Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

Dragonfly I did find out if I change my license to WA license I'm eligible for free health care. Not sure what that includes though so I'm going to check into it and find out some more information.

Leetie-thanks! I'm excited about being able to skype. My SIL is terrified and very worried of what is to come. I really hope vitex helps lengthen your LP. I've read that it takes 3-6 months to work properly sometimes so try your best to take it regularly. (This coming from the person that forgets it too lol)

My SIL gets induced at 6am so she's really starting to worry now. She's young (23) Sometimes she has a child mindset. I think I've explained that before so she is going through so many emotions. That's why I told them they could skype me. She really wanted me there but I don't think that was a good idea.

AFM-I'm feeling better today. Terrible headache that won't go away but other than that I'm good. My boobs aren't as sensitive today so I'm guessing I've O'd recently. I'm gonna take another opk and see if that clears up some confusion.
Xan - There was definite ovulation this cycle so I'm happy! Enjoy bd'ing :winkwink: I hope that the news you received isn't too bad news... it's concerning that if you got pregnant beforehand that you would have to be cautious. Keeping you in my thoughts that everything is alright and whatever the issue may be that it is resolved quickly:hugs:

TTC - Ah that does sound good! Perhaps contact the agency with the health care and ask what's covered and such. I sometimes have to tell my doc questions about my hooha rather than saying ttc stuff:shrug: Like my insurance wouldn't cover that ultrasound I had to see *if* I was ovulating, so it became an ultrasound to check for cysts because that's not ttc related "exactly".

I hope your SIL's labor goes smoothly, a friend of mine had to be induced after she had an epideral and the process slowed down. Glad you're starting to feel better, bummer about the headache though. Good luck with the opk.:thumbup:

AFM: 8dpo and with this flu it's crawling by. I hate that night time makes you feel so much worse. With how I'm feeling I'm probably not going to be taking the rest of my temps seriously until feeling better. While I was in the doctors today I asked about the massive amount of cm I've been having, she said it's all fine so I'm feeling better about that at least.
Xan - There was definite ovulation this cycle so I'm happy! Enjoy bd'ing :winkwink: I hope that the news you received isn't too bad news... it's concerning that if you got pregnant beforehand that you would have to be cautious. Keeping you in my thoughts that everything is alright and whatever the issue may be that it is resolved quickly:hugs:

TTC - Ah that does sound good! Perhaps contact the agency with the health care and ask what's covered and such. I sometimes have to tell my doc questions about my hooha rather than saying ttc stuff:shrug: Like my insurance wouldn't cover that ultrasound I had to see *if* I was ovulating, so it became an ultrasound to check for cysts because that's not ttc related "exactly".

I hope your SIL's labor goes smoothly, a friend of mine had to be induced after she had an epideral and the process slowed down. Glad you're starting to feel better, bummer about the headache though. Good luck with the opk.:thumbup:

AFM: 8dpo and with this flu it's crawling by. I hate that night time makes you feel so much worse. With how I'm feeling I'm probably not going to be taking the rest of my temps seriously until feeling better. While I was in the doctors today I asked about the massive amount of cm I've been having, she said it's all fine so I'm feeling better about that at least.

Ohhhh ok! I get what you're saying. A friend of mine was telling me the same thing that there were ways to get around it but if I had a dr that was willing. She has an awesome dr but she's 3000 miles away lol. Sorry you are feeling so terrible. Feel better soon!!

AFM- I'm up at this horrible hour because they skyped me as soon as they got to the women's center lol. Poor girl. They were planning on inducing her soon so I'm not sure exactly a time frame might be all day, glad I took a nap last night, but I slept and forgot the opk ugh. I know I O'd though or at least hope I did because my sore boobs are gone completely.
Ohhhh ok! I get what you're saying. A friend of mine was telling me the same thing that there were ways to get around it but if I had a dr that was willing. She has an awesome dr but she's 3000 miles away lol. Sorry you are feeling so terrible. Feel better soon!!

AFM- I'm up at this horrible hour because they skyped me as soon as they got to the women's center lol. Poor girl. They were planning on inducing her soon so I'm not sure exactly a time frame might be all day, glad I took a nap last night, but I slept and forgot the opk ugh. I know I O'd though or at least hope I did because my sore boobs are gone completely.

She's in good hands :) I hope you'll skype with her soon after the little bubs is born so you can see 'em!! Darn on forgetting the opk though:dohh: I'm sure you did O though, so into the tww now!

