General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Oh nooooo! As my mom said once, "I know it's just a stupid squirrel but I don't want to be the one to 'do it in'." I think that's applicable to all road kill. Hubby is always like "hust hit the stupid thing, better that then veer off and get in an accident." I get his point but I still avoid them if I can. I swear, I have seen a record amount of suicidal squirrels this fall! If I don't hit one before the season is over I will be extremely surprised.

Anyway don't beat yourself up. Anyone who's driven any length of time has hit something.

Bummer about the foods though! Rotten toddlers! Silver lining, getting the lid off the yogurt displays strong fine motor skills :thumbup:

And yes keeping up with lev is virtually impossible. He pulls tous out and puts them everywhere. He also likes to do that with our shoes by the door. Books are the best though, and he's recently decided the best fun with them is tearing them apart, if not the pages then certainly any flaps inside the books.
Sorry about the spilled sour cream... Racoons are nasty, here out saying goes "a good raccoon is a dead raccoon". Although like gigs said I'd rather not be the one to "do it in".
As for leaving your Lane and swerving, I don't. It has been engrained into my brain to rather hit the animal then the oncoming traffic and kill a person. (Much bigger consequences from a legal stand point). As soon as you leave your Lane, you are 100% at fault. Most of the animals that will run across the road are small enough to not kill you on impact. And yes, I have stepped on the breaks pretty hard on icy roads on sight of a moose at night! I was driving a car, so the damages could have been deadly to me, luckly the moose made it away fast enough although it did slip and it's butt nearly clipped the mirror.
Skunks are nasty f you hit those, OMG the smell stays on the car for ever and is nearly impossible to get off the car.
Here niw we have a ton of deer, tight winding roads through forest, I'd probably wrap myself around a tree pretty good if I swerved.
Congrats, Future!!

I'm lucky enough that I've never hit an animal with my car. I'm not 100% sure on the laws about this, but I know if a small animal darts out during a road test, they expect you to just carry on straight. If you swerve, you'll get poor marks. My dad hit a seagull once and he just carried on, with it "spread seagull" on the hood, broken neck flapping around until it worked it's way off the car. He also hit an owl with his bus once. He said it sounded like a brick, and when he looked in the side mirror, all he saw was a ton of feathers. lol

I've been feeling like ass for a few days. I've been achy (like when you have the flu), plus neck pain and my stomach doesn't know if it wants to have a big appetite, no appetite, if my digestive system wants to clear itself out, one way or another. No actual vomit though. And a lot of heartburn. Are these early pg symptom? Is my body gearing up for AF? Or am I just plain sick? Just been trying to keep things at bay with ibuprofen and fluids. Hoping it passes soon though.
Flueks wow yeah that qualifies as a super crappy day. If I hit a raccoon (or bunny, or large bird, or maybe even squirrel) I’d probably bawl my eyes out. I’m lucky to have not hit any animals so far, but I’ve only been driving for a few years. I’ve never swerved to avoid an animal like others are saying, I’ve braked super hard several times though. First time that happened I heard the thud of the ABS and thought I hit the bunny. I was a mess, my mom had to come calm me down. Luckily I was still on my road lol

Just moved in to the new room. Roommate is out for the next 24 hours so we haven’t even been in the room together, so that’s weird, but whatever I guess. I definitely miss the perks of the other building. Like private bathrooms and AC. This one has neither. Oh, and the parking situation here is terrible. It was pretty good at the other building.
You have no ac??? How does that even work in new england?!

Ugh i've hit 3animals with my car --2 squirrels, and sadly the first animal i ever hit was a dog. I did try to avoid him but i was on a back road with no lights and didn't see him until the last second. I was 17 i think coming home from visiting my ex. I called her first but she didn't believe me. So then i called my folks and they came out to calm me down. A stranger stopped and calked the owner on the tag, then left me alone in the dark! My parents arrived and i hung out until the owner showed. Turned out the dog was accidentally let out by the babysitter, was really old, deaf, and going blind. The owner seemed almost relieved, like he was ok it met its end this way instead of having to make that choice. He was sad but didn't seem that upset if I'm honest...he thanks me for staying with the dog then scooped him up into a blanket and we all left.

