Yes i had loads i was so convinced my af was coming even when 6 days late & knowing i was PG... its just normal your body getting ready again for baby. Know what you mean id forgot everything with my other 3 pregnancies
Will admit it was more tiring after 30wks, but luckily korben arrived 11 days early & labour was amazing wasnt as painful as i remember with other 3. You'll be totally fine sweetie honest
Its still very early days af not due till Wed this week, tested fri cos my boobies looked different and had white discharge for over a week.
I had a section with my last but that was 11 years ago, hoping that i'll be able to have a natural delivery all being well.
How did you cope with space? We're all yours still at home? My 11 year old boy has the box room, my daughter has the middle room. Gonna have to jiggle things about. Small things worry me, must be my hormones! lol;20716;29/st/20110729/dt/5/k/9776/preg.png