From Assisted Conception to...Babies!!!

Faith: I have a Doppler. Had a heck of a time finding the hb with DS. Would find it about half the time and cry the other half. Until he was big enough that I could regularly feel him kick. Then, I would just lie on my back and roll around until he woke up and started kicking!
So, some people believe that a higher fetal heart rate means it's a girl. With DS, at 8w2d, it was 167. This baby was 184 at 8w3d. I hope that means it's a girl!

What were your LO's heart rates around the same time?
Happy 9 weeks star25!

I will get a pregnancy pillow for sure - we have a king sized bed so plenty of room. DH has a non-pregnancy pillow he likes to hug at night, I think it's a remnant of childhood so now I will have mine to match.

I am off on business for the next couple of days, so mini-me will enjoy his/her third flight (we flew to Jamaica and back at 4-5 weeks). My nausea has been manageable for the last 4 days or so, and I went off the Diclectin yesterday only to discover that was a big mistake as I went to bed feeling awful. Back on today! Our appt with the OB is in exactly a week, so I am looking forward to that.

My DH has been great, he's done basically all the housework minus the cooking while I was feeling so awful and he walked the dog too. He is an economist working for a major international bank so he is very good about budgeting, etc. Surprisingly he told me he had no budget for the baby, that I could get what I wanted. Ha! Then again when you've already spent $40K+ in a year on this, what's a few more. I always laugh when somebody who got pregnant on the first try complains about how expensive babies are...
Faith, good luck on the genetic tests! I have amniocentisis in a week or so. After that, no more tests hopefully beside glucose and the regular tests. I actually don't have a doppler. I was thinking of getting one but since there were two babies it'd be hard for me to figure out if I got the HBs for both babies. Plus, with doctor's appt every 2 weeks and I can feel the babies moving, I am not that worry. I am still thinking about pregnancy pillow. At first I wanted the U shape one so it covers everything. But, I heard that you can get pretty hot with that. My temp is pretty high already and I haven't been sleeping with a blanket for weeks. So, I am going to wait and see if I need it. Plus, our current bed is a bit small so if I buy a big pillow DH will have to sleep on the floor hahahahaha. I still go to the bathroom 3 - 4 times/night, which sucks because it makes me tired. I think of it as baby training time hahahaha.

Star, yea..I think it's hard for male to relate to pregnancy. My DH has been faithfully rubbing my belly with oil for the past couple of weeks. He went from afraid of touching my belly to asking me if I need my belly oiled :D. Told him anytime he wants to I am always up for belly oiling as long as he doesn't make my belly looks like body builder on competition! :D. It's hard to figure out what I could do to involve DH in the pregnancy since the babies are not kicking/moving hard yet. So only I can feel them. I figure this is one way for him to connect to me and babies. Plus, it feels nice to have someone rub your belly! Seriously...try it :D. Don't get offended if DH freak out though. One day I asked him to push harder on my belly and feel that hard surface? That's my uterus where babies is. Well..he freaked out! hahahahaha. But, he still oil my belly every night :). Happy 9 weeks Star!!

First, the babies HBs are pretty high and u/s lady said they are girls. Hopefully we can find out on Monday and I'll let you know whether or not that HB detection is true.

3chords, 1 more week and hopefully your MS will decrease. I still have MS at night but not as bad anymore. Yayyy for no budget!! Are you going anywhere fun?
3C: So true about the f*&kers (that's what I'm going to call them bc that's all it took!) complaining about costs!

All: I've never had a pregnancy pillow. Planned on getting one, but ended up just using regular pillows.

As for DH involvement, at this point, I really need help with DS when I'm not feeling well. After my first bleed on a Friday, he had to watch DS Sat and Sun. Normally, I do a lot of the childcare. It was exhausting for DH, esp since he had to bring me food and stuff too. We actually tried to get the sitter to come that Sunday, but she was in church.

But these are good problems to have, one wonderful toddler and another baby on the way :thumbup:
Thank u ladies, 9 weeks already eek! I think my nausea and tiredness is getting better though still have to be picky about what I feel like eating

I dont think I'll get a Doppler as would worry too much, thr midwife said whenever I needed reassurance to ring them and they will listen to the heartbeat, they might regret saying that!
First!!!! LOL! Loving the nickname :D. Wish we could just do what they do to reproduce :D. Are you still bleeding/spotting continously?

