Getting To Know You ...getting to know all about yoooooou

Name: Sarah
Age: 21
Relationship status: Married

How long until TTC: NTNP at the moment, no set date for active TTC (possibly 2014)
Reasons for WTT: Health & Fertility issues on my end. (See signature)
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC:
1. Getting my health back to where it should be.
2. Possibly completing more schooling
3. Losing the weight I need to reach my goal weight

How many children would you like: I would love 4. DH would like 2 or 3

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? As long as baby is healthy I am not too picky. Ideally 3 boys, 1 girl :blush:
Finding out the gender or team yellow? I want gender to be a surprise until birth; DH wants to find out.
Any names you like?
Girls: Elizabeth, Charlotte, Hadleigh, Caoimhe
Boys: Cameron, Alexander, Tadghan
Name: Laura
Age: 33
Relationship status: Married

How long until TTC: Sept 2010 (at least)
Reasons for WTT: need time to heal after two mc in space of 2 months
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Get fitter mentally and physically
How many children would you like: 2

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? None
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Yep!
Any names you like? Alyssa, Darcey
Name: Sam
Age: 30
Relationship status: In Relationship

How long until TTC: Kinda NTNP, so doubt will ever fit in over in TTC

Reasons for WTT: Not really waiting just seeing what nature has in store for us

Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Would like to try and get my wedding mostly planned for 2012, so add save up to the list.

How many children would you like: Already have 3, eldest from previous marriage and two lil girls

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? Would like another boy to give OH a boy, but TBH neither of us are bothered what gender

Finding out the gender or team yellow? I'm far too nosey to not now I have the choice

Any names you like? Lily for a girl ad Lukas for a boy atm
Name: Kayleigh
Age: 24
Relationship status: Married

How long until TTC: October 2010
Reasons for WTT: Till we are both ready (meaning DH)
How many children would you like: 2

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? Girl but only beacuse everyone in the family always has boys
Finding out the gender or team yellow? I'm team yellow but DH is all for finding our the gender and I'm bad at waiting for surprises.
Any names you like? Beth, Adele, Cecilia, Benjamin, Edward, Joseph
Name: Hollie
Age: 18
Relationship status: Single

How long until TTC: I'm not sure :)
Reasons for WTT: I'm not in a relationship, still in full time education
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Pass driving test, go on holiday with friends, finish college, find the person i want to be with
How many children would you like: Four

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? Not really but if i had to choose i'd say a girl
Finding out the gender or team yellow? I have to find out! Lol
Any names you like? Nothing that stands out
Name: Daisy Jade
Relationship status: In a relationship for almost a year

How long until TTC: As soon as the implanon is removed!
Reasons for WTT: To make sure it's definitely what we both want
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC:
How many children would you like: Just one for now, who knows what the future will bring

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? A girl would be nice, but as long as the baby is healthy than I'm happy with whatever gender
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Finding out
Any names you like? Aiva or Leon
Name: Nessa
Relationship status: In a relationship for almost 3 years.

How long until TTC: 2-4 years
Reasons for WTT: OH doesn't feel ready to make the decision to start trying but has said he'd be really happy with an accident. (He's younger than me and is still very concious of what his mam thinks of his decisions)
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: To stop myself going insane with broodiness while I wait for him to give the green light to stop bc.
How many children would you like: Ideally two, one of each would be perfect lol. We both come from large families and always said we'd prefer to have a small one.

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? I'd honestly be happy as long as they are healthy.
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Team yellow all the way, it's part of the experience.
Any names you like? Jack, Emily and Tara
Name: Meg
Age: almost 24
Relationship status: 2 Mommies together-going on 3 years

How long until TTC: 1-3 months (tops i hope)
Reasons for WTT: Still working out things with the donor
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: get moved into our house, get our big boy preschooler started in school (in aug) & hopefully have baby girl sleeping mostly thru the nite
How many children would you like: 3-4 total (she carried #1/#2 & #3/#4 i will carry)

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? i say no, just a healthy baby, but i think i want a girl 1st
Finding out the gender or team yellow? .... a tiskit, a taskit & green & yellow basket!!
Any names you like? a couple, all have family ties

Name: Lisa
Age: 23
Relationship status: In a relationship for almost 6 years

How long until TTC: At least another 2 years!
Reasons for WTT: Financial reasons & we are still making the most of our first son, Jayden, who has just turned 1 :cloud9:
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Move house!
How many children would you like: 3

