General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Winter I’m sure you’ll be okay, lots of pregnant moms get viruses at any given time. Just make sure to keep up with your prenatals and try to regulate your body temp with a lukewarm bath if you don’t want to take Tylenol (though I’d consider this a reasonable exception).

And it’s okay, I’m sure this is what was meant to be. I’ll get properly pregnant when God has it planned for me. God doesn’t want me to miss out on Italian wine :rofl:
Shae sending big hugs. Exactly, the timing is going to be amazing. You so deserve that Italian wine! And cheese, girl don’t forget about all the forbidden cheese! Your bfp is coming soon, and I can’t wait to celebrate it online with you and lend some line eyes as those tests trickle in. I see you on wanting to the get the most out of your wedding dress. Like sure kudos to the women who do 2-3 outfit changes but if I'm shelling out that much on a dress you best believe I'm wearing that s* all night lol. It's a gorgeous rehearsal dress though. I love how much harmony is going on with you and SO as you plan and how much fun your wedding journey has been. Reminds me of that Bride Wars quote about how an engagement brings out either the best or worst in a couple, and I definitely see a lot of best happening. <3

Winter I’m so sorry about your hubby and you both having covid. Did your son test positive as well? Hoping it’s a mild case and all possess without complications or too much discomfort.

Re speech, Flueks I’m assuming things are similar to CA? In CA, we have 60 days from signed consent to assess. The assessments are all during the school day, so the specialist will pull her from her class to test her during a non core time (can’t pull during math or reading instruction) or a special (PE, library, music…). Then an IEP meeting to discuss the findings and proposed supports. Best guess is they’ll offer 30m of pullout group speech therapy. Again, to be done during non core or special time. Hopefully they move quickly!

AFM not in a good headspace in the least but trying to stay afloat.
I'm sorry, Dobby. Here's to hoping you can recharge your batteries a little this weekend. :hugs:Thinking of you, and always wishing you well!

Yep, get that money's worth out of your main wedding dress, shae! :rofl: they're both lovely. You have excellent taste!!! (And really know what suits your body, too).

Ugh, y'all. I feel so sick. Even with Tylenol, my fever won't go below 100. I'm just nervous because of course this is the week when the neural tube is closing :nope: it does seem like the real danger is a fever above 101/more like 103-104. But still- FML. This is so much worse than the first time around! Similar symptoms (ie. Back pain, but x100 intensity). Now I feel bad for complaining about OH. Karma, I guess. :cry: LO is fine so far, so hopefully he will stay that way.
Winter I'm thinking at around either 1000 or 2000 beta hcg doesn't quite double in 48 hours. I agree with your Dr, great numbers!! Sorry you have to wait until 7 weeks. I know that's pretty standard in the US but it still stinks.

I am so sorry you are sick with covid. I would definitely take Tylenol to keep your temp down. Rest as much as possible. Maybe a lukewarm bath to keep your temp down too? Hope you are feeling better soon and LO doesn't catch it!

Not sure but I'm just going to focus on when I meet about her results, which is in about a month.

Shae glad you got to indulge to help curb the disappointment. I totally agree with Dobby on team honeymoon baby though. Enjoy Italy and come back home with a bfp

I was like winter and we just got matching ties for the groomsmen that complemented DH's. Also omg I know your wedding will be in NE but I still couldn't imagine a full suit in June. Also, lovely rehearsal dress!

No worries on responding.

Dobby yay for field trip!! Also glad the new school seems a better fit. Sorry you are in a rough spot right now. Hope the weekend gives you a moment to recharge.
Flueks I don’t understand why the guys want to wear suit coats in June, I really don’t, I tried to spare them lol. At least it’ll be 5 PM so it should be cooled down from the peak of the day.
I do plan to come home with a BFP, fingers crossed I do! My periods have been starting the 26th-28th since last June (including the one where I skipped an entire cycle and just ovulated a month late), so fingers crossed that’ll stay accurate and I’ll ovulate on the 13th-15th like I have been, wedding day is the 10th and honeymoon is the 12th-30th!
Last edited:
I'm so glad that you are liking the new school! That's lovely that the parents have been much more welcoming. Funnily enough, I have found the same- at LOs school, nobody is very friendly, and we don't really feel any sense of community. He was only ever going to do preschool there, so that hasn't been a big deal. But then- we went to tour a new school, and the vibe is totally different. The staff are much more welcoming, and all the other parents were so friendly. Hopefully that is a good sign! I really hope that A can thrive in this new environment ❤️ Are there any other kids you could do playdates with, so you could be there to help him share? Or maybe try some board games to learn/practice taking turns?

