Alright girls... I was bad. I totally broke down this morning and tested at 9dpo.

BFN. I know it's VERY early but I'm still bummed.
I had every intention of waiting until tomorrow morning, but then I started to feel even more symptoms yesterday, so I just had this feeling like I needed to test today.
I would really love some input...
Essentially, my only symptoms have been the following:
1. one-sided cramping at 6dpo (? implantation) Seems
a little early?
2. tingly/zapping, electrical shock feelings in boobs (mild, but noticeble) at 7dpo. This sounds weird, but my breasts almost have a slight warm feeling. Very odd. I never have this normally in my luteal phase. I can't remember whether I experienced this w/ my last pregnancy.
3. Boobs feeling VERY heavy/big (not normal for me). I've had to "re-adjust" a lot lol and even change bras because things felt abnormally tight and I'm just extremely 'aware' of them. I seriously feel like I'm being pulled down by two giant bowling balls. It sort of feels like when my milk came in w/ DD and I was engorged those first few days. It's more subtle and not painful, but VERY big and heavy feeling. Visually, I don't see any changes (they don't really look bigger, my nipples seem normal and no increased veins that I can tell).
I do get pretty significant soreness (only a few days before AF), but definitely not this really full feeling and I never have breast symptoms a whole week before AF.
4. mild to moderate, intermittent cramping ever since 6dpo
5. lastly, around bedtime last night, I started feeling very nauseous. I was blessed to not experience any morning sickness w/ DD (which always made me worry that maybe my hormones weren't high enough and that I might miscarry). Thankfully, everything turned out ok. While I realize that every potential pregnancy could be different, I've always figured that maybe I'm just one of those people who don't/won't be nauseous. As such, I definitely don't look for nausea as a potential symptom. I just sort of assume that I won't experience that. I almost NEVER have an upset stomach, so I was shocked last night. The feeling was so foreign to me, that I didn't really know what to think. I just felt very sick, but not at all like food poisoning (no cramping, no urge to have a BM, etc.) It lasted a couple hours and then I finally was able to fall asleep. It really threw me off and prompted me to test this morning (despite the fact that I've been told that, for
most women, nausea doesn't start this early).
So...I guess the whole point of this super long post is... IF, theoretically, implantation occured at 6dpo and
then the above symptoms started after that, wouldn't the hcg be able to be detected on a FRER by 9dpo? I know 9dpo is sooo early, but if implantation
also occurred early, would it make sense that a BFP would show up 3 days later at 9dpo?
If I try to think logically about it, I feel like, IF my symptoms are, in fact, caused by pregnancy, then that means that the hormone is strong enough to be causing these symptoms but yet, it apparently isn't strong enough to be detected on a relatively sensitive test. ?? I find that odd and it makes me think that I must really not be pregnant.
SO sorry for this long post. I'm just really confused.

If anyone has any feedback that would be great!!