Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

Labgal- Yay for healthy swimmers!!

AFM- I ovulated! :happydance: so now I'm 3 dpo and in the 2 week wait.
Leetie - Alright!! :) glad to hear you're now in the tww, lots of luck and dust coming your way girl!:happydance:
Thanks dragonfly. With yesterdays temp it changed my O day to Monday so I'm only 4 dpo now.

How is everyone else doing? Labgal anymore results back?
Leetie - Oh, that's a bit frustrating to have your O day change. Fingers are still crossed for you :)

Labgal - Anymore good news? I'm hoping it's the start of more and only good news :)

TTC - How was the parade? From what I saw on tv it was insane! (in a good way) My goodness it looked cold out though:cold:

How are we doing Xan?

Sending thoughts and hugs to Newlywed:hugs:

I'm curious if FF will give me a crosshairs earlier than last cycle. The aching in my sides hasn't happened all day. Although thinking about it, my boobs haven't been sore and I haven't broken out yet either. I have one big pimple but not the scatter across my forehead. My temp was up this morning though, but maybe that was just a fluke:shrug: We'll see what the next few days hold. The dollar store opks haven't done a thing, all the test lines are the same color without any darkening or fading so I'm calling it quits for opks - they haven't gotten us pregnant yet so why bother.
Hey ladies!
Leetie- Sorry your O day changed, that sucks!
Dragonfly- The parade was CRAZYYYYYY!! The last I heard over a million people were there. It was so dang cold and the parade was held up because the traffic was so bad they couldn't get the buses in. The temp was in the low 20s with the windchill in the teens and we stood there for hours. BUT I will never forget it. Sometimes you just have to be thankful for wonderful memories :) Sorry the opk's aren't working for you. Hopefully things start making more sense soon, I know what it's like for everything to be crazy!

AFM- Well I honestly don't know lol. I haven't looked at FF in I don't know how long. I haven't temped. I took an opk out of curiosity the other day because I can't stop tearing up over everything. Seriously, like the superbowl game, random commercials, random fb statuses just crazy stuff and I'm here trying to keep from crying like it's the end of the world lol. The opk was pretty dark close to positive but not quite but it was only like a week after AF so I disregarded it and didn't do anymore.
Leetie - Oh, that's a bit frustrating to have your O day change. Fingers are still crossed for you :)

Labgal - Anymore good news? I'm hoping it's the start of more and only good news :)

TTC - How was the parade? From what I saw on tv it was insane! (in a good way) My goodness it looked cold out though:cold:

How are we doing Xan?

Sending thoughts and hugs to Newlywed:hugs:

I'm curious if FF will give me a crosshairs earlier than last cycle. The aching in my sides hasn't happened all day. Although thinking about it, my boobs haven't been sore and I haven't broken out yet either. I have one big pimple but not the scatter across my forehead. My temp was up this morning though, but maybe that was just a fluke:shrug: We'll see what the next few days hold. The dollar store opks haven't done a thing, all the test lines are the same color without any darkening or fading so I'm calling it quits for opks - they haven't gotten us pregnant yet so why bother.

Just curious if the dollar store opk's line was pretty dark, close to positive? Just wondering because I just realized you said you used dollar store opks and that's what I used that was really close to positive.
That parade sounds too cold for me, TTC! But I'm glad you had a blast!

Dragonfly - I stopped using the OPKs a while back because the expense was too much and I didn't feel as though it was getting us PG either. Just sticking to the dr's recommended every other day BDing & that way we are always covered.

Leetie I'm sorry O got pushed back - Did you O yet? I really hate OPKs.

I wish I had better news about my test for you girls. It was a complete nightmare. I apparently have a tipped uterus and the GUY doing the test couldn't figure out how to get the catheter in so I had to sit for over an hour with sh*t up my snatch for over and hour while they called another doctor in. Seriously. In the meanwhile the first doc just kept adjusting the specuclum (ugh) and trying to get the catheter in. Then the second doc finally finagled it up there and the cramping was not as gentle as they claim. One of my tubes spilled perfectly, the other they could not determine whether it went into spasm or if I have a tubal blockage, but it doesn't really matter because that ovary isn't functional anyway. At least I have one good side, though. lol. Have any of you girls had the HSG done? Was yours like that? I've already basically decided I'm not doing a retest or having the flush job/lapro done since it won't have any affect anyway, nor am I interested in having the whole side removed.
Hi Labgal- :hugs: Having one side clear is some good news. I had an hsg, and it was not fun. They had to inject more dye to see one side spill. Later they did a salinography and they found the polyps, which they said could have been why they needed to force with the HSG. On the positive side, I've heard that HSG sometimes helps clear things out and can lead to increased fertility for the following 3 months.

Leetie, hope things are getting more stable and there are no more tricks up FF's sleeve.

Dragonfly, hope you get an early O :)

TTC- hope you get some well time bding in :)

Newlyweds, if you are out there but not ready to come back, we're all thinking of you.

AFM- 13/14 dpo, which means AF should arrive tomorrow or Monday. I had a big dip in temps on the 11/12th so it's probably right around the corner. Here's to hoping though!
Dragonfly - I haven't been doing opks either, Fx you O soon!

Ttc - way to many people for me at that parade lol. I'm sorry you've been so emotional have you tested just to make sure?

Labgal - yes I did O according to ff Monday. That test sounds horrible I'm so sorry they had such a difficult time getting the catheter in and you had to go through the pain. Like Xan said though hopefully that will result in a quick bfp .

