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General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Future that’s way darker than it was before! I’m thinking it’s viable!

Gigs yeah he doesn’t have contacts. I need a new prescription for contacts so I can wear my old ones for a party but I can’t drive in them.

So I got an email about the rooming situation. Looks like they want me to move in with a girl I already know from clinical. We get alone great so that’s good. Only sucky part is that she’s in a different building, so moving will be annoying. But at least things are finally moving!
U probs thought of me gigs as i said for Shae’s SO to be hp haha!

Future that lines def darker hun eeeee :) gotta remember on average, hcg dbls roughly every 48hrs .. im def thinking your preggers hun :hugs: is it your own secret atm or have u told hubs about testing? Hehe

Great news about the new roomie Shae. At least once the hassle of moving is done you’ll both be fine in your new abode :thumbup:
Thank you guys! I tried to upload a pic again but no success. Got a positive digital today and lines a bit darker again but no where near the control line. I might stop testing as I don’t really want to keep wasting money on tests but would find it comforting if it got darker lol

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Future ahhhhh a Positive digi baby woop!! Its official hehe congratulations hun ;)

Im sure the pink test line will def start getting darker in a day or 2, its lots darker than it was couple days ago! I wonder if your ov’ing day was off by a day or 2.. even so, your preggers haha excellent!!!

Flueks i missed the pics of V dressed up, she looks super cute <3
Amazing eeee! When will you be due? Im always straight on google with due date calculator ha ha
A grotty snotty husky voiced Nuala all dressed up in her witches outfit that MIL got her, she looks super cute tho, the hairband-hat wont stay on but she likes it haha!

Oh me too. June 18th is my EDD! Lol I can’t see the picture for some reason!! I think I may allow myself a pack of the Clear blue week estimators then be done with testing. Lol
Future that test is hella darker! Congratulations!!!

Ahhhh Nuala is so adorable!

Shae glad you finally know what's going on AND you have a roomie you already know :thumbup:

Afm feeling so lazy but have so much to do...debating between laying here like a sack or being productive. Right now being a lazy sack is winning.
Future that’s way darker again today! And a positive digi is a great sign! Congrats, you’re preggers!

CB omg Nuala is so cute, I’m jealous that she has naturally red hair aghh

Flueks aw V is so cute!
Dont feel bad Gigs, im lazy all the time atm :haha:

Aww thanku girls, shes such a funny cute thing, shes so chatty atm aswell, Shae - she has loadsa blonde roots aswell as the Red hair from birth.. shes a definate Strawberry :)

Future get the cb wks indicator ha ha

Kit, hope your last Spec apt went ok hun.. has the bleeding eased up?
Thanks for asking, no cancer but still bleeding, they gave me some tablets to try and shrink the fibroids or else it will be surgery
Shae glad to hear you got some communication and it's someone you know and like. Reading all this makes me glad I lived at home during college :rofl: I'm lucky DH and I "live well" together. 2 of my bffs shared an apartment and it really strained their friendship as one was a slob and other a neat freak.

Future congrats on positive digi and darker frer. You could always buy cheaper tests for progression or do frer every other day. I also love the weeks estimators!

Glad DH is over the moon :)

CB I edited it a few moments later to add them ;)

Nuala looks gorgeous! Does hat not stay on because she takes ot off? That's what V does.

Kitty glad it wasn't cancer, that's a plus. Any news on house moving??

Gigs :haha: being a lazy sack usually wins. Last night I was motivated to clean my closet though. Did it before my urge went away :rofl:
Flueks i sooooo need to clear out my wardrobe as the massive low shelf in there is so full of junk, once this is done il start buying bits :)
We cleaned the house tip to toe and i've been struggling to keep it clean ever since!

Kit that is great news. I was misdiagnosed with a polyp and had that surgery several years back. It really wasn't bad, pain was managed with just OTC tylenol afterwards. Here's to hoping the meds work though.
CB DHs side isn't finished but I'm waiting for him to go through things so I can move it elsewhere. Tonight I'm just exhausted, no motivation.

Gigs I'm sure it's harder to keep clean with 2 kids. I definitely can't keep it pucked up with V awake. She has to get her toys everywhere:haha:

AfM it's been a crappy evening. V got the sour cream in the store and dropped it.m, busting the container. She slso managed to open a yogurt lid. Ran over a racoon on our way home. I mean things could have been worse, but still crappy.

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