General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Gigs - Ya, making enough stops to go to the bathroom and let the kids stretch their legs is essential. As well as lots of snacks and activities. My kids are fairly decent with road trips, except for the fact that Alex gets car sick sometimes. So, I just give him some Gravol before we leave and it seems to help.
I'm currently employed as a house cleaner. I thought I'd give it a try once it was time for me to go back to work after Matthew. And by the time I knew Zoey was on her way, I was counting down the days until I went on leave. The management and my co-workers were nice, and most of the clients were too. But there were several houses I would never wanna go back to. Houses with carpets covered in pet stains, cluttered af, or where the owners just gave me the creeps. I'm thinking of trying to get a job with the post office, maybe as a rural courier or in the sorting facility. Gonna have to see what kind of postings they have when I'm ready to apply.
Ant sign of O yet?

Dobby - Any news on the car front? Was your stepdad able to tear them a new one?
You definitely deserve someone who will put just as much effort into you as you do for them. If you're still good with the monthly hang outs and hook ups, then keep doing what you're doing. Just make sure Mr.Good Enough Foe Now isn't keeping you from finding Mr.Right.
I hope therapy helps you. How often are you going? And I hope all this school BS is figured out soon. If not, at least you have someone lined up to help.

Elly - As shae said, it's totally normal. :)

AFM, gotta start planning Matthew's 4th BDay party. It's gonna be Super Mario themed. I have a neighbour who says she has Mario and Luigi costumes that her boys (11 and 8) outgrew a few years ago. I'll also probably kill 2 birds with one stone and have those be their Halloween costumes too. Need to figure out which character Zoey will be though. I'll probably keep it simple for myself and just wear a pink shirt and a crown and I'll be Peach. lol
Last night I had the worst insomnia I have ever experienced. Plus I woke up twice to pee, kept having hot flashes, and was SUPER bloated. This cycle is gonna kick my butt.
So still no sign of ovulation…I don’t know if I should be worried (I am) or not worry unless this becomes happens again. My understanding was anovulatory cycles every now and again can be normal. Also to be fair I haven’t really been tracking my folliclar phase exactly, I typically just pay attention to the LP…but I feel like my ovulation always comes on the heels of my period; I’m always thinking how I hope my spotting stops before those Ov hormones kick into high gear :blush: 4 weeks seems extremely long. 4 weeks and no ovulation in sight.

I did use my last test just to make sure and it was definitely negative.

ugh Dobs that’s so frustrating about the car! I’m sorry to hear your stick between a rock and a hard place there. Hmmm OA definitely seems like he’s sending out the mixed signals…But hey if it works, it works!

pretty 4 years?! Seems like only yesterday you were trying to figure out how to talk hubby into a second kiddo. Love the theme and double use of the costumes! I have to make DS1’s costume and I’m not looking forward to it. At least I don’t have to make any for the other kids.

anyway could Zoey be a power up mushie or a star?
Ok reddit to the rescue; has eased my freaking out a bit…it’s possible I might jist be ovulating super, super late which can also be normal. I have been battling some anxiety this month so I guess I shouldn’t be completely surprised. I’m trying to tuck my fears into the back of my mind, you know, ‘cause anxiety love more junk to feed off of.

also I’m going to kick start exercising again and calorie count. I’ve dropped the ball since the beach vacation. I’ve been doing a lot of maintenance/yard work around the homestead here but it isn’t giving me the same exertion or feeling of wellness I get after a good workout.

does anyone have any youtube channels the recommend for exercise? I really like Kaleigh Cohen Strength for muscles, but I haven’t found anything I truly love for cardio…ideally no more than 30 minutes and easy on the knees is my preference ^_^
Gigs yeah I mean the odd cycle here and there is normal especially if you’re super stressed. Hopefully it’s just an off cycle and O comes soon.

