First time IVF Buddies

I didnt need to, my day 21 just fell awkwardly so needed to start dr the cycle before iykwim. It was mainly to suit them because we live at the other end of the country to our clinic and i needed specialist care during anaesthetic. Long story really but still did me no harm. As you can see from my signature i definitely wasnt over suppressed and actually over stimmed. My baseline afc was actually only 12 beforehand x
After a ridiculous amount of fighting, the financial situation has been resolved and I was able to go in for my baseline ultrasound and blood work this morning. Thank goodness!

Amanda, great to hear the transfer went well! Fingers crossed for you :)

By the way, how do you like the acupuncture sessions? My clinic offers them but I'm still on the fence. Did you do both the same day as transfer or was the first session before hand?
I did both on the same day. Right before transfer and right after. It was ok, a bit bizarre, but I guess I felt relaxed after? It's a strange feeling, but it's supposed to increase chances by 30% or more. I go back for another one this Friday, and then next Friday as well, then that's it until beta on the 16th
The things we do to increase our chances of success! Thanks for sharing, amanda :)
Hehe tell me about it! It's been rough financially for us as well, although the IVF procedure is covered, after all the tests, meds, procedures, intralipids and all the extras, I figure we're easily already above $6000. I know that's nothing compared to not having anything covered, and I feel very lucky that I still live in a place where it is, but yeah. I know it's horrible, but I catch myself being angry at people who get pregnant so easily. It's so unfair.
Hehe tell me about it! It's been rough financially for us as well, although the IVF procedure is covered, after all the tests, meds, procedures, intralipids and all the extras, I figure we're easily already above $6000. I know that's nothing compared to not having anything covered, and I feel very lucky that I still live in a place where it is, but yeah. I know it's horrible, but I catch myself being angry at people who get pregnant so easily. It's so unfair.

I know exactly how you feel! We are very lucky to have insurance, but there are so many out of pockets and deductibles that I'm scared to add up the bills.

Sometimes (especially when I'm all full of crazy hormones) I get mad at people who get pregnant so easily, too. But then I try to think that at least we have a chance. I keep imagining that if IVF didn't exist we wouldn't even be able to try. And then I eat some chocolate ;)
I know exactly how you feel! We are very lucky to have insurance, but there are so many out of pockets and deductibles that I'm scared to add up the bills.

Sometimes (especially when I'm all full of crazy hormones) I get mad at people who get pregnant so easily, too. But then I try to think that at least we have a chance. I keep imagining that if IVF didn't exist we wouldn't even be able to try. And then I eat some chocolate ;)

Mmmm..... Chocolate 😜
Hehe tell me about it! It's been rough financially for us as well, although the IVF procedure is covered, after all the tests, meds, procedures, intralipids and all the extras, I figure we're easily already above $6000. I know that's nothing compared to not having anything covered, and I feel very lucky that I still live in a place where it is, but yeah. I know it's horrible, but I catch myself being angry at people who get pregnant so easily. It's so unfair.

I know exactly how you feel! We are very lucky to have insurance, but there are so many out of pockets and deductibles that I'm scared to add up the bills.

Sometimes (especially when I'm all full of crazy hormones) I get mad at people who get pregnant so easily, too. But then I try to think that at least we have a chance. I keep imagining that if IVF didn't exist we wouldn't even be able to try. And then I eat some chocolate ;)

Yeah I sometimes get annoyed with people that had 0 issues conceiving, especially if they start giving me the old "just relax" advice or "think positive":dohh:

Oh don't remind me of chocolate, just bought some light chocolate with rum raisins and hazelnuts and it's so good:haha: Plus 3 bags of these small cinnamon rolls they sell here although instead of cinnamon (those are really good too though and I buy them fairly often!) it's with an almond paste and absolutely yum:happydance: I'm hoping it's not a limited Christmas thing, otherwise I'll have to stock up and DH will want to kill me :haha:

AFM nothing much going on. I haven't been having any twinges in my right ovary the last 2-3 days so hoping it's a good sign that my cyst is gone or close to it but will know for sure on Monday. Don't want to get my hopes up too much in case it's still there:wacko:

We saw 2 more houses yesterday and DH is planning on contacting his bank to see how much he can loan (since I'm a housewife I can't loan anything). He liked the more old fashioned house best and I was more into the more modern looking one:haha: We'll probably look at a few more before deciding though.
So just got back from my appointment and am now cleared to start stimming:happydance::happydance: The cyst was much, much smaller and since it's not a functional cyst (my blood work showed my hormone levels are extremely low), they're letting me start. Going to be taking 225 IU Bemfola and 0.2 ml Suprefact (to prevent Oing). DH was happy to hear the good news:flower: Guess I could've taken my MIL with me today since it was good news, I feel kinda bad now and her and my FIL are taking off for a vacation in a few days so she won't have another chance:wacko: Wow now I really feel bad about not taking her with me :(
Hey girls. Hope your all keeping well.

Zelly how you doing ? xx
Hey. I'm doing ok thanks. We apart from not sleeping at night so tired all the time and so emotional. Still not sunk in yet even after nearly 2 weeks. Think it will once had scan on 23rd and nervous hoping all will be Ok. How are you? X
I'm sure it will all be fine. Make sure you get plenty of rest and take things easy.

I'm ok just taking one day at a time and counting down the days till we can get going again. Feels like forever away xx
Hi guys!

How's everyone?

zelly, your scan will be in only 10 days! That's so exciting!

tootsi, you'll get going again before you know it ;-)

I'm still doing monitoring every couple of days but my lining is taking a bit long to thicken. We'll give the all-natural cycle 3 more days and if we don't see enough improvement we'll switch to a medicated FET.

