First scan

Thanks Lilesmom, starting to feel a bit more real this morning. Rock on Saturday! Woohoo! Not long now til you get to see your little bubba again! Good luck Hun. Xxxxx
it takes a bit to sink in alright, i think we prepare ourselves for bad news and r kinda shocked when it is good :) when is ur next one?
That's exactly it. We do prepare ourselves for the worst. I don't get another one for 4wks (so 12wk scan). My OB is great though. He said that if I am stressing to come in and he will hook me up to some Valium... (And pointed to the ultrasound machine). I'll try and hang out til then unless I have any unsettling symptoms. See how I go. Guessing I'm thinking like that because of seeing the HB yesterday. Give me a wk and I might think differently, lol. Xxxx
that is so good he said that, even having it as an option is reassuring :)
i booked my next scan myself privately cos i would have been over 5 weeks waiting for my next scan with the hosp and i felt it was too long :) plus my last scan was before i lost my last baby so i did feel reassured but sat will be well after lile stopped growing so i wil feel loads safer :)
ps just had a lovely thought about when i can go buy baby clothes for my very own baby. :) i have 37 nieces and nephews and 3 gran nephews so have bought shed loads as presents but this time i get to get um for me :) biggest grin on my face now :)
Wow, that is soo many nieces and nephews! How many brothers and sisters do you have? So Lile was the LO you lost? (Sorry, I think I might have missed your story) xx

If I had to wait 5weeks, I'd book an additional scan too. 2 weeks feels like a lifetime in these situations! Xxx
Isn't it like 1am where you are??
ha ha u r the second person on here to notice i was up late last nt. :)
ive gotten into a bad habit of goin to bed late and gettin up late :) must remedy it :)
my OH works late and doesnt get home till 11 at nt so if i dont spend time with him then i dont get much time with him :) except at weekends. at the mo im out of work (sick). i talked with my doc and she agreed i could stay out til after the 12 week 'danger zone'.
i have liver issues and allergy issues too, as well as being wrecked and sicky from preg :) so im glad of the rest :)
yeah lile was my first pregnancy, i was convinced she was a girl and that all would be great :) had spotting at 7.5 weeks, went for scan few days after, couldnt find hb but werent sure they said cos they couldnt see properly, i have tilted uterus and small fibroids so internal U/s doesnt work on me. they brought me back following week, still werent sure but no growth in the week , they brought me back another week later and they were sure, no lile anymore. yucky time as ye all know xxxxxxxxxxxxx
had d and e few days later at 10.5 weeks.

i had to take 3 months out cos undergoin liver tests, they decided it was fatty liver diseasea and too much antibiotics. so i decided since it wasnt the more serious things they thought it was, i would try again. i started trying on day 12 of a cycle and got my bfp 2 days before af was due, 14 days later.
i never thought it would happen so fast but i was delgihted :)
thats my story :)
how u doin today ? :)
Thanks for sharing. What a traumatic time. It's bad enough without all the uncertainty that lasts a lifetime at the time. I'm sorry you lost your LO and had to go through that.
My goodness you were lucky to get pregnant so easily! This one is going to be perfect!
Fatty liver disease.... I dont know what that entails but it sounds scary. You don't sound too concerned? What does that mean moving forward for you?
Wow, 11 brothers and sisters! That's a BiG family! Do you want a big family?

I'm doing well today. I'm tired. I just can't sleep in which really sucks. Soon as I wake that's it. I have to get up. I've had a few days off and the latest I've slept in is 6:45am. Damn. Xx
oh no its horrible when u cant sleep , i get really ratty if i dont get sleep xxx :hugs:
hope u get some proper sleep soon.
i went to my sis mediation class tonight , it was lovely, really helps u sleep, would u try get a cd r something for that??

the other options they were giving me for my liver problem were a lot more scary, the one my doc thought it was , was pbc, which ends in transplant for a third of people and has no cure, so fld is a lot better prospect :)
its easier when it has a name and if its not gone too far , its reversible , so all good :)
its getting better already, my last 2 liver blood tests had both come down a bit , so my levels r gettin better :)
i just have to avoid drink and all medicine and drugs, exercsie and eat well and i be fine :)
all things i should do anyway :)
im lucky its not the really bad liver diseases :)
i know its a big family and i like having it :) but i want one myself, maybe 2 , il see after i have one :) ha ha my LO will have loads of cousins who live close and r close in age so i wouldnt feel guilty having an only child. i wont say for definite though :)
It's cool that your sis does a meditation class. I can get off to sleep easily enough, it's when I wake up is when I can't get back to sleep.
It must have been a really scary time when you were being diagnosed. I'm glad that its not worse and that its on the improve.
You certainly have that right... Your LO will have plenty of other children to play with!

Have you heard from Kerriex? Hope she is ok. Xx
Hey ladies ! Sorry not been on for a while been so busy trying to fins somewhere to live..Me and my partner moved out or house a few weeks ago and are staying with my brother which is not very practical but hey *shrugs*..

Bubsta that is great news I am soo pleased for u!

Lilesmom sorry to read your story it is such a hard time losing a LO :( big hugs..I also caught quickly after 1st pregnancy loss..about 4/5 weeks. Wow I'm amazed how many nieces and nephews you have!!

Hope all you ladies are keeping well looking after your precious beanies :D :hugs: x x x
thanks bubsta, yeah it was alright , they lost my blood test twice so i didnt get the results of the serious one for over 6 weeks from first blood tests the asses :)
but thank god was good :)
i was prob meant to wait to get my LO cos otherwise i would have gone straight away, maybe i needed time :)
classes r so nice :)
um yeah its hard to solve that if ur waking up, but do u think u r waking up cos ur thinking a lot?
how u doin today?

hi kerrie, good luck with home hunting xxxxxxx hope u find a great one :)
Thanks Kerrie! What a busy time for you Hun! House hunting is a pain. I hope you find somewhere that you love soon! Xx

What a pain Lilesmom. I can't believe you had to wait 6wks for results! Not cool.
I don't think I'm waking because I'm thinking too much. I was determined to sleep in this morning... But when I woke up DH was out of bed... So I didn't have a prayer of getting back to sleep after that.

Well girls, I hope you have a great day/night. Xxx
im the same i dont sleep so well till OH comes to bed :)
u too enjoy ur day isnt it? :) x
Its a cruel irony that makes insomnia part of pregnancy - you would think that Mother Nature would realise we need this sleep more than ever especially BEFORE the baby comes!

Im always up early -if I sleep later than 5 im doing well - its not fun let me tell you. So far my sleeping pattern is much the same as previously - I just cant take the valerian I was taking beforehand to get me to sleep but im so tired going to bed that isnt much of a problem

:hug: to all xxxx

Mizze x
Hi ladies this seems like a nice thread :) do u mind if I join? I have an almost 3 yr old daughter and had 2 losses since, now pregnant again. I have really bad morning sickness, have done for the last 4 weeks, hot my 12 week scan on Thursday and I'm nervous!! They wouldn't let me have an early scan. Congrats to u all on seeing yr babies heartbeats :)
hi sweetie welcome, xx
fx for ur scan, its so nerve wracking isnt it. xxx best o luck

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