Xan - My fingers are tightly crossed that AF won't show, GL.
TTC - That's so amazing that you were there! I really enjoyed watching it on tv :) I heard that buses got shut down because downtown was so clogged. As for my opks, they were faint lines so no where near positive. Sorry that you find yourself having a lot of emotional moments, I hope it's all leading to good things:hugs:

Labgal - I'm so sorry you had to go through the ordeal, that is so horrible:hugs: Sounds like the guy who was running your test wasn't experienced and I'm sure if it had been someone else it would have gone much more smoothly. The good news is that you have one good side! And I like what Xan said about increased fertility:winkwink:

Xan - Still feeling hopeful for you and hope that those temp drops were just a fluke :)

AFM: Glad to say we got another bd session in, although I'm noticing my temps are being strange and staying about the same after the rise. Just trying to stay curious rather than stress about it.
Lab- I've never had that but I'm glad I haven't because that sounds horrible. Hope it cleared things out and you are telling us about a bump soon!!
Xan- FX'd that AF stays away!!
Leetie- I haven't tested. I had thought about it and pushed it out of my mind thinking I was crazy for even thinking about it lol.
Dragonfly - The traffic was crazy! It normally takes us 30 mins to get to Seattle it took us over 2 hours. We watched it later on tv but it was so surreal thinking I was actually there. KOMO news was broadcasting close to us. We were at 4th and Bell where you seen all the broadcasting happening. I surely hope the emotional stuff goes away, crying at the drop of a hat really sucks. Feels like I'm losing my mind lol.
Dragonfly - yay for bding! I agree I look at temping as just information instead of worrying about every dip and rise( or at least trying not to worry)

Ttc- I hope you start feeling better soon I hate when I get emotional over things that usually happens around AF time I will cry over everything.

AFM - 6 dpo the last few days I've got like a crampy feeling around my left ovary kind of like O pains maybe a cycst? Today not so much of that feeling but now kind of just crampy in lower abdomen and had a little white stringy thickish cm in my undies, and bbs still sore, other than that nothing much going on.
Leetie, hope the wait's not too bad.

TTC- won't deny it, I'm stalking your charts! Another early O. Looking good :)

AFM- almost through 15dpo and no AF. Crampy feeling and a little nauseous, but that could go either way.

In other news, DH got some serious points tonight. There are three movies, Before Sunrise, After Sunrise, and Before Midnight with Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy. They all occur 10 years after the last one, and the first 2 are very sweet, romantic movies. So we watched the third today (pre-valentines day since DH is out of town this week) and it was a little more, um, realistic than the first two. The couple has been together for 10 years, have 2 kids and it's a day in their life. They are a bit older, a bit less hollywood perfect, and have a few more issues. Although it was a great movie, it made me feel a bit sad. After the movie I went to get ready for dinner and DH caught myself looking in the mirror, wondering what people would say about seeing us after 10 years. Well, let's just say that we ended up bd'ing, and I ended up feeling great :) Best. Valentine's. Ever.
Aww Xan that sounds so romantic. I'm glad you had a great Valentines day. I'm going to have to look up those movies I've never heard of them. How are you today?

AFM - still have the crampy feeling in left ovary and sore bbs but no more white discharge. Temps still up 7 dpo just moving along. How is everyone else?
TTC - That's so awesome :) Hopefully we win again next year:winkwink:

Leetie - Sounds like you're moving along through the wait :) Fingers are super crossed and you're half way there!

Xan - Awww so romantic, I love it! Definitely a wonderful sounding Valentine's day. 16dpo now, how are you doing?

AFM: FF decided to give me a dotted crosshair so I'm worried about my O date. Although I haven't had any more side cramping I still haven't had much for cm. I think the cough syrup last cycle helped with that! lol, so if we must go to another cycle I know I'll be using it. I haven't had much of a breakout either so I'm curious what's going on. Tomorrow's my pap and my stomachs all flippy floppy about it :(
Xan-Awwww that's so sweet! YAY for 16dpo now, FX'd that a BFP is coming soon!!!! I can't lie I'm pretty excited about 2 short cycles in a row. Hopefully it keeps up.

Leetie-Sore bbs sounds promising. I've read that a lot of women continue to have sore bbs and that was their first indication of BFP!

Dragonfly-My DF sure is hoping it will happen again next year but if it's that cold next year we won't be going to the parade lol. I don't know how all that crosshair stuff works, I stayed confused lol. Instead of cough syrup you can take mucinex that's only guaifenesin and it does the same thing. They have a walmart brand. I had read about it and started taking the pills because the cough syrup tastes nasty lol. It definitely helped with the cm.

AFM-Nothing haha. I'm just playing the waiting game. I updated my FF and it says O is supposed to happen soon so we shall see what happens.
Dragonfly - If your temps stay high I'd say O definitely happened. Have you ever tried pres-seed? I've thought about it since I never seem to have good ewcm. Taking medicine makes me nervous if I'm not sick.

Ttc - I hope O happens soon for you!
TTC - Yeah hopefully the weather would be nicer, although even if it was I don't think I would go to the parade lol too crazy for me. I hadn't thought of the pills instead of cough syrup, does it work the same for you? Hope FF is right and you O soon!

Leetie - I'm cautious about taking medicine too but I'm a bit curious lol. We're trying preseed this cycle! And so far we both really like it, I never get ewcm so I'm hoping it helps. My favorite part is once we're done I don't feel dirty down there like I do with other lubes... to be honest I'm tempted to take it into my doctors office and ask them to use that instead of the nasty KY they use for the exam because I'm worried if we bd that evening the KY will kill the sperm :(

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