General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Oh and I forgot to say Dobby. Sorry for cycle weirdness. I hope it goes back to normal. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but do you have PCOS? That could be causing an odd cycle?

Yep, a local text alert went out telling people not to call 911. People are crazy apparently.

Yes, I was a bit nervous going on my walk tonight lol but no furry critters
:rofl: I can just picture some entitled person being like I have kids throwing tantrums this is an emergency! Oh golly

I do. I was regular before I met my ex and got depressed and gained 20 lbs. Only got worse after I had A. Even once I lost the weight, it looks pretty sporadic. Only issue is that I have only tracked five cycles total since having A. I’m worried about a cyst. It would maybe explain the high lh and high temp? And the cramping/stabbing pain. And the faux pregnancy/pms symptoms. But I’ve only gotten big cysts when I’m pregnant.

in better news A actually trick or treated. Took a couple houses to get the hang of it, he needed a security item, and I think it helped that we went down a more mellow street with pretty tame decorations/ only one other group going at the time. But then some punk took my mom’s bowl. It was her favorite bowl! It was sad lol
Definitely could be. Maybe your gyn could order an ultrasound to see if you have a cyst? I have only had an ovarian cyst 2x that I'm aware. The first time I was a freshman in high school, I wasn't tracking but bleed for a month. Ultrasound showed a cyst, birth control for 3 months and then it was dissolved. The 2nd time I had one was when I was pregnant with S, it resolved though. I don't have a dx of PCOS but who knows

Glad A got to go trick or treating. I'm sorry about the bowl though :(
Yeah the pain is gone today so I’m tempted to just cancel my appointment. My boss gave me the ok to skip my meeting with him. My lh is a bit lower with fmu as well, and my cb advanced showed high. My temp was still high 98.23 though and I was reading about progesterone producing cysts causing high bbt. I just hate to go in and insist something is wrong when nothing is wrong lol.

and lol it’s honestly just a plain stainless steel mixing bowl. She’s over it. I just hate it because that’s not how our town used to be twenty years ago.
Well Im definitely not pregnant and definitely don’t have a cyst so lol. She did ask for a urine sample to rule stuff out but didn’t say what stuff meant lol and swabbed for STDs. She said could be inflammatory and to take some ibuprofen for three days.
Hey everyone, sorry I’ve been a bit absent for the past few days. I went home to visit family on Friday, SO started coughing on Saturday, and Sunday night he took our last at home COVID test and it was blazing positive, it’s like taking a pregnancy test in that results can take several minutes, but the moment it crossed the test line it was positive. Sunday at work I noticed the tiniest cough, Monday I was definitely feeling like I had a cold, and today my BBT was crazy elevated and I felt like crap so I got up and moved around a bit and my temp on my normal thermometer was 101.0. We got a pulse ox and we’re both satting fine so far, 97-99%. I’m taking DayQuil and NyQuil to be less miserable. We all got swabbed (including roommate who has no symptoms) Monday morning, it’s PCR so we’ll find out on Wednesday most likely, but honestly we’re 95% sure it’s COVID based on the at home test. I’m honestly super pissed because I got both COVID vaccines and not only do I have it but I’m symptomatic. We also were negative with no symptoms during the 10 day period after his exposure, so like WTFFFFF!!! Luckily I have Monday-Wednesday off work so when the test comes back Wednesday I can call work and tell them the situation. I’ll have to be out of work for 10 days I expect. I also visited my family right before SO became symptomatic so I called them when the at home test was positive, they know it was longer than the normal incubation period and we’d gotten tested a week prior and were negative so they’re not mad at me, but I feel terrible, my mom and sister have asthma. They’re vaccinated, but so am I! Honestly I’ve seen such an increase in vaccinated COVID patients admitted to my unit, all the nurses noticed, and I dumbly thought it must be because they have risk factors like diabetes or obesity or asthma, etc, but here I am with zero risk factors coughing up a storm.

TLDR: I probably have COVID despite being vaxxed, awaiting test results.
Oh Shae! I’m so sorry that you very likely have it and have symptoms. I’m glad your oxygen levels are good though. I hope everyone recovers. That is frustrating, are you double or triple vaxxed? Either way, that’s both annoying and scary. And with that extra long incubation! I was just thinking if we were ever going to get it, it’d be from the pumpkin patch but we’re 12 days out. I only get tested every Monday though.

