Femara Friends!

Hi s08 - I'm new at all this stuff so, I'm just learning from all of you and my own research.
My numbers from my last cycle were:
CD3: Right = 15follicles / Left = 15follicles
CD17: Right = 2 matured follicles @ 21mm & 19mm
Ovulation confirmed and they said I released 2 eggs.
That was BFN.

I do think our bedding schedule was off. We bd the night before ovulation and morning of ovulation but we are also faced with male fertility so I don't think we gave the spermies enough time to recover and replenish.

This cycle we're going to bd every other day starting Jan 3rd (CD#16).

I'm sorry about the BFN this morning. I can't remember if you took progesterone ... maybe youre late because of your progesterone supplements? Looks like you and Cridge are waiting on AF?
@siblingwishes ... I wish I felt my ovulation, too. So jealous of girls like you that feel it. I want to feel the ovulation pain that everyone seems to talk about.

Last cycle, I felt crampy on my ovulation day. It was the best feeling in the world! Lols! That was the first time I ever felt that but i'm not sure if it was from ovulation or my HCG trigger shot.
Thanks for the welcome!

I am only taking a prenatal vit prescribed by my OB (so then insurance covers it!)

Yes, MrsCompass, I was just monitored the first month on Femara, and the RE thought I responded well enough to let go on my own for a few months (with the IUI that is). Here were my CD 11 (2-3 days before ovluation) numbers:
Left side: 1 @ 22 mm and 2 @ 15 mm
Rigth side: 1 @ 13 mm and 1 @11 mm
Uterus lining: 8.3

How does that compare to all you ladies' numbers?

Well, I'm now on CD 30, with another BFN under my belt this morning (16 days after my IUI). I've never been this late (always 26-28 days), and I just want AF to come so I can start the next cycle!

Are you taking progesterone, because that will delay AF if the ugly witch intends to show...

Here were my numbers at CD 11 scan (Dec 21st):
R side - nothing
L side - 1@ 16mm, 1@ 15mm & 1 @ 13mm
Uterine lining 7.5mm
Triggered yesterday CD12
Due to O tomorrow at CD14

Your left numbers look good to me. Did they tell you why you had no follies on your right side? Is that normal for you?

AFM, no I don't take progesterone. Its not a problem for me. I'm not stressing too much over the AF delay...just hope she doesn't arrive in the middle of Christmas festivities like she did with Thanksgiving. She's such a bitch.
Hi s08 - I'm new at all this stuff so, I'm just learning from all of you and my own research.
My numbers from my last cycle were:
CD3: Right = 15follicles / Left = 15follicles
CD17: Right = 2 matured follicles @ 21mm & 19mm
Ovulation confirmed and they said I released 2 eggs.
That was BFN.

I do think our bedding schedule was off. We bd the night before ovulation and morning of ovulation but we are also faced with male fertility so I don't think we gave the spermies enough time to recover and replenish.

This cycle we're going to bd every other day starting Jan 3rd (CD#16).

I'm sorry about the BFN this morning. I can't remember if you took progesterone ... maybe youre late because of your progesterone supplements? Looks like you and Cridge are waiting on AF?

Isn't is so frustrating when all your numbers look good, they confirm ovulation, and its still BFN! For some reason, I get my hopes up every month (you'd think I'd learn, but I never do).

I totally understand the concern about the bedding schedule. I think the timing of my IUI was too late last month, even though the RE assures me it was fine. And we have to abstain from bd for 2 days before (even though husband SA results are great), so I didn't even think we covered our bases in that department. So annoying.

No, I don't take progesterone. I'm sure AF is just playing games with me and will make an appearance any time now.
s08 - we might end up being cycle buddies! I'm 17dpo today (I have a typical 16 day LP), but af is right around the corner. I'm hoping today will end up being CD1. It sucks every month you do everything right and nothing comes of it! I just had the most perfect cycle of my entire life (no kidding), had perfect ewcm, we bd'd with perfect timing and still bfn. That's just how it goes sometimes.

My last cycle (well, current...10mg femara) on CD13, I had 2 follies on the right at 9 and 11mm, one at 22mm on the left, lining was just over 12mm. Another u/s on CD15 showed I had released the follie on the left.
Those who have had follicle tracking/scans done. Has it shown you ovulate from alternate sides monthly???

My doc said it doesn't necessarily work like that, but I'm just wondering. If it were alternative sides then this month is my blocked tube, however, I'm CD5 and have had some ovary pain from the good side. F x'd xx
LolaM- I usually get my bw results back the next day. I would go nutty if I had to wait a week!

Wonder why it takes so long here...are you in a big city? Im in a medium city but its pretty useless, anything other than the flu or stitches and we get sent to Phoenix. Maybe they have to SEND the blood somewhere...interesing, perhaps I will ask when I get it done next week
Thanks for the welcome!

I am only taking a prenatal vit prescribed by my OB (so then insurance covers it!)

Yes, MrsCompass, I was just monitored the first month on Femara, and the RE thought I responded well enough to let go on my own for a few months (with the IUI that is). Here were my CD 11 (2-3 days before ovluation) numbers:
Left side: 1 @ 22 mm and 2 @ 15 mm
Rigth side: 1 @ 13 mm and 1 @11 mm
Uterus lining: 8.3

How does that compare to all you ladies' numbers?

Well, I'm now on CD 30, with another BFN under my belt this morning (16 days after my IUI). I've never been this late (always 26-28 days), and I just want AF to come so I can start the next cycle!

oh wow! I had 2 on the left that were 14 and 1 on the right that was 15. My dr saw them and didnt look any further, I have "difficult anatomy" as he calls it and since he saw there were follicles that was good enough for him and he said the size was good but didnt mention anything about my uterine lining not even sure he LOOKED at it.
Thanks Cridge!

