General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

:coffee: waiting for update/scan pics

Cb mine is tomorrow morning

Kit i love that you're thinking about keeping it a secret! Dobs idea about a gender reveal party that is also a twin reveal sounds fun, too.
"13 weeks. Go to a mirror and open your mouth as big as you can. Your baby is the size of your lips."
I saw the tech get measurements of 7+3, but they are going by lmp which is 7+5. My new due date is March 9th :thumbup: heartbeat was 150. V's was 151 I believe. I will catch up later. Going to try to have V take a nap and nap myself.


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What's beautiful little blob flu!!!!!

Selfish post sorry:
Started my period this morning. This miserable (it's what I expected so I'm not really complaining, maybe a little lol) but what I am a little concerned about is I leaked through a tampon in one hour, then another in 2 hours (which is the earliest could check because I wasn't home and had the boys). I just put another in and I'll check it in an hour to see. But if I go through another I'll be calling the nurse line. I expected heavy, but not this heavy! Cramps are also miserable. But it's fine.

As for the blood pressure- it was great again! So he cut my dose in half again! I'm down to half a pill once a day. I'm a week I'll email him and see if I need to do another check or I can just get off the meds. They have to do it really slow because it can cause really high BP if taken off too fast. Which is why he keeps reducing vs taking me off.

One last thing, my Ob/gyn said to wait one cycle before ttc but I think I'm going to start now. Lol

Sorry for the selfish post.
Fluek yay! Congrats on your little bub! Eeee love that stage

Green yikes yeah I was told soaking a maxi in 1-2 hours for like 5-6 hours is time to call the nurse. Hopefully it slows down. I think mine was like that. Right as I was ready to call the nurse it started slowing. Sorry about the cramps :(

Great news about the bp!

And welcome back to the ttc train!
Haha yeaaaah jump straight back on the ttc wagon MrsG yay!! Fab news on low bp :)

Gigs your Ticker updates crack me up lol!! 13 wks woop!!!

Awwwww Flueks lovely gummy bear scan, <3
Gigs good idea on the triforce! Bahaha we are kind of bad and like that reference of people thinking of the bra shop. It was intentional :haha:

I'm looking forward to your scan tomorrow :)

Oh and I want ice cream now cause of your ticker ;)

CB thank you!! So is your scan Monday? I'm sorry you get a bit nervous. I was a tad as well, hoping I wouldn't find out some abnormality that could be life threatening.

Need hehe about your doggy.

Kitty omg that would be the ultimate suprise!

Dobby I have a VS umbrella :rofl: good to know you only threw up 2x with A. Hope I'm cooking a boy, but I'm happy with a girl too. There will definitely be some disappointment at first though.

That's terrible you have to dress a certain way to try to ensure peoole don't treat you as a shoplifter due to your skin color. I'm sorry dear.

Intetesting on the fertility education. Definitely more than what I recall.

Greenie thank you! I'm happy I can see super tiny hand/arms and feet/legs.

Holy moly! I would call your dr about that intense bleeding.

Oh and happy to hear about your bp meds cut in half once a day.

Glad once the bleeding is over you are on ttc wagon :)

Dobby thank you, I didn't like it as much with V as she didn't even look like a gummy bear. Amazing how much difference a few days make.

CB thank you!! I love it this time :)

Alright I'm sending this before it times out.
So I can't get back to desktop mode on my phone to add photo of our board. I'll try later.

I'm feeling pretty confident again. The tech asked if I wanted to try abdominal or just do transvaginal. Opted for tv because with V i freaked out a bit when we didn't see her. I saw the flicker beforeshe pointed it out as I knew what to look for. She didn't say what the heart rate was at first so I asked if dr would tell me. She then told me 150 so I felt better.

I asked the midwife if there was a subchorionic hematoma as with Vthey said I had a small "implantation bleed". I do not and she confirmed that IB was really a sch. So I'm happy to not worry about that.

I only get the 2 scans but I'll probably get another at end if 2nd tri. They are working on authorization for makena shots which will be weekly starting 14 to 16 weeks. I'm not high risk to them either, but may change as things progress.
Sounds like great news and awesome to have a game plan :thumbup: lovely blob <3

I'm getting increasingly nervous for tomorrow! I know bub is still growing (bump is quite prominent now, especially laying down) but worried about any bad news.

I'm starting to really feel like this one is another boy. I'm glad we picked out a name we really like because that helps me wrap my head around another boy. I'm flip flopping on my preference again :haha:

Green sounds like my first postpartum bleed :shock: hope it's normal and no cause for concern. Yay for bp being good!!!

Getting my blue crabs tonight :happydance:
Hope u manage to get a good nights sleep Gigs, im sure scan & bubba will be completely great :)

Flueks what are Makena shots? Ah Nualas 7wk scan was high hb aswell.. not saying its a girl of course lol, my scan is next Tuesday at 9am :)
Gah it&#8217;s 11.22pm and there&#8217;s thunder and lightening, Evie keeps stirring with every crack of thunder :cry: I&#8217;m already knackered and she&#8217;s going to be awake all night
Ahh noooo... will she not settle with cuddles with you hun?

We havent heard any thunder/lightning as of yet.. supposedly tonight though :-/
Ahh noooo... will she not settle with cuddles with you hun?

