Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

Hi ladies !!
It definitely sounds like you guys have some good chances this month !!!
Dragonfly - Don't get discouraged ! Since you don't exactly know when your o was then there is no way to rule out that you missed it.. You've been trying so that is the main thing !! & Honestly, you probably did the right thing by avoiding opk's because I am pretty sure I scared my o away this month with the stress of wondering about it, because still nothing for me !!!
So now I am hoping that I just managed to miss it somehow..... That is what I am telling myself, haha. Although I am still going to test until my AF shows up (or a bfp ! I can still be hopeful !! haha)
I did receive some sperm friendly lube in the mail today that I ordered a little while ago, so that made me excited ! I haven't been able to find pre seed anywhere so I figured this was the easiest thing.. I also got "Zestica", it is pretty expensive but seems to be really good and even "improves sperm mobility".. So it is worth a try because I do find we need a bit of lube so it is better to use sperm friendly (tmi, sorry).

Farmers Wife - A UTI shouldn't affect your chances at all ! A few ladies I chatted with said it felt like they were getting a uti before they got a bfp.. maybe this is a good sign ?? Also, my friend got preggo while on antibiotics (& bcp !!, the antibiotics cancelled them out).. so it really doesn't affect your chances :)
Do you tend to lie down or prop yourself up and avoid peeing after sex ? That can lead to uti's. Hopefully it clears up for you asap !!

& I have been wondering how old you ladies are as well ! Not that it matters, but it is just interesting to know. I am 21 and dh is 26 (I am a bit younger than some people on here, so sometimes I don't like people to know my age because they may say I'm too young to have a baby, but we are financially secure and mature and ready). & I'm from Canada ! What about you Famers Wife, how old are you and the dh ?

Well I will let you ladies know of any updates, but for now we are still trying until AF shows her ugly face because I don't want to rely 100% on those opk's !!
When are you ladies testing !??!!?

& Also, I agree with your comment Dragonfly, I do feel so close to you and Farmers Wife ! I look forward to reading your comments each night :) It is nice to have support during this !!

BABY DUST !!!!!!!!!
Neither of your ages would affect what I think either. You are both wonderful ladys and enjoy giving/receiving wonderful advice! And turns out we are all around the same age.. I will be 22 next month! whoho. I was a year younger than everyone I graduated high school with, apparently my parents thought I was a smart baby? haha. DH is 23.

I agree that sometimes I feel like people may side eye us for being young. However there are TONS and TONS of young people who haven't accomplished near what we have. I cherish what we have together and how far we have came! Im excited to be a young mom and bring a precious baby into this world, with all we have to offer for them!
If you would of asked me 10 years ago where Id be now, Id never guess this! haha. I cant believe that I already have a license in cosmetology, and will very soon have my degree in MA. DH farms and has livestock, but he also went to a John Deere tech school. He works full time for John Deere along with farming.

We bought our acreage almost a year ago, before that rented an acreage for a year. We just got married March 23rd. Sorry.. Im giving you my life story! haha.

Newlywed.. We live in the United States, in good ole Iowa! :D
Too bad you cant "like" a post like you can on facebook. haha.

Haha, yeah the BnB makers need to throw in a "like" button, or something similar!

Hi ladies !!
It definitely sounds like you guys have some good chances this month !!!
Dragonfly - Don't get discouraged ! Since you don't exactly know when your o was then there is no way to rule out that you missed it.. You've been trying so that is the main thing !! & Honestly, you probably did the right thing by avoiding opk's because I am pretty sure I scared my o away this month with the stress of wondering about it, because still nothing for me !!!
So now I am hoping that I just managed to miss it somehow..... That is what I am telling myself, haha. Although I am still going to test until my AF shows up (or a bfp ! I can still be hopeful !! haha)
I did receive some sperm friendly lube in the mail today that I ordered a little while ago, so that made me excited ! I haven't been able to find pre seed anywhere so I figured this was the easiest thing.. I also got "Zestica", it is pretty expensive but seems to be really good and even "improves sperm mobility".. So it is worth a try because I do find we need a bit of lube so it is better to use sperm friendly (tmi, sorry).

