CB I never had a sister, but I felt glad I didn't lol. I'm sure if I had one it would have been different. I think I was just being dramatic though.
Poor Nuala. Hope she gets better soon. Your maternity leave does it begin Nov 1st or earlier?
Pretty beautiful bfp!!
Dobby ugh but you know it can get back up there. I know it's easier for me to say because I'm not going through it, but you aren't doomed financially. My mom had to declare bankruptcy 3 years ago. Her credit is getting better.
How did eval go today?
Gigs nutella is wonderful. I don't really want it when pregnant though.
OMG someone dressed like that?!?!
Also your tag under your name. I'll have to change mine to X sperm
Hope your test comes back negative for GD.
The van sounds like a pretty good deal. Hope they clean it good but glad you can back out still.
I wish your husband good fortune with his new business.
With V i went to lobsterfest at red lobster
I say something quiet or just time away from kids would be good for birthday while preggo.
Greenie I see it on all your tests you've posted. Time to get a frer!!! My progression on wondfo was pretty lackluster this time. I think your newest one is the clearest
Also I didn't really have a line on wondfo til 10dpo and it was pretty faint. I'd expect that squinter or no line at 9dpo
Okay gotta post this before I lose it.