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General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Future - I'm pretty sure I see some pink too. Congrats!

My son hasn't been falling asleep until ike 9:30-10:30 for a while. Two days this week, he was still sleeping when I dropped him off at daycare. Kinda makes me feel like a bad mom. lol

I LOVE Halloween. Always have. I love carving really interesting pumpkins, getting dressed up, shelling out to the kids. ^_^

So, I had to make a 15 month appt for Alex. I also asked if I could make a prenatal appt for myself, but I'd let them know ASAP if I had to cancel it. The receptionist said not a problem and asked if it was my first prenatal appt. I was like "uh, well, no, I've had a baby before." And she was like "oh, haha, no, I mean for this pregnancy." Total blonde moment. haha
Gigs, thanks for the suggestions on what to see! I'll have to ask you again when we book flights, so far no actual date has been set...

On the testw: my lone eye isn't working.... Fx and babydust!!

More soon!
Future I 100% see a line! Eeee!!!! Really hope it keeps getting darker! I look forward to your next test and hope you don't have to worry now about putting ttc on hiatus!

Oh yeesss y'all I too miss peeing on sticks! I think the desire is finally fading now that little man is making some big movements.

I am at the tournament now waiting for hubby to finish up. I made it through the first round and only 7/18 holes of the second round before I threw in the towel. I was having some light but persistent pain in my round ligament on the right side, then started in with the lovely sciatic pain in my right ass cheek and was like why am I bothering? I was playing really poorly anyway.
Didn't mean to enter yet...
Anyway Hubs overhead one of the female players saying they played with more before but I don't play many tournaments and I'm like I HAVE YOUNG CHILDREN!!! I'm sensitive haha. I'm sure she meant nothing offensive by it but I know they were sizing me up. Just irks me because I have been doing this for awhile and have yet to meet more than 2 players with youngs kids. Most of them are young (early 20's) or older (late 30's+) with wither no kids or grown kids. It's hard to compete with these people that have all the time in the world to get put and practice and play tournaments.

Sorry to bitch! I have a lot of time to sit around and wait haha.

Cb to be honest I'd be happy to have my parents buy the kids' costumes because I hate spending the money on something they barely use! But being pushy about it and trying to get them to trick or treat with her is crossing a line.

Pretty I love that you get into the halloween spirit! DS1 is "Ty" from Dinotrux this year. This is the first Halloween in quite some time I didn't make him a costume. Still haven't figured out ds2 yet though...I just feel like it's such a waste at his age and he won't tolerate anything on his head so what does that leave me with?
Thank you ladies! I took a PM test to see if I’d see anything! Here it is

Update on the wreck. I saw in local paper a jeep veered off the road at 520 in a field until it hit an embankment. A 16 y.o. boy was not wearing a seat belt was ejected and the vehicle landed on top of him. He was pronounced dead at the scene. A 19 y.o. boy was driving and was critically injured. So sad. Really hurting for his family and friends.

Anyways onto happier things.

Future defintely see it out of case and Dobby edit. FX it keeps getting darker!!!

My mom is the same about Halloween. Wouldn't let me dress up after 10. I was so disappointed I had to pass out candy. Halloween is DHs favorite holiday.

CB I'd be upset if someone bought my kids Halloween costumes. I want that control until they are old enough to pick :rofl: I'm looking forward to taking V and LO trick or treating. Well what it is now at least

V normally sleeps til 7 at least so 6 feels early to me :haha: I'm up before 6 on weekdays but enjoy the extra hour or so on weekends. She sleeps 11 to 12 hours overnight. She loves sleep. Hope I win the sleep lottery again. Probably not.

Okay posting before it goes crazy again
CB yikes I’d be annoyed because I’d want to help my kids pick out their Halloween costumes. I like some parts of Halloween and dislike others. I hate carving pumpkins in practice but love it in theory, I just don’t like the effort involved and the gross insides, but the end result is great!

