General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Dobs,I would not be too concerned about not enough weight gain over a few weeks at his age. They slow down and by the quick pace of his appointments his growth spurts don't keep up. It's normal.
As for ex: what a POS!
Results are in, I have mono again. They are freaking me put now because they want me to see specialists to further investigate why I've gotten it again...but it's been nearly 14 years since the last time I've had it and that just doesn't seem to warrant concern to me. Idk. I am probably going to refuse though, especially since my insurance may not cover it since it's technically pre existing. I just want to be done with this!

Cb did you cave and test any more yet?
Mono sucks. I had it when I was 17 and oh I was miserable. In fact my pediatrician didn’t think I had it and my mom had to demand that I be tested cause my cousin had it at the same time and we had been hanging out and sharing sonic drinks before she came down with it. Literally slept all day for over 5 weeks no school etc.

I didn’t kno that you weren’t supposed to be able to get it again after getting it once.... i wouldn’t go to the specialist either though. I would save my $$. Besides what good would it do to go?
Not sure, I guess if I have some underlying problem that has made me susceptible to reinfection...idk. I'm going to talk to my PA SIL later and get her opinion. She's been helping me through this whole thing.
I have been away for an eon I know I know:blush:
Much drama with mom as usual, legal headaches etc etc
Another time.
Just wanted to say I am still around, and alive :rofl:
Charted for Sh*T last few months, minimal effort, and NO BD at all Jan and Feb cycles bleh:roll:
But I am back in the full swing TTC crazies this cycle ...Cycle forty frickin six:growlmad: Sooo, hoping I can still pull a :bunny: outta this 44 year old Ute hehe
Anyhoo....cirtcumstances have me being a roomie to ex hubs for the last few weeks, and maybe 2-3 more, so he is gonna be my donor ATM:shhh:
I think he's hoping for reconciliation, but [-X
I was hopeful, but everyday he stresses something stupid and starts a debate grrrr
Also we have 2 BDs in over the last couple days, both "outside" finishes...the first I doubt anything made it in, but it was cd8 so no matter, then we had another this morn, with a finish in my hand technically LMAO, but I scooped it into a softcup with preseed and inserted it
Annnnnd it wouldn't be a JLM moment without spillage :rofl:
I spilt some but most went in <sigh>
I may try again tonight, since temp dropped this morning into the 96 range when it def shoulda been in mid to high 97 range given my temp time.

So here's a rundown of my supps for this cycle
(keep in mind being AMA and the Mad Scientist here- I def upped the supplement dosages after reading many studies)
1- Black Cohosh 40mg capsx5 = 200mg/day thru cd 14
2- Guaifenesin 400mg tabs x 6 = 2400mg/day thru confirmed O
3- Aspirin 81mg daily
4- Prenatal Vit daily
5- Iron Supplement daily
6- Folic Acid 800mcg daily

Daily Totals below ( I am upping them greatly since nearly 4 years at reg supp levels has not helped)

prenatal-800mcg(100% preg),folic supp- 2-400mcg(200% norm daily)
=1200mcg=400% norm daily/200% preg daily,

IRON- prenatal-28mg(156% preg), Iron supp-45mg(250% normal daily)

BCOMPLEX-totals = B1-236%, B2-205%, B6-204%, B12-135%

*VITC 200% by prenatal (for Iron absorb)
I was told when I got mono you absolutely can catch it again it&#8217;s like the flu with different strains, and they said it&#8217;s not too uncommon to catch it again. But idk in any case mono sucks :(

Ummmm blah lost train of thought they are taking us early
Tex I'm sorry abot your temp dropping some more :(

Dobby, please don't try to compare. I know it's hard not to. Her size has so much to d with her genes. I'm like 5'9" or maybe 5'8". I'm no stick figure either. Wide hips. DH is 6'4" and has a big, sticky farmboy build. Between the both of us we gonna have big babies. Also, there isn't anything wrong with fortifying or supplementing.

I hope ex doesn't do that to As hair :( also thats disgusting he is racist to hisown son. Grrrrrr!!!!

Is he eating evertime he wakes in the night? Could be a growth spurt. I hope his appt went well.

