Finally decided to have baby number two!

Sarah lou that's wonderful news about moving, it was stressful when DH and I moved with DD she was only 9 months so it was a bit crazy, but so much fun when we finally got in the house!! I hope you have a wonderful experience :)

So I talked to one of the fertility clinics that's is located in our city, they have a general email so I just sent them an email asking them general questions, they said to stop stressing, and 3 months is not long at all, she suggested I do something I enjoy each day to alleviate stress. But also to try and chart again if possible. She said in 6 months if I have not conceived then they will take me in as a patient even if we are under 30 years old. My doctor would just need to fax them a referral which he has to do if I request one. All in all I feel a bit better, I did yoga yesterday and just did some stuff for me and I feel so much better.

lots of love to you all xo!!!
That's great news heaveneats :) glad you're feeling better! And how nice to have someone be able to give you reassurance!
Yay for reassurance Heaven! :hug:

I got all good news at my doctor's yesterday too. Everything looked good on the ultrasound and he said I can still get preggers with a short luteal phase. Just need to go in for a blood test as soon as I think I'm preg as they might have to give me a progesterone supplement. Do that made me more hopeful!

I did find out my best (mommy) friend is 6wks preg w her second so that was hard to digest on Monday but I'm feeling optimistic for now about my own fingers crossed!!!

Yay for reassurance Heaven! :hug:

I got all good news at my doctor's yesterday too. Everything looked good on the ultrasound and he said I can still get preggers with a short luteal phase. Just need to go in for a blood test as soon as I think I'm preg as they might have to give me a progesterone supplement. Do that made me more hopeful!

I did find out my best (mommy) friend is 6wks preg w her second so that was hard to digest on Monday but I'm feeling optimistic for now about my own fingers crossed!!!


yay for doc's good news, I know when I got mine I was bouncing off the walls with excitement. that's good you know about the progesterone supplement :) its hard to find out others are expecting, but just think when your both pregnant you can complain together about all the pregnancy woes:thumbup:
Wow! Lots going on with everyone!

Mrs C that's great news for you. It's lovely when there's some light at the end of the tunnel.

Heaven - keep up the positivity. It's an effort sometimes but it definitely helps. So pleased you've had some reassurance.

I had a really positive conversation with the financial advisor today. Hes coming to talk to me and OH on Tuesday so fingers crossed he can help us out. Unfortunately OH has a poor credit rating but apparently the advisor said this shouldn't be a problem and was really positive that he could help us. I'm so excited to get the house valued tomorrow!

I know I shouldn't, but I've been looking at houses online already!!
Mrs C, Heaven, and Sarah Lou, sounds like you all got some good news and have much to look forward to! That's great :) FX for all of you :dust:

I'm 7dpo today and just started feeling these little zapping sensations in my boobs. Very odd. It's hard to describe, but sometimes I feel them all over and other times it's more my nipples. Not quite itchy, but more of a tingly feeling, like tiny little electric shocks. It's subtle, but they're certainly there and I've been feeling them off and on for a few hours today. I'm not sure what to make of that.

Also, my boobs feel very big and heavy. I had to change to a different bra just now because I was constantly having to lift them and re-adjust lol, since my bra felt really tight (and it's a bra I wear all the time with no issues normally). I never ever feel like that before AF. I definitely get typical soreness for a few days before AF, but not this big, heavy feeling and definitely not these tingly, zapping things.
Has anyone else experienced this?

I remember extreme soreness (especially on the sides, under my arms) in the beginning w/ DD, but I don't remember if I had this, or this early. I was definitely quite crampy yesterday at 6pdo, and much less so today.

I'm trying very hard to ignore any and all symptoms; I really don't want to get my hopes up. Still planning on testing Monday morning (10dpo). We'll see...

Hope everyone is having a good day!! :)
Mrs C, Heaven, and Sarah Lou, sounds like you all got some good news and have much to look forward to! That's great :) FX for all of you :dust:

I'm 7dpo today and just started feeling these little zapping sensations in my boobs. Very odd. It's hard to describe, but sometimes I feel them all over and other times it's more my nipples. Not quite itchy, but more of a tingly feeling, like tiny little electric shocks. It's subtle, but they're certainly there and I've been feeling them off and on for a few hours today. I'm not sure what to make of that.

Also, my boobs feel very big and heavy. I had to change to a different bra just now because I was constantly having to lift them and re-adjust lol, since my bra felt really tight (and it's a bra I wear all the time with no issues normally). I never ever feel like that before AF. I definitely get typical soreness for a few days before AF, but not this big, heavy feeling and definitely not these tingly, zapping things.
Has anyone else experienced this?

I remember extreme soreness (especially on the sides, under my arms) in the beginning w/ DD, but I don't remember if I had this, or this early. I was definitely quite crampy yesterday at 6pdo, and much less so today.

