General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Gigs that sounds amazing! And how wonderful that everything was free once you were in!!!!

Jules devil's advocate..l'm a queen of politely but also not politely asking for early scans. I'm not gonna lie, those 6-8w scans are precious haha if the machine is good quality and you have a good tech. We do routinely do the 8-10w scan as our first prenatal. So I'm team get a scan if you can. BUT it would be transvag and there's such a high frequency of bleeding after a transvag that if your nerves are shot then maybe skip it'?
Dobby makes good points!

Dobs I’ve never thought to mix cream cheese into marinara sauce. You tell me—was it worth it?

I’m feeling like such a fat ass recently because all I seem to want it carbs. Yesterday I had a bagel, cereal, and soft pretzel bites. My youngest kiddo woke me up tonight and the bloat is real! I’m so uncomfortable. I need to make an effort to get in more protein but it is all so unappetizing :( eggs have been ok so maybe i can give that a try tomorrow.

I was so pleased that i had barely gained weight through 8ish weeks but that’s definitely out the window by now! I’ve officially entered the “is she pregnant or just getting fat?” stage. The belly chub is here to stay haha
I love that stage @gigglebox! Eggs are so great for the protein but also the choline & folate! Just getting 2 each day is perfect. I like doing hard boiled eggs since i can grab them quickly and salt them up.
Another idea if you’re up for suggestions: chickpea pasta. It may feel like you’re appeasing the drive for carbs but also be getting lots of protein. And throw on that cream cheese marinara sauce!!
I always gain too much weight in pregnancy but it seems to fall off afterwards so don't really care. I'm one of those who is sick for months and the only thing that makes my stomach feel ok is eating crackers all day. So I'm team eat carbs.. haha

Oh I got AF so I'm out for this month, DH wants to actually try now thank goodness, but we'll probably skip this cycle. I have a vigorous outdoors thing I have to do in early May and don't want to be in third tri for that. Second tri should be fine though.
This will sound insane but has anyone seen movement outside their abdomen like when a baby is moving around and kicking but it not be pregnancy? I know the difference between gas and baby kicks. I actually recorded this to send my husband. Im sure it sounds ridiculous, but it looks and feels exactly as when i was pregnant the other 2 times.
@Halfrican say whaaaaat???? Your situation just keeps getting more and more bizarre! I have personally never experienced that. I do get muscle twitches basically everywhere but it's rhythmic and very obviously not a baby moving. I've never seen my belly move from gas, either. I've felt "phantom kicks" but nothing that could be recorded. Did you just happen to catch it or did you see it first and grab a camera and it kept going? That is so, so weird. Maybe it's time to request an ultrasound, "just in case". Can you feel your uterus? Like do you feel like it's enlarged/firm?

Also I got this chickpea salad from my grocery store the other day and omg is was DIVINE. I forgot about it until you mentioned it just now.....omg I wish I didn't eat it all already lol. It was soooo good, had little crunchy bell peppers in it and some cilantro, and this lemon vinegarette dressing....*drool*

@autumnal I'm the same, I gain a ton of weight (like 30-40 lbs) but in the end I'm usually just up 10 pounds of "actual" weight. Typically I gain in my face and belly but so far it's all belly. My face is maybe getting a little rounder but not like it does when I'm just packing on pounds. Sorry about af!! But yay for hubby being officially on board! What is the "outdoor thing" you have planned? when actively ttc I never missed a cycle opportunity, except for maybe one where it would result in a Christmas due date. Definitely don't want a Christmas baby if it can be avoided....I was a bit nervous of that last time because he was due late January and I started going into preterm labor in December. Fortunately he stuck around until the next month, but even with a 3-4 week gap, it's hard to go straight from Christmas gifts to now trying to figure out a birthday gift! Anyway...ranting.
@Halfrican say whaaaaat???? Your situation just keeps getting more and more bizarre! I have personally never experienced that. I do get muscle twitches basically everywhere but it's rhythmic and very obviously not a baby moving. I've never seen my belly move from gas, either. I've felt "phantom kicks" but nothing that could be recorded. Did you just happen to catch it or did you see it first and grab a camera and it kept going? That is so, so weird. Maybe it's time to request an ultrasound, "just in case". Can you feel your uterus? Like do you feel like it's enlarged/firm?

