Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

TTC - af gave me a curve ball too, I thought af was out the door yesterday but she came back double today with more pain :( Hopefully she takes her leave of us soon.
Labgal, I know it's tough, but it is better to know than not to know. Fx'd that you're worried for nothing. If you have PCOS that's a good enough reason for O problems.

Leetie, hope all is well with you and your niece. What a beautiful little distraction!

AFM, I'd like to say that I'm handling this whole thing with grace and courage, but DH and I have been on a rollercoaster, talking about getting a dog one moment and giving up on having children the next. I have a month or so until my next appointment, and waiting on test results to boot, so it's going to be tough, but I'll be here bump watching :)
ttc and dragonfly I hope af leaves you both soon I hate when she teases she is gone.

labgal your in my thoughts and prayers. im praying that you have great egg quality and quantity and once you start your medication to help ovulate you will get your bfp!

xan I have often given up and convinced myself that im never going to have a baby and im fine with just my furbabies. but if i didnt try everything possible first i would always wonder. and if nothing works than i will accept it and look into adoption which i would love to do anyway. But do whats best for you and your family. I will be praying for your happiness either way.

afm I cant remember what cd im on maybe 24, temps have been really low the past 2 days. But I have good news my neice had her baby yesterday. They went in tues. night she was in a lot of pain and wednesday morning they told her they would do the c section around 12pm but the babies lungs are under developed so she might have to be taken to childrens hospital and the mom couldnt go until she was recovered enough. She had her around 2pm she weighed 6.1 lbs and was 20 inches long. She was put on oxygen all day yesterday but didnt have to be taken to childrens. they got her tumor out it weighed 6.2 lbs and was 18cmx10cmx8cm and they also had to remove her left ovary and tube. But they are both doing really good today and if all goes well they will both be home saturday. She is absolutley beautiful. We didnt get to see her up close yesterday But shes off oxygen now so we will get to when we go to see them later. Truly a little miracle from God.
Xan - Wishing you the best for you and OH:hugs: Whatever path you choose as long as it leads to your happiness that's the important part.

Leetie - What beautiful news that your niece and her baby are doing alright. Glad that the tumor is out and especially that baby didn't have to be taken to Children's, I'll still keep them both in my thoughts that they continue to do wonderfully:hugs:
Oh Leetie, I'm so happy for you and your niece! Congrats auntie!
Dragonfly- sorry she came back for you too! What a mean trick.
Xan- sorry you are going through so many emotions. Whatever you decide to do I hope it makes you happy. We all deserve happiness, whatever our happiness might be. My poms fill a void in my life but it's still not a baby, but whatever you choose do it because it's right for you and your situation.
Leetie- congrats to your niece! So glad that mom and baby are doing good and baby didn't have to go to the children's hospital. Also relieved they got the tumor. Keeping her and baby in my thoughts and prayers!!

AFM- AF is gone again and hopefully stays gone lol. I have the worst tension headache in the back of my head and neck, it's terrible. Think it will be ibuprofen and an early night for me.
TTC - hope your head feels better, maybe try some ice on the back of your neck with the ibuprofen, that usually help ease tension headaches for me.
Xan...I hope you got your test results in so that you can at least have less anxiety about that, and that they were good results. It's such an exhausting process sometimes. We've talked about getting more pets, traveling the world a bit more etc if we end up not being able to have any children of our own. I try to think that it wouldn't be the worst thing. More time to ourselves, more we can spend on ourselves etc. But I know we won't stop until we get some kind of final word that the probability is so low - however, my great aunt tried for 10 years before she finally randomly got pregnant, and then after that they thought we will never have another, the 1st was so hard - then Irish twins. You just never know, I suppose.

I hope your headache is gone, TTC! How are you feeling?

AF gone yet, Dragonfly?

Leetie - I'm glad a scary situation turned out well for your niece. Congrats to your family! Getting close to the end of your cycle? I forget if yours are longer or shorter.

AFM AF hit late last night/this morning so I had to adjust my blood tests to sunday though the hsg may still be tuesday. If not a bit later next week. I'm bloated like a beast so I have my fat pants on today ;p should be better as things go on. DH and I submitted his SA this morning so we should get the results of that + day 3 test on Monday. I feel pretty upbeat about it though now that AF hit. I always get depressed and moody right beforehand, and then it goes away instantly when she arrives.

They are fairly concerned about the fact that my cycles just keep getting longer and longer every month (45 days this time) so this cycle they may jumpstart to a more normal day range with Provera, then I can start the clomid barring any abnormalities in the hsg.

My thoughts are with you all
Ttc- glad af is gone, ugh i hate tension headaches hope your feeling better today.

Dragonfly- how about you is af gone again?

Labgal- Fx for good test results! I think it always feels better to know your doing something instead of being in confusing limbo lol. Thats why temping makes me feel better it might not help get me pregnant but atleast its info i didnt have before. As for my cycles they are all over the place. It was 46 day cycle last time ive had 28 days 30 something 20 days. I never really know.

