Future I’m so sorry the bleeding has picked up
Flueks did you say V is sick? I hope she feels better! They’d definitely get in trouble with no heat lol, they’d have a bunch of kids dying of hypothermia. Classes.... oh boy, get ready for a novel lol.
Classes are going alright overall. I always feel like I’m behind on something even though I’m not lol. There’s just so much involved with nursing 101, lecture is so long that I often have trouble staying awake. I don’t know how anyone focuses on a lecture for 2.5 hours. I can do the 1 hr 15 min lectures just fine, but more than that and I lose focus and often get sleepy. Especially when the 2.5 hr class is right after a regular class.
Clinical is going okay. I have 2 patients now, a woman and a man. The woman is alert x3 and uses a walker w/ 1 assist (high fall risk, previous falls), independent feeding, she’s super easy and sweet to me. The man has dementia and Parkinson’s and is a hoyer and 2 assist for nearly everything. The poor guy can get agitated sometimes, I think because he has a history of depression and he doesn’t know what’s going on. He’s pretty good during meals, but he can get upset during bathing/dressing, which is understandable considering we have to turn him on his side a lot and I think I would be upset too if I didn’t know what was going on.
Skills lab... I have my midterm practicum on Wednesday. I’m terrified. We have to do a full physical assessment, and there’s 3 pages of stuff we’re supposed to do, and we have 20 minutes to do it all, and do it right. After some more practice that’ll be easy, but it’s terrifying when I’ve only done 2 full physical assessments in skills lab, ever. I’m a little better at blood pressure now, but I’m still scared about it. I have a hard time finding my partner’s brachial pulse, her radial pulse is easy, but I need the brachial to be easy too, ugh. For some reason I have difficulty hearing my partner’s apical pulse, when I was practicing yesterday her stomach noises and other artifact sounds were overpowering it, I could barely hear it. That’s a major problem, cuz during the practicum the instructor uses a teaching stethoscope so we both are listening to it, and I have to give the correct apical pulse count and we’ll both be counting it so if I can barely hear it and I get it wrong, she’ll know and I’ll get points off, idk if we need a perfect 100 to pass or if we need like a 90 or something, but I think if I can’t get the apical pulse it’ll probably be an automatic fail. So yeah, I’m terrified. During the practice the instructor showed me my partner’s apical pulse with the teaching stethoscope cuz I was having trouble, and even with her placement and stuff it was very quiet and hard to hear over everything else, and she told me that’s as loud as it’s gonna get. Sooo kill me now.
Microbiology is going okay, lab is kinda fun and the stuff we’re learning is interesting to me. My volunteer hours are also going well.
Okay end novel lol