Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

Stupid FF is making me mad. I couldn't sleep well last night I usually temp around 530 am but I kept waking up so I just finally said the heck with it and took it around 4 am and it was 97.81 it was 97.82 yesterday. I finally fell back asleep and woke up around 7 and decided to take it again it was 97.98. I got on FF and put my first temp in and it changed my O date from CD 28 to 29 so I went back in and put the second temp in and it still changed. I ended up just discarding it all together and I will wait and see what tomorrows is. I am pretty sure I O'd on CD 28 not 29.

How is everyone? Ttc, Xan what CD you ladies on? Dragonfly how was your midwife appointment yesterday? Lab I hope the ms has eased a bit for you.
Xan - Glad to hear your trip to Florida was fun! How exciting that she just knew! I wonder if I will, eventually :haha:

Labgal - What a crazy dream! All the baby dreams I've had baby is a boy, but we'll see. I'm happy with either :)

Leetie - I would go with what was originally decided for O since it only changed after your weird night of sleep. I hope you get a better nights sleep tonight.

afm: Midwife appointment went good, she felt something weird in my side but she thinks it could just be from being backed up... so awkward:shy: lol. We hear baby's heartbeat! It was funny because she couldn't find it and I told baby swim up so we could hear them and bam she found it! We were in a fender bender last night and I woke up with a lot of pain, so I went and saw a doctor for my back and they whipped out a doppler as soon as I said pregnant and we found baby right away, it was even more magical to hear it beating so loud:cloud9: Morning sickness has definitely turned to night sickness and I've been feeling dreadful the last 2 hours.

How are you feeling Lab?? :)
Hi ladies! Long time since I last posted on here. I just wanted to let you all know I still have my fingers crossed tightly for each of you. Wishing you all tons of baby dust and a beautiful BFP this summer!!
Dragonfly - I'm just leaving it discarded even with today's temp which is low it still changes with yesterdays in. Omgoodness how scary, I'm glad you and baby are OK. That's so cute that you told baby to swim up and the midwife found the heartbeat.

Liz - Thank you! How are you doing?
Leetie - sorry for your O date confusion! That's why I could neve temp throughout the whole process... I can be an erratic sleeper so it wouldn't have worked out for me. If your temp is still low today what does that mean? Sorry, I'm a complete novice to the temping thing.

Dragonfly - glad you and the baby are ok! How scary! It is crazy hearing the heartbeart on the doppler! It's so loud! Glad your midwife appointment went well...when is your next? I have an appointment with the nurse on the 6th. Sorry about the night sickness - I hope it's making it easier to get through the day, at least, though if you're anything like me you're probably just exhausted!

I'm doing well here - still have the ms constantly. Driving is one of the worst things. I have a bag at the ready at all times :( lol. Every now and then I get a few sweet moments of relief that I treasure - but I know it will be worth it! Lots of crazy dreams. The first few weeks I had no dreams about baby but now I seem to have one every night. Had a miscarriage dream that really freaked me out the night before last (though in the dream I was saying "this is a dream, this is a dream! It's not real!"), but last night had a dream that I was at the doc and everything was fine. All very vivid, though.

Hope everyone is well :)
Liz - Thank you! How are you doing?

I'm doing well :). Cannot wait until my June 4th appointment to find out if we get to schedule an early delivery. We would love to meet our son sooner but if the dr decides that it's better to keep our July 18th due date then so be it. For now though everything is pointing to an early birth.
Leetie - Did today's temp change your O date as well? How weird. My fingers are crossed for you that you caught the egg, no matter what day O happened :)

Lab - When we heard it with the midwife it was a little quiet, but when I went to the doctor yesterday to get checked out from our wreck they wanted to hear baby and it was sooo loud - I cried again:haha: I'm with you on being tired, I could nap all day if given the chance lol. Your next appointment is so soon! My next one isn't for another 4 weeks - poo.

Liz - Aw how exciting! Wishing you the best on what ever date doctor says Iov can come out! Either date is coming up so soon:happydance:
Xan- glad FL was fun!!
Leetie- That's why I can't temp it drove me crazy and I sleep such weird hours, I admire anyone who has the patience to do that lol. Hope whichever day O happened that you caught it :) FX!!
Lab- Sorry MS is so bad, but like you said it will all be worth it. Hope the dreams stay positive!
Dragonfly- So glad you and baby are doing ok! That's so scary.
Liz- Time has flew by, hope he makes a safe landing hehe.

AFM- I don't even know what CD I am. I took a opk last night though and my lines are starting to get dark so I should probably figure it out lol. Hope you ladies continue doing good!
Lab - I hope your first tri flies by and the ms goes away. I've heard dreams when pregnant are super vivid I hope they stay happy dreams. That's cool you have another appointment so soon. Around here you don't go for your first appointment until 10 weeks then your next one isn't until 20 weeks.

Liz - I pray no matter what the doc decides baby arrives healthy and happy.

Dragonfly - how was your anniversary yesterday? Did you get to go out?

Ttc - I hope O is soon!

AFM - if I keep yesterdays temp discarded it doesn't change my O date so I'm leaving it that way. I'm not really sure how to read charts. If ff didn't tell me I O'd I wouldn't really know.
TTC - Hmm I definitely don't remember lol. But I hope with the opks you'll know when you O soon!!