Thank you all for the thoughts and congrats for my neice. They are both doing good. The baby is actually my great neice I love bragging im a great aunt lol. I really hope this is the year i get pregnant I would love for the cousins to grow up together I was always really close to mine. Its amazing how a new baby adds to baby fever even dh said he can tell but i was mostly just excited for a new addition to our family and to be part of her life.
Af finally decided to take her exit and I finally got some lovin this afternoon. I got back from running errands and told him I was too overwhelmed so he surprised me in the shower and one thing led to another:blush:

Labgal - Great that you're beginning to feel upbeat again, and I'm looking forward to Monday for you when you get some results. Good luck with the blood so you can start up clomid:thumbup:

Leetie - Really hope that this cycle is no where near 46 days, so I'll be hoping you O early this time around. My favorite aunt is my great aunt:winkwink: Cousins really are the best too, sending lots of luck to you so that they can be close in age
Dragonfly- Yay for af finally gone and getting some a surprise in the shower :winkwink:

I feel like I was getting close to O ive had some cm, mildly tender bbs and some pains in left ovary region but my temps went down again last night I guess we will see what tomorrows are maybe they will go up now.
Hello ladies- thanks for all the support :) I'm sure everything will be okay. I'm feeling more positive, and keeping myself busy. Even noticed some sore bb's for the past couple days. Today is 8dpo, so I guess it started about 6-7 dpo.

Labgal, I hope that everything turns out and that if they find something, it is easy to treat.

Hope you are all doing well and, if you watch football, that your team wins tonight!
Yay for the Seahawks! Sorry for the Broncos fans amongst you ladies (if there are any). We are Patriots fans being NE'ers but DH grew up on Puget Sound so we defaulted to rooting for the hawks.

Kind of a bombshell at the Superbowl party we were at - one of our longtime friends and his girlfriend are pregnant. Unplanned and he's very unhappy about it. He's a super nice guy who, while being very nice is kind of unfortunate in the physical department so he never really had a girlfriend up until now (he's 38 or 39). Started dating this girl at New Years and we all had a kind of bad vibe about her. She had just given birth to another baby so her present little one is less than a year old. None of us had any issues about that aspect, more that they just disn't seem like a good fit intellectually or emotionally. She told him that she was taking birth control and now she is pregnant...mostly, we think, to exploit him for his money. So it's kind of a miserable situation all around. He'll be fine being a father I'm sure but we doubt the viability of their relationship long term, which isn't ideal for the little one coming. I find it frustrating and sad.I want to be happy about the prospect of a child coming into the world but it's kind of spoiled by the situation. We are still waiting on our test results and my HSG is friday I think.

How's everyone else doing?
Labgal I've gotta say I was pretty thrilled with the Seahawks winning - Seattle was nuts! That's awful about your friend and his girlfriend, it's difficult to be happy about a child being brought into the world when it's going to be surrounded by a difficult situation. I really don't like the sound of that woman, especially because she lied about the bcp.

AFM: I went to the dollar store and grabbed some opk's - I told DH no sense in spending a lot on them since they haven't gotten us pregnant yet anyways. I had some side pains yesterday and today and that's too early for me to even think about O'ing so I'm curious. Either way, hopefully we can get some bd'ing in, it's been impossible over the weekend since we were at DH's parents. PS go Seahawks!:haha:
Xan - wow 8dpo already, are you a poas addict like dragonfly or do you wait it out?

Labgal- me and dh aren't much of sports fans if the steelers make it to playoffs or superbowl we might watch. We caught a little of yesterdays game we were rooting for broncos because my sister lives in Colorado I can't believe how bad they did lol. I understand exactly what your saying about your friends situation. There is no thing as a "perfect" family but a child being born because the mother lied and is possibly using your friend for child's support if the relationship doesn't last is heartbreaking. I pray though that no matter the outcome of their relationship that he will stay a part of the child's life and find happiness in having a child.

Dragonfly - Even though its early I hope you O soon.
Leetie, I ran out of ICs and only have one FRER. I have to schedule a CAT scan, so if af doesn't come by Monday, I'll test. But I realized how it made me obsess, so I'm trying to hold out :winkwink:

Labgal, that's terrible about your friend. I have a friend who is the nicest guy and he attracts the worst women. We've been friends since we were little and his mother told me frankly what she thought of his girlfriend. When his mother passed away, the girlfriend told him that they needed to elope because his mother wanted to buy her wedding dress and it would be too hard without his mother at a wedding. I couldn't tell my friend the truth- he was very close to his mother and the truth would have crushed him. Now they are finally divorced, but it was hard to see him go through 10 years of unhappiness. Do you think you'll say something? Honestly, I don't know if I would warn my friend if I went back, it's a tough call.

We didn't watch the superbowl, I'm not a football fan and the Patriots weren't in it. What can I say, I'm a Boston sports fan!
Seems like I've been gone forever lol.
Dragonfly glad AF finally left.
Xan- yay for 8dpo! Fx'd for you!!
Lab- what a difficult situation. I get so frustrated about those types of situations. It's really sad that your friend was tricked and now he's stuck so to speak. Hope it all works out though. Hope you get the results of your test soon!

YAYYY! Seahawks won!! I'm not a sports person at all, but I started watching the superbowl with DF and got sucked in lol. Seattle pounded them. We are going to the parade here in Seattle Wednesday.
Xan - Great for 8dpo! I hope that Monday will bring good news. Best of luck with good results on the CAT scan as well:thumbup:

TTC - I'm not normally a sports fan either, but I couldn't help but flip out and cheer for our hawks in the super bowl. Have fun at the parade! I bet its going to be nuts :) I dislike crowds so I'll be seeing it on the internet instead lol
Thought I'd give you ladies an update... day three and SA test results were "fantastic" according to the doctor so that's some good news :)

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