General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

I keep forgetting who asked & to answer but I advertised my art out the wazoo locally, on classifieds on Facebook, Craigslist, and nextdoor. I also have an extremely unsuccessful esty shop. Never sold on it before. In fact i should probably just close it.

Dobs i also love puns. My brother knows this and texts them to me every few days, pun jokes. My most favorite recently was something like "I went to the zoo and saw a baguette in a cage. The zookeeper said it was bread in captivity." You're welcome.

Shae on a scale of 1 to extremely likely to be pregnant, i'd put you at "possible but highly unlikely". The fact he didn't bust his load all up in your hoo hoo, plus that you had been on top of your pills before then, plus you followed instructions to double up, plus knowing in perfect ttc conditions it still isn't a guarantee...I think you'll be fine.

Blah i have to make a piece of art for a fundraiser by Saturday morning and I'm so uninspired. I don't know what to make. I also have to clean up my house again (because I seem to be the only one tidying up after the entire family, including a toddler who is hell bent on destroying the house). I have an ebay item to ship out plus something else...i just feel spread thin. So what am i doing right now during Levin's nap? Laying in bed :rofl: i suck. Ugh i just have no energy and have been waking up roughly 5-7 times a night to pee.
That’s funny, my pills always said don’t double up too, but that was literally 17 years ago. Unless it’s a weird UK thing ha.

Shae that’s pretty unfair about the bf staying over when you have class (or at all, some might say). Do you and your roommate sleep in the same room? Are you comfortable saying something?
Gigs can we help you brainstorm? And maybe you can refresh your Etsy store and give it another go! Idk know I’m pushing Etsy on you so much...

Re: puns there’s a great one that you have to deliver like a real story for full effect but I don’t think I’ll share because it kind of jokes about dwarfism. No one ever really thought much of potentially offensive stuff back when I heard it.
Gigs I agree with your risk assessment.

Jez hm maybe a uk thing then. We share a room, if they were in a different room I wouldn’t care. They’re not having sex or anything, just sleeping. She doesn’t ever ask if it’s okay for him to come over, I find out he’s coming when he walks into the room and climbs into her bed. But anyway, I don’t wanna complain about it because I don’t want her to get mad at me or something, she doesn’t seem to like me very much. I think if it happens again I might tell her like “I don’t care if he sleeps over but when I have early classes I’d really rather he not, cuz he snores and it woke me up in the middle of the night last time when I had an 8 am test, and also it means I can’t get ready for class in the room, I have to go to the bathroom to get dressed”

I might be coming down with a cold. I’ve been able to feel my right tonsil since Saturday (it’s huge) and I’m a little sniffly today. It’s always the same tonsil that swells, it’s weird. I also started having pubic symphysis pain today (ya know, where it feels like your pelvic bones are trying to separate at the pubic symphysis) and I haven’t had that pain in 2 years. I used to get it kinda often in high school. It’s pretty mild though, I used to occasionally get it so bad that walking was excruciating. So I’m kinda sad that it’s back. I wonder if it was my hips changing position cuz of puberty and filling out or something? No clue though. If that’s a thing, maybe the pill hormones are making it happen again. Maybe it’s just my body being a bitch. That’s more likely.

I feel like the most likely explanation for ALL my symptoms is “my body is being a bitch”, cuz unless it’s something objective like a visible issue, I’m generally fine.
Jez please pm me your offensive pun.

Ehh U think I need to maybe try selling more art on evay honestly. I've had a decent amount of success there and not nearly as many artists to compete with.

Shae you should say something now while you're calm about it. If you wait, you risk allowing her to do something that really burns your biscuits, then you may explode on her and really make things awkward. Plus she's walking all over you and you shouldn't allow anyone to make you into a door mat.

Trust me, i wish i spoke up more often when i was younger. I'm a confrontational biotch now though...muuuuch better!
Ah Shae that’s tough, I would be hesitant to say something too. I’m sure she would feel just as uncomfortable if your bf slept over, just metres from her. I feel like surely it’s a super obvious and unspoken rule to not have someone stay over if you’re literally sharing sleeping and living space, especially without asking. Like you said, shouldn’t you be able to get dressed in your own room without some random guy there that you had no say in being there? I’d also be uncomfortable with having someone else be around my stuff when I’m not there. I agree with Gigs about it being best to broach the subject sooner rather than later. Or you can go the opposite and less mature route and just get your bf to stay over unannounced and see how she feels about it.
Shae- I agree with gigs about saying something now while you're calm. Once it goes too far then it can escalate quickly.
Also, my pills always said double up (which was about a year ago) and I do not think you have a chance to be pregnant. Well I mean, there's always a chance but I don't think anymore than the .1% chance you have in the pill. If you know what I mean.

What would My tag line be?!

Dobs- I also would have made an appointment because I'm that kind of person. lol Always wanting answers and a plan.
Also. Thank you for saying such kind words a few days ago (which I just read). You're right. I was worried about having twins and they're doing fine! It was just exactly what I needed to hear.

