First time moms 30 and older

I will properly reply later. I just had such an awful scary night last nbight I want to share. Melody was sitting on my lap holding my hands, and she started to do her thing where she stands and looks around. Well she started to lean toward DH and before I could stop her, her feet slipped and she fell. I couldn't grab her in time she was gripping my hands so hard, and the fall jerked her arm. I felt and heard a pop and she screamed inconsolably! After 15-20 minutes I realized this was not just a small pop and we went to the urgent care.

They close at 730, and we pulled up at 7:28. They were already locking the doors when we got there but they were amazing and let us in! I cannot thank them enough. Turns out she had "nursemaids elbow" - dislocated the elbow! The doctor on duty was uncomfortable fixing not because she's never had to do it on a kid this young. But the PA decided to try and was able to do it. Instant relief for M! They did c rays to make sure she was fully ok and sent us home. She's good now but it was terrifying. 1.5 hours of her inconsolable screaming, clearly in pain, and I spent most of it crying with her. I feel horrible. I know it was completely an accident, she's stood on my lap a thousand times like that just fine but I will be more careful now.

I'm so so glad urgent care saw us. An ER visit would have been next and could have been hours of baby in pain before we would get seen. :/

Anyway I'll read and reply later. Just had to share with someone.
How terrifying Jess!! I am glad it was an easy fix but it hurts so much when they are in pain. :hugs:
Aww Angel, what a horrible experience for all of you. I know it won't stop you doing it, but don't beat yourself up about it, it wasn't your fault. She will forget about it loooong before you do!
Welcome fleur. It's nice to have you. It seems our los are similar in age that's pretty cool.
Angel I can totally picture that. I have had a couple experiences with dd that are hair raising. One time at about Ms age I had her on a changing table. I knew she could pull herself up but I didn't realize how quick it could happen. I turned around and went to get some lotion or something and she pulled herself off the table and fell on the floor a good 2 ft down and narrowly missed a trash can on the floor. This last winter dd followed me into the laundry room and put her finger into the door jam at which point I promptly closed her finger in the door. She lost the whole nail and was bleeding from the nail bed for a couple days. It's hard to not feel like a shitty parent when things like that happen but like fleur said you will remember this longer than she will and truth be told there will be more instances in the future. Try to forgive yourself and just know that everything will be fine and melody won't be any worse for wear. I'm so sorry this happened to you just know I've been there and done that and you will get through it
Angel - so sorry this happened but it was an accident and as everyone else has said she will forget about it long before you do - sadly with little people this will be the first of many falls :dohh: :hugs:
So my daughters new favorite pastime is drawing all over mommy. As I type this I am covered head to toe in pen. And day before yesterday dd picked up the phrase uh oh😍. Not sure if I count that as a word or if it's just a sound. Also dd absolutely refuses to use the potty. I've walked into my kitchen to see logs 💩on the floor twice and more time than I can count there have been wet spots on the floor when she's nakey butt...... I guess she's not really ready yet.
Angel I hope melody is doing better and I hope you are doing well as well. Big internet hugs going your way :hugs:
Melody is doing well, no sign of any problems from her dislocation! I was so worried, I'm glad she's doing well. 3 nights this week I've been able to lay her down for bed awake and she actually puts herself to sleep within 30 minutes (without crying, just babbling a little). :happydance: Of course last night she was having none of it, but 3 nights is an improvement! :D

I can't wait, only a few more weeks of work and then we are free! Going to enjoy my nice long weekend and try to get some gardening if I can. My flower beds are a nightmare!

To all the new people: Welcome!!

Cutestuff - love hte pics! Rosie is adorable! I'm so sorry about the nightmares! I hope things calm down so you both can get some sleep. 12 hour car ride to a reunion sounds rough BUT if you haven't seen the family in such a long time and may not see them again for a long time I would try to make it work. Depends though on how Rosie handles car rides. Melody screams the whole time (3 hours of screaming when we went to visit my MIL!) so I would have to really think hard about it. But if you take breaks it might not be too bad.

Krissie - Yay for the positive OPK! I know that you've had a lot of fertility issues, so it's not anything certain but it's great that you actually may O!

dread - I'm with you! I had my first at 31, and most of my high school classmates have kids much much older than mine. I have one HS Friend with a 1 year old, but the rest had kids in their early 20s. My daughter is going to be 5 months in a week or so. Congrats on the second pregnancy, but WOW I can't imagine being pregnant again right now with Melody being so much work! :wacko: Props to you! I want to have another soon so I don't hit the dreaded "35" high risk age bracket but I also want to let myself recover a little longer.

Welcome Fleur! Thanks! She is doing great now, but it was very scary at the time.

