Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

Dragonfly - ouch that's sounds painful I hope your ribs heal soon. Are you doing opks this cycle?

Xan - Fx AF stays away!

Ttc - I hope its not your gallbladder. Your flying home Saturday right?

AFM - woke up with a fever of 101.29. Took some ibuprofen currently feeling better than when I woke up. I can't wait for this to go away. At least my cramps have stopped.
Thanks ladies!
That sounds painful Dragonfly. Hope it gets better soon!!
Xan yeah the nausea comes back every time I eat. Food sounds yucky. Hope AF stays away and this weekend your line is really dark by then.
Leetie I do! I can't wait to get home and back into the swing of normal life. Hope you feel better soon!!

AFM- still nothing, no news is good news right? lol.
Xan - We did bd even though I was feeling uncomfortable, I took one for the baby making team:rofl: Fingers super crossed and looking forward to Saturday for you!! Your temps are probably just hitting low because you're waking up at different times.

Leetie - I wasn't going to do opk's until CD20 because I usually don't ovulate until CD23 onward:dohh: Now I'm wishing I had started them early and am on the fence whether to start them up now or just wait until CD20 and see what my temps do. Sorry you're ill:hugs: Sending you soup and hugs! Take care

TTC - No news is good news! That's what I say when I check the mail:haha: Come on weekend!:happydance:

AFM: Temps jumped up
I'm only on CD12 so it's leading to much confusion lol


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Hope the confusion gets easier for you Dragonfly. I stay confused LOL.

AFM-Well I'm packing to head home. This whole trip has been emotional for me. My brother is taking me leaving hard so I've been crying for hours lol. I think he's getting scared about being a daddy soon. He keeps saying he wishes I was going to be here for her to be born. I rant about him but he's still my baby brother so it's bothering me a lot. But it's time for me to get back to my life. Hope you ladies are doing well.
Hope the confusion gets easier for you Dragonfly. I stay confused LOL.

AFM-Well I'm packing to head home. This whole trip has been emotional for me. My brother is taking me leaving hard so I've been crying for hours lol. I think he's getting scared about being a daddy soon. He keeps saying he wishes I was going to be here for her to be born. I rant about him but he's still my baby brother so it's bothering me a lot. But it's time for me to get back to my life. Hope you ladies are doing well.

Let's hope TTC:winkwink: I'm so sorry you've been crying:hugs: Glad you saw your family, even though it's been an emotional visit. Safe travels home you had better get that bfp!:hugs:

AFM: This morning I had to get up 2 hours earlier than my usual wake up time and my temp went down just a point, so maybe that's because it was so much earlier than normal? That's what I'm hoping for, but I finally grabbed some opk's today and it was a definite negative... although I barely had any pee to poas:dohh: I went from 97.8 yesterday to 97.7. Oh well, I started the opk's early but dang I hate that they cost $25 and only come with 8 tests.
Tested this morning- I see a line, DH is dubious still. Am I really seeing lines where there are none? Is he line-shy? Think I'm over internet cheapies, just used my last ones. I have a FRER, but can't convince myself to use one yet...

Well, it is 16dpo and if AF is on her way, her broom is lagging! According to fertility friend, if I have 2 more days of high temps, it's pretty much a sure thing. Stay away AF!
Ttc - praying for a smooth safe flight home. I Know how you feel leaving your brother. I saw my little sister(only by a year and a day) in may for my wedding for the first time is 3 years and it hurt so much to say good bye again she's my best friend and I miss her so much. I hope you will be able to visit him and his new baby as soon as you can.

Dragonfly - Its crazy how much they charge for something we pee on. I try to temp the same time everyday sometime I wake up a couple hours before and if I know I'm not going to fall asleep right away I temp.

Xan - can you post a pic of the test? I really hope your not seeing things, your temps stay up, and you get your bfp in a couple days. Fx!

AFM- I have a question, yesterday my temp was 96. Something this morning it was 98. Something that's a big jump. I Dont have a fever anymore and I know I'm not Oing yet should I just discard it?
I'll try to take a picture- hope it comes out...

Dragonfly- I found out that you can buy the sticks that go into the digital reader. You can get ~24 for about $30, so it's much cheaper for the same brand and everything. I was a bit skeptical, but I confirmed it with temps and, when I was doing IUI, with the trigger.

Leetie- that is a big jump. Are you sure it's not O? Or maybe it is possible you slept in? Woke up really early again today, and my temps definitely do bounce around with how early I wake up, although not that much!
Xan - eek yay line! I can't wait for you to use your frer, the suspense is intense! Holding off for two more days sounds excellent, although I wouldn't be able to if it were me:haha: Fingers and toes! Thank you for the tip! I'll definitely keep those in mind, although for now I'll use the darn pricey ones I bought already.