Star, that's a cool midwife you have :D.
First!!!! LOL! Loving the nickname :D. Wish we could just do what they do to reproduce :D. Are you still bleeding/spotting continously?

Star, that's a cool midwife you have :D.

Bleeding has paused, but it will be back. The pool of blood in my uterus is about half the size it was originally.
I'm so excited were all going to have babies this Christmas, every year I say to myself "next year I want to either be pregnant or have a baby" and this year I actually will!!
I'm so excited were all going to have babies this Christmas, every year I say to myself "next year I want to either be pregnant or have a baby" and this year I actually will!!
Amen to that star. Amen to that :flower:
Faith: I have a Doppler. Had a heck of a time finding the hb with DS. Would find it about half the time and cry the other half. Until he was big enough that I could regularly feel him kick. Then, I would just lie on my back and roll around until he woke up and started kicking!

Thanks for sharing First. Part of me wishes I didn't get one now (my cousin advised me to get one) because my two are not in the same spot everyday. They move around quite a bit. I've also read that frequent scanning is not good so I'll stick to two checks a week.
Hey ladies. How's everyone?

Anyone thought of names? Every one that I suggest DH says no to and the same the other way round. Bought a baby name book but jeez it's full of rubbish!!
Aaahh names. Girls are much easier than boys for sure. We've picked girls' name and their initial will be M & M :). 1 is for sure going to be Meredith Mariana and the other one may be Madeline Maya. We have nothing for boys!

Anyone else's nipples on fire? Mine have been hurting and itching for the past few days and they are driving me nuts!
Lovely names ilt, I'm finding girls names hard, for a boy we like Noah Raymond, Raymond after my dad, for girls we dont agree, I did like sophia, summer, Scarlett and freya but dh doesnt like them
We did both like everly hope but ive gone off everly as it would end up been shortened and I'm not keen on eve, definitely love hope for a middle name though

Ilt, my nipples are ok at the moment, I'll be interested to see if my boobs still hurt after I stop progesterone next weds
Those are lovely names star and ilt. I'm stumped on boys names cos' the names I like (xavier and Christoff), I wouldn't give to my boys. For girls I like Arianne, Alicia and Olivia.

How's everyone doing? I'm about to head off for acupuncture.
Thanks Ladies.

Star, we like Noah! That's one of the names we are thinking of and Oliver. Ohh but we got middle names for the boys...Richard (my husband's dad's name) and Alexander.

Faith, I like Olivia. At the beginning, not so much but I think it starts to grow on me now :D. I like the boys name, why don't you want them for yours?

Picking names is so hard. You want them to be a bit unique but not too Apple lol.

Well, I spoke too soon regarding spotting. I had a smear. Every Thursday there is always something. I am thinking that the babies are growing every Thursday or Wednesday night. Last night, I was so hot. Burning hot to the point that (sorry for the TMI) I had to sleep naked. I didn't cool down until around 3 AM. So, didn't have a good night sleep. Now, I am sleepy but have work to do.

Have fun at the acupunture appt Faith! I want to go for a prenatal massage. Just need to find a place that I like.
Ahh ilt, hope you can have an early night tonight and get a goods night sleep
Madeline was a name I suggested to dh but cant remember what he said, I agree with names, I would like a unique one but not too strange, I like Olivia too xx
We have not thought of any boys names as we are convinced it is a girl (so that means it's probably a boy). We definitely don't want a top 10 or top 20 name but also not something totally weird/unusual. We both really like Calla, which is not typical but doesn't sound too new age. Other ones we've thought of are Aria, Hannah, Naomi, Scarlett and Cara.

I'm a bit freaked out because another woman here on a different thread just had a miscarriage - measured totally on target until 9 weeks, HB of 180 and then at 10 weeks no HB. That's so shocking to me that I'm feeling very paranoid again!
Also, ILT forgot to say I love the names and an oooold friend of mine from high school has 2 daughters - Meredith and Madeline. :) Middle names are different, can't remember Meredith's but Madeline's is Julia.
3chords, I think MS at 10 weeks is not as common as you think. We just see it more because there are a bunch of us pregos. Try not to worry (I know it's hard to do). It was hard for me to be on the first tri page because so many women got BFP then MS. I have to keep reminding myself that it's not that common on certain situation.

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