Do you guys ever think that this thread is doing this website a lot of good? Like it's one of the few super active ones? I just wonder, if this website were to ever be shut down/not renewed, how would we all find out what happened to each other? I don't know why I thought that just now, but...thought I'd share.
HI EVERYONE! way to call me out on lurking Dobs, hahahhahah
I check in every now and again but it's usually a read-along in the bathroom (yes, I'm one of those people) and I rarely comment.
WINTER! I'M SO DISAPPOINTED IN YOU! Ok not really...but I AM sad that you've be holding back on photos for us all that have to live vicariously!!! No pee sticks? No ultrasound? You're killin' me! BUT, all that said...I am SO FLIPPING thrilled for you and your little new wee one!!! That is so freaking exciting!!! Not that I ever had a doubt it would work

But I am just so happy for you, I can't even tell you. This is a long time coming. so...SHE??? ahhh!!! How wonderful! Did you get to pick or did they tell you after implantation? If you said, I'm sorry, I missed it!
Fluek yay for bulk meat! We just committed to a quarter cow at $3.79/lb. It really is the way to go if you can afford it (we can't but what's a little more debt?) and have the space in the freezer(s). Nice score on the chicken. I don't think there's any place around here to get bulk chicken except maybe costco and we don't have a membership. Glad the kids are doing well!! Yay for potty training! We finally got there, too. #3 is full potty trained, even at night, save for 2 accidents in a month or pretty good! HUGE congrats on nearly being at your goal weight!!! That is so exciting! Before & current pics when you can!
Dobs I'm glad things are working out with OA and I hope you have a lovely dinner with him! Are thinking about introducing the kids yet? So sorry to read about the ongoing struggles with the school. It's such a shame that they don't have more solutions for you, vs. "your problem, not ours" mentality.
Shae, I can't believe your wedding is right around the corner! I absolutely LOVE your reception dress! Like, I want to borrow it (except only my thigh would fit in it, likely). You are going to be a beautiful bride!! I can't wait to see the pics. And, real talk, I think whatever this monitor you just got is probably the worst thing you could have done!! Girrrrrl have you ever heard of "too much information"??? You are going to drive yourself crazy! But you do you, boo. All that said...I am super excited for your wedding, but also SUUUUUPER excited for your TTC journey to officially begin! Not long now....will you guys be trying as soon as you're married? I feel like SO will be easy to convince. Or at the very least he'll probably let his guard down and not be as careful...
AFM...I've just been busy. I'm trying to actually brand myself so I can set up a website and sell some things from here (jewelry, art, and hopefully have some affiliate links set up). I'm still doing the reseller thing and it's fun. I slowed down a lot for a bit there but I really missed it. Back to doing regular content and weekly live shows. The kids are good, #3 just turned 4 last month. Hubby's been half joking again about a fourth kid, but I feel done. I've said this before but honestly I would love to be pregnant again and enjoy all the excitement that comes along with that, but I'm not keen on the idea of another baby. We've really gotten a lot of freedom back this past year with the youngest being old enough to get things for himself...I don't think I want to hit the reset button on that. Also, I keep asking, what would a fourth bring to the table that my kids haven't already? I don't have the answer to that.
I'm doing the weight loss thing again and actually being successful this time, haha. I tried last year and if y'all recall, I really hit a wall (I'm a poet!). It was 3 months of ultra low carb eating and weight lifting and though I was getting stronger, I wasn't seeing any physical change. I hovered around a 3lb loss and that was crazy frustrating. I gave up about October. Finally in December, I decided to do what I've had success with in the past -- ignore carbs but pay attention to calories and get some cardio in. I started about mid-December, but then kind of did what I wanted through the holidays. I picked back up after the new year; started at 172.4 (I think...can't remember the point whatever, but definitely 172-something) and am about 164.8 now (or there abouts; been fluctuating about a half pound the past couple of days). I could definitely be moving more; mostly I'm just calorie counting, trying to keep it at/around 1500 a day. I am sure I'd lose more/faster with more exercise but I haven't had too much motivation for that yet, although I am doing it here and there. I'd like to get back to my weigh lifting more.
Other than that we met a local friend--another homeschooling mom with similar values! Yay! And she has a kid about my oldest's age and they have video games in common! They have been having fun playing "IRL" and also online. I am just so, so happy for him to have a friend his age. It hasn't ever happened, y'all. I mean he has friends but this is the first his age and with a shared interest. Because he's on the spectrum, he has always had a tough time making connections with kids or knowing how to talk to them. This has been great. Plus, she has a kid similar in age to my youngest (also a boy). AND, our husbands get along! It's such a rare situation that I am sure it won't last, haha. They are already considering moving in the foreseeable future so we'll see. I just have a curse, I swear, when I meet a friend who I grow closer to, they move out of state.
Anyway, that's about it here!