I'm trying very hard to ignore any and all symptoms; I really don't want to get my hopes up. Still planning on testing Monday morning (10dpo). We'll see...

Hope everyone is having a good day!! :)

I had that electric shock and sharp pain feeling in boobs last cycle hehe it got me all excited I kept poking them just hoping that they'd get sore like they were with DD. Did you breastfeed with your LO? apparently sometimes with your second your breasts may not be as sore or even sore at all because they have already grown and stretched for the first baby, at least that's what I hold onto haha
Thanks so much, Heaven, that's really good to know. I'll try to take it with a grain of salt and not get too excited. I did nurse DD for the first couple months (unfortunately, not nearly as long as I had hoped)...maybe I'll have less soreness with the next pregnancy. Thanks again :)
Yay for reassurance Heaven! :hug:

I got all good news at my doctor's yesterday too. Everything looked good on the ultrasound and he said I can still get preggers with a short luteal phase. Just need to go in for a blood test as soon as I think I'm preg as they might have to give me a progesterone supplement. Do that made me more hopeful!

I did find out my best (mommy) friend is 6wks preg w her second so that was hard to digest on Monday but I'm feeling optimistic for now about my own fingers crossed!!!

fingers crossed and lots of :dust: I hope you catch an egg quickly. :hugs:

Wow! Lots going on with everyone!

Mrs C that's great news for you. It's lovely when there's some light at the end of the tunnel.

Heaven - keep up the positivity. It's an effort sometimes but it definitely helps. So pleased you've had some reassurance.

I had a really positive conversation with the financial advisor today. Hes coming to talk to me and OH on Tuesday so fingers crossed he can help us out. Unfortunately OH has a poor credit rating but apparently the advisor said this shouldn't be a problem and was really positive that he could help us. I'm so excited to get the house valued tomorrow!

I know I shouldn't, but I've been looking at houses online already!!

I'm always looking at houses. I tell myself is to keep an eye on what's happening at the market. ;) I hope you're approved soon :)

Mrs C, Heaven, and Sarah Lou, sounds like you all got some good news and have much to look forward to! That's great :) FX for all of you :dust:

I'm 7dpo today and just started feeling these little zapping sensations in my boobs. Very odd. It's hard to describe, but sometimes I feel them all over and other times it's more my nipples. Not quite itchy, but more of a tingly feeling, like tiny little electric shocks. It's subtle, but they're certainly there and I've been feeling them off and on for a few hours today. I'm not sure what to make of that.

Also, my boobs feel very big and heavy. I had to change to a different bra just now because I was constantly having to lift them and re-adjust lol, since my bra felt really tight (and it's a bra I wear all the time with no issues normally). I never ever feel like that before AF. I definitely get typical soreness for a few days before AF, but not this big, heavy feeling and definitely not these tingly, zapping things.
Has anyone else experienced this?

I remember extreme soreness (especially on the sides, under my arms) in the beginning w/ DD, but I don't remember if I had this, or this early. I was definitely quite crampy yesterday at 6pdo, and much less so today.

I'm trying very hard to ignore any and all symptoms; I really don't want to get my hopes up. Still planning on testing Monday morning (10dpo). We'll see...

Hope everyone is having a good day!! :)

I had exactly that at 5-7dpo last time. Just saying ;) :dust:

I have slight heartburn, cramps and twinges. 8 more days.
AF is due today for me, or tomorrow, cervix was high and hard last night
Uh oh, Preg Pilot.. you're giving me hope ;) haha Thanks so much for your input! :dust:
Ok girls,

I'm starting to get anxious to test. :wacko: Help me resist the temptation! I'm officially 8dpo as of this evening and I've had some moments where I've considered testing tomorrow morning or Sunday morning. I really hope I can hold out until Monday morning, as I originally planned (that would be exactly 10.5dpo)

I really don't want to see lots of negatives, so I'm going to try to stay strong, especially since I've had a noticeable drop in symptoms today. My boobs are MUCH less heavy and tingly today, compared to yesterday. I had almost no symptoms whatsoever until about 1pm today, when some more cramping started again (which I've had off and on for the past 2-3 days). Mostly vague, mild cramping in my pelvis and back, and one moment where I had some sharp, stabbing cramping on the left side of my pelvis for about 30 seconds. Definitely too early for AF cramps, but it may just be weird luteal phase stuff.

I'm starting to feel more doubtful today. I felt more hopeful around 6-7dpo and now, not so much. Maybe my normal post-O progesterone has peaked and is now on its way down, so that might explain the decrease in symptoms. My boobs have started to feel a little sore, but that's normal for me before AF (although, AF is still a full week away, so that would be pretty early for me to have breast tenderness at this point) :shrug: I hate that I'm symptom spotting; I know it almost always means nothing and I'll probably be disappointed but I guess I can't stop myself. I just hope I can stay strong and not test too early- seeing those negatives is such a bummer.

