Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

Oh, Newlywed. I am so sorry you are having to go through this. We are here when you need us.

I woke up from a really horrible dream. Worse, DH is out of town for work, and on the west coast so I can't even call him. Times like this, I don't know what I'd do without a pet. Silly? Maybe, but I woke up my bird and kissed and cuddled her.

I need to pull myself together. I have a breakfast meeting with someone from out of town. To the shower!
Newlywed :hugs: i am truly sorry your going through this. I pray you wont need a d&c and that you will be blessed again. Im glad you have a support team there for you but if you ever need to vent we are here.

Xan sorry you had a bad dream i hope your meeting goes well.
Ttc i would maybe ntnp this month dont do opks or temping maybe just bding as much as possible before you leave.

Dragonfly did you ask your doc about your weird af?

Afm mild cramping this am no spotting yet cp feels higher than yesterday but still open.
Oh, Newlywed. I am so sorry you are having to go through this. We are here when you need us.

I woke up from a really horrible dream. Worse, DH is out of town for work, and on the west coast so I can't even call him. Times like this, I don't know what I'd do without a pet. Silly? Maybe, but I woke up my bird and kissed and cuddled her.

I need to pull myself together. I have a breakfast meeting with someone from out of town. To the shower!

Sorry about the bad dream Xan, hope your day is going great!

Ttc i would maybe ntnp this month dont do opks or temping maybe just bding as much as possible before you leave.

Dragonfly did you ask your doc about your weird af?

Afm mild cramping this am no spotting yet cp feels higher than yesterday but still open.

That's actually a good idea! That way no money spent and doing all that for nothing if I don't O before I leave. I've noticed I can pick up the signs of O so that will be beneficial.
No spotting is good! FX'd for you. I've never been able to check my cp. Not sure exactly what I'm checking for lol.
Newlywed - Thinking of you today:hugs:

Xan - Sorry about your horrible dream, I hate those - especially when hubby isn't there to make it better :( Snuggles with your bird sound nice though.

Leetie - Yes I did, she basically said the same thing as my gyno and wanted me to think about doing an hpt, I don't want to. So she there wasn't much she could say about it but to keep trying and see what December brings. Fingers crossed that this is good news for you! Sounds excellent that no spotting yet! No idea about the cp though, I've always been too squeamish to reach up there and find it myself:haha:
Hi ladies,
It makes me feel so loved to log on and see all your wonderful well wishes. They truly mean more than you know!
Right now I am 36 hours into my medication and have experienced some cramping but still no bleeding!! So I really have a feeling I will end up with the d&c on monday.
Have any of you ladies experienced this? Sorry if it is personal, but I don't have a whole lot of people to ask since no one really knew.
Thanks for listening to me! But enough about me, I am dying to know any updates on you ladies ? Any good news, bad news, bfp's, positive opk's, etc !
Life has proven to be completely unpredictable, but I still have to believe there is a plan for all of us.
xoxoxo ladies
Dragonfly - It's not really my business and you can feel free to tell me to mind my own business but just wondering why you are so against testing? I mean I know why I would probably be against testing, just wondering if we think alike lol.

Newlywed - I haven't had much experience either because I had a missed m/c where I was bleeding really heavy. I'm not sure what they gave you but they gave me meds to stop the bleeding and then start it again because it was so bad. (TMI) I can't even explain how bad the bleeding was. I woke up that morning covered, I had to throw away the bedding set, lots of clots and tons of pain. I'm not sure how a d&c is so I don't know what to compare, sorry hun.
Newlywed im sorry i dont have any helpful advice. But here is an inspirational quote for you.

"God puts rainbows in the clouds so that each of us - in the dreariest and most dreaded moments - can see a possibility of hope." Maya Angelou.

I pray that one day soon you will hold your rainbow in your arms.
Nothing new here cramps this morning but they went away. Still no spotting. Tomorrow will be cd 28 im hoping the vitex is regulating my cycles.

Has anyone heard from labgal. Miss seeing her on here. Hope everythings ok.
I've been wondering how Labgal is as well, hope all is alright.

TTC - I guess I just would rather not know, if that makes sense. AF came and went and although I'm having random brown spotting still I call her gone so DH and I can carry on our trying. To me, it's very unlikely anything was there so why bother spending the money to confirm that?

Leetie - That is a beautiful quote. Fingers crossed for you dear.
Dragonfly glad the witch is gone and i understand not wanting to test. I never test unless im am more than 2 weeks late because my cycles have always been unpredictable and if i really hate to see negatives. Im hoping my cycles will be more regular and maybe i will test when im a week late.