In other news on a whim I took a Wondfo. I dipped two because the top was doing that slow dye run. And all I have to say is:
If 1 + 1 = 2 (0 hcg beta on 3 days ago)
And 2 + 2 = 4 (totally normal looking uterus on transvag ultrasound yesterday)
Then what the h* is this?

124D8A36-BC3E-468D-BCED-08B44D164463.jpeg E6C5DDFB-A550-45A9-ACFA-5C701D08BC75.jpeg F96346AB-DCE1-493D-B082-C1B07A13E218.jpeg
Shae so sorry for probable covid for you and positive for SO. I hope you all feel better soon. I do think that vaccination does help prevent hospitalization but you are still probably more likely to hospitalized if you have certain comorbidities than a vaccinated individual without comorbidities. Also, vaccinated in our hospital system are rarely in ICU and/or on a vent. That was my understanding and what I've seen from the #s released from my system (they don't specify comorbidities, just my speculation).

Dobby what the crap?! Ugh, I really don't know what to think.
Dobs I feel like it must be the tests, I mean your blood work was negative and your ultrasound was negative so it has to be the wondfos, I’d think. Maybe time for a different brand?

Flueks yeah we have noted a much better survival rate for vaxxed patients as well.

Test results are in, I’m officially COVID+ :-(
I called employee health and I’m out of work until the 11th, they said they’d inform my managers. I started spotting yesterday, it’s like I’m getting a light period almost today. I’m assuming it’s COVID messing with my hormones.
Oh Shae that sucks. I’m so sorry. :(

It’s def the tests. It’s crazy because in person it looks like it has color, but in the picture now that it’s like 12 hours old it’s so clearly an indent. Such a mind f*. It’s just aggravating because my bbt is still high, I’m so nauseated and my sense of smell is out of control, and to see a line on both sticks so clearly with my naked eye. Just so annoyingly bizarre. I wish I had answers for why my body is being such an a** but I’ll likely never get them. My second holder with cb was low so either I’ve hit my estrogen surge yesterday or I’m in for a long cycle.
Shae hope you and SO are feeling alright today <3

In true wtf fashion, had another line on evening’s test but absolutely nothing on fmu. I just wish my temp would drop. My lh is normal again. A is sick again though so I do wonder if I’m just perpetually sick lol causing the elevated bbt. I just know I’m tired of these temps.
shae - So sorry to hear that you've got Covid. Even though you have symptoms, FX that they're mild enough to keep you out of the hospital. Any idea where SO may have caught it? Did your roommate test positive too?

Flueky - I dunno what the hell is wrong with some people, calling 911 for minor stuff. Reminds me of the story I heard years ago about a woman calling 911 cuz McD's was out of chicken nuggets. Sounds like the girls had fun trick or treating. And that's cute with the costumes that go together.

Dobby - Sorry that you and A are under the weather. Hope you both feel better soon. And, like Flueky said, we all just dunno what to make of all these weird test results. If your Dr confirmed that you're not pg, why are you still testing?

AFM, Halloween announcement went well. Lots of congrats and excitement. SO's cousin (who we just saw 8 days before Halloween), was all "omg, how did I miss that?" Like, it's still kind of early and I'm fat, that's how. lol. Also announced on IG tonight cuz why not? And thanks for the like, Dobby. lol. Otherwise, still getting a bit of carpal tunnel and a wee bit of sporadic boob pain. Finding the HB very quickly daily and just looking forward to my scan on the 8th. Probably gonna tell work just after that.
You’re welcome! I was so excited to see it pop up on my feed! It’s usually just Great British Baking or Buzzfeed taking over haha. Super cute! And I loved the little pumpkin. Like I knew it was coming but it was still nice to see it officially. I love that everyone is excited for you two! And I can’t believe your next scan is in less than a week! Ahhhh! Get a nub shot for us! :)

Thanks, A has another cold for sure but I feel great. I was only under the weather last Wed/Thur. I actually feel amazing because my two students who cause suspension level drama have been gone all week.

