Congrats, Heaven!

H&H 9 months to you
AF arrived full force overnight, so I'm officially CD1. I'm SO ready to move on to next month. I'm much less upset this time for some reason. Maybe cycle #3 will be the one. I'm trying to think positively.
I'm really going to try to focus on eating clean, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep and relaxing. I'm switching from my one daily cup of coffee to herbal tea...Healthy Cycle Tea (pre-O) and Pregnancy Tea (post-O)...from Traditional Medicinals. Lastly, I'm going to see my chiropractor next week and possibly start some acupuncture with him as well. I feel like I need a mind-body tune-up.
I invested in a conception/fertility yoga DVD, so I'm excited to start doing that as a way to workout and de-stress. I'm also happy that the holidays are coming. I actually love this time of year and Christmas music really lifts my spirits!
DD and I are going to be staying busy, which is a good thing for me. She has her toddler library groups twice a week and just started swim lessons and dance class this week! I do much better when I get out of the house each day and I plan to continue taking her for walks until it's too cold outside.
DH has been away on business this week, but he's coming home tonight.

I've missed him and I'm going to talk to him about taking a different approach from now on. Initially, my plan was not to involve him in things because I didn't want him to feel any pressure or be thinking about TTC, but all it's done is make me feel all alone. It's not really his fault, but it's made me feel unsupported and like he doesn't really care. I don't talk about TTC, so neither does he. It's as if we're not really trying. In reality, I've been silent these past two months and have bottled everything up and suffered the TWW all alone.
I think we need to change that since it's made things a little awkward when it comes time to BD. I don't want it to be that way. From now on, I think we should try to BD more in general and spend more time together.
In the end, I believe that no matter what I do, it will happen when it's meant to happen. I believe in my heart that God has a plan and He knows what's best, so I just need to have faith. I'm going to pray for strength and patience as we continue our TTC journey. I realize I don't really have control over this, but I'm trying to do what I can to be healthy, think positively, and de-stress.
So sorry for the super long post. I just needed to get all that out. I hope everyone is having a good week!