Thanks so much Preg Pilot and Sarah Lou. 13dpo today and BFN on FRER this morning.

I have never been so confused in my life. I feel so pregnant; extremely similar to how I felt at the beginning of my pregnancy w/ DD.
I didn't have vague symptoms like fatigue, heartburn, or headache, which could easily be explained by any number of things. The symptoms I had were SO distinct and
not at all what I normally experience before AF. Not only that, but they all started
after 6dpo.
I went into this TWW telling myself that symptoms mean nothing. I wasn't looking for things and I repeatedly told myself, "that's probably nothing" whenever I felt something. But as the days went on, they screamed, 'pregnancy' more and more- not AF or even normal progesterone.
DH and I originally were planning to start TTC in October, but we pushed up our timeline to September because something suddenly changed our hearts and we felt that God wanted us to start trying earlier. I just don't understand the point of it all if God knew we weren't going to get pregnant this month anyway

I find myself asking, what was the point of moving up our timeline?? Now we're just disappointed and right back where we started. It just seems pointless. I know we didn't technically lose a month, since we started TTC 1 month earlier than we originally planned, but it just doesn't make sense. Why did God tell us to try this month if it was going to be a failure anyway?? I'm trying to have faith but I'm just so confused and disappointed.
Our wedding anniversary is Sunday and I just don't feel like celebrating