Cutestuff - Ooh! that door jam story just made my stomach drop! Poor girl! I can imagine you felt awful! :hugs: You are all right, I am beating myself up more than anyone else and Melody really is fine now, happy and playing. It just scared me so much.

As for your dd, I'm :rofl: at you finding poop on the floor, even though I know I wouldn't be laughing if (when!) I'm in that position. Good luck with that!
Cute- yea she doesn't sound ready to potty train yet. She's still little though. I'm hoping to train ds this summer. He is displaying many of the classic readiness signs.

Angel- I'm glad lo is doing well. Fx she keeps up the going to sleep on her own.

Afm, I did o! And I am 2 dpo. Af is due June 6th so we'll see how it turns out. So far this cycle has just been weird so who knows.
Angel yea it's pretty funny especially cause it's jut these big ol turds and so far they've been easy to clean up. I'm sure it won't be so cute when it's diareah or something. Or if she mushes it in the carpet. You should prepare yourself for poo in the tub at least once. I've seen it twice its awesome to have an unexpected floater it was totally a conspiracy....
Glad melody is okay and you will beat yourself up for a while but that is normal. I'm jealous about the sleeping we woke 6 times last night and it's getting harder to get her down. Yay 3 weeks left till summer.
Krissie yea she's still young but I read for little girls they just don't wear diapers for 3 months unless it's nap time or bed time so I thought summer would be perfect considering it's dress weather. Yay for o
Afm I'm expecting af this weekend but heres hoping I won't have too many more.
How is everyone doing? It's been awhile! I'm finally done with school for the summer! So glad to be done grading final exams! Ugh.

Melody is doing well, eating food a couple times a day and LOVES it. She's rolling both ways now all over the place and even sitting for up to a couple minutes unassisted. I'm so amazed at how fast she's growing! It will be nice to be home with her for the summer for a couple months. <3

Hope everyone else is doing well!
How is everyone doing? It's been awhile! I'm finally done with school for the summer! So glad to be done grading final exams! Ugh.

Melody is doing well, eating food a couple times a day and LOVES it. She's rolling both ways now all over the place and even sitting for up to a couple minutes unassisted. I'm so amazed at how fast she's growing! It will be nice to be home with her for the summer for a couple months. <3

Hope everyone else is doing well!

Crazy how quick times flies. We are currently on baby watch now. Already dilated 1.5cm and 50% effaced... Nursery is done and we are just enjoying our last few weeks of just dh and me.
Hi Angel and Garl... long time... Glad things are progressing well for you Garl... I had to be induced so I dont have any experience being actively on the look out for labor.. I hope things go fast for you and you will soon be snuggling your LO...
Angel it sounds like Melody has grown a lot and gotten past her elbow thing.. Thats great news..
I hope everyone else is doing well..

AFM I just got back on Monday from my trip. My DD traveled a lot better than I expected and for the trip up we only tacked on an additional hour for a 13 hour car drive and the trip back was exactly 12. I downloaded this game from Pink Fong called ABC phonics and she absolutely loves it and spent most of her time watching the game.... so nice. I had a more difficult time with my mom and sister trying to take over on the parenting and in some cases straight dismissing me or ignoring the fact I was there... I cant really even have a conversation with them about boundaries concerning this without it turning into world war 10 and a lot of accusations and hurt feelings and then my DH gets pissed with me because it looks like Im the dick trying to have these conversations... like Im trying to start a problem so I dont really know what to do. We are no longer taking precautions but we are also not being intimate during my fertile period so I think we went from preventing to NTNP and will probably go to TTC later this year if Im not already pregnant though I have a feeling I will be.
Any who DD is babbling up a storm and while she is not actively speaking she has 5 words she says consistently with 25 we have heard and she has started pointing at things asking this?? for a name... so stinking cute.
Oh man, I am so dead. Melody has been so fussy, and not sleeping at night, for the past few days. We think she's teething. She'll be sitting here just fine and suddenly look at us and start crying. When I give her something cold to chew on she starts gnawing on it like crazy, and seems to stop crying/fussing with that and/or orajel. Soooo pretty sure that's part of the problem. It's just killing me. I need sleep! So glad I'm at least on summer break for this. I wouldn't have made it to work this week otherwise. Last night I got only a couple hours of sleep total.

Cutestuff - Yes, Melody has gotten past the elbow thing. She recovered really quickly from that, and now is working on moving around. She sits really well on her own, and is trying to crawl. She'll get her knees under her and rock back and forth but just can't quite get moving yet.

Sounds like you had a good trip! That's great that she traveled well! Melody screams for the entire car ride, so when we go on longer trips it's so unnerving (and awful). I'm hoping she'll outgrow it. Do you have to worry about car sickness with your DD? Or is she fine to just play on a tablet or watch movies?

