Getting pregnant right after a MC or MMC...

Louby hope Dr's have good results for you!! :D

I saw my ob last week after my 3rd the epau requested she see me, ob said that as I have 3 grown up chidlren and never had problems before there can't be anything wrong and it is just mainly bad luck as most pregnancies dont make it it is just I am testing so early I am finding out.. im fertile so thats a good thing.. and hopefully if I want to keep trying I will get my sticky one.. she was going to doa blood test to check something or other and see if I needed aspirin but I have been taking aspirin for 2 months so it can't be that. plus she wanted me to have the test 10-12 weeks after my last pregnancy.. so I can't go for that now as she said last week if I didn't get pregnant this month for me to have my bloods done in around 3 weeks but now I had the chemical I can't. I will ring her secretary Tuesday and explain and see what my ob wants to do.

FX all is well with you..

Button AF is always the worst.. then afterwards comes the hope again... FX you get a SHBFP x
Hi Ladies, can I join in?

First, congrats to the BFPs, and so sorry for those of you who had af show up.

I got pregnant on our first time trying, but that ended in a mc at 4 weeks 5 days on March 24. We started trying again right away once the bleeding stopped. We're hoping that since we got a bfp on our first try, we'll get a bfp quickly again. We have a very small window this year when I can be pregnant - I am a student, most of my courses are online but I have to be on campus for 2 ten week blocks of time in the next year, and then a 6 week practicum, so we can only have a baby this year if it's born in November or December. We were so excited when it happened quickly and fit perfectly into our schedule. We were pretty devastated when it ended in mc, and I am feeling anxious because if we are not pregnant this month we will have to wait for a year before we ttc again.

For the last week I have been having cramps in my lower abdomen (feel like gas pains but they don't go away when I pass gas or go to the bathroom), and I'm extremely bloated. However, the last time I was pregnant I had WAY more symptoms, I really just don't feel the same this time so I think I'm out. AF is due in a week, and I'm waiting until AF is due before I test because I really won't be able to handle it if I end up with a chemical.

FX to everyone for their BFP!
Soanxious, I'm so sorry. There are things that can be taken in addition to aspirin (but that need to be prescribed), so it's definitely worth continuing to see the obstetrician. I really hope the next time's the charm though and all of it's unnecessary. Here's to a digital test at least one day after AF is due!
Jess, sorry for your loss... do you chart? hope you're able to get pregnant this month GL fx x

laodicean I know my progesterone is always good, but wasn't aware that there were other things, the problem being she wants me to wait around 8/12 weeks after last hcg before I have tests done.. im 41 and half and time is running out.. >>confused<< xx
Jess, sorry for your loss... do you chart? hope you're able to get pregnant this month GL fx x

No I don't chart, we basically just dtd A LOT! Haha!

I just had the tiniest little bit of pinkish discharge on the toilet paper when I went to the bathroom. If I wasn't on the lookout for implantation bleeding (which I did have last month) then I would have completely missed it. I hope it's a good sign!
laodicean I know my progesterone is always good, but wasn't aware that there were other things, the problem being she wants me to wait around 8/12 weeks after last hcg before I have tests done.. im 41 and half and time is running out.. >>confused<< xx

If you've got a clotting disorder then some women benefit from a daily injection of blood thinner that works better than aspirin does.

It's worth talking to your ob, and explaining your concerns about time running out. The other way to look at it though is that there is a chance the tests might find a problem that can be solved, and save you another few months of heartbreak.

Doesn't make sense that she'd want to wait 8 weeks though. Surely once you've had a normal cycle that should be enough? So 4 weeks?
Hi Jess and welcome. Sorry for your loss lovely :hugs: wishing you all the luck in getting your sticky bfp as soon as possible!

I had the call from the doctor earlier and it's good news about my bloods. He was concerned as they were only at a level of 12 last Wednesday at 10dpo (I got my positive digi 1-2weeks four hours after having my first bloods done so knew the hormone must have risen some to get the pregnant show)
Anyway waffle over my bloods from yesterday at 17dpo have come back at 484 so they have more than doubled every 48hours. He was very pleased with this result and has now passed my care over to the midwifery team. So now it's just a case of waiting and seeing and praying I make it the full 9months xxxxx
Hi Jess and welcome. Sorry for your loss lovely :hugs: wishing you all the luck in getting your sticky bfp as soon as possible!