Pretty that’s annoying. Like I understand that people hire cleaners to clean but that’s just ridiculous. For me, I don’t mind picking up clutter, taking out the trash, or doing dishes. But since I do it every day or two I’m too tired to like disinfect. I will say I feel bad about the toilet because A is so gross lol typical boy splatter everywhere. Hopefully you can find something that’s a better fit.

afm still fighting the good fight. My new therapist keeps focusing on A and I’m not in love with it. And I get where she’s coming from but it’s like not helpful lol. It’s actually super annoying because the whole point is my life revolves around A. Anyway long story short I’m a mess still

re OA I might not be typing it well but he is very clear with his boundaries and intent. I don’t feel misled at all. My failed dating life has taught me that you can have two good people and even two people who care deeply for each other and them not be right for each other. I have a few guy friends in my life where we definitely have love and attraction for each other but we don’t fit romantically. As for Mr. Right, my ducks are far too out of a row to even entertain anybody. As A gets older maybe I’ll meet someone through a parent at school or his activities. But right now A needs my whole focus and I like what we have

Speaking of he started soccer this week lol
Omg I bet A in a uniform is the cutest!! We had DS2 is little league which was adorable but an absolute S show…only a fraction of the kids actually paid attention lol
Haha well it’s just like learning and practice. They do like 30m of drills then 15m of 1v1 then 15m of 4v4
Gigs same with delayed O, I finally ovulated yesterday on CD29. That’s not my normal, I’m usually CD16-22, most often CD18-20, but I figured it was due to moving stress or possibly the ? CP. It wouldnt be the first time I’ve had a delayed ovulation after a faint line turned nothing, or while my mind or body was under stress either. My ovaries are very sensitive to stress. So anyway, I wouldn’t freak out about the delayed O. I also caught an anovulatory cycle this year, my progesterone never rose so I knew I didn’t just miss the LH rise. I’ve read that it’s normal and average to have them about once a year, so if the LH surge never comes, I wouldn’t freak about that either.

Dobs I would guess that your therapist is focusing on A so much because your whole life revolves around A. But at the same time, you have the right to tell her that you want to talk about something else for a while, remember that.
I echo Gigs, I bet A is so cute in a soccer uniform!

Pretty omg please share photos of Zoey and the boys in their costumes after the party! I agree with Gigs that Zoey as a mushroom or a star would be to die for cute.
Well it’s partly a yes most of my stress does have A at the roof. Even doing therapy is hard because he hears and gets upset and/or is an interrupting cow. But it’s also that her first career for 20 years was working for a regional center so she has a lot of background knowledge about services and kids with special needs.

Pretty the party theme is great can’t wait to see pictures! You always have the cutest decorations and outfits at the parties. A star or mushroom or even like a little fire flower hehe would be cute. But a star is probably easiest. They do wear cute little jerseys when they scrimmage. The coach is so sweet and always puts him with his little bestie.

Yesterday was a s*show. My last conference ran 30m late! Luckily my brother picked up A because I got to stop by the bank to check my car title (finally) for the good faith review I needed). Then I was gonna go to target but remembered I needed A’s adhd meds. There was a strike at Kaiser, but I checked after the notification on my order status just last night and it said ok to pick up. I assumed they wouldn’t shut down pharmacies. But they did!!! So I checked my app and they cancelled my order without telling me! I had to go to the hospital 20m away and I was crying because when I redid the prescription request it said I couldn’t have it until Monday! So I’m calling but the lines were backed up due to the strike and I can barely put two sentences together when she picks up and she can’t get through to the pharmacy until I literally parked. So I just hung up and went in to shoot my shot. And all the crying was unnecessary because it took all of 5m to get his meds. They had like ten people working check in and check out with a manager just walking up and down telling everyone they were going great and trying to distract angry people. Crazy times. I’m just annoyed like I got the strike notice but I should have been notified when my prescription was cancelled. Would have saved me like 45m

Dobby - Alex and Matthew do soccer too. Sounds like it's pretty similar; 30 mins of drills and practice and then 15 mins of game play.
Jeez, that sucks about the strike. But at least you were able to pick up his meds. How's he doing on them?