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? I don't have a preference but OH would like a little girl so we have 'the set' :haha:
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Team yellow, definitely! We were team yellow with our first pregnancy, I think it just makes the moment they are born that bit more special :cloud9:
Any names you like?
Boys: Taylor, Max, Zack, Harry, Joshua, Alex
Girls: Eva, Layla, Mya, Lily, Daisy

:flower: xxxx
Name: EllaUmbrella (it's from a Rhianna song... :wacko:)
Age: 29, will be 30 when TTC. (Perhaps too old to be listening to Rhianna...)
Relationship status: In a relationship for 5.5 years

How long until TTC: Perhaps Jan 2011
Reasons for WTT: We are going on a huge vacation over Xmas....not gonna lie, it's hard to wait!! But I just remind myself, I don't want to be throwing up while we're on holiday! :dohh:
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Get in shape.
How many children would you like: 2 or 3

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? Boy first, and then girl (not that there's any control over that....)
Finding out the gender or team yellow? I think team yellow would be fun, but I don't know if I would have enough willpower...
Any names you like? OH has a pretty common last name, which actually makes it more difficult (IMO) to find good matches for first names. Particularly b/c I like more classic names. But I don't want to name just another "Joe Smith" or whatever. (it's not Smith but you know what I mean). :p
Name: RacerChik2552 -- Robyn Leigh
Age: 21 -- 22 Later This Month
Relationship Status: Engaged -- Only together for ten months and we have a one month old... Things went VERY fast! :winkwink:

How long until TTC: Beginning to Mid 2011
Reasons for WTT: Just had our first little girl and I had pre-eclampsia during pregnancy... I'm scared for another c-section and to be sick again.
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Loose all my pregnancy weight, Get a part-time job, Get our bills all paid up, Enjoy our little girl!
How many children would you like: 3 :baby:

When PG...

Do you have a gender preference? I want a BOY so bad!!!
Finding out the gender or team yellow? We will find out again.
Any names you like? For my first pregnancy, we picked out Hunter for if it was a boy, so we still like that... As for a girl, I have NO clue! Our daughter's name is Bayleigh.
Name: Mairi
Relationship status: married

How long until TTC: sep 2010
Reasons for WTT: husband wants to wait til our holidays
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: nope!!
How many children would you like: aslong as i have a girl!!

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? GIRL
Finding out the gender or team yellow? yes, but only the 2 of us
Any names you like: Ruby, Harry, Robbie,
Name: Kate
Age: 22
Relationship status: In a relationship with an amazing bf for 4 years

How long until TTC: Hmm...probably next year
Reasons for WTT: Money, university and still want to do one more mini-adventure abroad. Mainly him that wants to prolong it which I respect.
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: A degree would be helpful!
How many children would you like: 2

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? Girl
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Team yellow
Any names you like? Isabelle, Harry, Lexi, Beatrix, Jari, Alexi.
Name: Kimberley
Age: 24
Relationship status: Engaged

How long until TTC: Hmmm...Maybe a month, Wew'll have to see! Lol
Reasons for WTT: Money *sigh*
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Our first holiday and LO's 2and birthday :)
How many children would you like: 3 :D (HE would like 2 though
Pah! )

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? Girl, but 2 boys would be nice too!
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Oooh find out! find out!
Any names you like? Eden <3
Name: Heather
Age: 20
Relationship status: 2 Years in November

How long until TTC: 3/4years
Reasons for WTT: hope for it to be sooner, main reason atm is the blood clot i've got in my lung but want to get a house and save a fair bit of money so it's at hand for when we do start trying =)
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: have 'normal' sugar blood reading and genreal health okay first.
How many children would you like: 2

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? No as long as it's healthy dont care
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Team yellow but would probably find out! Wouldnt be able to wait!
Any names you like? Ethan, Ollie or Ruben Jessica, Scarlotte, Larissa, Carmella
Name: Mary
Age: 27
Relationship status: Married 2 years, been together 10+

How long until TTC: Waiting on him
Reasons for WTT: His reasons are so out there . . "The world is becoming a terrible place and harder to make it" blah blah, things we don't have control over!
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Doing Pilates regularly - Stay in shape so I can still workout while pg
How many children would you like: 1 or 2?

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? No as long as it's healthy dont care
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Team yellow it what I've always said . . but I'm also a planner, who knows what will really happen!
Any names you like? Haven't thought too much about that yet . .
Name: Meredith
Age: 23
Relationship status: Married 2 1/2 years, together 5.