I won't get an ultrasound until the Friday two weeks from now. So I'll be over 7w by then!!! I want my early scan! We ended up transferring a girl. ❤️ So anxious to see her!

Aaaaaaaand....I woke up to my OH shaking and coughing. He apparently has the flu or something like it. Why didn't he sleep anywhere that wasn't right next to my face?! I will go out and buy some regular strength Tylenol just in case. Is there anything else I can/should do if I start feeling sick?!

How are you feeling now, Shae?

Any word on when/how V will have her speech assessment, Flueky?
I think it's okay to consume Vitamin C and Zinc if you begin to feel badly .
Winter a quick Google search agrees with vitamin C and zinc being okay during pregnancy, just don’t take more than the recommended dose. Praying baby will be just fine.

Dobs sorry you’re in a bad headspace :( I think the fact that I’m not a bridezilla helps the engagement bringing out the best. We can’t afford for me to be a bridezilla lol. SO’s mom is asking if I want all these things on the veil and I’m like nope, plain is good, raw edge is good, I don’t have any special requests, just toss it on the comb :rofl: I did agree to her rounding the bottom edge at her recommendation, otherwise I was like “here’s the length I want, not too poofy please”, the end lol. I picked the decorative comb and the veil fabric, the rest is up to her. I care a lot more about the dress, which is why a professional seamstress will be dealing with it.
Anyway, hopefully I’ll be posting test pics from Italy. I worry I’ll skip an ovulation due to wedding stress ugh. Hopefully not. If my body behaves, I could have a BFP a bit over halfway through the honeymoon, as long as I can get that man juice successfully.
Winter i hope everyone is recovering and feeling much better. Any chance your ob will see you in sooner for an early check up since you had covid? Hugs.

Fluek hope the assessment gives you some good insight! And hopefully she’ll qualify for like 30m of group or 1-1 pull out service through school. Definitely nothing to worry about. Honestly, as a teacher when I get a kid who has a speech only IEP it’s no fuss at all. Are they just evaluating for speech or doing a full neuros psych as well?

Shae I want that Italy baby hehe best of both worlds. Enjoy your honeymoon then come home and have that pregnancy journey you’ve been waiting for. Hopefully the stress from the wedding doesn’t throw anything off. I’m glad you’re having a chill mentality with the wedding and enjoying the planning so fa! <3

AFM I’m still not great but better. Boss confirmed I’ll be back next year as Prob 2, so that’s exciting. Just have to get through one more year and then I’m permanent again. A and I have mild colds. Still haven’t seen OA. I think he’s going to end things again. We talked briefly last night before I ended the convo, but basically he’s taking on extra days with his daughter. I think her mom is guilting him for being gone half the year last year and he’s letting her guilty him. He has at least two weeknights and all weekend. So yeah if you count the days it seems 50/50 but she’s in preschool full-time, so imo he has her more than 50%. When he doesn’t have her, he’s working. He’s so exhausted. I asked him how he expects to have a sustainable life/ date and he said he doesn’t. So I put my foot down and told him he’s cancelled three important dates with me, so if he cancels on Valentine’s Day (especially since her mom gets to have Valentine’s Day on V-Day with the guy she just met a couple of months ago) then I’m done. I can see myself building a life and future with this man, but I refuse to sit here and be the only one putting in the work. Aiden is struggling outside of school and he eloped twice on Friday. To be fair, they had a sub. But still. I'm just tired. I need a vacation.
Dobs I’m sorry things aren’t great with OA :( and that Aiden is eloping at school, that’s tough.

Winter when is your scan? Are you feeling better?

AFM met with the venue and got the menu set up. We went with deviled eggs, crostini with hot artichoke pâté, and sautéed chicken tenders with honey mustard plus a crudité platter for hors d’oeuvres.
Suit shopping for SO is the 18th.
Ordered wedding invitations but still waiting for my updated proof because I realized the dots in the date were uneven, thank God I noticed cuz I would’ve lost my mind if they were printed with a mistake like that.
Thinking about trying a fancy facial at a spa to see how my face reacts so I know if it’s safe to do soon before the wedding, definitely don’t want angry skin at the wedding.
That's great news about your job, Dobby. And it seems like getting through another year is more or less a given, so something to look forward to being made permanent, too. I'm sorry about all the back and forth with OA. You deserve to be a priority, my friend. I wish that he would do that for you. ❤️

Your menu sounds great, shae! And sounds like everything else is in hand, too. I don't think I'd do a facial or anything too close to the wedding for the exactly the reasons you're worried about! Maybe a couple of weeks before?

