Getting To Know You ...getting to know all about yoooooou

Name: A

Age: 20

Relationship status: Engaged, getting married July 2012 to my sweetheart:cloud9:

How long until TTC: 1 year, 4 months

Reasons for WTT: Want to get married first as we are both Christians, save to buy a house.

Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Get married. Save money for house and future baby, lose some flab:haha:

How many children would you like: 4-8, we both want a large family and we plan on fostering/adopting

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? I would feel blessed just to be pregnant, but both me and DF would love a little girl. I really love pink!

Finding out the gender or team yellow? Find out! So that we could start buying pink or blue and decorate the nursery:cloud9:

Any names you like? Seraphina-Grace or Lilliana-Grace for a girl and Noah, Rowan or Cody for a boy.
Name: Catherine
Age: 22
Relationship status: In a relationship nearly 6 years

How long until TTC: 2014/2015 at the earliest!
Reasons for WTT: No stability! Both of us live at home with families as we're both still in college/uni. No jobs (currently).
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: MONEY! Need to graduate, get job, go part-time, do masters, THEN get a real job. OH has another 2 years in college. I'm going to go against the grain here- I'd like to gain weight! I'm quite underweight, I'd like to be over 8 stone. I forgot I also want to be married first.
How many children would you like: 3 or 4, I want 4 he wants 3, I have 2 siblings and he has 3:haha:

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? Girl first preferably, but wouldn't mind.
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Finding out as soon as possible, I'm very impatient! Not really standard in good old supersitious Ireland though!
Any names you like? Devin, Liam, Oisín (ush-een) for boys and Sadhbh, (rhymes with I've!) Madeleine and Elizabeth (middle name). I also like my own name for a middle name- but think it'd be a bit weird to use it:haha:
Age: 29
Relationship status: Long term relationship

How long until TTC: 6 ish months
Reasons for WTT: I have a 6 month old baby now and would like a two year age gap between babies.
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC:
Getting my son to nap without me!
How many children would you like: 3,4...? depending on finances.

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? Yes I really want a girl, possibly a bit too much.
Finding out the gender or team yellow? I'd like to go team yellow this time.
Any names you like? Evangeline, Luna...
Name: CassAge: 22
Relationship status: Engaged - Wedding date is 10th September 2011
How long until TTC: 3 months (June 2011)
Reasons for WTT: Mutual decided to try before our wedding.
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Healing from our loss, some travel and a deeper connection with eachother.

How many children would you like: 4
when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? No, I'll take what I can get!
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Team Yellow
Any names you like?
Favourite Boys Names - Declan, Clay, Aiden
Favourite Girls Names - Delilah, Willow, Hannah
Name: Hannah
Age: 21
Relationship status: Engaged - getting married 6th April 2013 :happydance:
How long until TTC: April 2013
Reasons for WTT: we both want to be married and have our own home before having children
Anything you want to accomplish while in WWT, before TTC: get married, buy a house, get fit and healthy
How many children would you like: 2 or 3

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? nope
Finding out the gender or team yellow? would like to say team yellow - don't know if i'll be able to wait when the time comes though!
Any names you like?
Boys - Oliver or Harry
Girls - Emma or Alice
Name: Nicole

Age: 24 (25 in July) - OH is 25

Relationship status: Married (2 years in July)

How long until TTC: The plan is in 3 months, but unfortunately layoffs in the NYS school system might affect both of us, so we'll see's been a tough few weeks as we were both called in to say we might lose our jobs (due to seniority)

Reasons for WTT: We are paying off some bills, finishing up some home improvement projects, saving, etc. Also, if I keep my job, I have July and August a due date between March and June would mean I could stay out until September :happydance:

Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Saving more $, educating myself on fertility, tracking my cycle, finishing up some house projects

How many children would you like: I want 4, OH wants 3...but we'd both like to adopt too if possible.

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? Not really, although I wouldn't mind a little girl for #1

Finding out the gender or team yellow? Team Yellow!

