Forum Request - Over 35+ Who have conceived

Yes i had loads i was so convinced my af was coming even when 6 days late & knowing i was PG... its just normal your body getting ready again for baby. Know what you mean id forgot everything with my other 3 pregnancies :haha:

Will admit it was more tiring after 30wks, but luckily korben arrived 11 days early & labour was amazing wasnt as painful as i remember with other 3. You'll be totally fine sweetie honest :hugs:

Its still very early days af not due till Wed this week, tested fri cos my boobies looked different and had white discharge for over a week.

I had a section with my last but that was 11 years ago, hoping that i'll be able to have a natural delivery all being well.

How did you cope with space? We're all yours still at home? My 11 year old boy has the box room, my daughter has the middle room. Gonna have to jiggle things about. Small things worry me, must be my hormones! lol :flower:;20716;29/st/20110729/dt/5/k/9776/preg.png
Im sure if your pregnancy is running smoothly they be no reason why you wont be allowed to have a natural birth.

Eldest lad is in the Army so not at home other 2 at college, think im lucky being all boys, but 7mth old still in our room, after xmas may more one of the lads into front lounge & can put youngest in his own room.

Think you will just have to wait till you know what sex your baby is then other sibling will have to share, but if you have no room thats only suggestion that would work x
Im 38 and just found Im pregnant, its worrying me to death aswell as mine are girl 15 and boy 11.

I've not even told my Mum yet! Im still scared to tell her at 38! xx;20716;29/st/20110729/dt/5/k/9776/preg.png

lol im scared to tell my mum too!!! she will not be happy. i have had conversations with her in the past about me wanting another and how i feel as though ive missed out doing it again. she didnt take it very well. she is of the belief that one is fact her exact words to me were 'we are having no more babies..I have want I want in my grandson, oh no it aint happening and if it did I wont have any feelings for it'

I love my mum to pieces but really dreading telling her and to be honest cant get excited about being pregnant cos this is really preying on my mind.

sorry for ranting on
CONGRATS TO ALL THE BFP'S!!!:happydance:

I'm 37 and my DH is 48..
just found out i'm pregnant again with my 5th baby!!:thumbup: thats in 5yrs!!! age really hasn't affected me and DH!!!!:thumbup:
sadly i lost my last baby, but feeling hopefull this time FX!!!:flower:
Im 38 and just found Im pregnant, its worrying me to death aswell as mine are girl 15 and boy 11.

I've not even told my Mum yet! Im still scared to tell her at 38! xx;20716;29/st/20110729/dt/5/k/9776/preg.png

lol im scared to tell my mum too!!! she will not be happy. i have had conversations with her in the past about me wanting another and how i feel as though ive missed out doing it again. she didnt take it very well. she is of the belief that one is fact her exact words to me were 'we are having no more babies..I have want I want in my grandson, oh no it aint happening and if it did I wont have any feelings for it'

I love my mum to pieces but really dreading telling her and to be honest cant get excited about being pregnant cos this is really preying on my mind.

sorry for ranting on

lol Your mum sounds incredibly like mine!

When is you due date? Mine is 29th July.May be we could be buddies on here ?

We'll have to let each other know how we went on with our scarey mums hey? lol :hugs:

I think im due somewhere between 25th and 27 july....Hey great I offically have a bump buddie !!!!!!

When are you telling her?? I really think I need to get it over with cos its starting to get me down...and im not happy being pregnant because of it!!! I want to shout it from the roof tops but then I panic...all cos of mum!!! FFS im 37 lol
Hi all

I havent read all the threads so apologies if the thread has moved on but some hope for you all - I am 37 and conceived first month of trying - with twins!!!!!!! I carried intil 37+4 when they induced me and STILL no stretch marks. I have never felt better and couldnt have done this ten or fifteen years ago.

sooooo I am proof that skin and body CAN cope with anything even at the grand old age of 36 lol

baby dust to all - I will read the whole thread when I get a minute (about 18 years time then lol) xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Congrats sassylou!

Just goes to show dont beleive everything you read!

As long as we are healthy and look after ourselves anything is possible.

So may people have said 38 isn't too old! I even appologised for my age when booking in for my first antenatal appointment! She wanted to book me in at 8.45 and I said I cant do that early got to get my kids to school. She said which primary school do they go to? I said no they go to high school! I'm 38 sorry! She laughed and said thats not old at all!

I'm so worried about the space! We live in a three bed house. My son is in the box room he is 11 and my daughter has the bigger room she is 15 and taking her exams.