CB, it would be like a "reset" button to try if a cycle failed :rofl:

Shae I agree. Before and after pics.

Gigs, oh no. I hope there isn't some immunologic issue. I feel like if there was you'd have other problems than mono 16 years apart. This isn't really in my realm of expertise though.

Oh and we tried 18 months for V. Granted I had 6 months to regulate after bcp. It made ttc difficult the first 6 months.

Alright next page
J, ahhh!!!!! So excited to see you back. I was thinking of taking baby aspirin, but I'm undecided. I'll need to research a bit more. I'm sorry you aren't able to work things out with ex hubs.

You will have to try to stay in touch more. Okay?
Yes I am def back, took a break as Ive got so much going on, but def carving out time to keep up with you Ladies again!<3<3
I am taking the low dose ASA for blood pressure, since I stopped my Rx meds, trying other methods and so far so good:thumbup:
I have quite a few bills racked up being out of work the last several months, but as soon as I can afford the $80 again with shipping I plan to give the Clomid another go.

Dobs I haven't read far back at all, but enuff to see you are having trouble with yer ex :hugs: sorry Baby Daddy drama is the pits!!
Make sure you document EVERYTHING for the legal battles.
Just my 2 cents, but seems to me all his bitching about A and shirking duties appts etc in the past will weigh against him looking so good in court...

Gigsey Sorry you are feeling bad:hugs:

CB so sorry to see you had a loss, but I am def rooting for you to have a beautiful 3rd kiddo!
And I agree with Dobbers....if he flies without a Cape he is well aware of the possible "side effects" thereafter :winkwink: lol

Still catching up....will take me a year lol, but to those reading Harry Potter again, I too have started since I never read the series BUT I am reading them in SPANISH to practice language skillz:haha:
Exhub and I found the first 4 books for $3ea at a local used book shop, even tho these are brand new. Me thinks some parent hoped their kiddo would read them but never did :shrug:
Regardless, they are exactly the language level I can handle in Spanish
J!!!! Welcome back!!! Sorry you&#8217;ve been dealing with drama. I hope your new supplement cocktail works for you! Did ex-hubs ever get his sperm tested?

I will work on those before and after pics. I have a before pic but even with a makeup app I look crappy in it lol
Thx! I hope the supp cocktail works too. I'm not sure if ex hubs got tested or not other than being told the lump in the testicle was nothing concerning ( very small, n cancer etc).
I'm not discussing TTC stuff with him, just doing my thing on my side.
He's a big boy, and knows how the bird and bees work. He's not taking precautions, and knows I never attended to use BC again in life, so it is what it is.
He's got finance issues still, but I'm good, so I am not at all concerned if I finally get my late life baby finally as far as support etc.
I only don't see us having a relationship as far as he speaks constantly about doing xyz type investing for "us" and "our future" but hasn't made a peep to discuss "what" we are relationshipwise right now, nor has he mentioned remarrying etc, and sorry but I def don't plan to be together calling each other "ex husband and wife" still.
I'm just doing my thing right now, and he's happy I'm here for support, friendship, affection blah blah:ignore:
I'm not seeing us remarried at this point, and the roomie situation is strictly temporary.
Okay so in the before pic I hadn’t brushed my hair and wasn’t smiling so it’s kinda crappy but I can’t exactly go back and take a new one lol. Anyway, here goes nothing:

Look at that sweet young face!! You look GREAT Shae
J, that's pretty cool about reading HP in spanish. Also, hope your cocktail of supps work.

I decided against baby aspirin at the present.

I'm glad you are doing better financially. Ex hubs was so irresponsible. I seriously couldn't deal.

