I quit Jan-March of this year (it was really hard) and used the Alan Carr book; I have had the occasional cigarette since, but when I found out I was pregnant, I have had a puff or two (honestly!) and it made me sick and I coughed it out anyway. We were going to do IVF, but I got pregnant naturally in June and only really miss the habit/socialisation, at this point - but this is after almost twenty years of smoking!
Those three months in early 2011 were absolutely horrible! The websites say it takes 3 days to get it out of your system -- more like three weeks, I felt gross, sweating out nicotine and just yuck. I compromised and smoked the occasional roll-up when I was having a glass of wine, but managed after March to not smoke too much. I felt that if we were going to spend money on IVF, I should quit.
When I realised that I was pregnant, I wasn't drinking anyway as it was the month before starting IVF proper and so, wasn't smoking... so on my hospital charts, it says NON-SMOKER and that feels like all the hard work was worth it...
I don't know if I will start up again after the baby is born, I can't promise anything, but I really hope not.
So, good luck in trying to quit -- it's the hardest thing I ever did and my thoughts were, those little cancer sticks were not stronger than me....sob...
best wishes