I'm fine- covid lasted 24-48ish hours. I had trouble keeping my fever down. For 24 hours it was stuck right around 100, which isn't terrible, but enough that I'm a bit worried about any affect on the baby. Also worst possible timing as I was 5w-6w. My scan is on Friday, and I'm getting nervous about it. I've been really nauseous and exhausted, but that has gotten a lot better over the past two days. So, who knows. Can't win- feel awful with morning sickness and exhaustion, feel worried when they go away #-o
Shae menu sounds super yum! Do you get a long weekend that weekend or are you working? I hope they have fun suit shopping. Glad you found that alignment issue on the proof. I'm pro try it now vs risk a reaction later. Just saw a reel about a mom who ignored that "test this on an obscure small spot" warning that we all ignore and her kid ended up in the ER

Winter that's the hardest when you're miserable but knowing it's from the pregnancy. It's weird to say glad you're still having symptoms. I hope the scan goes well on Friday! So exciting. Will DH be able to go with? So happy to hear the covid was relatively short lived.

Re job: yes, usually if you make it through year one you'll set as long as nothing changes. But I have heard of weird things happening. The scary part is that if you don't get re-hired while on probation, it's called non-re elect and you have to disclose that on every future job app. Couple that with the fact that I've changed districts so many times AND I'm a very expensive hire with my degrees and years of experience, I don't know that I could land another job in this area. But I do think I'm doing a lot and navigating a lot. I've basically kept my grade level afloat with my teammate out on leave and three different subs (two quit). Parents seem to like me and giving my boss lots of positive feedback.

AFM things are better but i'm exhausted. OA did text me today that we are on for Sunday's early V-Day despite the SuperBowl. He also said he appreciates all the nice texts and support. A had a better swim and speech class. He hasn't eloped since Friday. I'm just basically not putting any demands on him once he gets home to let him rest. Work is good. A lot but good. It's intervention conference week, so lots of lunch meetings.
Winter I’ll be praying that baby is healthy and unaffected by the virus <3
Re: facial, I’m gonna see how this goes, any negative effects and how long they take to wear off, etc, then plan the timing of the one closer to the wedding based on those findings, it’ll be the exact same facial to avoid any surprises.

Dobs re: suit shopping, I have the day off, we’re going just the two of us initially to pick out what we want the groomsmen to wear as well as SO’s suit, which may be more expensive as we won’t skimp on his. Then we’ll have the boys go at a later date, not sure if it’ll be all at once, depends on schedules.
That’s scary about not getting re-hired ruining future prospects. Thank God they re-hired you. Sounds like you’re doing good work, so if they hadn’t, they’d be idiots.
Yeah, skin stuff can be really bad. I think I often think of over the counter stuff as inherent safe. It passed in a day, but LO got a chemical burn one time from Neutrogena sunscreen. We didn't have his usual (baby Banana Boat). It was awful, and I felt so guilty. I also didn't know that babies under 6m aren't meant to even use sunscreen. Guess it goes to show all this stuff is made of chemicals in the end.

Yeah, that's a big penalty to have to deal with if you don't get rehired, Dobby. Jeepers. Though at least currently everyone seems desperate for teachers. In any case- wonderful that you're getting good feedback and will be back! Are you happier than you were in your old job? Glad that A is doing better at school, and that you have a V-Day date set up ❤️

Have a good time suit shopping, shae! Sounds like a solid plan to sort OH out first, as that might then influence what you want for his groomsmen. How many bridesmaids and groomsmen will you have?

AFM- just got home from my scan, and all looked great! Saw/heard the heartbeat. ❤️ And she is measuring 7+1 (am 7+2), so all in all looking good. I was really nervous this morning and barely slept last night. Feeling very happy for today, and go back for a other scan in 2 weeks. Thank you for your prayers, Shae!
Yeah we’ll see. I’m worried but not worried. I’m a kiss ass.

sounds fun! Love that you have the day off! Any other plans for the day after? And ugh so sweet you two are doing it together. You’re like Kate Hudson and cute guy from Reba in that bride wars movie. Totally gelling

Winter that is such amazing news! I’m so happy for you!!! And yay for a scan in two weeks. I was just popping in to say hope all went well. Love it!
Shae so smart to do a trial now vs only doing it right before the wedding.