I only tested on a whim, and when I got lines on both fmu tests and the evening test I tested again the next day. My temps are hanging around usual cover line, but they are high for my follicular phase. I’ll upload my FF with the 36 hour period removed. I had to manually set the O and CL with the bleeding gone. My breasts are sore/full, I can smell everything, I get nauseated every time I eat or go too long without eating, everything makes me cry, and I’m getting migraines. These are all typical pregnancy symptoms for me, but I also know lots of things can cause them. I do think whatever is happening is coming to an end though. My temps are hanging around cl and the lh is staying in baseline, and my drive is slowly starting to kick back in. So I think for whatever reason I just have to accept that this cycle my pre O temps are gonna range 97.8-98 vs 97.5 to 97.8. I’m hoping the bit of drive this morning means no super long cycle, but my second hold is still reading low but last cycle is hit high on this cd. Nothing to do but wait. All my urine and swab tests came back good. Nothing weird in my pee, my lady bits, and no covid. My best guess is my pcos a acting up as I’ve gained about four lbs since work, I’m not eating well, and I’m not exercising plus massive work stress.

ETShorten LOL so yesterday temp dropped and then it popped back up. I was worried I'm in for a long cycle, but I got a peak with smu today! I'm cautiously optimistic that my cycles are regulated! This would be three cycles in a row with O on CD 13/14 :) FXed! And you'll be proud of me, I canceled my plans to get laid this weekend. So no oopsies this cycle hahaha. But I attached last cycle's follicular phase and this current cycle just to show how different things are. So bizarre. May end up being a fail surge. My two opks were synced ratios but now they’re vastly different and all over the place. Tomorrow will tell. Sigh
C39EC2B6-BD46-422E-A2D6-E00362A1BE2E.jpeg 260AE3C5-4088-4A1C-8D31-8410236AE82C.jpeg
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So :( sorry to hear your news, Shae. What a shock. How are you feeling? How's your SO feeling? Sorry that the vaccine didn't prevent transmission. It seems pretty clear at this point that that aspect wears off fairly rapidly :cry: I hope that you guys recover well, and that natural immunity will prove to be robust. So sorry that you're going through this- keep us posted, and take care of yourselves. :hugs:does your state offer the antibody treatment? I guess in reality we'll all likely get it eventually.

Dobby- glad to hear that you don't have endo! And that A enjoyed trick or treating. :happydance:so cute! My LO didn't really understand any of it, until the candy got involved. Then he was all about it. :lol: the bowl going sucks. I get what you mean about it being a depressing reflection on society ATM. We had a similar thing happen- we left out a bucket of candy while we went out and when we got home, we put 90% of what we'd collected into that as well as we didn't need a mountain of candy. We didn't open the door as we were having dinner etc at that point. We heard some teenagers say "it's full!!", dump it all clearly into their bag, and then run off :lol: we found it funny, and it was late by that point anyway.

Flueky- love your Halloween costumes for your girls. ❤️ So sweet, and I love that they matched!!! Yeesh on the racoon- I'm scared of them, mostly because I go years without seeing one, so don't expect them to lurk around whenever they do pop up :lol: I hope he hasn't been back/moved in. How's the palpitation issue going?

Pretty- glad that your announcement went well! And it sounds like all is going great. Will be exciting to hear your gender news in the not too distant future ❤️ I have no clue how people wait until the birth to find out! Sorry about the carpal tunnel. Hope it isn't too bad. How have you found your pregnancies- all pretty similar or do you notice anything different?

AFM- saw the fertility specialist on Monday. Not sure what to do... Seemingly the standard infertility work up is: blood work for me, sperm analysis for OH and hysteroscopy (they sedate you and put a camera Into the uterus). Not so keen on the hysteroscopy or sperm analysis, as I seem to have found out that egg quality is the likely issue. We settled on starting out with blood work for all kinds of things (lupus, clotting issues, vitamin levels etc) and will think about anything more. What do you think I should do? Is it worth doing the blood tests? I felt again like it was a sales pitch. He was pointing out that IVF would rule out genetic issues (true, but not sure I would do that at this point), and clearly wanted to do the hysteroscopy (would cost a lot/net him $$$). I don't like the salesy feel, but then again- not necessarily bad to have more choice. I hate when doctors gatekeep tests etc. I've had that happen before and it's so frustrating when you can't find out something or try a treatment. And I'm usually right about my own body in the end! ;) I'm booked in to do blood tests, but kind of leaning towards cancelling. I had intense O pains this past month, and realized I hadn't had that for a long time before that. It was my old normal. So, maybe that indicates things are more "normal" hormonally etc now?! IDK.

