are experiencing and then they got a BFP. Like we've said before if it's abnormal then it could be possible. Some women have a period all 9 months. I went researching because I was grasping at straws still holding onto hope but today it being so painful I'm sure it's the dreaded witch ugh.
I decided I'm going to take the vitex and paba and if it happens then it happens if not at least I tried. I think I would be upset with myself if I didn't try and I don't want to be down in the dumps when I go to GA.
Hi ladies,
I am back to share my news - which is unfortunately not good :(
My blood test/ultrasound today confirmed that I was having a miscarriage. I really thought my chances were not the best of a positive outcome, but I couldn't help but have hope in my heart.
My body was showing no signs of miscarrying so they have gave me medication (lots of fun, lol). I have only taken one pill but began cramping a few hours later so I have had to take 2 extra strength advil. Still no bleeding yet, but I'm sure I'll know when it happens. I have to go back on monday and they still may need to do a d&c, but I really really hope not.
& To answer the previous question (that I can't remember who asked) - Nope, I did not have any spotting or pain or any issues, I was actually completely shocked when the ultrasound revealed not so good news.
I am very thankful to have the support of my husband and parents and being able to take time off work to relax while this is happening and have time to grieve.

I just want to thank you ladies so much for still being here for me, that really means the world to me. My wish is that we all have healthy, successful pregnancies and noone has to experience this again !
Thanks again for your kind words. Praying for all of you to get your bfp's soon :)
TTC - No, I don't wish to test again. I don't believe there is any chance of a bfp after the way I've bled so I'm going to just rule it as a weird af and hold out until the next test date. Which sadly isn't until Christmas. Glad you've decided what you want to do, sending you lots of luck and dust that this will be your cycle!

Newlywed - My dear, my heart goes out to you:hugs: I'm so sorry that the news wasn't good. I pray they wont have to do the d&c and the medications they sent you home with will be all that is necessary. Sending lots of well wishes and heartfelt thoughts your way that you are able to grieve and heal.:hugs:
Newlywed I'm so sorry you are experiencing this. Every woman's worst fear. I pray you find strength to try again soon. I hope you don't take this wrong but I've see A LOT of success stories happen the very next cycle after m/c. Sending you lots of hugs and I will keep you in prayer hun. We are always here for you good and bad!!

Thanks Dragonfly! I hope this cycle is successful for all of us. December sounds like a great month to start miracles growing!! Best of luck to all you ladies, such kind and supportive women, I know it will happen for all us.

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