Thanks Ladies
Campn Ahh - he did pretty darn well then- shopping is uber boring for lil ones.
Every parent has gone thru that- I don't think others mind UNLESS you are ignoring the kid screaming at the top of their lungs on the floor, annoying all the other shoppers. I once saw a brat doing this all out- in walmart- mom kept browsing like he wasn't there, then he started hitting his mom. I gave him the Mommy Dearest death stare and told him "Don't you DARE hit your mother!"
He stopped immed, looked embarassed and grabber her leg like "save me" lol
Then the mom says - I can never get him to stop

she didn't even try!?
Rex Woohoo for the crampy bus! I was literally expecting to see some blood IB early AF something!! But everytime I felt something it was just creamy cm

BTW LOVE your doggy kiss pic!
Pacific and MrsG You are inspiring me! Think I will get back to speed walking a few miles a day- been super lazy lately with holiday food etc.
I can't run anymore due to bulging disc in neck from a car accident- Doc suggested low impact exercise...So I took to crocheting and eating everything in sight

NOT a good move 20 lbs later hehe.
Forgot who asked but I plan to start testing Friday morn. I think Gig is too..
FF put my O a day later than I really think it was, so Friday will be 10dpo for me, with AF due 13dpo.
I usually start at 9dpo, but only with super sensitive tests, and I didn't buy any.