Gigs - Sorry if this is dumb or insensitive, but if you're not actively trying to get pg then why does it matter if you O'd or not?
As for exercise and dieting, can't really help you there. I'm probably just about at my highest pp weight right now. :/

Re: Matthew's BDay. I know, right? 4 years already. I've decided to dress Zoey as Princess Daisy. I already ordered a yellow dress that I'll add a few things too. As well as a couple crowns from Temu; one for me, one for her. I've literally bought nothing for decorations yet. Probably hit up Party City this week for that.

AFM, had a quiet Canadian Thanksgiving weekend. Had turkey with SO's mom's side on Sunday. And went for a buffet dinner with my mom on Monday.

My kids and their cousin from Sunday.
LOL pretty; not a dumb question...I get ultra-obsessively concerned about my health so if I don't ovulate I'm freaking out as to why it's happening. The other part of that is I like to have "caution to the wind" BD after ovulation is confirmed, and if I can't never be sure it happened, no such fun BD happens so just a bit of a bummer.

I did however end up starting AF a couple of days ago, which was pretty much on time, so who knows....either for the first time in forever I didn't get ov pain or any other symptoms, or it was annovulatory. Since I only rely on symptoms and don't chart, guess we'll never really know. Hopefully things return to normal next month. And maybe I should just be thankful I avoided the ov pain.

Awwwwwwwwwww Dobby I was right! He is adorable. That's so crazy about the strike. I guess they're getting their point across...but what a bummer and inconvenience. They could email about the strike but not about the cancellation? I have always hated Kaiser. I was glad to get off their insurance when I was old enough to get on my own. I know it's not as convenient but is sure as heck beat being misdiagnosed and having unnecessary surgery ...just saying...

Pretty I'm out of the loop because I have no idea who princess Daisy is. I hope the crowns arrive in time! What does a traditional Canadian Thanksgiving consist of? Like what kind of traditions do you have? Our are basically food (turkey, mashed taters, sweet potatoes, mac and cheese....what am I missing ladies?) and football on the TV. Then more food (pumpkin pie...other pie...pies for days....and ice cream).

What an adorable photo of the kiddos!!

Shae glad O finally happened. How's the move going?
Gigs - Ya, our Thanksgiving is pretty much the same as your Thanksgiving, food-wise. SO's cousin's husband had football on cuz he likes it, but there aren't any special games over the weekend. SO and I also couldn't care less about football. lol. I also feel like our holidays are spaced out better. There's like 2 and a half months between our Thanksgiving and XMas instead of just 30 days for you guys. But that's just my opinion. lol
I dunno much about her back story, but this is Princess Daisy. I just know she exists and Zoey looks more like her than Peach. lol

Dobby - Sorry I forgot to say A is adorable in his uniform. And in the zookeeper outfit you had him in for Boo At The Zoo from your IG. :)
Hi friends, sorry for being AWOL… again. I caught up on everything but basically remember nothing. But I’ll try… I remember some cute soccer pics of A and your kiddos, Pink. Bad sentence but I’m too wiped to revise. Your boys look so much like you Pink.

What else… oh, terrible, costly car stuff. Argh. I’m sorry Dobs. $9k is just wild. Hope it’s all sorted now. Did you go for a Toyota? We have a 2017 RAV4 and have not had any problems but have only had it two years. I’m the actual worst with cars. Have no idea what to do with them because I haven’t had a car since I was 17. DH wants a Tesla. He test drove one overnight the other day (they let you keep it overnight when you test drive. Wild eh?). I feel like I’d never learn the controls and also it was small inside compared to the RAV4. Whatevs.

Argh I’m forgetting other things. I’m sorry. I enjoyed catching up with everyone though and had a lot of thoughts along the way that have now fluttered into the distance along with my overall sanity.