When baby is born he/she is going in with us for first 6 months or so but how do I work rooms out with ages of kids?? Any suggestions. My only idea is to put my son in my daughters room and he can share with the baby regardless of sex of the new baby. Do you think this would be ok??? My head is all over the place at mo, my oh said im worrying about things I should't be thinking about at mo.Think all of us women run on overtime with silly worries dont we? xxxx;20716;29/st/20110729/dt/5/k/9776/preg.png


We have exactly same problem with space. But I'm a believer that things will always work themselves out. Not helpful I know, but best I can do.
Im 38 and just found Im pregnant, its worrying me to death aswell as mine are girl 15 and boy 11.

I've not even told my Mum yet! Im still scared to tell her at 38! xx;20716;29/st/20110729/dt/5/k/9776/preg.png

I was 39 in September and my boys are 21, 11 and 9, but to be honest when I told them I was pregnant in July (ended in MC) they were all so thrilled and excited that we realised that another child would be a really positive addition to our family.

And just like you I was scared to tell my mum, she was non too impressed and said 'what are you thinking of at your age'. I ended up telling her it wasn't her worry as I never ask her to have my kids so it wouldn't affect her :dohh:. She never said another word. We're now waiting to find out if everything is ok on our 12 wk scan before we tell her. I can't wait:haha:
Wow, do I love this thread!! I'm Darcy, and a newbie.. my very first post. I have three boys, 8, 5 & 3. I have wanted #4 for quite some time, and all of a sudden my husband is on board (as of 2 days ago!). OMG, I am soooooo freaking excited I can barely contain myself!! Like more excited than when we were TTC for #1, I think!!

My first son took about 5 months to conceive, but I was very irregular, my second son was conceived on the second month, and then my third son was a surprise (bd one time and he 'withdrew'). I'm so very hopeful it happens quick this time too, as my DH has some very cold feet, and I'm afraid he's going to change his mind on me if he's allowed to dwell on it for long!!

I'm 35 years old, DH is 45 years old. He also has a 20-year old daughter.. I can understand his reservations for trying for baby #5 (#4 to me) with that said. I can't believe he is (somewhat) on board with me now.. Well, he's on board enough that we're trying :)

I'm so glad I found this forum and thread!! Oh, and we are like right at ovulation time right now. I believe I am going to ovulate, maybe on day 17.. I'm on day 12 now. I haven't temped, but I've been having 29 or 31 day cycles.

I look forward to getting to know every one!


Blessed3x - Good Luck! Looking forward to the name change :winkwink:
I think im due somewhere between 25th and 27 july....Hey great I offically have a bump buddie !!!!!!

When are you telling her?? I really think I need to get it over with cos its starting to get me down...and im not happy being pregnant because of it!!! I want to shout it from the roof tops but then I panic...all cos of mum!!! FFS im 37 lol

Well I did it! last night while I was at work by text! not a good idea I know but cowards way out. I just said sit down mum and read this text, Im pregnant and I dont want you to worry. We will be fine. Love you xxx. She text back "absoloutely flabergasted". Then I get a text saying I get enough stress with my 11 and 15 year old and what am I thinking of. She said she'd appreciated more if Id of told her instead of text so after work last night we went round.

Basically she is worried im gonna be left on my own with 3 kids and my oh just reasured her its not gonna happen and he absolutely adores me and loves me to bits. She said good cos I like you! We were a bit gobsmacked! shes did say dont look at me for babysitting and when you go back to work dont look at me, I said I never ask you to help with the kids now and I wont start asking now. She said about my age and complications then went on to say why couldnt you wait a bit longer before you decided to have a baby together! I pulled her up on what she said and said exactly my age wont wait for noone. Im 38 and not 18 so dont speak to me like Im a kid.

I never depend on my Mum unlike my sister so in my defence thats a good thing.

Just go for it and get the thing over with and start enjoying your good news just like I did.:thumbup:

By the way I'm due 29th July!

Good luck, let me know how you go on, sorry for the novel! lol xxx:hugs:;20716;32/st/20110729/dt/5/k/fae6/preg.png
Well said mum38of2 :thumbup: families who'd have them sometimes ey :haha: pleased you have got it out of the way!!! Im hopefully going to see her tonight. She has been away for a couple of days but I think she is due back today. Im so nervous about it. My mom will probably say the same things to me. Especally as my ex husband left me with a 2 year old 10 years ago. But as I have said we cant go through life not doing things for the fear of what might happen!!!

I really hope I get to tell her today..Its spoiling the whole thing for me..I want to be excited and scream it from the roof tops but then my heart sinks!! My partner is going with me and Im gonna do it when my Mums partner is there. I know he will back me up. OOOOOh I so miss my dad right now. Wish I could talk to him, he would make it alright.

Please think about me tonight!! lol lets hope I get to tell her. Ive not told my 12 yead old yet either, been waiting till Ive told mum. Im not sure how he is going to take it. Its gonna be a shock im sure. Part of me feels guilty cos he is so use to being on his own having all the attention off everyone...OMG now Im blubbering...What am I doing??