Farmers Wife - A UTI shouldn't affect your chances at all ! A few ladies I chatted with said it felt like they were getting a uti before they got a bfp.. maybe this is a good sign ?? Also, my friend got preggo while on antibiotics (& bcp !!, the antibiotics cancelled them out).. so it really doesn't affect your chances :)
Do you tend to lie down or prop yourself up and avoid peeing after sex ? That can lead to uti's. Hopefully it clears up for you asap !!

& I have been wondering how old you ladies are as well ! Not that it matters, but it is just interesting to know. I am 21 and dh is 26 (I am a bit younger than some people on here, so sometimes I don't like people to know my age because they may say I'm too young to have a baby, but we are financially secure and mature and ready). & I'm from Canada ! What about you Famers Wife, how old are you and the dh ?

Well I will let you ladies know of any updates, but for now we are still trying until AF shows her ugly face because I don't want to rely 100% on those opk's !!
When are you ladies testing !??!!?

& Also, I agree with your comment Dragonfly, I do feel so close to you and Farmers Wife ! I look forward to reading your comments each night :) It is nice to have support during this !!

BABY DUST !!!!!!!!!

Thank you Newlywed, I hope we all get our bfp's this cycle! Now I'm feeling pretty good at how much we tried and just need to stay hopeful for the tww. Exciting about the lube! I may have to give that a try! I haven't been able to find preseed anywhere but on the internet and shipping takes too long... DH uses his saliva (sorry, tmi) and hates lube.. but I worry his spit will kill his swimmers!

Ugh, I must say I hate when people tell us we're too young to have babies! So I don't blame you for not always sharing your age. Keep your hopes up until you have pink lines or af!! What date are you testing? I can't remember if I've read it yet:dohh: I'll be testing on August 3rd! We're almost there, just 12 more days!!:happydance:

This is my favorite thread to read here on BnB:flower:
If you would of asked me 10 years ago where Id be now, Id never guess this! haha. I cant believe that I already have a license in cosmetology, and will very soon have my degree in MA. DH farms and has livestock, but he also went to a John Deere tech school. He works full time for John Deere along with farming.

We bought our acreage almost a year ago, before that rented an acreage for a year. We just got married March 23rd. Sorry.. Im giving you my life story! haha.

Newlywed.. We live in the United States, in good ole Iowa! :D

Ah that's great! I like you're story :)
Hey ladies !!
Aww, so many nice stories !! I did not realize we are all around the same age !
I'm on cd 22 now and STILL no positive on the opk... I am soon goign to throw them out the window !!!! Haha. I really thought I would by now, so I'm convinced that either I missed my surge or that I just didn't o this month.. But we have been bd'ing pretty often just in case. We usually try for every second day..
How are you ladies doing ??? In a couple of weeks we should know if we have to start this process all over again or will be jumping for joy with a bfp :)
I get so hopeful !! I even drempt I had a baby boy last night and he was such a beauty ! This is twice I drempt I had a boy so I definitely feel like one day I will be blessed with a little boy :)

Baby dust to all !!!!!! (I'm pretty sure noone reads this thread other than us 3 just chatting to each other - haha!)
Hey ladies !!
Aww, so many nice stories !! I did not realize we are all around the same age !
I'm on cd 22 now and STILL no positive on the opk... I am soon goign to throw them out the window !!!! Haha. I really thought I would by now, so I'm convinced that either I missed my surge or that I just didn't o this month.. But we have been bd'ing pretty often just in case. We usually try for every second day..
How are you ladies doing ??? In a couple of weeks we should know if we have to start this process all over again or will be jumping for joy with a bfp :)
I get so hopeful !! I even drempt I had a baby boy last night and he was such a beauty ! This is twice I drempt I had a boy so I definitely feel like one day I will be blessed with a little boy :)

Baby dust to all !!!!!! (I'm pretty sure noone reads this thread other than us 3 just chatting to each other - haha!)

I think you'll be okay since you've been BDing often anyways :) I've had dreams of having a little boy too!! I hope it comes true.