Leetie - It was on Thursday and that's when we had our midwife appointment and we went out to an early dinner :) We also had our fender bender that day which sucked, but hearing baby's heartbeat made the whole day still beautiful :)

I would keep yesterday's discarded then, you didn't have enough sleep anyways. Fingers are crossed :)

Today I caught DH tasting my prenatal gummies, I laughed so hard:rofl: I had to switch to gummy ones since the pills were making me sick.
Hi ladies -

Dragonfly- that is so cute! I also take the gummies because they don't have iron, and DH loves to come in for a kiss while I smell like candy.

Leetie, I would definitely drop that point.

TTC- I know what you mean, when I had a weird AF it was so frustrating trying to figure out the cd.

Well, my temps have shot up and stayed up, and ewcm has stopped, so I guess I O'ed on cd 12 and am 3dpo. We only bd'ed once on O day and 2dpo so I'm not too hopeful, but this month timing would be less than ideal anyway.
Haha that's funny Xan. DH is not a candy fan, but for some crazy reason he liked my gummy:wacko: What a weirdo.

Yay for knowing you O'd! All it takes is a one time bd to catch it but I'm hoping whatever is best is what works out since you mention this cycle not being ideal anyways.
Dragonfly - thats funny dh tasted your vitamins. I'm glad you still had a nice anniversary despite the accident.

Xan - yay for O!

AFM - my temp was higher this am and it changed my O date to CD 29 so I'm just leaving it. So I'm 5 dpo according to ff.
Xan- YAY for O! I hope whatever happens works out the best for you and your situation.
Leetie- Apparently they want cd29 to be your O day lol.

AFM- I have been so busy that I still haven't figured out my cd. I just came to share that I have been having crazy dreams. Last night I dreamed I was pregnant and I continuously took pregnancy tests to make sure I was still pregnant lol. I got a kick out of that. Figured I would share my funny with y'all lol.
Ttc - your dream is funny, that's probably how I will be when I finally get a bfp just taking test after test to make sure its real.

How is everyone else doing?

AFM - temps aren't very high but I'm not sure how accurate they are I haven't been sleeping well the past 3 nights I'm up every hour until about 4 then I can't fall back asleep. I am 8 dpo so should expect AF around Friday.
Hi ladies,

I'm 6dpo and had a huge dip this morning and woke up with cramps. Not sure if they are stomach or lady cramps though as my stomach is acting up with summer weather we're having. I've been having wild dreams, more like nightmares, that have been waking me up at night. Last night I had a dream that my old boss was trying to get all the same jobs as me and was laughing at me for trying! In real life he is the biggest sweetie, so not sure what's going through my mind...
TTC - Hoping that not knowing your CD is a good thing! Dreams are such crazy things, I always try to figure them out and then give up, lol. I'm hoping they mean a bfp for you!

Leetie - I'm sorry you haven't been sleeping well. Maybe some warm milk before bed would help? How are you feeling otherwise? 8 DPO... you're almost there! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Xan - That is a big temp dip on your chart! I'm hoping it's an implantation dip and your temps go up and stay up! Also hoping your nightmares get better - you've been focusing a lot on work for many months, so it makes sense it would be reflected in your dreams. I know when you go for your interviews you'll get the job you want, though!

How are you feeling, Dragonfly? MS eased at all?

AFM, doing fine. Got to see little baby again yesterday since I was on the clomid and they just wanted to do an extra monitor - it's gotten so much bigger! Baby was jumping all around during the u/s flapping its little arm nubs, it was pretty darn cute. The tech was laughing at how animated it was. Heart rate 167 BPM, which they said is very stong. It was reassuring to see baby growing and doing well, though now I don't have another u/s for over a month! Still have my nurses' appointment next friday, which I guess is just to go over things and some blood work. I really have no idea what it's about...
Xan - that is a big dip I hope its a good dip. Sorry your having bad dreams I hope they go away or turn into better ones.

Lab - thanks for the suggestion but I'm not sure I could do warm milk with how hot its been lately I think that's a lot of my problem we have an air conditioner but I don't think its working properly. That's great you got to see baby again how exciting getting to see it moving all around.
Lab that sounds so sweet to see the baby growing :) Very happy for you!

Leetie, I can't sleep when it's hot either.

AFM- the dip was weird. I slept in a bit today even, and slept very well last night, despite the nightmares. Definitely having cramps too, and definitely the lady type. Well, we'll see. Been here before. Definitely not telling DH- he gets so frustrated.
Xan - Isn't it early for you to dip already? I'm still hoping for you that your temps go back up. Sorry about the bad dreams.

Leetie - Sorry you're not sleeping so well. I don't have any remedies to share as when I can't sleep I don't find anything to help. But I hope you get some better rest soon:hugs:

TTC - At least you're keeping busy! Who knows, maybe bfp will come when you least expect it:winkwink:

Lab - That's so amazing you got to see baby!! I'm jelly :) Glad everything is going so well.

afmL MS comes and goes, mostly coming at night which is easier to deal with. My bloat when down and I can definitely see where baby bump is going to start coming in. Didn't get my u/s today to see what the weird mass was in my abdomen, although the midwife is convinced it's just bowels since the Zofran has made me so backed up. I'm going to ask her if there's somewhere else I can get the u/s done since this one place doesn't have an opening for another 4 weeks. DH and I found an apartment finally! After much frustration and an overly emotional me crying over everything we finally found a place we're so excited to move into. It's such a relief. MIL and I are already planning on decorating baby's room once we know the gender:cloud9:

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