CB, lovely bump photo! I love Riley in the background.
Pacific, sorry for such weird housing situation! That has to be a bit stressful, but it will all work out.
Congrats Future!
Kitty, sorry about your housing situation also! Ugh, that would make me so mad to get it pushed back so much, but I bet it's pretty normal. Should still try to negotiate price decrease though!
Sorry for anyone I'm forgetting. Just got back from a long vacation, which was nice, but now we're back and there is soooo much to do. While on vacation, DH and I BDed and he asked about finishing inside and I said "not this month!" Maybe I'll let him in a couple. While I want another baby soon, I don't want to be due next July! I'd prefer Sept-Dec next year. Although I love peeing on tests. Maybe I'll take an ovulation test tomorrow for giggles, since who know when O will happen. Currently on CD 14, but I usually O closer to day 20-something. Oh, and first post-partum AF has come and gone. Luckily it was slightly heavier than normal, but not much. Pretty normal, thank goodness.