It's still early so maybe you'll get her this afternoon. What DPO are you?
I didn't realize you also take your temperature. I've been taking it for 3 months so, I'm still pretty new at it. I hate seeing those temp dip at the end of my chart ... because we all know what they mean. :nope: But you know what they say, it aint over until you see the :witch:.

Yeah, I hate those temp dips, I start rationalizing the dip...what time is it, am I cold, did hubs steal the covers again? Am I getting sick? :growlmad:
Tiffany and Lola, when are you going to test? I set my calendar for January 5th!

I go back to school on the 9th, so thats in just over 2 weeks, thats what i was planning, if i wake up with no AF, i will test.
I just read something about my brand of OPK, if the test line has varied darkness, to read the darkest of the lines, so now im wondering if yesterday was a POSITIVE opk...ya know, some people dont have to put up with this sh*t. A teenager gets preg every 30 seconds, I did everything the way I was supposed to, I waited until i met a great guy and married him...you would think just this ONE thing would be simple, nothing else in my little life has been easy,why cant I just have this ONE thing?:hissy:
Those who have had follicle tracking/scans done. Has it shown you ovulate from alternate sides monthly???

I don't think it's true that you alternate sides. I don't ovulate enough to know for sure with myself, but I definitely think that when I ovulate, I favor one side over the other. I've only ovulated on my right side a few times - it's mostly from my left.

Also, fallopian tubes are amazing! They sense a hormone the follicles are giving off and they travel over to the follie so they can catch it. I've heard of many women that ovulate from their side without a tube and they end up getting pregnant, so fx'd for you!

Lola - haha! I'm totally trying not to rationalize my dip today. Based on all my previous cycles, I should be full on bleeding by now. I thought I had started but went to the bathroom and just had a *ton* of ewcm tinged with blood. I KNOW she's on her way, and I wish she'd just get on with it and take me out of my misery, but of course my head is swimming with all these reasons why maybe af won't find me. Ugh. I need to get this day over with!
:confused:ok--I just OPK and both lines were very light so i think im going to take yesty as a postive and just keep BD and hope for the best, not sure why the lines were so light today because my tests arent expired. I wish my ovaries would just text me or send an email so we could stop playing the guessing game already.
Hello Ladies,

Talk about everything being perfect and then getting a BFN......grrrrrrrrr
Cridge, you are not out til Af shows hopefully something magical happens and you get your BFP.

As for long LP, you know how long my LP was this cycle. It was so annoying because you know its a BFN and just want to move on the new cycle.

As for sides, I only had two cycles monitored and it did alternate.

Mrs.Compass , I think you should be alright. Don't worry.

Good luck everyone.Baby dust to all !!!
I got a :bfn: ladies,

Now it will be 10 + days before i begin a new cycle.

I am not upset at all. Do nobody has to appologize lol!!!!!
Chiles the up side is you can eat and drink whatever you feel like over the holidays. We'll all get our BFP's in the new yr. xx
I'm CD6 and getting twinges in left ovary area. Do you think this is a good sign??
Hi Cooch - Don't know a lot about those twinges. Last cycle, I felt a lot of twinges and every twinge got my hopes up. On ovulation day, I felt a twinge on my right side, and i thought .. OMG! I just felt my ovaries release my eggs!!! ... 2 days later while researching what causes the twinges, I realized, my scan showed the follicles on my left side (not the right side where I felt the twinge) ... oooopppsss .. I guess it wasn't my eggs releasing. LOL! Hahahaha!

Anyone know anything about those twinges? I'm curious too.
Well it would be right if its the follicles growing.. But if I alternate sides then its the opposite side from where I felt the pain. Humph! I would so love it to be the side where the twinges are, as its my good tube side.
Twinges... those nasty things. I feel them A LOT. I usually feel twinges throughout my cycle, but here's my experience from the last couple of months while I was being monitored...

On 7.5mg femara, had twinges a lot, u/s on cd17 showed one small-medium sized follicle on the left ("nothing", as the tech called it). I started taking Inositol that day and for the next week I felt way more twinges than usual. I thought for sure that one follie was growing. Another u/s a week later showed zero follicles. I was baffled as I had been feeling some major somethin's going on. Started NPC to bring on a cycle and continued to feel twinges.

As soon as I started the next cycle (10mg femara) I felt nothing. No twinges at all leading up to ovulation, so I thought for sure I hadn't responded to the femara again. I ALWAYS feel twinges so to not feel them was definitely weird to me. CD13 u/s showed my beautiful follies and I ovulated on CD14. I actually started feeling twinges after I ovulated.

So, to sum up, I think that twinges are just reactions to hormones, not necessarily reactions to follies. I think a lot of times you might feel cysts - I have lots of the little pcos cysts, which were diminishing my 10mg cycle, so I think maybe I feel those instead of real follies.

Happy Christmas Eve, everyone!! I hope you all have a very merry Christmas! :xmas16:
@cooch I know right!!!! I am sooo looking forward to next cycle because I will stim until my follies get big enough to trigger!!!!! yay!!!

I feel like once we get ovulation going then vida boom!....it will happen. I have not ovulated yet!!!! Well I got a pos opk, but who the heck knows if that was real or not.
The only thing I am worried about is overstimming. Last cycle i 30 follies all 10 mm and less. Now I can say my overires never looked like that before. When I go for my cd 1 u/s I am going to ask the doc how many follies will be too many. I think anything less than 6 should be fine.

I still have not started provera, but will today. I tested this morn and it was another BFN.

Time to relax and end enjoy this lovely time of year. I hope this time next year we all will be waking up with our babies. HAPPY HOLIDAYS :dust:

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