lol fair enough
Sorry everyone else was giving opinions maybe because mines different I shouldnt post at all. Seems fair and all dosnt it. So many in here said they where ff and are not fat I say I am and I get it.Sigh.
I was formula fed and i am fat so is everyone I know that was formula fed.
I was formula fed and i am fat so is everyone I know that was formula fed.
Do you go around asking fat people if they are FF or BF then cause i certainly don't think just cause you're fat that you must have been FF, i assume fat people are fat because they have a very poor diet and don't exercise
It does state that BF'ing can help to later prevent obesity. I've read lots of info on benefits of BF'ing and that was one that was medically studied.
I was formula fed and have had weight issues my whole life...but I'm not really blaming it on being FF either. There were a lot of contributing factors to my weight issues. I haven't really gone into depth on FF, so I don't know much about it causing weight gain etc..
No sweetie of course not.I think if you carry on giving formula as a drink 3/4 times a day alongside 3 meals a day, then yeah baby/child has a good chance of being overweight as the calorie intake will be massive.
max has 3 meals a day and 3 bottles of formula, so he's gonna be overweight?
this is why i worry because theres no guidelines about amounts when it comes to weaning!
also, i purposely put this in the FF section not baby club so we wouldnt have the bf vs ff argument. so plz dont turn it into a debate that gets deleted. to tell me that bf will reduce the chance of obesity for my child is a bit silly i think considering he is already ff and is nearly 6 months old (just didnt find that very helpful thats all)
This was also a study about calorie and vitamin enriched formula versus standard formula (not breast milk). So to say 'formula milk can make your child obese by the age of 5' is not a fair headline. It should be 'enriched formula could make your baby obese etc'. As the finding suggested that babies feed standard formula would not see this much of a rise. So the headline is unfair and might worry some mothers. The research is also not comparing breast fed babies to formula fed babies so it is an unfair comparison to then bring up breast fed babies as this was not what the original study was about. All in all a poorly worded article but then what do you expect from the Daily Mail?
Seriously is there any need for a row?I was formula fed and i am fat so is everyone I know that was formula fed.
Do you go around asking fat people if they are FF or BF then cause i certainly don't think just cause you're fat that you must have been FF, i assume fat people are fat because they have a very poor diet and don't exercise
No just so happens people inform me when they find out I dont formula feed that they where formula fed. My diet wasnt great when I was a child either my mum though pizza and chips was a great dinner but I was a slim child just not now. There are other factors in it to I dont see why poeple should leap on me because I am fat and formula fed where as others are saying they arnt.
Hmm I kind of agree with you there.Actually, I think it makes sense that FF use can be an indicator of future obesity. All anecdotes aside (and I'm an FF mom), people who are more overly concerned with nutrition may be less likely to choose formula or formula supplementation for their children vs breast milk. Those mothers can carry those values out throughout childhood affecting future obesity risk. It's not much different than economic or social factors affecting future obesity. There ARE general trends affecting future obesity *risk* that we can't ignore, no matter if so-and-so was skinny but FF or fat but BF.
Anyways I don't care, my son will be active, we model healthy habits. That has a far greater impact.
I used to think this too, but also you have hungrier babies, and they just want more. I demand feed my LO, but she just so happens to have a very small appetite, so she's not overweight at all. She's actually below average. They say that fatter babies are overfed, but have you ever tried to force feed a baby? I have, when my LO was "supposed" to be on 35oz per day (according to the formula pack) and was only taking 15oz. Force feeding isn't a pretty sight, and TBH you're impressive if you can make a baby eat when they don't want to. I never managed to get more than an ounce in her if she didn't want it, so I don't think it's possible to feed a baby unless they want it.I wouldn't worry about it at all - in my opinion its the parents that make the children overweight and not the formula.
I assume they are talking about formulas like hungrier baby formula