formula making babies fat?

I was formula fed and i am fat so is everyone I know that was formula fed.

Do you go around asking fat people if they are FF or BF then:shrug: cause i certainly don't think just cause you're fat that you must have been FF, i assume fat people are fat because they have a very poor diet and don't exercise

No just so happens people inform me when they find out I dont formula feed that they where formula fed. My diet wasnt great when I was a child either my mum though pizza and chips was a great dinner but I was a slim child just not now. There are other factors in it to I dont see why poeple should leap on me because I am fat and formula fed where as others are saying they arnt.
Seriously is there any need for a row?

BF or FF you are always gonna get fat babies/kids/adult?
I certainly don't think that FF plants a "fat" gene, but I could be wrong.

Your going to be fat if you eat crap 9/10 times (although some people are thin as rakes and can eat anything:growlmad:)

You are going to be thin if you eat salad and go running.

Again this should not turn into a BF v's FF debate.

Nope dont need a row just want to be able to say what I want equally. Some think it does effect some dont end of, for me anyway.
I'm not sure what qualifies as an enriched formula, but it sounds like it's slightly different than the standard formula many of us are using? Just because you have more fat cells doesn't mean you are or will be fat, but it does make it more likely for you to gain weight easier. Genetics will also play a huge part in this.
I think I read that there are only certain times in your life when your body actively produces fat cells and so the fewer you have the easier it is to keep weight off. When people gain and lose weight at other times its simply the cells they have storing more or less fat (not new ones being made/lost, if that makes sense). I can see where a study showing 5 year olds having more fat cells than their counterparts who were BF or non enriched FF would be a cause for concern.
I think if you carry on giving formula as a drink 3/4 times a day alongside 3 meals a day, then yeah baby/child has a good chance of being overweight as the calorie intake will be massive.

max has 3 meals a day and 3 bottles of formula, so he's gonna be overweight?

this is why i worry because theres no guidelines about amounts when it comes to weaning!

also, i purposely put this in the FF section not baby club so we wouldnt have the bf vs ff argument. so plz dont turn it into a debate that gets deleted. to tell me that bf will reduce the chance of obesity for my child is a bit silly i think considering he is already ff and is nearly 6 months old (just didnt find that very helpful thats all)
No sweetie of course not.
at 6 months etc.. yes they still need that, that is the guidlines, I guess I was thinking more of "proper meals" not baby type meals.
does that make sense?
I'm thinking more along the 1+ mark when they don't need milk for their food, but have really proper meals, you know the full meat and 2 veg thing with mash and yorkshire puds.

thanks for the reassurance!

in our case max has 3 meals and 3 8 oz bottles, but he NEVER stops moving! io guess i dont really need to worry. but thanks for all the input girls! :flower:
Helena was mainly FF and is mega skinny (but really tall, she is in size 3-4 stuff and just turned 2). Most kids I know that are BF are larger.

I really think it has to do with genes, caloric intake vs. outake.
I agre I think it has a lot to do with the person. Their motabolism, their gene pool etc there is so many contributing factors that you have to consider.

I have seen really big BF babies and really small FF babies and vice versa. Weight is about a healthy lifestyle and other contributing factors
Nooooo Mandy! The statement is ridiculous IMO and gets tiresome.

My two have always been skinny minnies, actually I was gutted because I love chubby babies lol Caitlin is 2-3 tops 18-24 bottoms Megan is just going into 18-24 tops but isn't long in her 12-18 jeans :dohh:

My Aunt BF her children 1 is very over weight!

My cousin formula fed both her daughters now 8 and 13, both are skinny as, the eldest does nothing but eat!

I was BF for a short period and then formula fed I was skinny up until I was 20 I actually tried putting on weight, biting me in the backside now I've had 2 kids :lol:

OH was exclusively breastfed and hes not small :winkwink:
Don't stress out about this too much. Keep in mind that many, many mothers have used formula without complaint.:)
I was FF and look a the size of me :wacko:

There are too many contributing factors to obesity to blame it on one single thing, let alone formula
I was formula fed and i am fat so is everyone I know that was formula fed.


I was FF, as were my sisters and we are all size UK size 10, do you class that as fat???

What a silly thing to say!!
I haven't read the whole thread, but imo it's over feeding that makes babies fat, not formula. My LO was FF and she has never once been overweight
please can we not turn this into an argument :flower:

sorry just had to defend what I said there, just mean me and some others. My other half is like a stick and eats like a pig and he was formula fed. Seems to be some are fat and some are thin.

wish I was a size 10 again :cry:
Also I have never gone above a UK size 8 in my life and I was FF ;) When I was in Year 11 (so 16) I was wearing age 11-12 pants. I'm currently a UK size 4/6....
Me and all my siblings and cousins etc were all FF and none of us are fat... well my dad and uncle, but that's too many pies and beers !! xx
i agree that it's not formula that makes babies fat but overfeeding them with formula.

i went to a baby group with a friend this year. there were 14 babies in the group. all of them except 1 were normal weight. 1 baby was very chunky and he was the only breastfed baby there!
I was formula fed and i am fat so is everyone I know that was formula fed.


I was FF, as were my sisters and we are all size UK size 10, do you class that as fat???

What a silly thing to say!!

No , where did you get size 10 was fat from? weird.

Sorry, I just gathered from your post that you are insinuating people who are FF are in the main, fat!

Hope I'm not putting my big fat foot in here but what I got from Dragonfly was that in saying 'I was ff and I'm fat' she is pointing out how futile that kind of argument is. It's a little like me trying to refute that too many doughnuts might be linked to obesity by posting that my mum eats ten doughnuts a day and is a size 6. Kwim??

Disclaimer: I am absolutely not comparing doughnuts to formula.
yeah just so many are not fat who where formula fed, well i am fat and formula fed and so are a lot I know and I also know skinny poeple who are formula fed. Kinda futile is right.

I swear everything my other half eats goes to my hips. but then he has chrons so is skinny.

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