How long until TTC: No particular time but at least 3 years
Reasons for WTT: Want to have a couple of years enjoying being a couple, going travelling, being self-indulgent, and also to get some sort of financial stability.
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Live abroad, brush up my languages, get a horse, get a good job!
How many children would you like: Who knows. 2 I think, but would like to adopt as well.

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? Nope, but would like one of each.
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Yellow!
Any names you like? Change on a monthly basis but at the mo: Freya, Evie/Eva, Jasper, Jacob.
This is a good a place as any to do my first post!

Name: Caroline
Age: 36
Relationship status: Married 2 years, together 12 years.

How long until TTC: Totally depends on my Endocrinologist giving me the green light :shrug:

Reasons for WTT: We spent the first 8 years of our relationship thinking we had all the time in the world for babies 'n' stuff, so we never even considered TTC, it was always something we'd get around to at a later date. Then I was diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism/Grave's disease...and put on anti-thyroid meds, which were also very much anti-foetal development meds. And given very strong instructions from my GP & my Endo not to even *think* about TTC, which were repeated to us both ad nauseum. Then due to complications with my Grave's I was put on the waiting list for a Total Thyroidectomy, and another voice, the surgeon, chimed in the with the "don't even think about it!" chant.
Obviously, as I got older, the more I was told I couldn't, the more I wanted to! ....its utterly unbearable and has reduced me to tears on more than one occasion. Even harder when friends around you are popping babies out like smarties, and I have to pretend to be delighted for that's not true, I am delighted for them, there's no need to pretend, but I'm also falling to pieces inside anytime I'm with them, or discussing their babies etc, and I'm trying SO hard not to let them know it, because I don't want to be the buzzkill whenever I'm around them. :nope:
Now, I've had my thyroidectomy 6 weeks ago, and I'm now on thyroid replacement medication, much more conception- and pregnancy-friendly....BUT, I'm still on hold with regards to TTC as I have been strongly advised to wait until my thyroid levels are totally under control....which could be next month, next year, or I feel much relief at having finally had the op, but at the same time, with regards to starting a family I feel we're just treading water again, and I'm starting to give up hope.
Various healthcare professionals are advising me to leave it for a year....but I'm 36, and next year I'll be 37...and heck, I've already been putting it off for the last 4 years!
Spoke to my Endo on Tuesday, and he said my current bloodtests were perfect. My previous post-op bloodtests were borderline OK, and if my next set of blood tests (in 7 weeks) were also OK, or even better, spot on again...then he would consider allowing me (us) to give it a go. Bearing in mind my thyroid levels will go haywire again once I do get pregnant, I do totally understand we have to get them right before we start...but boy, am I getting impatient!:hissy:

Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Education, education, education...on everything I can do to improve my chances, given my age & medical history etc etc...oh, and lose as much weight as I can. I also hope that once my thyroid levels have settled, that my cycles will also settle...they have also been haywire for the last few years...ranging from 14 day cycles to 67 day cycles...nightmare.

How many children would you like: 2 would be lovely. but right now 1 would be a miracle!

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? Nope

Finding out the gender or team yellow? Would deffo want to know.

Any names you like? Yes, but feel I'm tempting fate if I share right now, sorry.

My *reasons* answer turned into a bit of an essay, apologies :blush:
Name: Malia
Age: 20
Relationship status: Together for 2 years

How long until TTC: Probably about 3/4 years :(
Reasons for WTT: My boyfriend is in his last year of his course at university, I have another 3 to go. We would also both like to be married before having any children, so hopefully we'll be able to afford a wedding not long after me finishing uni.
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Both of us get our degrees, do some travelling, get married..
How many children would you like: 3 or 4 I think.

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? Nope. Would love a girl first though
Finding out the gender or team yellow? I'd rather find out
Any names you like? have 2 absolute favourites, Hayley for a girl, which I've always loved, and Dorian for a boy, which my boyfriend is completely set on.
Age:24 (25 in a few months)
Relationship status: Married 1 year on July 11th

How long until TTC: January-ish of 2011
Reasons for WTT: DH graduates from college in Dec of 2011 so we want to wait til he's out before or right before the birth of our first child
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Lose some weight and get healthy
How many children would you like: 2 of our own and adopt 1

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? Not going to lie, I want a girl
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Def finding out the gender!
Any names you like? Kylie Sophia and Julian Connor

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