I can't believe how close it's getting until your wedding!! So excited for you and SO.

Dobby glad you will be back next school year. Here's hoping you get to stay there. I'm glad this week seems to have been better (A not eloping). I hope that OA doesn't cancel on you. I agree with Winter that you deserve to be a priority too.

Winter so happy your scan went well and you get to have another in 2 weeks!! I'm so happy and excited for you. Will be praying for another great scan in 2 weeks :)

Oh and it's so frustrating trying to sleep the night before the 1st scan at 7 weeks. I think I always slept bad those nights.

AFM sorry things have been pretty busy with work and home life. Yesterday I picked up a bulk box of 40 lb of chicken breasts. It was only $75 pretax. So less than $2/lb. It was a lot of work and a bit messy though. My foodsaver didn't want to seal the bags well so it was harder than it should have been. I ended up also putting them in freezer ziploc bags. I'm thinking it might be the aldi brand bags vs using the food sealer brand. Not sure if I want to go through all the trouble again but if my food sealer works right it wouldn't be as bad.

Girls are pretty good. V has an ear infection but not doing bad.

I've been more focused on tracking my food and I can definitely tell it's making an impact as I'm losing weight again. I'm 7.4lbs away from my original goal and so excited to hit that!

DH and I got to have a date night Tuesday. We haven't had one in nearly a year I believe. It was so nice and we are planning to do it more regular.
Fluek that is awesome! I'm glad that you found a tweak that kickstarted things again and that'd you're almost to your goal! Any plans on how to celebrate once you hit it? 40 lbs! That's quite the deal! Sorry the food saver was giving you grief though. Hoping the ear infection passes swiftly!

Gigs, I see you lurking! I hope you're doing well!

AFM so far seems like things are on track. He confirmed last night that we're on for dinner. My mom said we can sleepover at her house. I didn't ask OA if I could sleepover, just let him that I'm not bound by my usual 7pm gtfh deadline. He's cooking the main dish, but he asked if I could bring salad (which I was planning anyway). I'm going to do like a 3 ways to have the same ingredients hahah. So an arugula salad, caprese skewers (cutting the tomatoes into hearts), and then bruschetta. Just a little of each since it's the two of us. I've never done any of these things, but the recipes seem pretty straightforward. So wish me luck! I still get anxiety from A's dad about cooking, especially for other people to each. And I'm a little anxious because he does work in upper management and dinner parties are huge where I grew up (both socially and as part of advancing in your career) so this is also like a hey btw I can hang in those situations. I'm also bringing a bottle of cab since we're having filet mignon and you can't go wrong with a cab. Except it's also a bottle I've never had. The reviews seem solid and wine is wine haha. Wish me luck! I'm so excited. This will be my first Valentine's dinner with a guy since A's dad, and usually I did everything and he just showed up. Oh and my mom has been feeling bad for me because I haven't gone out in forever, so she watched A yesterday so I could get my nails done and get waxed.
Do you guys ever think that this thread is doing this website a lot of good? Like it's one of the few super active ones? I just wonder, if this website were to ever be shut down/not renewed, how would we all find out what happened to each other? I don't know why I thought that just now, but...thought I'd share.

HI EVERYONE! way to call me out on lurking Dobs, hahahhahah
I check in every now and again but it's usually a read-along in the bathroom (yes, I'm one of those people) and I rarely comment.

WINTER! I'M SO DISAPPOINTED IN YOU! Ok not really...but I AM sad that you've be holding back on photos for us all that have to live vicariously!!! No pee sticks? No ultrasound? You're killin' me! BUT, all that said...I am SO FLIPPING thrilled for you and your little new wee one!!! That is so freaking exciting!!! Not that I ever had a doubt it would work ;) But I am just so happy for you, I can't even tell you. This is a long time coming. so...SHE??? ahhh!!! How wonderful! Did you get to pick or did they tell you after implantation? If you said, I'm sorry, I missed it!

Fluek yay for bulk meat! We just committed to a quarter cow at $3.79/lb. It really is the way to go if you can afford it (we can't but what's a little more debt?) and have the space in the freezer(s). Nice score on the chicken. I don't think there's any place around here to get bulk chicken except maybe costco and we don't have a membership. Glad the kids are doing well!! Yay for potty training! We finally got there, too. #3 is full potty trained, even at night, save for 2 accidents in a month or pretty good! HUGE congrats on nearly being at your goal weight!!! That is so exciting! Before & current pics when you can!

