Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

Dragonfly - taking your temp 6 hours early could definitely throw off your temp. I've read where an hour difference is ok but that's a big difference. Haha I warned you about the pics. My fingers are tightly crossed that your temp will go back up tomorrow.

Xan - ya for good bding and Fx you did O!

Ttc- wow I'm sorry your confused once again. Hopefully you will be able to get to a doctor and get checked out. Fx that its implantation spotting.

Thanks girls for your well wishes for my niece. She just can't wait to have that tumor(monster,alien,thing) out of her and of course to hold her baby girl.
It was quite the change in time so I'm attempting to not take it too seriously. Although I must admit, I keep running to the bathroom to check my underwear because I keep thinking af has begun:dohh:
Xan - what kind of doctors are you seeing. Are they fertility doctors or regular doctors?
Dragonfly - I hate when that happens. I drive myself crazy sometimes constantly checking then starring at the toilet paper to see if I see any tiny spot. If men only knew half the things we think, talk about or do when TTC they would be more confused than they already are. At least that's the case with my dh. I tried explaining why temping helps and he just stares at me and says whatever you think will help :haha:
Leetie - Honestly I feel like a made woman haha, thank goodness DH is up at the pass snowboarding with friends otherwise I would probably get shameful looks! And I am so so glad to not be alone in searching undies/paper, as embarrassing as it is lol
Dh thinks I obsess enough already, if he only knew. I know were not alone in the tp, underwear checking area. I try really hard to relax and not put too much thought into everything but I swear once you decide you want a baby it consumes your brain.
DH had the "talk" with me over being obsessed, which is part of why I let things go in December. But since getting serious again this cycle he's been just as into it as I have so he's had a total turn around, it's almost weird lol.

I hate it when people ask when we're going to start having kids, if they only knew the struggle!
Thanks ladies!
Dragonfly temping 6 hours early could definitely be why there's a dip. It was explained to me that our temp goes up during the day That's why by night we feel worse when we are sick. So 6 hour early could make a big difference and be why the temp dipped. If u want to test I would say go ahead. I wouldnt look too much into the dip. FX this is your month.

AFM it's definitely AF. She's here with a vengeance, definitely making up for the spotting I counted as my AF on Christmas. At least the confusion is over for this cycle YAY!!!!!!!!
That's wonderful news that your cycle has been figured out!:happydance: Now may this next one be a breeze with no confusion at all! Goodness :)
TTC- starting fresh for the new year. Hope without the stress of holidays, traveling, and worrying about your brother and SIL that things will even out. It sounds like they got the full impact of having a child and I hope will they grow into responsible parents.

Dragonfly- I woke up really early this morning and my temp was 97.9 and then fell back asleep and my temp was 98.3, so waking up early really does have an effect. Hopefully you'll wake up to a nice high temp.

Leetie, when I think AF is coming I think I spend more time in the bathroom than out of it!

As to what doctors I've seen, I went to a hematologist, who sent me to a pulmonologist and maybe will send me to a cardiologist and an endocrinologist. For TTC, I saw a reproductive endocrinologist who found the polyps and the hypothyroidism. In other words, a lot of doctors and a lot of parts being poked and prodded! Still, with all of these things, I am in the group of unexplained infertility for now. We're holding off on going back to the reproductive endocrinologist for now until my other list of doctors widdles down a bit. Hopefully by taking care of me we will increase our chances of having a baby, and make the reproductive endocrinologist unnecessary :)
Thanks dragonfly and xan! I surely hope this is a good thing and better cycles are to come. The last cycle was a short cycle too. So Maybe I'm finally getting what I've been praying for, shorter more consistent cycles. Last cycle was 33 days and this cycle 32 days. I didn't use opks so I'm not sure about how long my LP was either cycle but I will happily take 30 day cycles over 40-50 day cycles!!

Xan That's a lot of Dr's but I'm praying for you and hoping things are clear soon and that it all works out for you hun!!

Dragonfly I can't wait to hear if you tested today!!!!

AFM I could possibly be dying lol. AF is being horrible to me. The pain is terrible but I'm still really Happy to have a regular AF that I don't have to question!
Xan - Glad you've got a team of doctors figuring stuff out! By taking care of yourself you'll get closer to bfp.

