Seriously is there any need for a row?I was formula fed and i am fat so is everyone I know that was formula fed.
Do you go around asking fat people if they are FF or BF then cause i certainly don't think just cause you're fat that you must have been FF, i assume fat people are fat because they have a very poor diet and don't exercise
No just so happens people inform me when they find out I dont formula feed that they where formula fed. My diet wasnt great when I was a child either my mum though pizza and chips was a great dinner but I was a slim child just not now. There are other factors in it to I dont see why poeple should leap on me because I am fat and formula fed where as others are saying they arnt.
BF or FF you are always gonna get fat babies/kids/adult?
I certainly don't think that FF plants a "fat" gene, but I could be wrong.
Your going to be fat if you eat crap 9/10 times (although some people are thin as rakes and can eat anything)
You are going to be thin if you eat salad and go running.
Again this should not turn into a BF v's FF debate.
Nope dont need a row just want to be able to say what I want equally. Some think it does effect some dont end of, for me anyway.