Im gonna stop rambling now cos im boring myself lol

Ill keep you posted and well done Mum38of2 im proud of ya x x x
37andtrying.... Dont worry I will defo be thinking of ya!

Even if she doesn't like it its tough! Plus you'll feel tonnes better knowing you've got it out in the open.

Just imagine if she'd of found out off someone other than you, then she would moan.

Dont worry about telling your 12 year old son. My daughter knew we was trying as she is 15 and is now VERY excited. My son is 11 and all he keeps sayin is it better be a boy!

Kids take things on better than us and he will be over the moon im sure of it!

Once you've got your Mum told you can relax and enjoy being pregnant. After all thats what we've been desperately trying to do and now we are soooooo lucky, just remember that!

Love to you and Im wishing you all the luck in the world for today.

Hello ladies,

I have posted here a while ago. Just want to let all the preggo ladies know that I am excited for you. I hope to join you soon. I am 38 and when I get preggo it will be my 3rd and hubby's first. I had a TR (tubal reversal) in October. I have not told many people because they all say stupid things about my age. :brat: I am aware of my age and the pros and cons.

Sending :dust: to those like me ttc and praying that the preggo ladies have a good health 9months that will bring them a beautiful healthy baby. :hugs:
Evening ladies :)

I got a faint line on an IC today ladies :happydance: not getting too excited just yet, going to test again tomorrow i'll be 11dpo then :happydance: but if i am ive got to thank the Soy Isoflavones 1st cycle on it x
Hello Ladies,

Well since I am the one who started this thread I think it would be best to share my news with all of you here.... I'm Pregnant! Yup that’s right ME I'm Pregnant. I will be 36 in Dec and I like you have been TTC for a while now.

Here is my story (I'll keep it brief)

AF was due Oct 22nd, felt the symptoms of AF but she didn’t come for a visit. Oct 28 tried a CB pee test at home and the test came back negative. Nov 4th whet to the doc, also had a pee test which came back negative. Nov 5th, went for a blood test, it came back negative. Nov 11th I was back at the doctors again, this time the pee test came back positive. I went home and took another pee test on Nov 11th that came back positive. Nov 15th had a blood test and that came back positive too. So here we are….after weeks of confusion the doctors has come to the conclusion that were having a baby.

So girls explain that...either I got pregnant like I was suppose to, during my week of ovulation back in October and the doctors couldn’t detect it or I got Pregnant sometime on or after Nov 5th when I was no where near my ovulation time. The doctor called today told me that I am really early on in my pregnancy and don’t know how far along I am so I need to go for an ultra sound. Kinda weird...thought I would share.

Hopefully this story is one of inspiration and faith. I hope it picks up everyone spirits and provides some positivity.

I wish all of you the best of luck; hopefully everyone’s dreams, wishes and prayers will soon come true. We are all on this journey together. My wish now is to have everyone else cross the finish line.

Best of Luck!
Evening ladies :)

I got a faint line on an IC today ladies :happydance: not getting too excited just yet, going to test again tomorrow i'll be 11dpo then :happydance: but if i am ive got to thank the Soy Isoflavones 1st cycle on it x

Poppy666 - Best of Luck! I hope you get positive news tomorrow!
Keep us posted!
Destiny thats an amazing story and must of been so frustrating being stuck in limbo, but a fantastic ending, congratultions and have a happy & healthy 9mths :hugs:

Will keep you posted thanks x
Hello Ladies,

Well since I am the one who started this thread I think it would be best to share my news with all of you here.... I'm Pregnant! Yup that’s right ME I'm Pregnant. I will be 36 in Dec and I like you have been TTC for a while now.

Here is my story (I'll keep it brief)

AF was due Oct 22nd, felt the symptoms of AF but she didn’t come for a visit. Oct 28 tried a CB pee test at home and the test came back negative. Nov 4th whet to the doc, also had a pee test which came back negative. Nov 5th, went for a blood test, it came back negative. Nov 11th I was back at the doctors again, this time the pee test came back positive. I went home and took another pee test on Nov 11th that came back positive. Nov 15th had a blood test and that came back positive too. So here we are….after weeks of confusion the doctors has come to the conclusion that were having a baby.

So girls explain that...either I got pregnant like I was suppose to, during my week of ovulation back in October and the doctors couldn’t detect it or I got Pregnant sometime on or after Nov 5th when I was no where near my ovulation time. The doctor called today told me that I am really early on in my pregnancy and don’t know how far along I am so I need to go for an ultra sound. Kinda weird...thought I would share.

Hopefully this story is one of inspiration and faith. I hope it picks up everyone spirits and provides some positivity.

I wish all of you the best of luck; hopefully everyone’s dreams, wishes and prayers will soon come true. We are all on this journey together. My wish now is to have everyone else cross the finish line.

Best of Luck!

Congratulations that's fantastic news, made even better as you started this great thread!!! :yipee::yipee::wohoo:

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