AFM I am now 14 weeks pregnant. Last scan seemed fine. I’m generally pretty damn miserable though, partly because of the tiredness and nausea (luckily the tiredness has improved a bit), partly because I’m now on a ridiculously stressful and tight deadline to finish my dissertation research so I have like no downtime, and partly because in interaction with that i obviously can’t use edibles anymore, which it turns out was such a big benefit to my mental health when I also had free time. Also sex is not really happening atm because I feel so crap all the time, and that’s made DH resentful, plus with my hormones I’m already so annoyed by him, and everything together just puts me off sex even more, which builds the resentment in him even more, which puts me off more, and so the whole thing is a pretty bad cycle and we are also both avoidant so we rarely address it and he just deals out a tonne of infuriating passive aggression. Our couples therapy sessions keep getting pushed for various reasons which is getting annoying. Like what’s the effing point if regular therapy isn’t even accessible. We’d switch but it’s so hard to find a good couples therapist and wait lists for good ones are super long plus it’s hard to start with someone completely new. God, I hope my clients don’t feel that way about me.

oh also I’m in increasing pain from probably stress and tension and being sedentary and also my diastasis recti worsening in pregnancy and making me have a belly that looks like I’m 6 months pregnant rather than 3. I did a free F45 class the other day and almost died. Some of my muscles literally ached for a week. A week! I still have so many aches and pains but now that’s just, idk, aging and pregnancy and being unfit and bad posture and sh*t. How I’ll get to third trimester and not be physically destroyed is anyone’s guess.

BUT things could be worse so really I should be grateful… I definitely also notice I feel at my worst when I don’t make space for things that are meaningful or just for me. Edibles gave me that. It was like a mental fairground/art exhibit/intellectual convention/hardcore bonding with others/you-name-it. Anyway… I’m poorer than ever but I just on a whim signed up for a 6-week pottery course on Wednesday. I’ll have to move clients around but whatevs. I feel like I need this.

Oh I remember Shae saying about DH’s dream child and missing him. I had the same before I had Matilda… dreamt of a little girl and got tearful and missed her when I woke up. Never had a dream like that before or since. But definitely dreamt I’ve left Matilda behind somewhere or forgot to pick her up or something and panicked. Also dreamt the other day that DH bought us a puppy (he’s allergic to all cute animals) and also two teenagers turned up and made clear I had adopted them and all i remember feeling was doom and fear and regret about being responsible for a puppy and these teenagers. You don’t have to be Freud to analyze that dream.

Question: those of you in relationships, how do you share finances? This is a big issue in my marriage that I want to raise in therapy.

K im spent. Sorry for my lame post and likely typos. Hope y’all are well.
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I so I did edit the above post and corrected typos coz it was barely readable
SO used to have a 2017 Rav4 too, until he decided to get a 2021 Highlander a couple months before we conceived Zoey. He was moderately opposed to getting a minivan at the time and I never brought it up. I had no issue with a large SUV and my stance is it was his vehicle and his choice on what he wanted. Since then, he's made several comments about how he should have gotten a Sienna. The last time he got the car serviced at the dealership, he asked about trading it in for a minivan (he has a 5 year lease) and was told they didn't have any. And they weren't putting any more names on the wait list cuz those people were already gonna be waiting for 3 YEARS! So, ya. Guess we'll have to see what cars they have available when his lease is up. :/

Sorry that the lack of BD is an issue. SO is always trying to get stuff going with me, but I'm generally not interested. I dunno if it's a tiredness thing or probably being all touched out at the end of the day. Usually I have to watch p*rn just to get in the mood and then, once we're done, I'm back to "ugh, don't touch me." I especially don't like him touching my boobs and I have no idea why. I still like him and have no plans to leave or whatever. I hope you get to see the therapist soon and get all your issues sorted.