If that's the case, I'll have to take the PIO injections instead of the suppositories. Anyone has any tips/tricks/words of advice on those? Hubby and I travel a lot for work, so I'll have to learn to do them myself. Thank you!
Cupcake, the PIO isn't so bad, but I e never had to do them myself. The fist week they were easy peasy, but now they sting and hurt quite a bit. Nothing unmanageable, and still better than the mess of suppositories, but yeah. Heating up the oil in your bra apparently makes a difference, I've only ever done it that way though so don't know how MUCH of a difference it makes.

As for me, I took a test on Wednesday, at 8dp5dt in the evening...bfn. I still felt very confident though, as everything just feels different this time. But then last night, one of my best friends called to announce that she's 11weeks pregnant after getting pregnant on her first cycle trying. And....I burst into tears and had a horrible night. She has no idea what we're going through now (she knows we were trying for over a year a couple years ago though. She was expecting me to be super excited and happy, but I just couldn't do it. I feel like a horrible friend. Now my confidence has dropped and I'm just so angry at everything. This totally sucks.
Cupcake, the PIO isn't so bad, but I e never had to do them myself. The fist week they were easy peasy, but now they sting and hurt quite a bit. Nothing unmanageable, and still better than the mess of suppositories, but yeah. Heating up the oil in your bra apparently makes a difference, I've only ever done it that way though so don't know how MUCH of a difference it makes.

As for me, I took a test on Wednesday, at 8dp5dt in the evening...bfn. I still felt very confident though, as everything just feels different this time. But then last night, one of my best friends called to announce that she's 11weeks pregnant after getting pregnant on her first cycle trying. And....I burst into tears and had a horrible night. She has no idea what we're going through now (she knows we were trying for over a year a couple years ago though. She was expecting me to be super excited and happy, but I just couldn't do it. I feel like a horrible friend. Now my confidence has dropped and I'm just so angry at everything. This totally sucks.

Hi, amanda

It is still early! There are so, so many stories of getting a bfn and then getting a positive when doing the blood test. Hang in there, ok?

Also, totally understandable to get mad. It is tough to see our friends and family members getting pregnant while we are struggling so much.

You are not a horrible friend, you are just going through a really tough time in your life. AND you are super hormonal ;-)

Please cut yourself some slack, ok? :hugs:
As for me, I took a test on Wednesday, at 8dp5dt in the evening...bfn. I still felt very confident though, as everything just feels different this time. But then last night, one of my best friends called to announce that she's 11weeks pregnant after getting pregnant on her first cycle trying. And....I burst into tears and had a horrible night. She has no idea what we're going through now (she knows we were trying for over a year a couple years ago though. She was expecting me to be super excited and happy, but I just couldn't do it. I feel like a horrible friend. Now my confidence has dropped and I'm just so angry at everything. This totally sucks.

So sorry Amanda, I think that's a natural reaction given your circumstances:hugs: She probably wasn't thinking when she just blurted it out. Maybe it slipped her mind you're LTTTC since it's been a while since you've mentioned anything? People that haven't gone through infertility just don't get it. I've learned that some are just in their own little world and don't mean to be hurtful. If you're friends with her over Facebook you may want to unfollow her though so you're not confronted with her pregnancy updates constantly and just do a e.g. weekly check of her profile when you're up to it. Hopefully you'll soon have your own great announcement to make!

AFM nothing much to report. Been having some twinges in my ovaries, especially the last 2 days, so hoping it's a good sign. Hoping to see lots of follies on Monday and seriously hoping it works the 1st time. Also will be interesting if they'll change my Bemfola dose. Still thinking ER will be just before or during next weekend but we'll see how things go.
Thanks guys! Hehe and now I'm off to a baby shower today, for a friend who's due in a couple weeks. I've found it slightly easier to deal with her, as she also went through IVF because her and her girlfriend obviously couldn't do things naturally. I've decided not to test again before that, so I can go with the idea that I'm still pregnant. Betas on Monday, and I've been emotional and very slight pms cramps. feel different than last time, but could all be the meds, and the fact that this time it's a frozen cycle.

Kat good luck on Monday! Hopefully you've got some nice follies. I'll be thinking of you!

Cupcake, hope your linking thickens! To switch to a medicated, would they just start giving you estrogen and delay transfer? On a natural cycle, would you have to take progesterone supplements at all after?

Tootsi, what's your timeline again?
Thanks guys! Hehe and now I'm off to a baby shower today, for a friend who's due in a couple weeks. I've found it slightly easier to deal with her, as she also went through IVF because her and her girlfriend obviously couldn't do things naturally. I've decided not to test again before that, so I can go with the idea that I'm still pregnant. Betas on Monday, and I've been emotional and very slight pms cramps. feel different than last time, but could all be the meds, and the fact that this time it's a frozen cycle.

Hope you have a nice time at the shower! Yeah but I would think her situation is a bit different since she didn't go through months/years of trying naturally since they of course couldn't. But I'm sure she totally gets what you're going through in relation to IVF and the feelings you're having about that.

Maybe try testing on the same morning of the beta? I know the hospital I'm going to don't recommend testing before then for numerous reasons.
Hi everyone,

This is my first post. I'm currently undergoing my first IVF cycle after three failed IUIs. My issue is low ovarian reserve (AMH of 0.57). I'm 35 years old. Everything else (for both my husband and me) looks fine. Looks like I'll get only 3 or 4 eggs. Retrieval will be in a few days.

Any success stories from women with a similar issue?

I'm trying to stay hopeful, but it's so hard!

Thank you!

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