I actually felt good for Cersei getting her revenge with the wildfire

and as bad as it sounds, I'm glad that the Shame woman (can't remember her name!) is being treated to a taste of her own medicine, although much more extreme I suppose!
Tommen mehhhhh. Whatever lol. Same with Marjorie.
Arya...wow!! Loved that she finally ticked walder Frey off her list. Wasn't expecting that at all.
Glad dany is finally crossing over to westeros...its about time. Its been dragged out far too long.
Tower of joy...expected. But great viewing even though it was predictable.
Jon Snow, king of the north! Great, well deserved. Lady Mormont stole the scene as usual though
Varys....please explain!?!? Who's side is he on?! I'm so confused. And how did he travel to Dorne and back so quickly to make it onto Dany's ship??!