Also I got this chickpea salad from my grocery store the other day and omg is was DIVINE. I forgot about it until you mentioned it just now.....omg I wish I didn't eat it all already lol. It was soooo good, had little crunchy bell peppers in it and some cilantro, and this lemon vinegarette dressing....*drool*

@autumnal I'm the same, I gain a ton of weight (like 30-40 lbs) but in the end I'm usually just up 10 pounds of "actual" weight. Typically I gain in my face and belly but so far it's all belly. My face is maybe getting a little rounder but not like it does when I'm just packing on pounds. Sorry about af!! But yay for hubby being officially on board! What is the "outdoor thing" you have planned? when actively ttc I never missed a cycle opportunity, except for maybe one where it would result in a Christmas due date. Definitely don't want a Christmas baby if it can be avoided....I was a bit nervous of that last time because he was due late January and I started going into preterm labor in December. Fortunately he stuck around until the next month, but even with a 3-4 week gap, it's hard to go straight from Christmas gifts to now trying to figure out a birthday gift! Anyway...ranting.
I’ve been feeling bloated and like my clothes fit different around the waist sometimes, but I can’t tell about firmness. It happened last night after hubby and I had some frisky play time. He went into the shower and i was l lying in bed. The movement was so similar to a baby moving and how you can feel it inside and kinda know where it’ll pop up to see. Also I tried pushing down with my fingers to see if there’s a response to it which there was. I was thinking of baby movement not only because of how my it looked and felt, but also because with my other two kids it felt like they moved more when I stopped. Like they sort of woke up because the rhythms of the day that put them to sleep stop. That’s when this has happened. I wrote it off last time as I’m crazy. But now that it happened again and I grabbed my phone to record while hubby was showering, I thought to ask any other ladies about it.
I’m definitely asking for ultrasound. Without having a period to go by, I just dont know what could be happening and it needs to be figured out. I feel like I’m going insane but it also concerns me. When hubby got home late one night recently, I told him I think we should ask the neighbor to throw their horse manure elsewhere. It was bothering me so much and I said it’s as if they mucked the stalls and threw it on our porch! (They’re several acres away though). He said he doesn't smell a darn thing. I feel crazy to have these feelings without a positive blood test.
One of my friends was about 7 weeks pregnant and the tests got faint and they couldn't find her baby on ultrasound. They told her it was a MMC. She went in for a confirmation scan before a d&c and the baby was there and alive. So, you never know. I don't think you sound crazy because weirder things have happened. Id push for another blood test or ultrasound if you really think it's possible
Halfafrican, I actually know what you mean! I had an anterior placenta so I didn’t have movement until I was well in tri 2. The feeling was super faint but my stomach would like bounce a little. I get it sometimes. I assume it’s bad gas :rofl: but one time I had a bloated tummy and I was like omg if I wasn’t abstinent I’d seriously think I was on “I didn’t know I was pregnant”. I’ve recorded it and sent it to people along with my pregnancy videos to see if I was the only one who thought they looked exactly the same.

That being said it’s been a bit confusing and you’re not celibate so I agree I’d wish they’d do an ultrasound.

Autumnal sorry about AF but that’s so exciting that he’s on board to ttc! Hoping you get your cake and can eat it too with the race

Gigs yeah sorry I second sneaking protein into your carbs but I got no suggestions lol
Hobby- I’m also pro early scan, I at least want some reassurance that things are looking ok. I’m going to ask at the appt. My new OB is actually in a women’s maternity hospital. They have a whole ultrasound office so they usually get you in quick. It’s right down the street from work so I can even go later that day if they have openings. I just didn’t want to go last week after the bleeding because I knew it was early and I didn’t want to trigger it more. I’m hoping the bleeding was a one time thing cause I don’t want to be scared to dtd for 9 months. I didn’t have that issue before, but after 3 babies and a miscarriage things in there aren’t like they used to. Lol I haven’t had any spotting since last Monday, thank goodness.
Autumnal- Good luck on ttc! I don’t feel like I’ve gained a ridiculous amount of weight with my pregnancies…the most was 30. I’m already “plus size” so they basically always tell me to keep weight gain at a minimum. I try my best, but in the first few weeks my appetite is all over the place. Nothing sounds good except sandwiches, bagels, and cereal. I do try to pack it with veggies and use whole wheat.
@gigglebox I have a New Years Eve baby. It’s soooo hard to switch from holiday mode to birthday, especially when it’s on an actual where everyone goes out. We also have to split up Christmas and birthday presents.
@HalfricanMa Thats so crazy!!!! I know you heard it already, but it seems you do need an ultrasound to rule stuff out and get peace of mind. You aren’t going crazy. There are lots of bizarre stories out there.
Wish me luck. I have A’s triennial in a couple hours. My lawyer doesn’t think we’ll get to services and goals and I’m like it’s 90m. You don’t know our facilitator. She is very big on efficiency. I’m trying to decide if I want to go get some French toast or go back to sleep after I drop A off at the Y.