We may be the only 3 here, but that's alright!

This morning I had awful cramps that woke me up! The rest of the day I've been tired, sore throat and twinges in my side. Although I'm a little nervous over the twinges since it's the side with the cyst that burst..
Adding on to the whole ago discussion, I also find it annoying when people think I am too young. I got married at 19 and I wanted a baby then too, so we started trying a couple months before the wedding and if it happened we just wouldn't tell anyone. Over a year later and it still hasn't happened.

I am 20 as of April and when I got married everyone said I was too young for that and now that I am trying for a baby they all say I am too young for that.

Here is what I always say:

If you know what you want, waiting until you are older only shortens the time you have with it.
Hey ladies !!
Aww, so many nice stories !! I did not realize we are all around the same age !
I'm on cd 22 now and STILL no positive on the opk... I am soon goign to throw them out the window !!!! Haha. I really thought I would by now, so I'm convinced that either I missed my surge or that I just didn't o this month.. But we have been bd'ing pretty often just in case. We usually try for every second day..
How are you ladies doing ??? In a couple of weeks we should know if we have to start this process all over again or will be jumping for joy with a bfp :)
I get so hopeful !! I even drempt I had a baby boy last night and he was such a beauty ! This is twice I drempt I had a boy so I definitely feel like one day I will be blessed with a little boy :)

Baby dust to all !!!!!! (I'm pretty sure noone reads this thread other than us 3 just chatting to each other - haha!)

I am wondering if maybe you had a short surge? I wonder if that's possible.. and you just missed it while testing? I hope that is what happened! I have hope for you! I think you had great timing as well! Praying for you to get a BFP!!

Things are going good my way, nothing too exciting. Trying to get through this 2 week wait arrghh. But this last month really has gone by.. A baby boy would be amazing. I honestly want a girl and a boy so either way Ill be as happy as can be! Having a DH mini me would be cute though :winkwink:

I think you'll be okay since you've been BDing often anyways :) I've had dreams of having a little boy too!! I hope it comes true.

We may be the only 3 here, but that's alright!

This morning I had awful cramps that woke me up! The rest of the day I've been tired, sore throat and twinges in my side. Although I'm a little nervous over the twinges since it's the side with the cyst that burst..[/QUOTE]

Hope everything is okay for you!! When did you have the cyst?
Marqelle - That's a good way of seeing it :) My grandmother tells me people got married and made babies fresh out of high school, this waiting until you're 30 is crazy. You have more energy now then you will later in life. She cracks me up:thumbup: At least she's rooting for us to get pregnant asap!

I am wondering if maybe you had a short surge? I wonder if that's possible.. and you just missed it while testing? I hope that is what happened! I have hope for you! I think you had great timing as well! Praying for you to get a BFP!!

Things are going good my way, nothing too exciting. Trying to get through this 2 week wait arrghh. But this last month really has gone by.. A baby boy would be amazing. I honestly want a girl and a boy so either way Ill be as happy as can be! Having a DH mini me would be cute though :winkwink:

That's very possible! I'll vote that you may have just missed it. Those OPK test can be picky. I'm with you on the tww FarmersWife! This month has flown by, but I think the tww made time slow down a little bit. DH and I pray for both a boy and a girl, but we both really want a boy first! DH would love a son and I think I would melt with happiness to see a mini version of DH.:blush:

Hope everything is okay for you!! When did you have the cyst?

Thank you, yes I'm doing fine. Just having twinges in my left side, there was a moment where they got bad enough I almost went into the doctor. They have seemed to have lessen in intensity so far though. I'm not sure when the cyst developed but it burst last Wednesday. Over that previous weekend I had intense pains in my side that I thought were maybe just a bad O time, but they got so bad Wednesday night that I couldn't even lay on the side and I had pressure all over down in that area and my uterus. I went to the doctor the next morning but felt totally fine! When she did an exam she said my ovary was enlarged but she couldn't find any cysts so she said the one that was there must have burst and that's why I went from miserable pain to totally fine so quick.
Oh my goodness Dragonfly! I hope you are feeling better, I cant imagine. Its good you went to the doctor though. That's some scary stuff.
I am feeling much better now, thank you. I asked the doctor if I should be worried and she said that we often have cysts and don't know it and they'll fix themselves and sometimes we don't know about that either, I think that's crazy!