I had the call from the doctor earlier and it's good news about my bloods. He was concerned as they were only at a level of 12 last Wednesday at 10dpo (I got my positive digi 1-2weeks four hours after having my first bloods done so knew the hormone must have risen some to get the pregnant show)
Anyway waffle over my bloods from yesterday at 17dpo have come back at 484 so they have more than doubled every 48hours. He was very pleased with this result and has now passed my care over to the midwifery team. So now it's just a case of waiting and seeing and praying I make it the full 9months xxxxx

That's great news! Have a happy and healthy 9 months!
Louby yay!!!!!! Congrats, that's great news!
laodicean I know my progesterone is always good, but wasn't aware that there were other things, the problem being she wants me to wait around 8/12 weeks after last hcg before I have tests done.. im 41 and half and time is running out.. >>confused<< xx

If you've got a clotting disorder then some women benefit from a daily injection of blood thinner that works better than aspirin does.

It's worth talking to your ob, and explaining your concerns about time running out. The other way to look at it though is that there is a chance the tests might find a problem that can be solved, and save you another few months of heartbreak.

Doesn't make sense that she'd want to wait 8 weeks though. Surely once you've had a normal cycle that should be enough? So 4 weeks?

I will ring her secretary Tuesday and ask her for another appt. thanks xx
Hello ladies! I hope you're all doing well this Easter weekend!

So literally the day I wrote my last post about not poas until af was due I went out and bought a couple of cheapie tests from Walmart and peed on one, it was negative but it was also 8 days before af was due so I wasn't really surprised. I peed on another one this morning (5 days before af is due) and still negative. The reason I decided to test early is because there's a huge waitlist for a midwife where I live so I want to know asap so I can get on a waitlist (just recently our provincial health care started to pay for midwifery care, prior to that you had to pay out of pocket, so now the demand has skyrocketed and there aren't enough midwives to keep up with the demand).

Anyways, my OH and I are heading out to the cabin this weekend. We just had a snowstorm blow in and I would LOVE to spend some time in the hot tub looking at the snow capped mountains, is it bad to sit in a hot tub at this stage of pregnancy (if I even am pregnant?). I don't want to do anything to affect my chances of having a sticky bean!
Sorry, Jess, I've got no idea about hot tubs in the 2ww. My opinion to most things about the 2ww is that you can't live everyday like you might be pregnant, so until I know whether I am or not I just do what I want. Baby doesn't properly start sharing a circulation with you until week 5/6 anyway, so alcohol especially is not worth avoiding till you've got a definite BFP. But a hot tub would heat the egg as well as your body, so may be best to avoid staying in there too long.
My OH is convinced I'm pregnant. Apparently I've got all the signs that I display in the early, early stages of pregnancy, namely: knackered, super-grumpy and horny.

I'm only 6dpo. Part of me thinks he might be right, the other half remembers that after my last middle-of-first trimester miscarriage, I spent the next three cycles feeling all the symptoms of pregnancy without actually being pregnant, and am aware that might be happening again. Don't want to disappoint him&#8230; or myself.
@laod nothing wrong with being positive! I too think I'm pregnant this month, but I'm too afraid to test right now. AF is due tomorrow. I feel nothing like AF coming so she's probably gonna be late.
@laod nothing wrong with being positive! I too think I'm pregnant this month, but I'm too afraid to test right now. AF is due tomorrow. I feel nothing like AF coming so she's probably gonna be late.

I know what you say is true, but that I was so positive about the last pregnancy, and then I still lost it. I'm back to where I was - scared to test before AF in case it's a chemical, scared to test after AF in case I miscarry, scared to have a 12 week scan in case the baby's died, scared to tell anyone that I'm pregnant before the 20 weeks scan…

I'm so jealous of women who get a positive pregnancy test and then the next thing: baby. No fear, just certainty.

Are you going to wait till you're definitely late, or test tomorrow?
@laod nothing wrong with being positive! I too think I'm pregnant this month, but I'm too afraid to test right now. AF is due tomorrow. I feel nothing like AF coming so she's probably gonna be late.

I know what you say is true, but that I was so positive about the last pregnancy, and then I still lost it. I'm back to where I was - scared to test before AF in case it's a chemical, scared to test after AF in case I miscarry, scared to have a 12 week scan in case the baby's died, scared to tell anyone that I'm pregnant before the 20 weeks scan…

I'm so jealous of women who get a positive pregnancy test and then the next thing: baby. No fear, just certainty.

Are you going to wait till you're definitely late, or test tomorrow?

I'm the exact same. I think that's why I hold off. I don't want to see faints. After my first BFP and losing it, I'm a nervous wreck about getting positive and even more nervous about losing it. I'm gonna wait until I'm late. Ideally I'd like to see a nice strong positive on a digital. You?

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