Dobs I'm glad things are working out with OA and I hope you have a lovely dinner with him! Are thinking about introducing the kids yet? So sorry to read about the ongoing struggles with the school. It's such a shame that they don't have more solutions for you, vs. "your problem, not ours" mentality.

Shae, I can't believe your wedding is right around the corner! I absolutely LOVE your reception dress! Like, I want to borrow it (except only my thigh would fit in it, likely). You are going to be a beautiful bride!! I can't wait to see the pics. And, real talk, I think whatever this monitor you just got is probably the worst thing you could have done!! Girrrrrl have you ever heard of "too much information"??? You are going to drive yourself crazy! But you do you, boo. All that said...I am super excited for your wedding, but also SUUUUUPER excited for your TTC journey to officially begin! Not long now....will you guys be trying as soon as you're married? I feel like SO will be easy to convince. Or at the very least he'll probably let his guard down and not be as careful...

AFM...I've just been busy. I'm trying to actually brand myself so I can set up a website and sell some things from here (jewelry, art, and hopefully have some affiliate links set up). I'm still doing the reseller thing and it's fun. I slowed down a lot for a bit there but I really missed it. Back to doing regular content and weekly live shows. The kids are good, #3 just turned 4 last month. Hubby's been half joking again about a fourth kid, but I feel done. I've said this before but honestly I would love to be pregnant again and enjoy all the excitement that comes along with that, but I'm not keen on the idea of another baby. We've really gotten a lot of freedom back this past year with the youngest being old enough to get things for himself...I don't think I want to hit the reset button on that. Also, I keep asking, what would a fourth bring to the table that my kids haven't already? I don't have the answer to that.

I'm doing the weight loss thing again and actually being successful this time, haha. I tried last year and if y'all recall, I really hit a wall (I'm a poet!). It was 3 months of ultra low carb eating and weight lifting and though I was getting stronger, I wasn't seeing any physical change. I hovered around a 3lb loss and that was crazy frustrating. I gave up about October. Finally in December, I decided to do what I've had success with in the past -- ignore carbs but pay attention to calories and get some cardio in. I started about mid-December, but then kind of did what I wanted through the holidays. I picked back up after the new year; started at 172.4 (I think...can't remember the point whatever, but definitely 172-something) and am about 164.8 now (or there abouts; been fluctuating about a half pound the past couple of days). I could definitely be moving more; mostly I'm just calorie counting, trying to keep it at/around 1500 a day. I am sure I'd lose more/faster with more exercise but I haven't had too much motivation for that yet, although I am doing it here and there. I'd like to get back to my weigh lifting more.

Other than that we met a local friend--another homeschooling mom with similar values! Yay! And she has a kid about my oldest's age and they have video games in common! They have been having fun playing "IRL" and also online. I am just so, so happy for him to have a friend his age. It hasn't ever happened, y'all. I mean he has friends but this is the first his age and with a shared interest. Because he's on the spectrum, he has always had a tough time making connections with kids or knowing how to talk to them. This has been great. Plus, she has a kid similar in age to my youngest (also a boy). AND, our husbands get along! It's such a rare situation that I am sure it won't last, haha. They are already considering moving in the foreseeable future so we'll see. I just have a curse, I swear, when I meet a friend who I grow closer to, they move out of state.

Anyway, that's about it here!
Dobby I don't think I'll plan anything special for 40 lbs lost. I have been buying nice clothes as I fit into smaller sizes so I guess I've been treating myself along the journey.

I'm sure your food will be great and I hope you are having a great time right now or in the near future. Also yay for your mom going to watch A overnight.

Gigs, yay so glad to hear from you! I know it's so sad how active bnb used to be. I recall it was so hard to keep up.

We actually bought 1/2 cow in June. It was almost $1K but the meat is so much better than store bought and it was a bit cheaper too than store bought. Nice score on the 1/4 cow. Yay for all 3 being potty trained. It's such a good feeling I'm sure! I know it is just having 1 in diapers. I will probably add some pics once I reach 150.

I agree. I couldn't imagine starting all over now that I'm getting more freedom back.

Awesome job on the weight loss!! Hope it keeps going well for you :)

Also that is exciting about your new friend and DS1's friend. I hope they don't move. Speaking of homeschooling how is it going homeschooling 2 now?

AFM I made a special early V day treat. A chocolate cheesecake with chocolate ganace and strawberry topping. I'll try to add a pic later.

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