AFM: 9dpo and I feel like crap, this flu is kicking my butt:cold: I'm curious what will happen to my chart but I'm missing my temp today because I didn't get a wink of sleep last night. Boobs definitely feel different, hubby agreed! He didn't think they were firm like I do, but he says he does think there's a difference. Ugh, I hope I'm not getting my hopes up too high
Xan - I pray that whatever medical issues your having gets treated soon and you will have a healthy and happy pregnancy. And if by some chance you get your bfp before I pray that you will still have a healthy and happy pregnancy. I know how you feel about TTC for a while I have been for 5 years I know the odds of it happening naturally are slim but every month I still pray and have hope it will happen. I really really hope that I will get insurance in the next few months and get checked out it sucks waiting.

Dragonfly - Fx. That's cool your dh even thinks your BBS feel different. When are you planning on testing?

Ttc - how's your sil doing? I hope your headache is gone. I woke up last night with a headache also. I made dh get me some advil.

So Idk if I've mentioned my 16 year old niece is pregnant. (One of those cases of a straight A sweet girl who wasn't careful) after the initial shock I'm actually excited. She hasn't had the easiest pregnancy though. She has a dermoid tumor ( Google if you Dont know what it is. But if your squeamish avoid pictures) on her ovary. Its growing and causing a lot of pain and the baby is running out of room so they are doing a c section Feb. 10th she will be 37 weeks. They are removing the tumor at the same time and she might lose an ovary and a tube. But the way I see it God wanted her pregnant so they would find the tumor. She has been having health problems for a couple years and they thought it was her bladder. But the tumor wasn't growing until she got pregnant and they never did an ultrasound of her ovaries. So they are hoping that with it gone she won't be in any more pain. She is having a girl. Of course I'm jealous but I really think she will be a good mom and she's going to finish school and do something with her life. The dad is still in the picture and wants a great life for them. Well I really Dont know why I shared all this I guess I just wanted you all to know what is going on in my life right now :)
Leetie - I'm due for af on the 28th so I'm hoping to hold out on testing until the 29th. Wow your niece is so young to be becoming a mother, but it is a blessing as that's how they found her tumor. Thank you for the squeamish warning, I was going to google until I read that! It's wonderful news that she's looking forward to the big changes and makes me happy to read that the father is staying in the picture to do what he can for her and their baby :)
Dragonfly the nurses n doctors allowed them to Skype me the whole time. I watched her be born and cried like a baby lol. 6lbs 8oz. She has a set of lungs that made sure everyone knew she made it to the world lol. I was able to put my jealousy aside and be completely Happy for them. They put her footprints on a shirt for my SIL n one for my brother and my brother finally broke down and cried like a baby too. Sweetest moment ever.
Leetie- it's crazy things like that happen. That's one of the reasons I sucked it up and was Happy for my SIL because they are starting on her birth control ASAP because she has something going on in her female organs, not sure where but there's a chance it's cancer. I've always been a strong believer everything happens for a reason. I will be praying for your niece that everything goes well. Life has a crazy way of pointing things out to us.
TTC - How awesome that you were able to skype the whole time! Such a special moment, I'm happy you were able to share it with them.
I was so happy. The doctor said as long as they weren't in the way that he didn't mind. I didn't think I would be able to so I was excited. She was so calm. The epidural worked great she said lol. My brother is so excited and happy. All he can say is I'm so happy lol. Hope you are feeling better.

AFM- I'm not even bothering with opk's tonight. I'm doing school work and going to sleep. All I can do is cry for no apparent reason. I'm apparently sleep deprived haha.
Wonderful to hear :) Lol I bet the epidural was great:haha:

:hugs: Take care of yourself TTC and get some rest
Dragonfly - a Dermold tumor is pretty gross its a tumor that can have teeth, hair and organs. Its basically she absorbed her twin in the womb and it turned into a tumor. How are you feeling? (Probably not so good after reading that lol) I hope your feeling better?

Ttc- I'm praying its not cancer for your sil. That's so awesome you got to Skype the whole time with them. I'm glad everything went well. How are you feeling today? Did you get some sleep?

AFM - nothing really to report. I've had a headache for the past 3 days but I thinks its sinus related. Its been so cold here and its supposed to get colder next week. I think I'm getting cabin fever. I can't wait until spring.
Dragonfly- hope you're feeling better. I'm very excited for you!!! Are you going to be testing?

Leetie- that sounds like a gremlin, lol! I hope your niece is doing okay. I didn't realize you were a LTTCer like me. You have much more patience than I do... Here's to surprise bumps.

AFM- I was unsure if this was TMI, so here is a warning that there are medical details below. Squeamish be wary.

