Maisiemoo - thanks for that link, very informative. Saved me wading through the entire study myself
My HV actually said to me at one point that if I had been able to keep BF'ing my LO, I might have had to consider formula top-ups anyway. Even being on formula (with some EBM for a little while), she went off the bottom of the growth charts for a while
I think people are continually forgetting 2 points in this thread though. First is that this study is talking about specific "high energy formula" which has up to 43% more protein and 12% more "energy" (calories?) than "normal" formula. I don't even know if that is hungry baby milk, it's more like a special formula for children who really need their calorific intake boosted, isn't it?
The second is that babies are on milk for such a short time, really. I can't remember who it was (sorry) but someone said that they were FF and fat, but went on to say that they had a crap diet as a child and were being fed pizza etc etc. Well surely the crap diet as a toddler/small child had more impact than being on formula!
As for not over-feeding a BF baby, what about when they are comfort sucking? Or when babies of older than a year (just an example) are still wanting to feed through the night, again for the comfort of it, and because they like the taste? I know BM is easily broken down, but that's still calories which, arguably, they don't "need".
Rather than this being about FF vs BF, it should be about "when my baby is weaning/weaned, what healthy foods can I give him/her, and how can I encourage exercise"! As those are two of the main factors contributing to obesity, from where I'm sitting