I just had my fourth miscarriage at the end of last month. Despite the fact that it was an accident and incredibly bad timing for many reasons, when I started bleeding at 5+6 I was absolutely gutted.
So, despite the fact that it's incredibly bad timing for many reasons, I find myself desperate to be pregnant again. I got a positive OPK yesterday, and we've managed to BD for the last three days, so I guess from here on it it's all about keeping my fingers crossed and trying not to go too crazy.
I used to temp previously - initially when we were trying to prevent so that I could be more familiar with my cycles, but after two miscarriages (birth control failure!) I used it to conceive my little boy. It was quite satisfying to do, and I got used to sticking a thermometer in my mouth each morning before doing anything. Not bothering starting to do it again for the now because the combo of shift work and 1yr old would probably only stress me out more than help!
Maybe if I don't catch in the next few cycles I might start doing it again.
I also used to have a CBFM, but I sold it and just buy the sticks by themselves. I got used to reading them without so figured I didn't need the monitor!