For finances, I would recommend you 2 get a joint account, but still keep your separate accounts. Put a certain percentage of your incomes in the joint account and that's where you get your payments for mortgage, water bill, household groceries, etc. And your personal account is for your cell phone bill, lunch out with coworkers, nail salon visits, whatever. Splitting things 50/50 is something roommates do, not committed couples. Especially if someone makes noticeably more than the other. If that were the case, one person might have a bunch of cash still at the end of the month while the other could just have pennies left. Hope that makes sense. SO and I do not have this system in place. He's getting his full pay and I'm getting a small fraction of my normal pay cuz I'm still on leave and then I get some government money for each of the kids, which is nice, but goes quickly. He's covering the housing stuff, like the mortgage, insurance for the house and his car. I'm usually covering groceries, swimming lessons for 3 kids, soccer classes for 2, and other small things that add up. The other day, he was all uncomfortable cuz he had $1700 on his credit card, whereas I'm $32,000 in debt between my credit card and line of credit and he has no idea. And I can't even think about paying that off til I'm back at work. Sorry, that turned into a whole rant about my money issues.
In other money news though, we're starting to get some info on SO's grandma's will. There's still some shares that need to be sold from when his grandpa partially owned 3 different car dealerships, but presently, there's close to $2M to be divided between his dad, aunt, and uncle, and himself and 4 cousins. Hopefully it's all figured out sooner rather than later.

But anyway, hope you're doing well. Getting close to the half way point of your pregnancy now. Sorry if you've already said, but will you be finding out the gender?
Pretty I remember you mentioning the boys play. Do they get to play at the same time or even together? The way this guy runs it, it’s like literally TK-5. He has multiple coaches and they partition the giant field at school. So it’s nice for the parents with multiple kids who play. Love the family photo! I agree with Jez that I always love how much your kids look like each other and like you. And the chill thanksgiving. Did the dress come? I agree 2 months between two huge holidays would be nice.

Aww thanks! I’m biased because he’s mine so I think he’s a freaking supermodel hahahahahaha.

Gigs I feel you. We all know I’m officially done (unless I like magically meet the most amazing dad to A ever and he desperately wants to put a baby in me), but I still like to know all my parts are working. Or not working in the case of my bcp :rofl: Super odd but at least af came. Hopefully next cycle is back to normal. Yeah Kaiser has its dumb moments. I will say though I have a lot of students and even A’s best friend’s mom have been saying they can’t get in to see a developmental pediatrician/psychiatrist for meds for 9 months to a year! I had my appointment booked within weeks (and it was only a delay because I had work). His bestie wants to put her kid on meds, but she can’t get in to see anybody. She’s about to go out of pocket to see a specialist in a town over an hour away because she can see how much improvement A is having with his.

Gigs! Daisy is Daisy! She’s the princess we all love if we’re trying to pretend we’re not basic hahaha. I always play Daisy when I play Mario Party ahaha.

Jez so glad the scan went well! Agreed will you be finding out the gender? wow was there any screening involved before they let him just take a Tesla home?! I take it you’re not huge on getting one haha. My brother wants one so badly. I’m so sorry about the therapy getting delayed. :( Especially when you two and having a rough go. I know it’s nice to feel the symptoms because its reassuring but ugh. Hope you feel better soon. I think the pottery class sounds lovely and yes you need something for you. Re money, I was never married but I always kept things totally separate even with the ones I was engaged to and/or living with. I have too much drama in my family that I don’t think I’d agree to a joint account, which is probably why I’d never actually marry someone. I feel like if you can’t trust them with a joint account then lmfao why are you marrying them?

My parents did what Pretty said. They had a joint account and then separate personal accounts. I know my mom was screwed over a bit because she direct deposited her check into the joint account. So boundaries around what goes in and out. So like my mom’s personal account was used to pay for expenses just for her/me/my brother. My stepdad’s was to cover things for him or the boys exclusively. The joint account was used for things that impacted the whole family ie utilities, mortgages for their common properties, whole family vacations… My grandmother has a joint account with my grandfather. He thinks it’s her only account but she has a private account. She stashes small amounts of money away in it but most of her money goes into the joint. She said it was so she always had an escape plan. Yet she never left so idk the point lmfao.