The squirrels i slowed for, but the dumb shits turned around and ran back under my tires!!! Different occasions! That is why i am convinced they are all suicidal.
Nothing with the house yet, they pushed it back but won’t give us a date at the moment. I’m trying to knock some money off, they’ve pushed us back 4 months so far

My dad has killed an owl, a deer, and a cat from driving and my sister has killed a bunny but I’ve not hit anything yet
Hey ladies. I'm sorry I suck at

I currently have to little cuties on my lap cuddling me so life is good.

Huge congrats future!!!! Anymore tests?!

Kit- glad it's not cancer and hopefully the medication helps shrink the fibroids. Hugs. You've been in my thoughts lately.

Gigs- looks like you came up with a name?! Myles? Love it!!! It was actually on the short list for the twins and is a possibility for another boy.

Pl- congrats it sounds like you guys found a place?

Everyone's LOs are adorable!
I had to laugh Flueks at the Supermarket fiasco's.. Similar incident with Riley as a wobbly toddler with a giant tub of fresh Custard, u gotta laugh about it, they see it all the time :) Big hugs re the Racoon though.. think i would be upset & feel terrible too :hugs:
Thanks for the congrats everyone!!! I think I’m going to pick up some CB digital tomorrow. I did a FRER yesterday but have no more.

Oddly enough I’m feeling nauseous already which I had none of in my last pregnancy.

Kit I am glad your appointment went smoothly.

Green where are you in your cycle? Will you test?!

My road kill count is atrocious however I drove way more than the average person due to my job. I've ran over a vulture, cat, racoon, skunk, and probably a squirrel or two. Never on purpose but still feel guilty.

Gigs lol we have a storage tub blocking the bookcase as she loves to grab books and either rip pages or bite/eat the paper.

Happy V day!!!!

Pacific yeah I don't swerve but do try to move a little within my lane if possible. Seems the animals and I move the same way. I know racoons are pest but I think they are cute. I blame the disney movie Pocahontas.

Pretty do you have a fever? Muscle aches and a stiff neck are not PMS or early pregnancy symptoms. Might need to go to the dr.

Shae I'm sorry the new building sucks. I guess at least it's getting cooler and college will be over hopefully before it gets too hot.

Kitty that's crap on the house!! 4 months!! I'd definitely see about a price reduction with so many delays.

Greenie your chart looks great and good timing too!! Ahh fx fx fx!!!

CB I'm sure they do, I just feel bad to ruin something. It is what it is though I suppose. He was super nice about it though.

Future beautiful pink line!!!
Future- that test looks great!!!

Supermarket stories aren't too bad over here. Max has opened an entire container of blueberries once though. And a few other spills but nothing major.
We did have a horrible incident last week if Michael falling out of the shopping cart. He was fine, I took him straight to the ER but it hasn't helped my guilt.

Also, knock on wood, I haven't actually hit any animals but come close. I done swerve, I usually just hit the breaks if I can. However, DH actually hit a dog a couple weeks ago. He felt terrible and he actually swerved to avoid the dog owner on a dark country road. He stopped of course to see what he could do but the owner actually threatened him with a metal pipe. DH was actually carrying to told the guy to back off. DH waited to see if the cops would show but no one did so after 30 minutes he left. He wasn't going to call the cops and get the guy in trouble after he just lost his dog.

Anyway, ramble

I'm 4 dpo. I'm not 100% when I ovulated (I know what my chart says but I did change one temp to actually get crosshairs) but I had tons of ovulation pain so I'm sure I ovulated somewhere in those few days.

Also, my SIL had her baby Tuesday!!! I met him st the hospital and he's adorable. She doesn't want visitors for the first couple of weeks so I'm just going to drop off dinner tonight on their porch for them. She's pretty overwhelmed already.
Great line future! I missed it, did you tell hubby?

Thanks Fluek ^_^ hard to believe i'm closing in on 3rd trimester already...are you getting hit bu the hurricane? It's raining its ass off here right now. Just in time to go pick up the kiddos :roll:

Y'all will be happy to know I'll be getting the glucose test. Just not sure when and dr didn't mention if I should fast or not...
Greenie I suppose it could have been worse, it was just multiple things that made it seem worse. Omg glad he's okay.