Oh also the barn is gonna let us stay! She said since I’m ok moving him to one of her horses and I’m comfortable being his side walking until he’s super comfy on a big boy, we can come back next Sunday. :))))))

Jules it’s rough not to worry. And then you worry once they’re here. And then worry when they’re grown a* adults :rofl: parenting is such a trip.
HalfricanMa definitely time for an ultrasound! That’s pretty crazy stuff. A cryptic pregnancy would be a crazy twist. I have definitely heard of people having those symptoms and not being pregnant though, so it could go either way. Phantom pregnancies can cause crazy physical symptoms including enlarging abdomen and kicking sensations. Both are rare, but I do believe phantom pregnancies are more common than cryptic pregnancies. Did you save the video? Can we see it? Do you have an enlarged uterus or abdominal bloating/weight gain?

Gigs AHHHH ANOTHER BOY! He definitely only makes Y sperm hahahahahaha

Dobs I’m glad the meeting was mostly productive!

Sorry I’m behind and kinda skimmed.

AFM trying to make a big lifestyle change cuz I’ve officially hit a BMI of 25, so I’m overweight. If I was super active and muscular, I wouldn’t care about my BMI, but I’m not, so it’s fairly accurate for me actually. I tried a diet for a few days and realized that depriving myself of food, one of the biggest joys of my life, is not good for my mental health or quality of life. I get one life, I’m gonna eat the desserts. I don’t mind making high protein choices and being mindful, but depriving myself of all “cheat foods” isn’t worth it. That said, I need to be healthier. SO, I decided that instead of removing something from my life (ie. high sugar or high fat foods), I’m going to add something: exercise. Now, I’ve struggled going to the gym in the past, and currently DH has the gym membership, so I can’t go without him. I’m not going to work out outside, it’s getting cold and I’d have to worry about rolling an ankle on our rocky dirt road. Really the best choice for me is working out inside at home. Doing video workouts is hard to convince myself to do regularly unfortunately. I really need to improve my cardio health, I’m huffing and puffing from 2 flights of stairs out here, and it’s important to me that I can pick up my future child and run a mile without stopping in an emergency. So, DH and I decided that a mini folding treadmill, like a walking pad but it goes up to running speeds, is the best course of action. I can watch TV while walking. I can do interval runs without leaving the house, in the warmth of my home. Also, the treadmill folds up and can be placed under anything with a 5 inch clearance, which is cool. So that’s arriving in the mail next week from Amazon. I’m actually super excited. I made a running playlist and everything :rofl:
I have a fever AGAIN I have never been this sick before but I’ve also never seen so many kids coming to school sick.
oh no dobs!!! you're getting attacked while your immunity is already weakened it looks like :( I'm so sorry, I hope this one is shorter lived! Sorry about the s-show but glad it was productive. What do you mean they're letting A stay at the barn? Was he at risk for being removed from the program? Either way glad you get some more horse time this weekend :)

Shae I took the same approach this past weight loss cycle (haha) and it was much more successful for me. I knew that I'd be setting myself up for failure if I tried to modify my life too much all at once, so I first started lifting weights, then started incorporating cardio (or maybe it was the other way around, I can't remember) and THEN I modified my diet. I don't restrict anything but I do try to cut back. The exception is some candy which I did cut out 100% but that was after being sick earlier this year and my desire for it completely went away. That said, i'm definitely eating some sugary crap now soooo......I don't want to go eating all this junk that I had successfully reduced in my life but it's been so hard to find anything "healthy" to be appetizing recently. I did manage delicious salad today (literally just romaine lettuce and sesame dressing) and I can't wait to eat that again literally after I post this.

Halfrican when is your appointment? What's the game plan?

Jules did you have your appointment today? I'm forgetting when it was. How did it go if so?

Autumn that's wild, I can't imagine the relief your friend must have felt! And possibly also confusion!
Sorry for being self absorbed it’s just crazy. Taking A to his therapy intake. TLDR the trainer left and took her horses. Which caused 2 big problems for the barn owner:
1- financially she lost rent (the trainer rented a room in her home) and boarding income. Plus two students follow the trainer so I’m assuming since she left they left.
2- logistically she used her mini horse and the two horses as lesson horses

but since I’m willing to have A ride a big horse and I am comfortable to help him so he doesn’t require as much attention from the barn owner then we can keep going with our program
@DobbyForever The worrying never stops! My mom still checks in with me every day. Lol I’m glad things went well with your meeting and things got figured out with your barn. We rent a home on a farm and they used to board horses here. I wish they still had them.
@shaescott That treadmill sounds great! I kind of did the same thing over the summer because the extreme dieting gets short term results, but it’s hard to keep it up long term. I think your plan is a great start!
@gigglebox I did have my appt today! It was just a confirmation appt so they did a pee pregnancy test then a bunch of bloodwork. She wasn’t going to schedule me an ultrasound til 10 weeks, but I told her about the spotting and that I’m a bit anxious so she told me I can come tomorrow. She also said she didn’t realize I had pcos so using my period for dates won’t add up. My chart isn’t fully up to date there yet I guess.

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