Any names you like? Too many to list! I've had a list since I was about 14 years old :blush:

Isabella, Annabelle, Amelie, Evangeline, Madeleine, Anna, Charlotte, Annaleise, Annalisa

Luca (Luc for short), Louis (family name on both sides), Leo, Nathan
Name: Kathryn Ellen
Age: Eighteen
Relationship status: Together with my boyfriend for 20 months tomorrow (the 7th).

How long until TTC: Two weeks when I finally start going off nuvaring.
Reasons for WTT: I've always pictured myself having a baby young, but I wanted to wait until I was at least out of college. I never excepted to find such an amazing man so early in my life, but I think now that I'm eighteen and I'm in my senior year of high school, it will be a good time to try.
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Figuring out what I want to do after/while I have the baby. I've never really wanted to go to college, I've always just wanted to start a family, but I know I'm gonna need some sort of career.
How many children would you like: Just one for now. I would probably take some time to evaluate how my life was going before I tried having any more.

Do you have a gender preference?: Not really.
Finding out the gender or team yellow?: Definitely finding out the gender!
Any names you like?: For boys: Jonathan, Gabriel. For girls: Merienne. Either/or: Raylan, Rylan, Greylan.
Name: Ashley
Age: 23
Relationship status: Married :)

How long until TTC: August 2011 (towards the end)
Reasons for WTT: I'm a nursing student and want to graduate first
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: lose weight 43 lbs down so far!!!
How many children would you like: 3

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? I would be extremely happy with either but a boy first would be nice!
Finding out the gender or team yellow? I'm not patient enough to wait!
Any names you like? we have decided to name the first boy after DH and I like Zoey for a girl
Name: Natalie
Age: 27
Relationship status: Newlywed!

How long until TTC: Unsure at present, but can't wait!
Reasons for WTT: Wanting to finish degree
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Lose as much excess weight as possible, get healthy and financially stable. Enjoy some alone time with DH while I can!
How many children would you like: Let's start with one... ;)

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? DH REALLY wants a boy. I'm easy.
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Gender, i'm not good at waiting for surprises.
Any names you like? Leo for a boy, Isadora for a girl. Well, that's my choice. He might need some convincing...
Name: Ruth
Age: 26
Relationship status: Married

How long until TTC: 3 months
Reasons for WTT: Advised to wait by doctors for at least 2 years before conceiving. Took us 3 months to conceive 1LO so thinking timewise might work out
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Weightloss and starting driving lessons
How many children would you like: 3 or 4

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? I would like a boy so we had one of each
Finding out the gender or team yellow? I would love to go team yellow but DH wants to find out
Any names you like? Corey, Aidan, Jack or Sadie, Evelyn, Stella
This is a good a place as any to do my first post!

Name: Caroline
Age: 36
Relationship status: Married 2 years, together 12 years.

How long until TTC: Totally depends on my Endocrinologist giving me the green light :shrug:

Reasons for WTT: We spent the first 8 years of our relationship thinking we had all the time in the world for babies 'n' stuff, so we never even considered TTC, it was always something we'd get around to at a later date. Then I was diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism/Grave's disease...and put on anti-thyroid meds, which were also very much anti-foetal development meds. And given very strong instructions from my GP & my Endo not to even *think* about TTC, which were repeated to us both ad nauseum. Then due to complications with my Grave's I was put on the waiting list for a Total Thyroidectomy, and another voice, the surgeon, chimed in the with the "don't even think about it!" chant.
Obviously, as I got older, the more I was told I couldn't, the more I wanted to! ....its utterly unbearable and has reduced me to tears on more than one occasion. Even harder when friends around you are popping babies out like smarties, and I have to pretend to be delighted for that's not true, I am delighted for them, there's no need to pretend, but I'm also falling to pieces inside anytime I'm with them, or discussing their babies etc, and I'm trying SO hard not to let them know it, because I don't want to be the buzzkill whenever I'm around them. :nope:
Now, I've had my thyroidectomy 6 weeks ago, and I'm now on thyroid replacement medication, much more conception- and pregnancy-friendly....BUT, I'm still on hold with regards to TTC as I have been strongly advised to wait until my thyroid levels are totally under control....which could be next month, next year, or I feel much relief at having finally had the op, but at the same time, with regards to starting a family I feel we're just treading water again, and I'm starting to give up hope.
Various healthcare professionals are advising me to leave it for a year....but I'm 36, and next year I'll be 37...and heck, I've already been putting it off for the last 4 years!
Spoke to my Endo on Tuesday, and he said my current bloodtests were perfect. My previous post-op bloodtests were borderline OK, and if my next set of blood tests (in 7 weeks) were also OK, or even better, spot on again...then he would consider allowing me (us) to give it a go. Bearing in mind my thyroid levels will go haywire again once I do get pregnant, I do totally understand we have to get them right before we start...but boy, am I getting impatient!:hissy:

Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Education, education, education...on everything I can do to improve my chances, given my age & medical history etc etc...oh, and lose as much weight as I can. I also hope that once my thyroid levels have settled, that my cycles will also settle...they have also been haywire for the last few years...ranging from 14 day cycles to 67 day cycles...nightmare.

How many children would you like: 2 would be lovely. but right now 1 would be a miracle!

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? Nope

Finding out the gender or team yellow? Would deffo want to know.

Any names you like? Yes, but feel I'm tempting fate if I share right now, sorry.

My *reasons* answer turned into a bit of an essay, apologies :blush:

Gosh...been a long time since I logged in here :blush:

But a few updates to my orignal post are needed...

Age: 37
Relationship status: Married 3 years, together 13 years.

How long until TTC: We're good to go! Got the green light from my Endo yesterday :happydance:
So to celebrate on the way home from hospital I purchased 3 months worth of pregnacare plus from Boots on their 3 for 2 offer :haha:

Reasons for WTT: Plan to scoff down a months worth of pregnacare vits first, and then we'll have a go at NTNP from April onwards, fingerscrossed. :flower:
Name: Joanna (Jo to my friends)
Age: 26
Relationship status: My wonderful DP has just moved in with us

How long until TTC: about 6 1/2 months (september 2011)
Reasons for WTT: waiting til we have lived together for a while first
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: lose some weight and I am secretly hoping he's going to propose before then lol
How many children would you like: I already have 2 from a previous relationship, I would like 2 more x

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? I've always just wanted boys (I have one of each already), but have recently become convinced I'll have a girl. not sure why pmsl
Finding out the gender or team yellow? I will be finding out, but still wary when I do, I was told my eldest was a boy at the scan - SHE isn't lol
Any names you like? Chase and Riley for boys, Emma or Amy for girls
Name: Claire
Age: 23
Relationship status: Engaged

How long until TTC: 2.5-3 years (hopefully no longer)
Reasons for WTT: We both want to be settled in full time jobs, H2B is currently off on the sick (with no income whatsoever) with anxiety and depression, he's getting help and has made so much progress that he's ringing the jobcentre on monday to book an appointment to talk about training schemes or possibly a part time job, I have 2 part time jobs but don't work enough hours, we live together at my mum's. I want us to have our own place (ideally own it, but renting is fine too). Also, I'd prefer to not be pregnant when we get married and for our honeymoon, so by the time everything else gets sorted it'll be too close to the wedding to try then.
I won't be coming off the pill until after the honeymoon because I'd like to not have a period on or during it and as we aren't getting married until June 2013 it means we have quite a wait.
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Get full time jobs, buy a house, be settled and have some stability.
How many children would you like: 3-5

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? I'd quite like to have a boy first, I think it's because I always wanted to have an older brother.
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Find out the gender, I'm far too nosy and I like to plan things out in my head.
Any names you like? Lucas John - John is after my dad. I can't decide on any girls names.
Name: Heather
Age: 24
Relationship status: Married, 2.5 years