Oh man, I understand feeling upset, but threatening someone. Glad it was resolved without incident.

Good timing in any case I think :)

Yay for SIL!!! That is sweet you are dropping off dinner. No one did that for us but it would have been nice. We weren't too bombarded with visitors. A day or two after we left hospital our families came. We didn't have much until some weeks later.

Gigs you're welcome. It seems all of our pregnancies have went really fast. I'm sure it has to do with being busier with V and busy at work.

Just some rain from th hurricane but it's stopped at the moment even though it's really gloomy out. There are areas of possible flooding, but was predicted more at NC/TN line. Very happy to not live in FL, etc. Hope our Floridians are safe, campn and J.

I am happy to hear you are doing the testing. Definitely call to verify about fasting. If I remember correctly I only had to fast for 2 hrs before my lab draw which wasn't bad. They recommended I eat protein for breakfast and not carbs like OJ, bagels, cereal, pastries, etc.
For some reason when I was on BnB at work it never showed half of the newest replies pfft & i refreshed it before i started looking!tut!

Glad your getting the GD glucose test Gigs, def ask about fasting, it probs will be some kind of fasting.. maybe not as long as mine was, midnight the night before. Oh, happy 24wks :)

Future, amazing pink Frer line eeeee!!!! Hope your sickness doesnt get too bad too soon, but all symptoms are good ;)

Kit thats pants about the house! Def enquire into a reduction!

MrsG dont beat yourself up too badly about Max & the shopping cart ordeal, he was fine & thats all that matters, those lil monkeys will try & climb outta anything, Riley was terrible for it! Congrats to your SIL & you becoming an Aunt again :)

Get well soon Pretty, hope its not a crappy virus hun..

(Touch wood) ive not actually hit any Animals, i would feel devasted about it if i did tbh but ive always been told also that better to hot the animal than swerve & kill a person or even worse yourself, SO hit a Deer a good few yrs ago, luckily it only badly cracked his windscreen but if it had come through it, he probs wouldve been dead! The Deer was practically dead so he had to sort it basically, he called me up literally in tears, it was awful :(

So.. i took a 30+3 bump pic today, Riley asked to be in it & then pulled a stupid face lol! Im so uncomfy, like a big ol sloth thats walking like shes crapped her pants :haha:
Can't remember who commented on finding a new place. No, we have not yet.
Last week DH finally got word from farm credit so we decided to make an offer on the large piece of property: except: the listing was gone!! So we inquired with our Realtor and they told us it sold privately to one of the lawyers involved with that subdivision. (Made a lovely Thanksgiving) So we changed our plans to finding a rental for a year and then purchase (but because we have until the end of this month we will stay with my parents for a bit). Anyway, so 2 days ago: our realtor hears from the seller's realtor that they miss understood: the listing was cancelled because of some legal stuff for registering the lot. They can't accept any offers until that is done. Feels like such a roller coaster ... And no word on how long this legal stuff will take.
For some reason when I was on BnB at work it never showed half of the newest replies pfft & i refreshed it before i started looking!tut!

Glad your getting the GD glucose test Gigs, def ask about fasting, it probs will be some kind of fasting.. maybe not as long as mine was, midnight the night before. Oh, happy 24wks :)

Future, amazing pink Frer line eeeee!!!! Hope your sickness doesnt get too bad too soon, but all symptoms are good ;)

Kit thats pants about the house! Def enquire into a reduction!

MrsG dont beat yourself up too badly about Michael & the shopping cart ordeal, he was fine & thats all that matters, those lil monkeys will try & climb outta anything, Riley was terrible for it! Congrats to your SIL & you becoming an Aunt again :)

Get well soon Pretty, hope its not a crappy virus hun..

(Touch wood) ive not actually hit any Animals, i would feel devasted about it if i did tbh but ive always been told also that better to hot the animal than swerve & kill a person or even worse yourself, SO hit a Deer a good few yrs ago, luckily it only badly cracked his windscreen but if it had come through it, he probs wouldve been dead! The Deer was practically dead so he had to sort it basically, he called me up literally in tears, it was awful :(

So.. i took a 30+3 bump pic today, Riley asked to be in it & then pulled a stupid face lol! Im so uncomfy, like a big ol sloth thats walking like shes crapped

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