But yeah that would be my thing. Like whatever goes into he joint account monthly from each person would be equitable but not necessarily equal. With clear parameters on how that money is spent and agreements on visibility/access.

Re meds So yeah it’s a huge and clear difference with the meds. He’s still on the 5mg 4 hour dextroampethamine (which I’m told is basically adderol). So it’s clear when it starts to wear off in the day on his logs. But he’s able to get things now with first time listening, he’s participating in class discussions whole group, sitting in his chair. I was told today he even wrote multiple sentences in a story with his behaviorist this morning. He’s also able to have more conversation with me about his behavior after school since he’s been on the meds. The side effects suck, so I don’t know that we’ll ever be able to transition to a longer med but they’re manageable right now. Since the the meds, he’s had barely any 3s on his log (3 means heavy prompting from his behaviorist) and he’s even had like a good number of logs come home with barely any challenges of the day or things listed as challenges that are stupid LOL. Like one day his only challenge was “said school was boring” :rofl:

Re car My mom and I got in a fight when she was supposed to watch A so I could go buy a Prius. But then I was googling and it seems like Ford has a lot of lawsuits around transmission issues. So I’m currently trying to see if Ford will buyback my car. My stepdad went behind my back and tried to get my mom to take her car back from me! I. was. LIVID. My mom had told him he needs to stfu, leave her and my other brother out of it, and talk to me directly. He knows better than to call me with bull though. So far they haven’t made a decision. Last week they asked for the diagnostic report because the dealership refused to give it to them without a court order. This week they were missing two service invoices (one of which included the recall related to the transmission, not sketch). So I’m lowkey hoping the act they’re looking into the car’s service history is a good sign. I bought my car brand new and I had it serviced only at Ford dealerships every 10k miles starting at 5k like I was supposed to. Literally just had it serviced 6 months ago. I can probably get a couple grand from it, but I’ll have to tow it a few towns away to get it to the dealership with the used cars I want. But if I can get the full purchase price for it, obviously worth shooting my shot.

Re my life still a mess. Still fighting with the school. I think I'm ok with my boss at work. We got a 7% raise, whoo! Idk how I make so much and yet I'm so poor. Manager sent me photos of my condo and looks like he's ready to start advertising soon. We lost A's ipad! Idk how and it's out of battery so can't track it. Ugh. Got a notice A had 6 tardies, and I POPPED off. Only to find out it was sent in error. Supposedly. My teammate is like phoning it in because she had a kid. I don't blame her though lol.

OA and I got into it the last time I saw him. I was in such a bad mood and I just went off on him. He wanted to be frisky and I just wanted to cuddle, and instead of communicating that I just blew up at him. And then he was like trying to be nice about it and say he was proud of me or standing up for myself because he knows it's hard for me. But it was also the only time I slept over and he didn't suffocate me. Like we were opposite ends of the bed when normally I can't sleep because he insists on clinging to me. He kept reassuring me that nothing was wrong and we've talked minimally here and there, but yet. We'll see. The reason I popped off was because he took me to his spare room and clearly wanted to be frisky and I get it because last time I had said I wanted to do it all over his house. But then he was like doing all the right things and he asked what I wanted... and instead of being sane and saying I want a minute to breathe and work up to BD I was like you won't give me what I want. And turned it into a whole thing. And he was like you're so stressed do you talk to anyone about it and I'm like my therapist. And I think I hurt his feelings because he asked what my therapist says about our situationship. And I was like I don't talk to her about you. I told him it's because he's the least o my stress, which is true. He's 99.9% of the time my stress release. But also I know exactly what she'll say. I don't want him, I have childhood trauma so I have rejection issues. So since he's rejected me, I have to prove my worth by trying to get him to want to date me. Or that I'm disorganized so I want the attention and affection but I know ultimately this will not end happily ever after but it's a controlled hurt because I knew it was coming. And I have trust and commitment issues so spending all my time with a guy I respect and/or love but know I'd never marry is a decades old dating pattern of mine. It would not be my first rodeo with a therapist talking about how my trauma impacts my dating choices.
Dobby I'm sorry you are going through so much right now. I hope you can get something worked out with the car and A's school. I am glad that the meds are helping him but that stinks about the side effects. :hugs: oh and nice on the raise!!

