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General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Jez hubs has big plans for some training stuff on our property once we complete the course. For starters we want to get a big net to throw discs in, similar to how golfers drive balls into a net. We'd also like to get a speed reader with it...not that speed is really that important in disc golf but it would be fun to see.

Ugh kids being bad, more later
Future I would wait til either tomorrow morning or Tuesday morning.
Future because the line is so light rn I’d wait until at least tomorrow morning because if you test tonight it’ll likely look the same either way.
Future - Definitely wait til the morning.

As requested, Halloween pics...
23130925_10155228946358095_4572806464783635573_n.jpg 30623757_10155636682188095_3160169100490160097_n.jpg 231044_5855963094_6700_n.jpg 12191557_10153316064853095_9215611067006899609_n.jpg 14856151_10154172040668095_8390164246060031168_o.jpg

1st pic: Alex's first Halloween - He wasn't mobile and it was a chilly night, so we went with something warm and cozy.
2nd pic: ComiCon - He was Nibbler, I was Leela.
And the rest are just a few pumpkins I've done over the years.

I feel like I don't have much to contribute right now. AF is supposed to start in 4 days (considering my last cycle was 31 days), but I O'd at CD22-ish, so I'm only 5dpo. That also means I think this month's cycle is probably 36-ish days. So, still just playing the waiting game over here. :/
Omg he’s so sweet pretty! Well tested this morning. Lines still light maybe a hair darker. I’m pretty resigned to a chemical sadly but I really hope I’m wrong.
Pretty lovely pics and the nibbler costume is so cute!! Thank you for sharing.

As for AF I'd ay AF is 6 or 9 days away (not sure of your usual LP length). If you O later then AF will start later too. Excited for you to test but still too early.

Future I'm sorry the line isn't progressing :hugs:
Tried to share a picture guys but it won’t load! I’ll try again in a bit
Aww lovely bubba Bump Flueks <3

Pretty your squiggles all dressed up looks sooo cute :)

I thought I had a pic of Riley dressed up but cant find it.. i have Nuala as a pumpkin though at 14 months hehe
Omg these pumpkin pics !!! So adorable! I guess I need to figure out something for Lev this year :/ and hopefully I'll be able to reuse it for Myles :thumbup:

Future hoping your test is darker today!

Pretty the wait is so boooooring
Oh forgot to say hubs plaved 2nd in his division out of 14 players :thumbup: and even beat a few people in the advanced division above him (although they played a slightly different layout). at the end of round one before I DNF'ed i was dead last of everyone playing that day, 75 people :rofl: oh well...A for effort?

Cb of course I am highly in favor of a harry potter costume. Who cares if Harry is a little hairy?

Fluek is anyone asking or assuming your pregnant yet?
Gigs I think you’re thinking of me with the Harry Potter costume (correct me if I’m wrong). I mentioned how my SO has dark hair but also has facial hair so he’d be a hairy Harry as you say lol. He has glasses so I can’t give him those round ones, he’d be blind. But I can draw a scar on his head or something lol
CB Nuala is a lovely pumpkin :)

Gigs way to go on DHs performance! Also, A for effort. I'm not sure I'd even attempt especially with all the pains you had.

Yes, people that know I am comment on my bump. I've not had a stranger say anything though. DH and MIL were in the car when I went to get milk and they were talking about me having a bump now. I never got "you look like you're about to pop!" Comments with V, I think I will this time :haha:

ETA: here's V last Halloween and one from yesterday. I'm partial but I think she's beautiful.

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Haha i quite liked the ‘you look like your about to pop’ comments. Had one lady say it in the supermarket when pg with Nuala, i was like ‘finally someone who recognises how pg i am’ha ha!

Flueks any idea of what V will be for Halloween? Cant remember if u said already..
Future I do see a hint of a line.. hmm. Fx it gets darker!!

Love the pics of dressed up kiddos! We are moving right at that time, L will be spending a fe days at my parents alone while DH and I pack up the rest of the house. So no Halloween for us. Can't say I'll miss it, haha never got the idea of kids "begging" at the closer subdivisions for candy.
That line is SO much darker! So easy to see. The others I had to squint. Congrats!
CB I just hope I don't get them at 6 or 7 months. I'll feel embarassed.

She'll be a butterfly fairy. It's orange and black like a monarch butterfly.

Future definitely darker!!!! The others were squinters but that is clear!!! You must test tomorrow ;)
Shae yes I meant you and was thinking of yoi, no idea why i typed cb! Boo too bad he can't pop in some contacts to make room for the official glasses. Oh well, I'm sure people will still get it.

Future congratulations! That line is definitely there and looks very obviously darker to me. Did you tell your SO yet?

Fluek she definitely is a cutie pie <3 I can't believe how big she's gotten in a year!

PL i never "got" holloween either but i knew it meant free candy and as a candy addict, that sounded good to me! Even now part of my excitement is derived from knowing I get to eat the stuff Des doesn't like (and he is crazy picky!) :blush: But I do kind of miss being in a neighborhood and passing out candy like we used to. Now we have to drive Des somewhere to go do it.

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