I like decorating and getting costumes, this year I’m not certain what I’m gonna do cuz in college people wear costumes to parties during halloweekend. I’m probably gonna be either Ariel from The Little Mermaid (SO as Prince Eric) or Ginny Weasley from Harry Potter (SO as Harry Potter). SO has dark dark brown hair and is pale, so he works for both guy companions. If I can’t figure out how to do those for cheap diy, maybe I’ll buy a black widow costume if I can find one on sale. I wanna have one to go with my red hair. I’m re-dyeing it this weekend cuz my roots are showing a lot and it’s basically dark strawberry blonde now, my lab instructor was warning me about keeping my ponytail from falling into the Bunsen burner flame when I lean over and she said “I can just imagine those gorgeous blonde locks on fire” sooo it’s not red anymore. But at least she thinks my hair is pretty? Lol

Whoops got distracted talking about myself. Unfortunately that’s a very common occurrence.

Pretty haha love the blonde moment!

Gigs sorry the tournament didn’t go as well as you’d hoped. I’m sure it’s hard to keep up with practicing, kids take up most of the day and night, if not all of it.

Oh, room update, they still haven’t even contacted me about my new room and my current roommate already was made to pick a new roommate, how is she supposed to get a new roommate when I haven’t even moved out yet? I’d love to move out at this point but housing has been radio silence to me, they’ve talked to my current roommate a ton but not me! I’m the one moving somewhere else, tell me where I can go for the love of god, I’ve been stuck in that room with her for 2 weeks after I agreed I was gonna move out!

Time to go do homework. Ugh.
Flueks holy crap that’s terrifying and so sad. I’m so sorry that happened right outside your house and so sorry for him and his family.

Future I think I see something on the pm test as well.
Pretty I enjoy it too. Much more now than I have in awhile. DH loves Halloween so looking forward to it being a bigger thing for us all

Gigs sorry it didn't go well and all the pain. Some people have no clue that there are other things in life and you can still like and enjoy things without devoting your life to it. I mean if that's what they want out of life that's fine.

Future I see it!!!

I'm going to be a pumkin this year, DH a pumpkin farmer :rofl:, and V is a butterfly fairy. We are dressing up early though for the reveal as David will work that day and weekend prior.

On a funny note. V pooped in the tub for the first time today. I quickly picked her up so she wouldn't touch it. Lordy, lordy. Funnier in hindsight than at that moment.

Got decorations for our reveal and also a blizzard cake for DH. Tomorrow is his birthday. He's working late tonight to get off early tomorrow. Missing him right now though.

ETA: Shae post pics of whatever costumes you do.

Sorry all your getting is silence that's really crappy and unprofessional of them to talk to her and not you. Hope you get a new room soon.

Thank you :hugs:
If anyone has costume pics of them or kiddos please share!

Fluek I want to see pics of the reveal! Also super sad about the car accident. Ugh I can empathize, as we've had the fatal crashes on our road recently...just makes you absolutely sick, you just feel so much for their families especially and put yourself in their shoes. Ugh those poor people and the poor kid who lost his life. I hope his friend pulls through but uggghhhhh how terrible he is going to feel and how sad to lose a friend. Oooohhhkay getting misty-eyed over here!

Shae wtf why won't they talk to you? Have you reached out to them? Or waiting for them to contact you?

Future I am not seeing it but personally my evening tests were light with frer this last time.
Flueks that’s so cute about the pumpkin costume idea! Love it! Is the reveal a gender reveal? Do you already know the gender? I can’t remember sorry.

Thanks for the sympathy, I agree it’s unprofessional of them, like why did they already make her pick someone new when I’m still living in the room? I mean, I’m gonna move out asap, but I can’t until they tell me where to go. She also asked if she could buy out the room and just have a single and they said no and told her she had to have a new roommate picked by this past Tuesday. Why did she need to know by Tuesday if I’m still living there?

Gigs idky I haven’t heard from them. They were supposed to contact me. I emailed them Thursday afternoon asking for an update after my roommate told me they’d made her pick a new roommate 2 days earlier. I still haven’t heard back.
Shaw that’s odd. Why don’t you get a say in where you go? I guess her picking before you move out might be to give the other person enough notice of having to move? Are there no single rooms there that your soon-to-be-former roommate could move into? Sounds like that’s what she wants.

Flueks that’s funny that 7am is a sleep-in. I have to wake Tilly up at 8am for daycare and I still feel it’s far too early. Granted she goes to bed at 9pm now on a good night (which, as you remember, is real progress for us since she always went to bed at 10:30pm).

Oh that’s awful about the car accident. I am always deeply affected by things for a while when they happen near me. Those poor families. Also makes me nervous about our kids getting older, driving in cars, being distracted, consuming alcohol etc.