Shae oh it looks so good!!
Fluek no doubt on his financial irresponsibility! He's STILL spending like he was then if not worse, and trying to convince me to get into coin investing/selling with him:roll: his newest A.D.D. endeavor <sigh>
I have NO intention of placing myself in a legal situation to be tied to his debt building ways, nor half thought out business plans.
It has been a daily battle to get him to listen to reason when approaching silver/coins as a biz. He asks me to help, or for opinions then immed begins debating with me:trouble:
He also has never done online selling, which I have done for years, and everytime I give him pointers or tips he debates, or doesn't listen, then messes up a buy/sale argghh! NO WAY am I getn into that lol!!
The latest craziness is his exGF - teacher's assist he broke his own rule with and started dating - got him roped into a lawsuit with the school, which has put him on admin leave w/o pay! THAT's why I am here being supportive and trying to help him out, as he is helping me too, but OMG WTF lol???
He's likely to lose his teaching cert for quite a while if not permanently!
And thus his new biz ideas - which might I add will eat up ALL his retirement he is cashing out :dohh:
Thank goodness he is able to make $ driving for Uber and Lyft...
That aside, I am handling my own biz to move fwd, and just munching on popcorn :munch:in the front row watching the Trainwreck that Engineer ex hubs is heading down the track into:shock:
J welcome back! Do you worry that because he so clearly wants back in ghat he might try to use your baby as a way to weasel back in there permanently?

Shae I agree so youthful and pretty! Are the pics the same? I feel like a guy r_r. It looks the same color wise

Ummmmmm I forgot what else again lol so back to me A definitely needs a helmet so he gets fitted in a couple weeks
Dobs to me Shae's After pic took me a 2nd look to notice too :blush:
But she deffo has a more uniform color IMO in the after pic. Heck she could have a lime green mohawk and stil look like a Disney Princess hehe

I am not really concerned about exhubs trying to use the kiddo if it happens.
Fact of the matter is dude has zero family- I'm it, and he's well aware I have exes...plural....since he bailed out ( I was a busy girl :blush: lol)
Not really like THAT, I just refuse to put my search for Mr Right on hold, and honestly I wasn't even speaking to exhub anymore till he contacted me a month ago apologizing profusely.
Now that he's going thru his life drama, he can relate to what I was going thru feeling like my world was spinning outta my control.

Anyhoo, even if TTC works this go roound, I won't say anything to him till all genetic tests are done, and he's stuck in his lease in this county till August, and I will be heading back to my county in a cpl weeks, so there's gonna be ample distance unless I decide to head his way:thumbup:

He def would wanna be involved, and I would never prevent that, but honestly he had less than 2 yrs with his only son 30+ years ago due to his ex wife running off with his son, and wasn't overly aggressive then to force co parenting...
Diff time I know- but I make my own sched, he is the 9-5 type with wknds driving to help pay off over 100k in student loans, so I would be the main caretaker anyhoo.

On a side note- I'm on netflix watching "The Little Death" - about 4 couples struggling to have great sex lives/orgasms, and OMG the couple TTC is so funny with their sex approach...
Her hubby asks "How's your cervical mucus?" as they undress like robots for sex:rofl: too true
Lol i&#8217;m Just so bad with details like it needs to be bright green for me haha tbh I just thought it was the lighting oh man

Kk good i&#8217;m Just all court shy cuz this sucks ass I wouldn&#8217;t wish it on anybody and pft f* that you were broken up you do you!

And lol wtf is on Netflix?! Omg if I ever have free time maybe i&#8217;ll Watch lol how&#8217;s your cm
Omg can you imagine a steamy ttc novel

Cassandra laid her hand on the table with a coy smile, leaving behind an invitation for her husband. Antonio put his newspaper down out of curiosity before springing to his feet and bounding after her, driven mad by the sight of that deep, dark pink test line signaling that it was time. ((I could keep going but idk if i&#8217;m Breaking forum rules so i&#8217;m Just gonna stfu now lol))
:rofl: OMFG Dobs YOU sooooo have to be a TTC steamy novel writer now:rofl:
This movie has me laughing so hard! Each cpl is finding some odd ass turn on to make their sex life do a 180 lol

I get the whole court drama issue- been going thru it with DS's a-hole dad since 2012, and will liely continue till lil boy can speak up in court to stay with me primarily...

My cm is watery the last cpl days thx to mega dose of guaifenesin.
The last many months it hasn't been getting better than thin creamy, which is why i added the Guai again this round
My man goo scoop into a softcup with preseed was well timed, so FX! Especially since he's likely to be out ubering late, and we won't :sex: tonight.
Also hoping for a temp rise in a.m.
Funny enough, I upped the B cohosh ALOT this round, but no nasty O pains:shrug:
but I don't usually get them anyway

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