Gigs- I'm sorry about your garage sale! I can't believe you didn't sell anything! We sold about $120 worth and my mom sold about $60 worth. A pretty small sell compared to what we have sold in the past.

Jez- I'm glad daycare isn't getting easier. I believe it's the emotional stress making you exhausted.

Hunni- test!!!!!!!!!! Aren't you already late?!

Sorry that's all I can remember. I'm being lazy and laying in bed while the boys nap. I need motivation and coffee.

We're still ttc. We've decided in 6 months or so we'll call it quits. But since he isn't home every month at the right time it might technically be longer than 6 months from now. However, if either one of us decides for sure we're done before then we can call it off. DH will be getting snipped when the time comes.
Omg you guys have been too chatty since I last posted :rofl: I'm too lazy to reply to it all on my phone. So I'll hit what I recall.

Gigs sorry yardsale bombed. I hope something happens on another avenue for you to help finances.

Oh and I like my tagline. Yours would be the "artsy duck girl in VA". I agree I think we'd hit it off in real life.

Jez glad daycare is easier but I hope you get more rest soon.

Dobby I love puns too. Here's a joke for you. "Where do kings put their armies?"....."in their sleevies."

Glad you have that appt booked, best to be safe. If I recall on bcp the last week on mine I had 2 days on lower dose pills and last 5 days were very low dose. I would bleed on day 3 of the lowest dose. Your appt is tomorrow right? I'll be thinking of you.

Shae ugh I'd be upset too. I mean it's different if in seperate rooms, but not a dorm. I agree with the others, speak up now before it gets outta hand. Easier said than done. I hate confrontation, but worst comes to worst she moves out or you ask for a different room(ie).

That's odd about the pubic symphysis pain. I wouldn't think pregnancy related though.

Hunni were you testing today if AF was a no show? Good luck!!

Pacific hope the loan goes through or something better works out.

I wouldn't worry about your weight unless you kept losing. I do weigh weekly as I'm overweight and try not to gain too much.

Greenie yay for ttc!! Honestly, if you can do twins you got this and the boys would be older when next one arrived. I think I'm just a wimp :haha:

That's all I've sorry if I missed someone.

AFM been kind of a bad day. Mocha pooped in the house. I got a denial letter from insurance regarding makena injections. Not sure if it has anything to do with my being on copay assist from makena care connect or what. So I'll call makena care connect tomorrow to verify if that's why. If not I suppose I have the joy or trying to get approval/appealing their decision.

I got my first injection today. It wasn't bad. They go in your fatty tissue in the back of your arm. I can't inject myself in that location but they are letting me have a coworker give instead of making a weekly apptat their office.

Victoria was super cute and sweet yesterday. Ah if I could work a few days a week only. Or even better not at all. I love what I do but I love my family more. Oh well.

I think that's about it :)
Jez since we’re a catholic college, guys aren’t allowed to sleep over in girls rooms at all, and vice versa. Our suite is actually having a meeting run by the RA to talk about anything that’s bothering us etc tomorrow but I’m worried that if I say something then, she’ll get in trouble, cuz it’s against the rules. I don’t want her to hate me or anything.

Green it’s a higher chance when you miss 2, even if you double up, but it’s not as bad as not doubling up at all. Effectiveness with “typical use” aka not perfect is 91%, whereas with perfect use it’s 99% or so.
Flueks I don’t think it’s pregnancy related either, it’s just a thing that’s happening haha. Sorry about Mocha, and about the insurance thing.
Fluek sorry about your pup. I did smile to myself though because Mocha is what Des calls my mom (it's a stupid story).

So sorry about the shots! That is very frustrating. I'm glad the first one was tolerable though. Hope they can continue...affordably (is that a word?).

Shae definitely do NOT throw her under the bus!!! Talk to her privately.

Green you are just "the one with the twin boys". Not very creative, sorry!

OH I finally remembered to share a pic from freaking July!!! Hold on...
I forgot to tell y'all I attempted the disc golf basket cake topper on hubs' bday cake! It was a total fail but he appreciated it lol


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Ugh... I hate being the "mom with twins" not that I don't loveeee having twins and I love that it is unique but no one even sees me anymore and if they do I'm just the "mom of twins" sorry rant and totally not against you in anyway gigs. lol I just miss having my own identity lately

Gigs oh I totally love that cake! I think it's super creative!

Flu- you didn't request the denial letter? I had to request one for Max's speech therapy to get him into another program but even then they made it a big deal.

Shae- when do you start the sugar pills?
Green I’m sorry to say I’d have the same tag line for you (for the mere purposes—albeit fictional—of quickly differentiating between everyone on here, but I know what you mean by losing your identity. I imagine it happens way more with twins. Oddly I kind of like the focus being taken off me, and I only notice this when people suddenly get flustered and ask how I am and apologize for only asking about Tilly, and I realize I don’t care about being asked. I could see that changing at some point though. Oh, I’m dying to know what the drug test was about in the end!!!

