GL, Mrs.C! It sounds like you definitely covered all your bases regardless of when you ovulated, so I'd say you have a really good chance of having caught that egg!
I'd love some feedback... I'm now considering postponing TTC for 3 months so I can lose weight. I feel really bad about my size right now.

I gained 38 lbs w/ DD (and started that pregnancy 10lbs overweight for my height). I then lost all the weight + an additional 5 lbs, so for a while I was actually 5 lbs under my pre-pregnancy weight.
However, over the last 9 months, I've gained 10 pounds back, so I now weigh MORE than I did when I started my last pregnancy, which is just devastating to me. I had every intention of starting the next pregnancy at a lower weight/lower size, and now I'm actually bigger. My BMI is about 27.5 and I feel awful.
To make matters worse, if we were to conceive within the next 3 tries, I'd be due in July, Aug, or Sept, which would mean being
really BIG during the summer.
I felt so huge w/ DD, and I really wanted to be healthier and much more active with the next pregnancy (I didn't eat horribly last time, but I didn't exercise AT ALL). I was completely sedentary and felt like a giant blob. I was weak, achy, and I had no energy or stamina. I felt so unattractive. DH really wasn't interested at all
I'm not sure if I should risk it by postponing our TTC plans. I'm afraid if I hold off for a few months and then it takes several months to get pregnant and/or if we have any m/c's then our kids could potentially be spaced further apart than we had hoped. I worry that I may regret postponing things. I'm scared that I might always wonder, "what if we had started trying sooner"
OR, I risk getting pregnant sooner and looking enormous again.

I know that the best thing for any future pregnancy/baby is to be healthy, and I don't feel that I am right now. I've been trying to eat better and have started going for short walks on most days, but I would definitely need to be a LOT more diligent with my eating and really increase my workouts in order to make real progress.
I talked to DH about it and he didn't have too much to say (as usual

). He basically said he'll do whatever I feel is best.
SO sorry for the super long post. Any advice?