Ugh cramps and light spotting. I dont always have cramps when af is here but it seems like when i do they arent just in my lower abdomen but in my legs and back. They arent horrible just annoying and uncomfortable.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Been working like crazy and finally got a day to get some house work done. Got a lot to do before Thanksgiving.
Dragonfly that would be my exact answer, I would rather not know. I'm glad AF is gone and y'all can get back to trying!

Leetie Sorry the spotting started. Hope you can get stuff done. Did my shopping yesterday, just have to buy the ham to cook next week and hopefully find the onions n celery with spices already chopped up for dressing like I did last year. Sure made making the dressing sooooo much easier when someone else did all the prep lol.

I miss lab too! Hope she comes back soon. Praying all is well.

AFM I had the strangest period ever lol. day 1 light spotting day 2 med/heavy bleeding day 3 one spot and gone. Craziness! I've always had 3-4days of flow. Yesterday (day 3) I put in a tampon expecting to be annoyed throughout the day having to change it out while running around shopping but never happened. (tmi) there was light brown on the outside where it looks like it was only there from putting it in and nothing more. Guess I should be thankful not having to deal with it any longer lol.
Leetie - I would go crazy waiting 2 weeks, I admire you're wilpower! I do hope that your cycles start regulating themselves, especially with taking Vitex. Glad you had a moment of down time at home, even if it's been busy preparing the house for Thanksgiving :)

TTC - That's so strange, but glad that she's leaving already so you can get back into having fun:winkwink: That's pretty much how my cycle was, it's very interesting how we're all having such strange cycles in November... could it be the moon? Although I was told that ladies who live under the same roof their cycles start to get similar, but I doubt that could happen over the internet:haha: I think the stork needs to give us all a break!
Leetie - I would go crazy waiting 2 weeks, I admire you're wilpower! I do hope that your cycles start regulating themselves, especially with taking Vitex. Glad you had a moment of down time at home, even if it's been busy preparing the house for Thanksgiving :)

TTC - That's so strange, but glad that she's leaving already so you can get back into having fun:winkwink: That's pretty much how my cycle was, it's very interesting how we're all having such strange cycles in November... could it be the moon? Although I was told that ladies who live under the same roof their cycles start to get similar, but I doubt that could happen over the internet:haha: I think the stork needs to give us all a break!

LOL over the internet. I sure wish things weren't so crazy for all of us this cycle. Hopefully next cycle will be much nicer to all of us!!
Maybe the crazy cycles are to prepare us for good news the following cycle. To be honest I'm dreading this cycle, I worry about what news it will hold at the end of it.
Fear of disappointment I guess. We'll be with my in laws and I don't particularly like to let my emotional side out around them. It's silly really, I shouldn't be counting myself out already! So sorry about the pity party, and now I feel guilty. It will be interesting to see how things go, Im hoping my cycle won't be crazy with the stress and chaos holiday family gatherings can bring lol
Fear of disappointment I guess. We'll be with my in laws and I don't particularly like to let my emotional side out around them. It's silly really, I shouldn't be counting myself out already! So sorry about the pity party, and now I feel guilty. It will be interesting to see how things go, Im hoping my cycle won't be crazy with the stress and chaos holiday family gatherings can bring lol

I can understand that. I can relate to the stress as well. I go to GA because my family is there and DF works every Christmas (he's a nurse) so I go there so I'm not alone. It's hard being apart on Christmas but I'm sure if I was left home alone it would be even worse. I'm kind of dreading it though because my bro and his wife live with my parents and she's due in January. I fear staying under the same roof is going to be very difficult for me emotionally. Don't feel guilty hun. A lot of us start feeling a certain way around Christmas and holidays in general. I've been trying not to throw myself a pity party lol.
hey girls af showed this morning. I had really bad cramps in church but dh got me some midol hopefully it kicks in soon we are doing our thanksgiving dinner shopping. We have 15 people coming for dinner. I am really excited I love big family gatherings. Even though 2 of those guests are dh's ex wife and her bf. :haha: we are all friendly and we actually do things together frequently they are actually having us over friday for taco pizza. Another guest is a friend of dh neice a 16 year old boy who just lost his dad a few days ago and doesnt have any where to go to dinner.

Hope everyone is well today. and dragonfly that would be pretty cool if cycles could sink over the internet. maybe others fertility vibes will come through the internet waves :haha:
Glad to hear you all are looking forward to happy holidays. Leetie, sounds like you will be sharing your home and bringing joy to a lot of people!

My parents being Canadian, Thanksgiving was never a big holiday. Now that I don't live in the same city as my parents and sister, DH and I do non-traditional Thanksgivings. While living out west we used to go to Las Vegas. This year we're meeting up with some friends in New York, going to see a broadway show.

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