Future, your most recent test took me a few moments to see the line, but it’s definitely there! I’d say as of right now you’re definitely pregnant. FX it keeps darkening!

Gigs stupid question but could you install a disc golf training setup on your land?

K my mind has gone blank and I really must sleep so bbfn
Morning gals :)

Pretty dont feel bad about lil one having a couple of later nights, we’ve had the same & Nualas been asleep when ive dropped her off at the Childminder lol!

Gigs its the taking part aswell hun, you did well to get that far on the disc golfing! If i been out grocery shopping for a hr or so, twisting to put things from the trolley onto the conveyor does me in, im in pain for the rest of the day! Did hubs do ok at it??

Uhh yeah MIL can be very pushy & because shes had 2 children already she thinks she knows it all, so annoying!! Il be putting my foot down & saying no to trick or treating i think, thing is riley likes to choose his own outfit to dress up in so he wont be wearing a dracula one she got him ha! I may just get Nuala a cute pumpkin one as it goes with her red hair lol!

Future eager to see this mornings test eeep!!!

Cpeace i just looked back to check out your chart hun.. sorry the big temp drop :(

Shae you’d look totally cute dressing up as Ginny from HP hehe! Your SO could be HP lol!

Temp here has dropped quite abit & its a bit chilly in the mornings atm, im making a slap up chicken roast dinner today with tons of veges, feeling the need to pig out haha!
Good morning! Here is today’s test.. line still there but not sure if it’s any darker? I feel like given that AF is due it should be a bit darker?

Future hmm I still see it, but I agree that if AF is due today it should be darker. Maybe you’re less dpo than you think? If it’s not noticeably darker tomorrow then it may be bad news, unfortunately.

Jez hopefully I get some say, they’re supposed to send me options. I think she just didn’t want to deal with finding a new roommate, she had a roommate she got along with really well last year, so it’s not like she needs to live alone. But considering she doesn’t talk to me in our room, I think she’s the reason it’s uncomfortable. It’s gonna be weird if you refuse to talk to the person you’re living with. So if she won’t talk to her new roommate, the same thing could happen again.

CB it’s funny that she picked Dracula considering Riley is so blonde :rofl: but anyway, totally put your foot down if you need to. I’m jealous of your planned dinner haha, I’m probably going to be eating a microwave dinner.
ETA: idk if I can make SO Harry Potter considering SO has kinda grown out his facial hair and Harry never had any. I don’t want him to shave it cuz I think it’s cute lol. We’ll see what happens.
Echo what gigs says if anyone has any costume pics I'd love to see if you are comfortable sharing.

Gigs will do. Not sure if I'll upload that day, if not Sunday the 21st. Yes, this is the 1st fatal that I'm aware of on our road. Story was updated that charges are pending on the 19 y.o. so I imagine he was DUI. Can't imagine the guilt he will have over his head. Many prayers to those involved.

Shae yes it's a gender reveal. I find out on the 15th so 8 days away!!!! Can't wait :happydance:

That makes zero sense unless they are just swapping you and her new roomie. Still they should let you know what's going on. Unknowns give me anxiety. Gotta have plans at least somewhat.

He can just be a more mature Harry ;)

Jez they all just have their own biological clock. I enjoy V going to bed at 730 or 8 so I get some me time before DH gets home.

Yes, I was imaging me older telling V about not driving under the influence or riding with someone that is and bringing up this incident. I hate how teenagers have that feeling of invincibility. Who knows what the cars they will drive will be capable of.

CB sounds yummy and I love cooler mornings. I'm ready for fall to finally hit.

Future if I recall you said yesterday was 11dpo so today is 12dpo. I would think the line should be darker from yesterday. I'm thinking possible chemical. Don't take it as an exact, but I saw your lines so you had hcg. I hope I'm wrong though and you just implanted later and slow rising hcg.

AFM went to carters online a bought some fall/winter 2t clothes for V. Had some good deals and shipping was free for me :)

I also have nearly all of V's baby book up to date now!! I put a bunch of photos in today and added a few things.

She woke me up at 545 and I couldn't nap but it's okay. I'll drink some tea later. She's been pretty good today and I've been productive.

Oh DH birthday today and we are going out to a Mexican restaurant. He is getting a margarita, yummy!!

One last thing.... a bump pic at 18 weeks :)

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