Take care, Shae. I'll be thinking of you, and really hope this is shortlived and you'll be recovered shortly. :hugs:
Dobby I hope that you O or have Od so you are regular. I'm typically a CD 18 to 20 O, which I didn't like as well when ttc but since all I have to look forward to is AF, I appreciate a slightly longer cycle. In any case, I do hope that next cycle your Temps are normal preO Temps.

Is A feeling better?

Shae how are you feeling?

Pretty glad the announcement went well and so exciting that you are nearly 2nd tri!!

Winter no more raccoon sitings, thankfully. I did notice some small hoove prints in the mud/dirt yesterday and am thinking maybe deer? On my way home Thursday I saw a buck but he thankfully didn't jump in front on me. I have seen deer in our driveway before too so I wouldn't be surprised. No more heart palpitations.

I really am not sure what to say about getting testing vs not getting testing. Maybe a conversation of how would the knowledge change anything if you don't go down IVF route? I personally am more keen (usually) on having knowledge even if it's just for the sake of it. I know not everyone is like that. I will admit I never did the quad screen during 2nd tri for any of my pregnancies because I was low risk and it wouldn't have changed anything.

AFM phone is fixed. Girls are good. Been kind of sad thinking about how I was 39 weeks pregnant (technically a year ago tomorrow) this time last year and how my baby is turning one Wednesday.
Ditto, I hope you’re doing alright Shae. I know you’re vaxxed, so I’m trying not to worry too much. I hope you’re holding up alright as is SO and your families.

Winter that’s so tough when you don’t know then we’ll enough to know what’s motivated by capital vs what’s actually in your best interest. Has hubs done a SA? It could be really telling honestly. I think they have over the counter count tests but knowing if there’s any issues with mobility/deformities/count would be really good to know. My stepdad had two kids before my mom, but they tested his sperm for ivf (her tubes were butchered whole long story) and like his little friends were like not amazing. He had a low count plus a lot of deformed sperm. Idk how much SA costs but it’s not invasive and helpful so I vote for for it. I know my mom had a bunch of tests done but they were already done that path and money wasn’t an issue. But yeah I can’t really weigh in on the blood work and other stuff. If you feel like you’re regulating and it’s not worth looking into, then trust your gut? But yeah out of my realm

pretty also thinking about you! I know it’s been a lot recently. Are you doing the sneak today or was that last Sunday. I have no sense of time lol

Winter awww well at least it was at the end of the night. I tend to prefer to hand out candy, but obviously I’m here to take my kid out. My mom’s bestie and husband just sit on their porch drinking wine and giving out candy lmfao. I say it every year, but that’s goals :rofl: sounds like y’all had a great night as well!

Fluek omg seeing deer on the road would give me so much anxiety! Glad he stayed out of the way! And so glad no more palpitations/raccoons. Yay for phone being fixed! And omg I was having a flashback too! I Oed with A on Nov 8th five years ago. Remind me, any plans for the for birthday?

I hear that. I’m used to a longer cycle, and I don’t mind it just hated the inconsistency. I like my period though. These weird 1-2 days no cramping barely bleeding is nice, but I hate it. I want my normal periods back lol. FMU was clearly a strong positive so thankfully looks like I’ll be Oing in the near future. Idk how I’ll confirm with these temps. Sigh. If I wasn’t doing opks I’d think I’d Oed two day ago lol

A is good. Has a runny nose and a mild cough in the morning. But no fevers and full of energy as always. My mom asked yesterday why his school lets him go and I’m like lol cuz they love me and know my a** needs to go to work. So no fever, they take him. They’re fully vaxxed as a staff/wear masks, and they know I get tested weekly and I’m antisocial lol
But yeah literally no clue how bbt is gonna work out lol. My CL is usually 97.9 :rofl: I drew it in lol. And if I didn’t do four opks on CD 12 and all super neg I’d def wonder if I Oed then. If I put in fake temps, FF is guessing I Oed yesterday. Which would be new for me. I’ve never Oed the first day of my surge/before my peak. But never have my temps been this high/lh baseline that high lol

Dobby I know isn't it funny how those dates stick with you? I still remember the day I got my bfp with V and day of my ultrasound with her. So many feels. We are going to have a party of mainly family. We invited another couple we are friends with that have a boy turning 1 next month. I'm going to fix potato soup, chicken chili, and regular chili along with some rolls. Will have cheese, cracker, and fruit for littles.

Glad A isn't too bad then. So rough when your child is sick.

Definitely interested to see what your luteal phase temps are. I would think they would be higher as well but I could be wrong.

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