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General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Mrs: most airlines will let you travel until "fairly late". So check your preferred airline. (Since there really only are 2 in Canada haha). According to that I am still ok in December! Although I do think sitting up straight for ours may not be that comfortable to me.

Gigs: I keep wanting to say boston but that is wrong.... And Baltimore is the correct answer. (If I ever tell you Boston you know I am wrong!) I keep having to ask DH! Dang baby brain, I swear this time it's so much worse.
Well because I obviously like to torture myself I bought two cheaper tests (which I just shouldn’t do because I don’t have the willpower when they are in the house) lol

526051F8-A6FA-482A-82D6-F7CD31194FC9.jpeg 48A24B4A-70B8-4D9D-A98F-60CA5A848EB7.jpeg
Future I definitely see something light on the blue tests for sure.
I decided not to test today since I only have 2 tests left. As long as temp stays up I will test tomorrow though. My chart has been declared possibly triphasic by ff by the way.
Looking forward to seeing your next tests Cpeace & Future! Future theres definate light lines on the blues aswell :) Cpeace your chart is looking fab btw!

Ive never flown with any of my kids, its been yrs since I been on a proper holiday, cant wait for another!
Thank you for the tweak CPP!!! I’m really hoping if there’s something there it’s noticeable tomorrow!
Fx all y'alls tests get darker! Future I don't see anything on the frer but I definitely do on the blue dye.

Cpp good luck tomorrow! Were your charts triphasic when you got the positive tests before?

Pl that's actually not crazy far from me, only about 3.5 hours. Are you taking Logan? There is a really nice aquarium there he would like. It's actually were hubby and I had our first official date! I lived much closer back then haha. Look up Baltimore Aquarium. Last bit of advice is to stay out of the surrounding neighborhoods...they can be a bit sketchy. If you want any advice on must see places let me know and I'll ask my brother. He lived there for a little bit.

Afm spent time with a friend and her kiddos today and I felt like we just kept the kids from destroying the house the whole time. She has a 5 month old too and the reality of 2 under 2 hit me and freaked me out a bit...Lev is such a handful! I'm really worried about how I am going to mentally and physically handle the kids. That said I know Lev will be older, I will not be pregnant, and I'll have help from my mom and MIL...although since SIL is due so soon after me I'm not sure how much help MIL will be able to give split between us.

Blahhh infant stage is so rough. I just hope this baby is a little more mellow, or at least sleeps a little better, than Levin!
Well, This was my Chemical chart once and the only one that was official triphasic on my charts. A couple others were almost triphasic but the 3rd rise was before 7dpo which means not technically triphasic. I had two iffy shadows so marked it as chemical which is wht the notes on 14 and 15 dpo say.

I know you're not a big charter, Gigs. Triphasic charts have a 179% greater chance of being on a pregnant that not pregnant chart. I believe it's found on around 12% of pregnant charts and around 4.5% of not pregnant charts. So is a positive sign but in no way a guarantee.

Currently up at 3:30 am when I have sim Lab at 11:30 am agh. I’m stressing over my most recent skills lab.

Anyone with nursing experience, please help. Calling Flueks?

We practiced taking vitals in skills lab on Wednesday. Most of this went fine for me. We practiced on our partner. All was going well, it’s not hard to take a temperature or put a pulse ox on a finger, and she had a nice strong radial pulse. But then it came time to take her blood pressure. She warned me in advance that it would probably be low. Okay, that’s fine. But I could barely hear a thing when I tried to take her BP. I had the instructor use the teaching stethoscope to try to help me out, because I legit couldn’t get a reading. With the teaching stethoscope, I heard a total of 3 beats, one at 86, one at 60 or so, and one at 40. Wtf. So I told the instructor my best guess would be 86/40, and she said she got 88/46, so I wasn’t super far off, but I should definitely have heard more than 3 beats total, especially considering I was lowering the pressure about 2-3 mm Hg per second. Her HR was 58 and regular at her radial artery when I checked before taking her BP, so although it’s on the lower side, I still should’ve heard a regular beat, and I didn’t. The beats I did hear didn’t even sound like proper beats. My partner had no problem telling me my BP was about 110/70, though she said her second time taking it (I went from lying down to sitting up) she couldn’t hear well because people in the room were a bit loud but she was guessing it was about the same. I don’t exactly have a cheap stethoscope, I have a Littmann Classic III, so that’s not the problem, and besides, we were using the Littmann teaching stethoscope when I only heard 3 pseudo beats. When she tapped on the diaphragm to make sure it was set to the right side I nearly went deaf, so you’d think it wouldn’t be my hearing. I wanna know what exactly the instructor was hearing so I can know how badly I’m not hearing it. Anyway, I’m super stressed out that I couldn’t hear the blood pressure, and midterm practicums are in 2 weeks agh! I’m gonna go to open labs when I get the chance to try to work on it. But agh I’m freaking out.
Quick pop in for Shae. Honestly, it takes practice. Some peoples are difficult to hear and others are like a drum beating. Practice, practice, practice is what helps. A quiet environment helps as well for sure. Also was the cuff deflating maybe too fast??
Nothing to add to the bp conversation...

Cpp thanks for the info. Yeah since I have the ov pains to confirm it I never bothered doing the charting thing. The pain is a blessing when ttc but a total curse every other month XD

In random other news I have a disc golf tournament tomorrow, likely the last one for awhile. I'm not sure I'll make it through...the course is basically like hiking. Very hilly. We'll see...I at least want to try. But I don't think I have a chance at winning...7 ladies in my division including the really good player that I complained about before.
Ye never know Gigs, you may kick ass girl ;) Just take it easy with all the hiking..

Not much to add atm either really except i just devoured a huge pot of fresh Cauliflour cheese .. no doubt il be chuffing like a train in an hour or so LOL (my poor work colleagues :haha:)
Shae it does take time to get the hang of it - one tip (can’t remember the name of the part with the numbers on it) but it will often start to bounce with the systolic and stop when the diastolic ends and can give you an indicator as well. It’ll come with practice!

Here’s this AMs test

Mmmmmm cauliflower and cheeesssee...

Future not seeing it now :( damn blue dyes!
Well ladies slept rough so no temp. Not seeing anything on test though. Likely not testing tomorrow since only 1 test left.


oct 5 hpt.jpg
Dang it i'm outside at a play area with the kids and can't see anything properly! Too bright! I will investigate when I get home and give my judgement :haha:

To bitch for a sec, MIL helped me out by picking up ds1 from school yesterday. She got him at 3, hubs picked him up around 7. In 4 hours, he ate 3 pieces of pizza, a chocolate chocolate cupcake, a "large cup" of chocolate ice cream, and a bunch of gummy candy. Wtf???!!! You can't do that to a kid! He was actibg all out of sorts this morning and i'm betting it's from copious amounts of crap food yesterday.

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