They found that unfiltered blood is transfering from my right to left heart chamber and think I have something called a pulmonary AVM. The risk is that it can cause strokes and blood clots, and the risk goes up with pregnancy. If I do have an AVM, it would account for the raised red blood cell count. They are scheduling a CAT scan of my lungs and thyroid (this can be caused by thyroid problems) and if they find something they'll do some additional tests to figure out what caused it and do a relatively easy procedure to get rid of it (not even surgery!). Pulmonary AVMs can lead to decreased oxygen, which could make it harder to get pregnant, so getting rid of it could lead to an easier bump! On the down side, if I have a hereditary problem, they might suggest doing IVF to screen for the genes in the embryos.

Anyway, I'd take any kind of bump!
Leetie - That is the freakiest thing I have ever heard of, and now I'm trying to talk myself out of looking at pictures:dohh:.... Your niece is in my thoughts that she'll be alright and it's easily treated.

I am feeling better today, thank you! Woke up a little crampy which is making me freak out that af is coming but DH told me to stop being silly. So I'm still trying to be hopeful but I'm kind of turning into a negative nancy. I hope your headache clears up, that's awful. Stay warm! get colder next week. I think I'm getting cabin fever. I can't wait until spring either.

Xan - I talked myself out of testing this morning (10dpo) and am hoping to hold off until Sunday or Tuesday - whichever I can make it to lol

The good news is that it's easily taken care of, without surgery is a definite plus too! I hope that your tests will give results for them to move forward with what ever is the cause of the unfiltered blood. I hope that the tests are coming up soon so you can get answers sooner and get that bump!!
Xan - wow that sounds scary. I'm sorry your going through all this. But the good thing is that the doctors found the problem and can fix it. I'm am praying for a fast fix and a fast bump :)

Dragonfly - the pictures are crazy looking just beware they really disturbing. I'm glad your feeling better. Cramps can be a good sign. I can see your probably not going to hold off until the 29th to test :haha: I know your a poas addict. Fx!!
Leetie - The warning was well deserved, omg what has been seen cannot be unseen:haha:

I hope that the cramps are a good thing, I keep having moments where I'm worried af is about to start because I'm having weird cramps but I'm also getting this weird stomach ache. Like honestly I don't know whether I would call it a stomach ache or not, but it just feels uncomfortable and it's the low low abdomen and my muscle feels tight like I'm clenching.:shrug: Maybe it's the antibiotics
Leetie- That sounds terrible. I've seen something like that on tv before but I never knew what it was called. I really hope your niece is doing well.

Xan- That sounds very promising. I'm glad that it could be a simple procedure!! I hope they figure it out soon and you have a bump in no time.

Dragonfly- 10dpo AHHHHH!! The temptation lol. I can't wait till you test, FX'd for you. The cramps could definitely be a good thing!!

AFM- Honestly I wasn't even going to come into the boards because I'm just beside myself. I'm so tired of not knowing what's going on with my body. I was cramping and feeling like crap all day. I just went to the bathroom and I'm bleeding/spotting. Nothing was on the undies but lots on the tp. IF I go by my boobs hurting then I O'd sometime the 17-19th. I always have tender boobs a couple days before O and a couple days after. They started hurting on the 14th. It's way too soon for AF. Maybe implantation? Heck if I know. BUT I am glad I came in. I like hearing how y'all are doing regardless how down in the dumps I am feeling.
Thanks ladies for the support. I've been dealing with this for 2 1/2 years, but now I have some good doctors (all women!) who are getting to the bottom of things. They are intelligent, thorough and tough. I wish I had been here when they were ruling out the really scary things. I went through 1 1/2 years of doctors missing, mis-diagnosing, and telling me everything was caused by stress out in California. The first appointment here the first doctor narrowed in on the problem. I think everything will be sorted out by April at the latest (my first appointment was in mid-October), so this is really promising!

As for this cycle, I think I ovulated yesterday- higher temps this morning and some right sided pains yesterday. Let's hope temps stay up- we had some good timed bding!
TTC - I haven't got a clue, I'm sorry I can't be of any help :( But I'm keeping you in my thoughts and sending you lots of luck and dust:hugs:

Xan - Glad you have an excellent doctor team now to get results! Fingers crossed that this it for you, sounds like your bd was right on schedule with O:winkwink:

AFM: Temp drop this morning at 11dpo, woke up with some cramping in my legs and low back but not in the lady area so we'll see. Really nervous that af is right around the corner. I've had mild cramping here and there but today's temp drop (although I did get up 6 hours early) and cramping has sucked all the hope out.
Dragonfly- it could be an implantation dip- 11 dpo is around when you'd expect it...
I had a small dip at 8dpo that I thought might be implantation, but maybe it's happening at 11dpo instead? I'm also trying to keep in mind that taking my temp 6 hours early could make it weird. I thought about testing tomorrow at 12dpo, *if* it is implantation should I hold off or would it show tomorrow?

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