Flueks - I’m sorry to hear about the shots. I feel very lucky we never have to deal with insurance companies or worry about being able to afford the medical care we need over here. I swear you said it would be covered though. Why are they backing out? I’m with you on wanting to stay home. Being a STAHM is a tough gig, but I would savour the time together before I give my baby up to school for the rest of her childhood (minus summers) if I could. Actually maybe I’d work like once or twice a week and have my mum look at those times. Or maybe just not work on those two days and relax. Regardless, none of that will ever happen.

Shae - agreed that face to face is better. Maybe something tactful like, “yo I’m generally pretty easygoing and am all for you spending time with ____ in our dorm(?), even sometimes overnight, but I’d really like to be able to change in my room in the mornings and wake up to snoring before an early class. Can we maybe figure something out for future?”

K totes forgot everything else.
Roommate update: I got an email that we were having a suite meeting tomorrow and I could tell there was tension so I talked to another girl in the suite (there’s 10 of us in the suite, 5 rooms) and she admitted that both my roommate and I are very uncomfortable and she doesn’t think it’s gonna work out and then we had like the whole suite come out including my roommate and have a heart to heart and it was really civil and stuff, and what’s most likely to happen is I’m gonna move to a different building with a new roommate (cuz most of the girls in the suite are friends including my roommate), there’s a chance they’ll swap me around in the suite or the building but I’m not sure. So nobody got thrown under the bus, the RA wasn’t involved, and we’re talking to the RA tomorrow with everything already said pretty much so it can be more focused on finding the solution.
Shae that sounds like a good outcome, i'm glad it wasn't aggressive or awkward.

Green I know what you mean, but that is just your distinguishing characteristic in a group of other moms. And I hate to say it but like it or not, being a mom is part of your identity...jist like how I'm fairly certain i am about to become "the mon with the three boys", which may be a step up from my current identifier, "the one with all the ducks". Like seriously, i have been introduced to people IRL that way ("this is gigs, she's the one with all the ducks" and the follow up "OOOOOHHH YOU have the ducks, ok."). So I definitely understand!
I’d prefer the duck thing to “the tight one who complains all the time,” which is surely what I’m known as among friends.

Shae I’m glad it looks like it’ll be sorted one way or another without conflict. I have to say it’s truly hard enough living with another person, sometimes even with a friend, and that’s without sharing one small space where you live AND sleep, so it’s a miracle that students are able to happily do that with near-strangers, and not surprising that it often doesn’t work out.
Shae- I'm glad it's been mostly figured out. I really hate awkward tension.

I agree and am okay with part of my identity being a mom. It's just that I'm also introduced all the time as "she's the one with the blonde twins" or "the twins" I just need a hobby. lol I was running but it's too freaking hot. 90s all week. I think it'll cool down soon though so I should get back out there.

Okay jez I'm sorry I keep ignoring your request for the drug story conclusion. I keep forgetting! Lol
So basically I finally talked to a nurse, the one who never called me back. She was nice and apologized for forgetting. According to the doctor he ordered the test because 1. I had unexplained hypotension (low blood pressure) they took it 3 times 2 around 114/75ish and one low around 95/70ish I think. I can't remember exactly. And the second reason being that I had Norco on my prescription list. Sooooooo without saying it, they thought I was taking norcos. Which I don't even understand because they were prescribed ONCE in April for my surgery. Literally it was a prescription for less than 15 pill with no refills, soooo I don't really understand. I also think the machine messed up on the 3rd BP reading. How can two be normal and the 3rd be so low after only 60 seconds?! Anyway, she apologized for the medical assistant not explaining the test and she was in the wrong. When I originally asked she should have explained immediately and if I had further question she should have gotten the doctor. I have another BP appointment tomorrow so if I get he same assistant I will say something.

Also, not to completely make this all about me but can I vent without judgement for a minute? I am THRILLED my sister is expecting and I can admit I am a little jealous, mostly that it's SO easy for her to get pregnant. But I'm a little annoyed at a couple things. She is already complaining about being sick. She isn't sick yet, but she keeps talking about how she will be in the next couple weeks and she's deading it and blah blah. She's even getting mad when someone says "you never know you might not this time" and the second thing, she doesn't have insurance. Which is whatever. She has to pay the bills but then don't complain if you didn't have insurance why did you get pregnant so soon? She already said she won't be going to the doctors as much as they want. She'll only go mostly for her 8 week appointment and then the anatomy scan.
Yikes, she's in for an enormous bill come delivery time! Can she afford it? Is she going to enroll once open enrollment time comes? I'm sorry abput the jealousy...I definitely get that and it's absolutely maddening when people get pregnant around you that seem unfit for it. I remember before I got pregnant and wanted it so bad (I was engaged, we were waiting until after marriage to ttc) and my irresponsible coworker tells me she got pregnant with THREE types of pregnancy prevention (pill, condom, and pull out) -- which I think is BS but what do I know...anyway I was so jealous, especially when i found out she was going to abort but decided not to. I really felt at the time she did it to trap her boyfriend. That was 8 years ago...they're still together, been engaged & broken up a few times but now i think are together for the kid. They may have gotten married recently, I can't remember.


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