Leetie - This is why DH says I should just pee on sticks outside:dohh: That's what I've been doing as well so it sounds right:thumbup: Maybe see what tomorrows temp is before discarding it? You could be O'ing early, who knows! I'm sorry I forget, are you using opk's as well this cycle or just temping?

AFM: Temp was what it was the other day:shrug: Definitely having some cm, negative opk last night and looking forward to tonight. Need to get more bd'ing in! We're slacking :(
Hi ladies- another day down and AF not here yet. We ended up bding and afterward, I'm not going to lie, a part of me wanted to see if that would bring on AF. Nope.

Anyway, I will keep you updated :)
Hi ladies- another day down and AF not here yet. We ended up bding and afterward, I'm not going to lie, a part of me wanted to see if that would bring on AF. Nope.

Anyway, I will keep you updated :)

Looking good!:thumbup:
The temp wasnt taken at the same time as the day before but that's still to much of a jump I think and AF is still here so I'm sure its not O. I will just see what tomorrows is and discard if its more normal.

Dragonfly - yes I will be doing ic opks but not until about CD 12. I've already not been taking my vitex like I should since I've been sick I kept forgetting. If I remember I will tomorrow.

Xan - yay for no AF after bding!
Looks like lots of stuff happening ladies!
Xan yay for 2 lines! Waiting 2 days should make the line where there's no doubt. Fingers crossed super duper tight for you!!!
Dragonfly-That's why I got IC opk's to use until the line starts to show darker then I used the digi opk but after that one month of opk hell I think if this isn't my month I'm just gonna stick to digi's. Haven't made up my mind yet though lol.
Leetie-I don't know why your temp would spike so much especially if AF is still there, just going to have to see what happens tomorrow. Hopefully it's a good sign?!!

AFM- yesterday was a day from hell. I was supposed to be home at 11am. BUT my first flight got rerouted because of weather so I missed my connecting flight which I didn't find out until I hauled butt from one end of the airport to the other to have to walk back to the other end to get on my replacement connecting flight. So then I wait 2 hours and instead of flying to Seattle I have to fly to Vegas then fly to Seattle. My poor dog hadn't went potty in 12 hours and delightfully peed on me in Vegas. I then get to Seattle to see my bags had been taken to the office because they came in on the flight I was supposed to be on. So 6hours after I was supposed to be home I finally made it here. That was one day I was so happy to see gone. Then I woke up and peed not even thinking and didn't test lol. All I can do is laugh because if I didn't I might have went crazy yesterday. Other than my crazy day nothing else is happening. Not feeling anything, still haven't had sore boobs so I honestly don't even know if I O'd that's why the spotting was confusing but hey when hasn't my body been confusing lol. Think I'm gonna go back to sleep. My body is still on GA time, I woke up at 6am AHHH! My eyes don't like this hour lol.
Well, not much to report on day 17 of witch watch 2014. I did go to the gym for the first time in a while, and I had some weird pains, but that could be a month without really moving all that much. Moody, but that could be work stress (again), AF, or preggo symptoms. Let's hope it's the last!
Leetie - Hope you're feeling better, I get forgetful on taking my supplements when I'm ill. (And even when I'm not lol).

TTC - Last cycle was insane, I would go for the digi's as well. After my last cycle of using opk's I've sworn off the IC's. I'm so sorry you had such an awful day yesterday :( Travel with issues during travel is seriously the worst. Get some rest:hugs:

Xan - Witch watch:haha: I'm praying for your bfp Xan!!
Xan-Still crossing my fingers hoping you get that bfp!!!
Dragonfly-I know!! IC's may be cheaper but the stress isn't worth it, at least not for me!!

AFM- I tested today and it's a BFN so I'm just going to count my spotting as AF and go from there. I still don't think I O'd so hopefully this cycle will be better.

Hope all you ladies are doing great! I'm finally rested and ready to get back to the life of ttc.
I'm sorry you got a bfn TTC :( If you're going to count it as af and start a different cycle I hope that this will be the one and no more stress/confusion:hugs:
I'm sorry you got a bfn TTC :( If you're going to count it as af and start a different cycle I hope that this will be the one and no more stress/confusion:hugs:

Thanks! I hope so. I'm tired of stress and confusion. Tomorrow I'm going to start temping again and steadily taking my vitamins and vitex and pray this is a better cycle for me!! How are things going with your cycle? I have a total blank memory and can't remember lol.

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