I can't believe your mom and sister were trying to take over parenting. Ugh, seriously!? I really hate it when people do that, but it's worse when it's your own family.

Good luck with NTNP/TTC!! When do you think you'll actively start TTC? I know you said later this year, I was just wondering if you guys have a set time or just whenever?
Hi angel. Melody is about 5 or 6 months right??? She might start scooting around soon. Rosie was about that age when she started backward scooting. As for her sleep and screaming I wish I had advise. My thought would be she is going through a sleep regression phase to a point where you might consider changing her routine or introduce real solids. Maybe she's hungry on top of teething. Popsicles are amazing they let baby eat and cool gums too. 6 months or so lots change for baby. I hate to say it but that's when Rosie started sleeping like shit too. She went from one or two times up to every few hours up. Cosleeping\ bedsharing has been the best thing cause she's right there and doesn't fully wake so I get more sleep too. Car sickness has never been a concern but she does cough and\or cry to a point if vomiting at times and did so on our way back... Not fun. No set time table for ttc or anything just would like to at least be pregnant by this time next year. No rush. I know I can get and stay pregnant so that's been a relief it's just a what will be will be situation. Its a different process with #2 than Rosie. I never really went super obsessive but now I find I don't really even think about my cycle. I know if I did more tracking I would get pregnant but I'm still breastfeeding and I want more of an age difference. It would be my last baby so I want to enjoy the experience.
Hi ladies! May I join you? I am 33 and my husband is 36, and our baby girl just turned a year old two weeks ago (seriously where does the time go?!) We will be trying for number 2 in about a year.

I honestly couldn't be happier that we started later in life. I was in no way shape or form responsible in my 20s, and we are now in a stable place that makes for a much better environment for kids. I did have some issues TTC. It took us a year and a half to conceive, and believe or not I am one of those "got pregnant as soon as I made an appointment with a fertility specialist" stories! (But please don't tell me "see?! All you had to do was relax!" because I might throat punch you :rofl:)
So quick update.. 39 Weeks tomorrow and so far I'm still 1.5cm dilated and 50-60% effaced. Little girl must be very comfortable... I'm so ready to meet her. I started using the ab ball at home bouncing on it.. I really don't want to be induced but unfortunately that might be the case if this little chick doesn't do something soon...

We finally got me a new (new to me) car that is much more reliable then my old one. My old car is a Nissan Xterra with 200k miles on it and the reverse didn't always work. I now have a BMW x3 and I'm so much happier with it. I finally feel safe driving around again.
Welcome hollyness. Time flies so quick. Its hard for me to even remember being pregnant much less figure out the hurricane that has replaced my daughter. We would love to have you and its awesome you didn't need additional help while TTC. With me it was a total of 10 months with dd and dh and I are 3 months (maybe ish) into ntnp but its weird cause having been pregnant and having our daughter I'm much more relaxed and whatever about it. I would imagine when you try for #2 it will be a hugely different experience.
Garl I agree waiting is no fun and its good you have a new car. I wouldn't wish on anyone labor and delivery with a car that's unsafe. I would suggest getting any last minute things done and get as much rest as possible. Its hard to sleep in hospitals and babies often like to boycott sleep. As for induction I was induced with dd. Its honestly not bad. They check you in and for me they broke my water and gave me pitocin to start labor. Within 4hours I was already 6 cent. Dialated and got my epidural....highly recommend that. It was the best thing for both my and dds health so even though I know I would have liked natural labor better I knew and got to choose when I would go into labor so I could get all those last minute things done. I hope you get your natural progression but if not induction for me was a great experience.
AFM my dd is now closer to 2 than one and seems to be enjoying life right now. She's learned high fives and fist bumps and she also opens books or grabs papers with writing and "reads" them which is all jibberish to me but she is the light of my life
Hello, I'm logging in after so long. Keep meaning to though! Hope all the mommies and babies are doing well.

cutestuff, my son is 20 months and I'm loving this age <3 Your little girl seems to love books already, so cute about her reading.

Hollyness, good to see you! The TTC after 30 thread started by you was where I first dipped my toes into forums, I was a bit sad when it went off the rails after a while... cutestuff was also on that thread! Happy birthday to your baby girl, one already, wow! What did you do for her birthday?

Gagrlinpitt, great about the car! Hope you won't have to be induced! I don't think I was dilated at all 2 days before giving birth, he was born at 39+2 so you never know.
Hi Fleur!! I did very much enjoy that thread! I just felt it got usurped a bit, so I backed off. It was so great to talk to other girls who were going through similar things! I see your LO is 1 now too! We had a big party with friends and family. It was so much fun! How about you?

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