TTC - Sorry you're miserable, hope af leaves soon so you can get back in the reigns.

AFM: Af showed up in full force this morning, tested with a bfn and less then half an hour later she showed up.
Ttc- I'm sorry AF showed and is being a real witch, :hugs: but glad your no longer confused and your cycle was short. Hopefully they are starting to get regulated and will lead to a bfp soon.

Dragonfly - I'm so sorry that AF showed for you also :hugs:

Xan - that's a lot of doctors, I'm praying soon you will only need one doctor.

AFM - still nothing to report my temps have been up down up down. My niece went to the hospital last night because she was having contractions. They gave her shots to stop them and said if it would of been next week they would have just delivered. She is home and resting, she has a doctor appointment next Monday. I hope she can make it until its safe to deliver.
Leetie - Thinking of your niece, I'm sure baby will stay put until she's safe to deliver :)

AFM: CD2 and I'm looking for a new gyno. The one I saw last was awesome but not insurance friendly so I have to find another that accepts my crap insurance.
Sorry Dragonfly :hugs:

Leetie, hope your niece is doing okay. A friend of mine went through early contractions, hope she can hold out through the end of the week.
Thanks ladies! Sorry she found you too Dragonfly. Hope you find another awesome dr that is insurance friendly!! Leetie hope everything is settled down now for your niece and she has a safe delivery when the time is right.

AFM- AF is gone woohoo!! I won't even complain that it was so short. The pains made up for it being so short. It was terrible. Looking forward to a fresh cycle.
Dragonfly - good luck finding another doctor. That ducks when you find one you like and have to switch. Are you going to the doctor to look into anything TTC related?

Ttc- yay AF is gone! On to a new cycle. Did you ever look into the insurance you were talking about?

Thanks girls, my niece is doing OK she keeps having minor contractions the doctor prescribed her something she can take to stop them.
Hey all,

I see a lot has been going on. I've been looking at the boards here and there but have had little time to type anything.

TTC - Good to hear your SIL had her baby and everything is okay on that front. Yay for a shorter cycle!

Xan - also good to hear about your team of doctors working on helping you get that bump :)

Leetie - I didn't know you had been TTC so long. How are you feeling? What CD are you on?

AFM I'm on CD 41, I started spotting a day or so ago so I think AF should be here tomorrow. I was kind of hoping that the day 21 test was just off because I hadn't ovulated yet but would ovulate later in the cycle but Dr. said there was basically no way that was possible once the cycle is out of normal (up to 35 days) perimeters.

Having my day 3 test done to check FSH and estridol on friday then HSG next week. I'm kind of freaked out that they are going to say I have poor egg quality or no eggs. Two people I work with had that result a number of years ago and, of course, never got pregnant. Makes me feel sick to my stomach. Better to know than not, though, I guess.
TTC - Woohoo on af being gone already! Time to get busy:winkwink:

Leetie - Next week I'm getting a "well woman" check and a pap with my regular doctor, just go get that out of the way. The new doctor I'm searching for will be more ttc related, not sure what they'll do for me but hopefully something. Glad that your niece is doing alright and has medication to stop the contractions, she's almost ready to deliver :)

Labgal - I'm sure everything will be fine with your eggs:hugs: You'll definitely be in my thoughts.

AFM: CD3 and I'm hoping that at my well woman check next week maybe I can hint at my doc to do some blood work or something to figure a few things out that I can take to the new gyno I'll be seeing next month. AF has turned to spotting so hopefully she's on her way out by tomorrow.
Leetie - as crazy as it sounds I think I somehow signed up for the insurance. I got all this stuff in the mail from the state including a state insurance services card. I haven't read it all because (tmi) I passed a big clot and AF came back so I've been up all night trying to ease the pain but after I rest I'm going to figure it out.

Lab- I'm praying for you that everything goes Well. positive thoughts bring positive results. Big hugs!!

Dragonfly - hope AF hits the road soon! Still sending luck that u find another great Dr!!

AFM. - nothing but crazy pain. I knew better than to be excited over such a short AF lol.

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