One of my girlfriends did tell me she had a cyst burst, but hers was big enough they were thinking about doing surgery to remove it. She got hit in the area by accident and she fell to the floor in tears because she was in so much pain. She went to her gyno and they said the same thing, burst cyst and she was alright. Scary stuff!!
I am feeling much better now, thank you. I asked the doctor if I should be worried and she said that we often have cysts and don't know it and they'll fix themselves and sometimes we don't know about that either, I think that's crazy!

One of my girlfriends did tell me she had a cyst burst, but hers was big enough they were thinking about doing surgery to remove it. She got hit in the area by accident and she fell to the floor in tears because she was in so much pain. She went to her gyno and they said the same thing, burst cyst and she was alright. Scary stuff!!

That is very scary! Nuts that we can have them and they go away and never even know about it too. My best friend has had issues with cysts for awhile now, however hers is on the outside of the vagina, so you can actually see them. She has had surgery to remove glands they thought were causing these. Still no luck, every once and awhile she will get one and they have to drain it.. I feel awful for her because she said its horrible pain. They said it should in no way affect her becoming pregnant, so that's good.

I found out today that my DH will be gone a few nights next week for work. I know its dorky but I am pretty sad.. The last time we spent a night away was over 2 years ago, when I had to do work training. Im hoping to have some girl time, go out for supper etc.. But it will be weird sleeping at night. I think I might get a little scared at night, since we live on an acreage in the middle of no where! Maybe I can convince a friend to stay the night.. how horrible is that! Atleast I have dogs.. and guns haha! oh boy..

And.. Im trying not to symptom spot.. but I've been feeling light lower cramping.. Have you noticed anything?
That is very scary! Nuts that we can have them and they go away and never even know about it too. My best friend has had issues with cysts for awhile now, however hers is on the outside of the vagina, so you can actually see them. She has had surgery to remove glands they thought were causing these. Still no luck, every once and awhile she will get one and they have to drain it.. I feel awful for her because she said its horrible pain. They said it should in no way affect her becoming pregnant, so that's good.

I found out today that my DH will be gone a few nights next week for work. I know its dorky but I am pretty sad.. The last time we spent a night away was over 2 years ago, when I had to do work training. Im hoping to have some girl time, go out for supper etc.. But it will be weird sleeping at night. I think I might get a little scared at night, since we live on an acreage in the middle of no where! Maybe I can convince a friend to stay the night.. how horrible is that! Atleast I have dogs.. and guns haha! oh boy..

And.. Im trying not to symptom spot.. but I've been feeling light lower cramping.. Have you noticed anything?

Oh my goodness I would freak out the first time I saw a cyst on the outside... but at least she got to know they were there. I'm sorry she has to be in pain when there's a cyst there, I can only imagine. But thank goodness it wont affect her becoming pregnant.

Girl time sounds awesome! And it will make your husbands time away go by faster. I have a rough time sleeping when DH isn't home, thankfully it's not very often. But yes, thank goodness for dogs and guns lol.

I've been having cramping too! It's really low and only in the early morning, doesn't last very long either. I had some last night when I went to bed in my hips but it was only for a little bit. Think it's good signs? Ugh 9 more days for me until testing or af.
I was thinking about testing Sunday.. but Im thinking that is probably a dumb idea lol.
I say try to hold out as long as possible. The earliest I plan to allow myself to cave in is August 1st, I'll be 12dpo. I only have two tests left so I'm trying to be frugal about using them haha:haha:
I say try to hold out as long as possible. The earliest I plan to allow myself to cave in is August 1st, I'll be 12dpo. I only have two tests left so I'm trying to be frugal about using them haha:haha:

August 2nd is actually when AF is due, for me. When is yours due? I only have 1 test butt.. can always buy more. :wacko::wacko Ughh I just want to know!

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