Pretty I miss my Rav4. I traded mine in after getting pregnant with E. I did go the minivan route. I like my Odyssey quite a bit but wish it was the Sienna lol.

Also, I'm glad I'm not the only one hating my boobs touched now.

Love the pics of the kids and their cousin. Also I really like the super Mario theme party idea! We finally watched the movie. I enjoyed what I got to see of it.

Jez, sorry you are having a rough time with this pregnancy and with DH. I hope you both can get to therapy to help.

Have you considered seeing a pelvic floor therapist. They can really help with DR, pain, etc.

As for finances. We do have a joint account but it was created when we sold our house in 2020. It had our money from that and neither of us have contributed to it. We used it to make a down payment, pay for some landscaping and excavation, etc. We don't have a lot left in it. I may or may not contribute to it later. We both keep with our own personal bank accounts. We do share some bill responsibility but it is more proportioned to what we make. We both know how much the other makes, how much our bills are, etc. If I'm having to pay for extra stuff so I'm losing my "fun money" I mentioned it to him and he helps out more.

I know that money can be a big problem in relationships. I don't want anyone telling me what I can or cannot spend with my money and I don't want to be "inclined" to do that to DH. The separate accounts prevent that. Obviously, big purchases we talk about but otherwise we take care of things and do what we wish with the rest.

Gigs, I get wanting to keep up with cycle and track regularity. I do the same even though conception chances are basically zero lol. I do like knowing when to expect AF. I agree that being super stressed does impact O timing. It delays my O. Also, I usually get noticeable O symptoms like EWCM, O pains, etc. but occasionally I don't have noticeable signs.

Shae have you moved? How are things going?

Winter, I'm not sure if you are lurking but I'm thinking of you. I hope that your little girl is doing okay and you too :hugs:

AFM sorry been lurking for awhile. Just been struggling with things. Been going to therapy for a little bit and am feeling better, more like myself. Life has been hectic too.

S got into preK last month so I've had to adjust my wake up to 5 a.m. so I can finish work in order to pick her up. It's definitely a struggle waking up that early but I know it'll help her and she has been enjoying it.V is doing well. Her reading is getting better and she mostly doesn't fuss about doing homework now. E is doing well too. She enjoys being the only kid home for a bit. She can play how she wants and watch what she wants lol.

V and S are going to be lady bug and cat noir from Miraculous for Halloween. E is going to be Skye from Patrol. We took the girls to their 1st movie last week, Paw Patrol. Honestly, E was the best behaved. To be fair she is into Paw Patrol and V and S not so much. They liked it but it wasn't the same as it was for E. E turns 3 next month and we will be doing a Paw Patrol themed party. I've got her presents. I've also got most of my Christmas shopping done for the girls.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Dobby - There classes are back to back. Matthew from 11:30 to 12:15 and Alex is 12:30 to 1:15.
And ya, the dress has been delivered. Just need to alter it now.
What kinds of side effects is A having on his meds? Glad to hear they're helping him focus for a while though.
Yay for your raise. :)

Flueky - Ya, we actually really liked The Super Mario Movie too. We're low-key looking forward to the sequel. lol
Glad to hear all the girls are thriving. :) I just got off the phone with the daycare Alex and Matthew went to. I was setting up a tentative start date for Zoey. Bittersweet. :')

AFM, finally got all our documents submitted for Alex's, Zoey's, and my passports. They should come in the mail in time. HOWEVER, SO just got summoned for jury duty on November 28th. Right in the middle of our vacation. He's now trying to convince them to just push it back at least a week or so. So, we shall see.

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