We havent heard any thunder/lightning as of yet.. supposedly tonight though :-/

She never settles with me (or anyone) cuddles are VERY rare these days, I just have to leave her to settle herself, if I go in she cries harder! I can calm her for 2 seconds then she thinks it’s up time and will start trying to wriggle away from me, she’s too independent! The only cuddles I get are boob cuddles and even then it’s 2 minutes then she wants to be off again! I hope it’s just a phase as I really miss the cuddles, unfortunately nothing to be done tonight I just have to hope it doesn’t mess up her pattern too much!
Gigs thank you. I had a list of questions and she was going to talk about most of them anyways :rofl: I'm such a type A. She said my insurance should cover the shits since I have that history. I've read they can cost as much as $800 per shot. So really hoping my insurance does well. I'm on a copay plan now rather than high deductible so here's hoping.

I'm sorry you are worried, it's so hard not to be. I really think it'll be great news tomorrow though.

I find your wavering gender preference interesting. When is your early scan again??

Enjoy the crab!!

CB they are progesterone injections used to prevent preterm labor. I asked if cost was too high if I could do supoositories, but she said they aren't really effective for ptl and is used for 1st tri recurrent mc due to low progesterone. Which I knew that part from bnb, but wasn't sure about PTL.

Hehe we shall see in 12 weeks if pink or blue. Roll on Tuesday!!

Kitty sorry about the storm. V slept through an awful one Friday night. She's having a hard time sleeping today. It's been a rough day. Thank goodness for energy from excitement of scan.

Also V isn't a cuddler anymore. I do miss it some, but glad she's curious and "independent". Hope E falls back to sleep soon.
Hey ladies! Memory is terrible so I can&#8217;t remember if I commented at all while on vacation or not. I&#8217;ve been reading along throughout either way. Can&#8217;t remember much, so if I miss you it&#8217;s not on purpose and I&#8217;m sorry!

Dobs sorry about the racist shopping experience. What lame ass excuse did they use for refusing service? Did they even bother to give one? It&#8217;s terrible that in 2018 that&#8217;s still a problem. I&#8217;m sorry :( I hope A ends up getting shoes soon.

Flueks yay for gummy bear blob! So cute! Glad things seem to be going well!

Whoever made those cakes, they look so awesome and I&#8217;m jealous of your talent.

Green oh geez that&#8217;s a lot of blood. Makes me scared, cuz I haven&#8217;t had a real period since I got my mirena put in 4.5 years ago. Prior to the mirena, I didn&#8217;t have heavy periods at all, I could wear a super plus tampon and wouldn&#8217;t leak unless I accidentally kept it in longer than 8 hours. I always leaked with pads (off the sides, ugh) and smaller tampons (down the sides, not from filling up), so I always just used super plus tampons.

I just bought a Lena Cup sensitive menstrual cup (I got the sensitive cuz it&#8217;s softer which is better if you have pelvic issues like I do), hoping I can get away with not using tampons all the time. However, I&#8217;m learning how to get it in and sealed now so it doesn&#8217;t leak when I get my period, and I&#8217;m having trouble. I can get it in, and I can get it to pop open, but it won&#8217;t seal. It&#8217;s supposed to not be able to turn/rotate at all when sealed cuz it seals to the vaginal walls. Every time I try, I can always rotate it. It seems almost like there&#8217;s too much room width-wise in my vagina for it to seal properly. I think I have a wide-set vagina :rofl: I&#8217;ve heard it takes a lot of practice to master it, ugh. I hope I can figure it out before my mirena removal on the 10th. I&#8217;m also hoping it&#8217;s not because of how soft it is that it won&#8217;t seal. If anyone has any experience with or knowledge of menstrual cups and seal issues, please help me out!

My vacation was fun, but a bit of a disaster. Idk if any of you heard about the flooding in Pennsylvania. It was bad. Hershey Park closed 2/3 days we were there. The day it was open it was only partially open, some areas were closed, and it was raining and one of the rides I was looking forward to couldn&#8217;t operate in the rain. However, the lines were practically non-existent. We went to Hershey Chocolate World on the first day the park was closed and tried the chocolate and stuff, that was fun. When we left for home, it took 45 minutes for us to get on the highway when it should&#8217;ve taken 5, because there were a bunch of flooded closed roads that were unmarked on Waze so it brought us to them unknowingly.
Shae thank you!

I have never used mestrual cups so no advice. Sorry :(

Sorry the flooding messed up your vacation, but glad you still had some fun.

Finally able to get to desktop mode. Here's another shot we are using in our reveal with her onesie on and the feltboard message.


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Flu- that picture is hilarious!! It's totally a toddler thing. Lol

Shae- sorry about the trip but at least no one was there lol
Also, I heard from a lot of people the first period post-mirena is real bad. My period off mirena arent either. 3 days and pretty light.

Kit- hopefully E gets some sleep. Poor baby. It's noisey in my kids room for that reason lol out neughbors are loud and it's so hot we have to leave the window open. We have a fan going on in there just for noise.
Shae no knowledge of menstrual cups but solid Mean Girls reference. Sorry your trip got rained out! I'll tell ya for a candy addict in a candy themed park i really failed to take advantage of my time there. It was just so damn packed...

Fluek omg i just lol'ed. On my phone, the thumbnail looks like she is so upset, like throwing herself back, "WHY GOD, WHY?!" Then when I enlarge it she looks giddy with laughter and excitement and pure joy. Love it! Also glad insurance should cover "the shits". :haha:

I haven't booked a gender scan yet. I was waiting for tomorrow's appointment to make sure all is ok.

Kit aren't you having a regularly scheduled scan soon? Sorry about the obnoxiously loud weather :( hopefully if she is woken up in the front half of they night she'll be so tired she'll crash the rest of the night and give you a good nap tomorrow.

I miss cuddles too. I get them occasionally but few and far...definitely one of the things i'm looking forward to with a baby. Lev's been super clingy recently and i'm hoping he's not crazy jealous when baby gets here :/

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