Pretty I remember you mentioning the boys play. Do they get to play at the same time or even together? The way this guy runs it, it’s like literally TK-5. He has multiple coaches and they partition the giant field at school. So it’s nice for the parents with multiple kids who play. Love the family photo! I agree with Jez that I always love how much your kids look like each other and like you. And the chill thanksgiving. Did the dress come? I agree 2 months between two huge holidays would be nice.
Aww thanks! I’m biased because he’s mine so I think he’s a freaking supermodel hahahahahaha.
Gigs I feel you. We all know I’m officially done (unless I like magically meet the most amazing dad to A ever and he desperately wants to put a baby in me), but I still like to know all my parts are working. Or not working in the case of my bcp

Super odd but at least af came. Hopefully next cycle is back to normal. Yeah Kaiser has its dumb moments. I will say though I have a lot of students and even A’s best friend’s mom have been saying they can’t get in to see a developmental pediatrician/psychiatrist for meds for 9 months to a year! I had my appointment booked within weeks (and it was only a delay because I had work). His bestie wants to put her kid on meds, but she can’t get in to see anybody. She’s about to go out of pocket to see a specialist in a town over an hour away because she can see how much improvement A is having with his.
Gigs! Daisy is Daisy! She’s the princess we all love if we’re trying to pretend we’re not basic hahaha. I always play Daisy when I play Mario Party ahaha.
Jez so glad the scan went well! Agreed will you be finding out the gender? wow was there any screening involved before they let him just take a Tesla home?! I take it you’re not huge on getting one haha. My brother wants one so badly. I’m so sorry about the therapy getting delayed.

Especially when you two and having a rough go. I know it’s nice to feel the symptoms because its reassuring but ugh. Hope you feel better soon. I think the pottery class sounds lovely and yes you need something for you. Re money, I was never married but I always kept things totally separate even with the ones I was engaged to and/or living with. I have too much drama in my family that I don’t think I’d agree to a joint account, which is probably why I’d never actually marry someone. I feel like if you can’t trust them with a joint account then lmfao why are you marrying them?
My parents did what Pretty said. They had a joint account and then separate personal accounts. I know my mom was screwed over a bit because she direct deposited her check into the joint account. So boundaries around what goes in and out. So like my mom’s personal account was used to pay for expenses just for her/me/my brother. My stepdad’s was to cover things for him or the boys exclusively. The joint account was used for things that impacted the whole family ie utilities, mortgages for their common properties, whole family vacations… My grandmother has a joint account with my grandfather. He thinks it’s her only account but she has a private account. She stashes small amounts of money away in it but most of her money goes into the joint. She said it was so she always had an escape plan. Yet she never left so idk the point lmfao.
But yeah that would be my thing. Like whatever goes into he joint account monthly from each person would be equitable but not necessarily equal. With clear parameters on how that money is spent and agreements on visibility/access.
Re meds So yeah it’s a huge and clear difference with the meds. He’s still on the 5mg 4 hour dextroampethamine (which I’m told is basically adderol). So it’s clear when it starts to wear off in the day on his logs. But he’s able to get things now with first time listening, he’s participating in class discussions whole group, sitting in his chair. I was told today he even wrote multiple sentences in a story with his behaviorist this morning. He’s also able to have more conversation with me about his behavior after school since he’s been on the meds. The side effects suck, so I don’t know that we’ll ever be able to transition to a longer med but they’re manageable right now. Since the the meds, he’s had barely any 3s on his log (3 means heavy prompting from his behaviorist) and he’s even had like a good number of logs come home with barely any challenges of the day or things listed as challenges that are stupid LOL. Like one day his only challenge was “said school was boring”
Re car My mom and I got in a fight when she was supposed to watch A so I could go buy a Prius. But then I was googling and it seems like Ford has a lot of lawsuits around transmission issues. So I’m currently trying to see if Ford will buyback my car. My stepdad went behind my back and tried to get my mom to take her car back from me! I. was. LIVID. My mom had told him he needs to stfu, leave her and my other brother out of it, and talk to me directly. He knows better than to call me with bull though. So far they haven’t made a decision. Last week they asked for the diagnostic report because the dealership refused to give it to them without a court order. This week they were missing two service invoices (one of which included the recall related to the transmission, not sketch). So I’m lowkey hoping the act they’re looking into the car’s service history is a good sign. I bought my car brand new and I had it serviced only at Ford dealerships every 10k miles starting at 5k like I was supposed to. Literally just had it serviced 6 months ago. I can probably get a couple grand from it, but I’ll have to tow it a few towns away to get it to the dealership with the used cars I want. But if I can get the full purchase price for it, obviously worth shooting my shot.
Re my life still a mess. Still fighting with the school. I think I'm ok with my boss at work. We got a 7% raise, whoo! Idk how I make so much and yet I'm so poor. Manager sent me photos of my condo and looks like he's ready to start advertising soon. We lost A's ipad! Idk how and it's out of battery so can't track it. Ugh. Got a notice A had 6 tardies, and I POPPED off. Only to find out it was sent in error. Supposedly. My teammate is like phoning it in because she had a kid. I don't blame her though lol.
OA and I got into it the last time I saw him. I was in such a bad mood and I just went off on him. He wanted to be frisky and I just wanted to cuddle, and instead of communicating that I just blew up at him. And then he was like trying to be nice about it and say he was proud of me or standing up for myself because he knows it's hard for me. But it was also the only time I slept over and he didn't suffocate me. Like we were opposite ends of the bed when normally I can't sleep because he insists on clinging to me. He kept reassuring me that nothing was wrong and we've talked minimally here and there, but yet. We'll see. The reason I popped off was because he took me to his spare room and clearly wanted to be frisky and I get it because last time I had said I wanted to do it all over his house. But then he was like doing all the right things and he asked what I wanted... and instead of being sane and saying I want a minute to breathe and work up to BD I was like you won't give me what I want. And turned it into a whole thing. And he was like you're so stressed do you talk to anyone about it and I'm like my therapist. And I think I hurt his feelings because he asked what my therapist says about our situationship. And I was like I don't talk to her about you. I told him it's because he's the least o my stress, which is true. He's 99.9% of the time my stress release. But also I know exactly what she'll say. I don't want him, I have childhood trauma so I have rejection issues. So since he's rejected me, I have to prove my worth by trying to get him to want to date me. Or that I'm disorganized so I want the attention and affection but I know ultimately this will not end happily ever after but it's a controlled hurt because I knew it was coming. And I have trust and commitment issues so spending all my time with a guy I respect and/or love but know I'd never marry is a decades old dating pattern of mine. It would not be my first rodeo with a therapist talking about how my trauma impacts my dating choices.