How is everyone doing today? Hope all of you ladies have a wonderful weekend!! :dust:
PediNurseMom - I try not to test too early. AF is due in 8 days, and I´m going to try to wait until the day AF is due before testing...
Symptoms come and go, that´s why they drive you crazy.
I hope this is it for you :hugs:

I´m having some symptoms today.
Boobs are quite sore, I have cramps and twinges. Feels like stretching pains... a little heartburn. Otherwise I feel fine. Unusually focused actually?
I hope I caught a little bean :blush:
Preg pilot hope you got an egg!

AF got me today, DH and I are taking a break from TTC until further notice :(
Thanks so much, Preg Pilot!! You're totally right. I'm going to try my hardest to wait to test. I wish I had your willpower! Your symptoms sound pretty convincing! FX that you caught that egg! :)
So sorry about AF, heaven :( It sounds like a break is just what you need. We'll be here whenever you're ready to come back to TTC :) Maybe you'll be blessed with a NTNP surprise :dust:
I'm going to keep checking in on you ladies but not daily so you may only see me on here once or twice a week.

I'm going to try and not use opk this cycle but we'll see

Lots of love and baby dust xx
Preg pilot hope you got an egg!

AF got me today, DH and I are taking a break from TTC until further notice :(

sorry af got you again :(

Thanks so much, Preg Pilot!! You're totally right. I'm going to try my hardest to wait to test. I wish I had your willpower! Your symptoms sound pretty convincing! FX that you caught that egg! :)

Thanks. I hope this is your cycle. :)

I'm really confused.
I'm trying not to hope and failing. I'm symptom spotting. Today and yesterday I have sore boobs. left one is larger than the right. cramps and twinges and very tired. I'm starting on shifts again so that's to be expected.
I feel pregnant but I just checked my cervix and it's opening up again and getting lower... I don't know what to think.
Going to wait for a week before starting with testing. ..
Alright girls... I was bad. I totally broke down this morning and tested at 9dpo. :dohh: BFN. I know it's VERY early but I'm still bummed. :(

I had every intention of waiting until tomorrow morning, but then I started to feel even more symptoms yesterday, so I just had this feeling like I needed to test today.

I would really love some input...

Essentially, my only symptoms have been the following:

1. one-sided cramping at 6dpo (? implantation) Seems a little early?
2. tingly/zapping, electrical shock feelings in boobs (mild, but noticeble) at 7dpo. This sounds weird, but my breasts almost have a slight warm feeling. Very odd. I never have this normally in my luteal phase. I can't remember whether I experienced this w/ my last pregnancy.
3. Boobs feeling VERY heavy/big (not normal for me). I've had to "re-adjust" a lot lol and even change bras because things felt abnormally tight and I'm just extremely 'aware' of them. I seriously feel like I'm being pulled down by two giant bowling balls. It sort of feels like when my milk came in w/ DD and I was engorged those first few days. It's more subtle and not painful, but VERY big and heavy feeling. Visually, I don't see any changes (they don't really look bigger, my nipples seem normal and no increased veins that I can tell).
I do get pretty significant soreness (only a few days before AF), but definitely not this really full feeling and I never have breast symptoms a whole week before AF.
4. mild to moderate, intermittent cramping ever since 6dpo
5. lastly, around bedtime last night, I started feeling very nauseous. I was blessed to not experience any morning sickness w/ DD (which always made me worry that maybe my hormones weren't high enough and that I might miscarry). Thankfully, everything turned out ok. While I realize that every potential pregnancy could be different, I've always figured that maybe I'm just one of those people who don't/won't be nauseous. As such, I definitely don't look for nausea as a potential symptom. I just sort of assume that I won't experience that. I almost NEVER have an upset stomach, so I was shocked last night. The feeling was so foreign to me, that I didn't really know what to think. I just felt very sick, but not at all like food poisoning (no cramping, no urge to have a BM, etc.) It lasted a couple hours and then I finally was able to fall asleep. It really threw me off and prompted me to test this morning (despite the fact that I've been told that, for most women, nausea doesn't start this early).

So...I guess the whole point of this super long post is... IF, theoretically, implantation occured at 6dpo and then the above symptoms started after that, wouldn't the hcg be able to be detected on a FRER by 9dpo? I know 9dpo is sooo early, but if implantation also occurred early, would it make sense that a BFP would show up 3 days later at 9dpo?

If I try to think logically about it, I feel like, IF my symptoms are, in fact, caused by pregnancy, then that means that the hormone is strong enough to be causing these symptoms but yet, it apparently isn't strong enough to be detected on a relatively sensitive test. ?? I find that odd and it makes me think that I must really not be pregnant. :shrug:

SO sorry for this long post. I'm just really confused. :wacko: If anyone has any feedback that would be great!!

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