How long until TTC: Been waiting a while already, but we're down to 5 MONTHS! Almost there!
Reasons for WTT: OH not ready, want to build up our nest egg a bit more
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: So much! We have a baby bucket list we have been slowly crossing things off of for the last few years. Right now the main thing we are trying to do before TTC is buy a house.
How many children would you like: We're both in the 3-5 range

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? We would both prefer to have a boy first
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Find out, definitely!
Any names you like? Oh so many...
Boys <3 Jackson, Abram, & Wesley
Girls <3 Nora & Sophia
Name: Mary
Age: 26
Relationship status: Married for 6 months (Been together 8.5yrs)

How long until TTC: 9th May 2011 ~(after 3rd cycle)
Reasons for WTT: Ectopic pregnancy - treated with Methotrexate
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Would love to buy a house before having baby but that would mean putting off children for another few years and it doesn't seem worth it.
How many children would you like: 3

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? No
Finding out the gender or team yellow? I'm all for team yellow although hubby would like to find out!
Any names you like? Jack or Nate / Evelyn (Evie) or Halle
Name: Kerry
Age: 26
Relationship status: Engaged

How long until TTC: One year and one month.
Reasons for WTT: Until we're married!
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Just planning the wedding, getting married and having one last big vacation (honeymoon)!
How many children would you like: Maybe 3?

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? I really want both...but I really want at least one girl for sure. I've always wanted a little girl.
Finding out the gender or team yellow? I'm not sure! I would leave it up to OH. Although, I think we'd find out. I have no self control!
Any names you like? Alexandra for a girl, Madden, Sebastian, Spencer, Leon or Noah for a boy.
Name: Shannon
Age: 21 (on march 29th)
Relationship status: Engaged

How long until TTC: 9.5 months (january 2012)
Reasons for WTT: we just had a lil baby boy 6.5 months ago
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: gettin to no my son better :)
How many children would you like: 4 all together

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? no id love either gender
Finding out the gender or team yellow? team Green :)
Any names you like? girl: summer, emma, tatiannah.. boy: josh, nick
Name: Shelby
Age: 18 for another two months
Relationship status: Living with OH. Not married. (Difficult for a couple like us! :dohh: )

How long until TTC: January 2012 :happydance:
Reasons for WTT: Money.
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: Definitely want to save money. Would like to work on buying a house, if not before ttc, then def while preggo.
How many children would you like: 1 or 3 or 5. Or maybe 2 or 4...eek! :haha:

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? :pink:
Finding out the gender or team yellow? Definitely going to find out so we can start calling bubs by their name.
Any names you like? Kolette Irelyn; Oliver Nolan; Kora Madeline; Nolan Alexander...I have a list.
Name: Lily
Age: 25
Relationship status: Engaged... wedding day is 7/4/11

How long until TTC: early 2012 (honeymoon baby-making?)

Reasons for WTT: moving in together, he's military & deploys so we're trying to plan around that schedule (honeymoon won't happen until early 2012), mostly just want to enjoy being married before adding someone new to the mix

Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: get certified as a personal trainer & attempt finishing the basement

How many children would you like: 2-4

Do you have a gender preference? i'd love boys

Finding out the gender or team yellow? i'm sure we'll find out

Any names you like? boys: beckett, lathan, kael... girls: jade, riley, london

"Distance is not for the fearful; it is for the bold. It's for those who are willing to spend a lot of time alone, in exchange for a little time with the one they love. It's for those who know a good thing when they see it, even if they don't see it nearly enough.

Name: Sara
Relationship status: happily married since July 2010

How long until TTC: not sure... whenever we feel ready to "weather the storm" again
Reasons for WTT: just had 2nd miscarriage in 4 months
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: hormonal & thyroid testing for abnormalities
How many children would you like: at least 3

when pg...

Do you have a gender preference? no. after two miscarriages, I just want a healthy baby
Finding out the gender or team yellow? def finding out gender
Any names you like? yes but I won't share

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