From Assisted Conception to...Babies!!!

Bumpsparkle are you still having bad ms? X
Good luck beneath :) xx

3chords, its a worry isnt it but like you ive still got my nausea and tiredness and my nausea has carried on after the spotting so hopefully it's nothing, when is your scan?

My next scan isn't until next Tuesday (April 7). I've had 2 so far - at 6w0d and 7w5d. So the next one will be at 9w5d. I am 8w4d today! At the moment I'm down with bronchitis and sinusitis which is pretty bad when nearly nothing is safe to take during pregnancy. :(
When did morning sickneas get worse for you girls? I had a cannoli last night about a half hour before bed and it just didnt sit well with me. I was nauseous and felt like throwing up all night and still feel like that this morning. I dont even want to get out of bed.
Ooh sorry 3chords forgot you already had scans, not long til the next one then :)
Sorry your feeling ill, it's horrible when you can't take anything, I think all my cold etc has finally gone, hope yours does soon xx

Beneath, mine was yesterday 6w4d, was awful, managed to eat 2 crackers and a little orange all day and a small amount of dry veg in the evening, had to force it all though, today has been better but still feel nauseous and cant drink tea ot coffee anymore xx
Hi, sorry for short and sweet reply but still really suffering with ms. Struggling to keep any food down and feeling quite weak.

Beneath, mine started suddenly at 5 weeks 6 days and I spend all day in bed / on sofa or hugging the loo. Gp has prescribed some anti sickness tabs but said try basic methods first, like nibbling snacking through the day, ginger and sweet drinks. I'm so sick of ginger in biscuits now! :( Will be thinking of you at your scan this afternoon x
BMW - I felt very slight nausea at 5w2d. From 5w4d on it has been constant and unrelenting, every single day. Still here today, I woke up naively thinking I felt ok, was fine until 10:30 and then it hit again.
Bump, sorry for your crazy MS. I think Faith posted not too long ago that eating Avocados help. Also Vitamins B6 suppose to help too. If it's too big, cut it in half. I hope you'll feel better soon Bump.

BMW and Star, my MS took a sharp climb at 6 weeks. So, congrats for the MS milestone ladies :D.

Last weekend, I felt so much better in term of MS. I still felt nauseated, especially after eating. But, I was able to move around more without feeling nauseated. So there is hope ladies! 13'll get better in 13 weeks. I know it sounds so far away but hang in there. Just keep in mind that MS is a good thing. That means baby is growing!! That's what keep me going without any meds at all for the past 6 weeks. But Bump, you do what you need to do in term of MS. Yours sound really bad.

3chords, sorry to hear you are sick. Have you tried using netty pot for your sinusitis? I am not sure that will help though. The Breath Strip is pretty awesome also if you have problem breathing. It is not medicated at all and it definitely helps me w/ sleeping when I had my cold.

BMW, a few more hours!!
I had mild nausea until 14 weeks with DS, but never puked. So, while ms is a good sign, lack of ms doesn't mean you are out.

I currently have only occasional mild nausea. And lightheadedness.
Mine isn't too bad today, still felt it hthis morning and not right now but a lot better than yesterday, just have no appetite whatsoever now

Bump, sounds awful, really hope it passes for you soon, not long til your scan xx
Hi ILT - I love my neti pot! I've used it for years, it's amazing with a sinus infection or with being super stuffed up. I do it several times a day. Was a bit weird the first time but I figured it out pretty quickly. Amazing how much snot comes out when you're done, haha.

The old wives tale about MS is that boys = easier pregnancies and girls = terrible MS. Obviously just an old wives tale but the funny thing is that both DH and I thought from the very first day that we are having a girl. We'll see if it pans out!
Oh the joy!! Ive been laying down all morning and the anxiety isnt helping either!! I need to get up soon to get ready for my appt. hope this is just a sign baby is thriving!!
Okay. So I dont know really where this pregnancy stands at this point. We know its not tubal, but now suspect its a blighted ovum because the sac in my uterus was empty. Retested beta and my beta today was 4,450, which doctor said isnt bad for six weeks, but he would have at least liked to have seen a yolk sac in the gestational sac. Going back in at 7 weeks for another ultrasound.. Here goes another tortorous week.
Great news it's not tubal and that your beta is increasing. It means there's still hope! Is it maybe just too early to see anything? I've read on internet about lots if women who see nothing at first scan but after a week or so can see baby and heartbeat.
Sorry you didn't get the news you were expecting BMW :hugs:. Hopefully next week is a better u/s.
Being in limbo is torture. I'm going to be honest, Beneath. This sounds a lot like what happened with my miscarriage. At the 7w ultrasound, they finally called it a failed pregnancy. No yolk sac or fetal pole. I hope you are among the small fraction that has a miracle, but if not, at least you know that you don't have an implantation problem. These just may not have been the right embryos :hugs:

I don't know if that makes this limbo week better or worse, but I hope it doesn't make it worse. I remember thinking, "I guess you can be a little bit pregnant after all." :nope:
I so hope this week goes quick for you BMW!

Ladies I'm still very troubled by my lack of symptoms!! No sore bb, no ms, just occasionally get that sick feeling but not sure if I'm just hungry as I can eat my way through it! Do have heartburn but that could be because I'm on nightshift. Still getting quite sharp pains in my right side, if this was ectopic would I be feeling more than the odd sharp pain by now??
I so hope this week goes quick for you BMW!

Ladies I'm still very troubled by my lack of symptoms!! No sore bb, no ms, just occasionally get that sick feeling but not sure if I'm just hungry as I can eat my way through it! Do have heartburn but that could be because I'm on nightshift. Still getting quite sharp pains in my right side, if this was ectopic would I be feeling more than the odd sharp pain by now??

I'm not an expert on ectopics, but I do think you'd have a lot more pain by now. I think you're in good shape. Do you have an u/s scheduled?

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