Got the Christmas BFP, now waiting on the baby..August 2015 :)

Both of my previous births were videotaped by my sister and I'd like to have this one on video as well. That's something I'll have to discuss with my SO because there'd have to be one other person in there obviously to do that. I'd likely have my sister do it again if she's OK with it. I don't trust my mom to do it... she would be emotional, chatty and crying throughout the video or possibly not even push the record button and miss it all :dohh:
Glad to hear everything went well at your appt Mamabunny and you got the special moment alone with your SO that you wanted :)

All this talk of finding out genders makes me excited! Anyone know what the blood test is called that can tell you the sex early? My next appt is the 18th and they are doing the genetic testing thingy, the midwife said it was a blood test but she didnt say anything about the sex. Is it the same thing?

I had horrific cramping the other day and ended up in the ER. I felt quite foolish when we discovered I was just very constipated...oops. I didnt know constipation could hurt so badly! I nearly passed out! On the bright side I had a sono and saw the baby! And he actually looks like a baby now! He was waving his little arms and legs, it was precious. I never made it this far with my mmc so it was amazing to see! At the time, according to my lmp I was 10w3d but I noticed on the screen it said the gestational age was 11w4d. Nobody mentioned it to me but I guess maybe he is just measuring bigger?
Macy, glad everything is ok! Yay for constipation cramps and nothing more sinister lol.

I am 12 weeks today! Cannot believe it. I'm officially busting out of my pants, at least those with buttons and zippers. Thinking I am going to order some maternity clothes this weekend!

I'm planning on having my mom and boyfriend in the room for the actual delivery - boyfriend said he won't look, but that it won't freak him out if he does. I beg to differ lol. Mom is much more modest than me so she will avoid looking at all costs. The only other people that would come for a visit before or after the birth would be my brother and sister in law (and their 2 kids) and to be honest, other than seeing me naked, I don't mind them being around. My brother will probably have to be dragged there as he hates hospitals and anything related to "sick" people lol.
Happy 12wks wonders! One trimester down :)

Ive been wondering who to have in the delivery room as well besides DH. Im so back and forth. I keep thinking I want my best girlfriend to be there as she is the baby's godmother and the fact that she is a nurse doesnt hurt! And then there is also my "surrogate" mom who I have known all my life and has somewhat taken over the mom role since my mother passed away. I feel like it would be nice to have their support and Im not embarassed or anything but then Im like hmmm...maybe it would be better just me and DH? I just dont know! I guess we have plenty of time to decide.
I'm totally comfortable with my SO looking as much as he wants (or not if he can't handle it). I even warned him I will likely poop on the table :rofl: We are very open about bodily issues and such which makes all the not so lovely "perks" of pregnancy and birth not so embarrassing :laugh2:

Even though this is my third pregnancy I'm super curious about everything - I have learned SO much this time around. I wanted to get a peek at my cervix at my exam this week but was so nervous and worried about the heartbeat I didn't bother. Maybe next time. And I wanna see my afterbirth when I deliver, I've never seen it. I'm sure it's disgusting but still...

I'm like a freaking kid :dohh:

I've already started wearing some maternity pants and they're fabulous! I bought a few pants and shirts off a very nice lady for very little and am awaiting photos of more possible clothes from another lady. I'm taking a short trip out of town tomorrow to Old Navy and Motherhood Maternity to find some new items as well. Earlier in the week I went and bought a few pairs of leggings which I adore right now.
Ooh maternity clothes shopping sounds fun! Any recommendations for a good maternity bra? Preferably a reasonable price. Ive gone without a bra for some time now as none of mine fit but Ive been too ill to go anywhere anyway. I want to go to church this wkend though so I think a bra is necessary :haha:
Sorry I've been MIA lately, ladies. Glad to hear everyone is still doing well and any scares have calmed down and turned out well. Exciting to hear about so many first appointments as well!

I had my first real appointment with the midwife last week. Other than a definite feeling I might throw up in the waiting room (I spent a fair bit of the time deep breathing and fishing around for my emergency barf bag in my purse), it went really well. I went to this appointment by myself and I actually enjoyed that because I got to ask all my questions and feel like I had one-on-one focus. The midwife didn't do an internal exam, just answered my questions and did a quick doppler. Found the HB no problem, although it had moved a bit from the last time I did my home doppler (heart rate was 170). Of course they also did the mandatory blood/urine/weight. So far haven't gained any weight, but I was happy to hear that. I had a fair bit of extra to start and am hoping to keep it within a happy range throughout the pregnancy. Second trimester will be the real test. BP was also good, and no sign of anemia based on blood tests (which I was slightly worried about since I switched to a gummy vitamin after all my morning sickness woes).

Looking forward to the NT scan next Friday. There is no official policy, but seems they are unlikely to guess the sex unless it's really clear (I'll only be 12 and a half weeks at that time). But I am planning to ask them to try and get a really good side shot so I can scrutinize at home (see this great article I found about how to tell sex at the end of the first trimester: DH and my mom will both be coming. Can't wait to see the little bean looking more like a baby!
Oh, and thought I'd share what DH and I are planning in terms of birth attendants. Clearly I'd like DH to be there, but I have also asked my mom to join us. And DH has requested to ask his mom as well, which is okay by me. We think 3 birth attendants is probably enough what with all the medical people who will be there (planning a hospital birth), although I would be comfortable with my lil sis being there too (not sure if she would be as comfortable though :winkwink:).

Although I'm happy to have her if she wants to, DH's mom will be there primarily as HIS support person, rather than mine. I know it's important to have people you feel comfortable with in the room, and I know this is my first birth so maybe I'll feel differently after going through it all, but this is also DH's first baby and I really want him to feel excited and supported too. I might not normally feel okay being naked around my MIL (although honestly I don't feel that comfortable being fully nude in any setting, except the shower :dohh:), but I also think childbirth is a special occasion where boundaries shift. It helps that she's a nurse too, so hopefully she can turn on clinical mode if she sees anything gross :thumbup:

Anyone else planning to have a larger cadre of birth attendants, or come from a family where a birth is a communal affair?
I have been having issues with getting an accurate count of the fetal heart rate on my doppler. I don't like to leave the probe in one place for a long time and the counts it comes up with even after 15-20 seconds are definitely lower than what I get by timing the counts. So I went looking for a better way to estimate the BPM and found this easy site:

You just play a recording or use the real-time audio and click a button every time you hear the heartbeat (requires slight coordination). While the doppler was estimating the heartbeat today at 140-150bpm, this program clocked it at 167-168. That is much closer to the 170 my midwife recorded at my last visit, and I think it's much more accurate.

Just thought this might help someone else who wanted to get an accurate guesstimate of the heart rate from an audio recording or doppler with a slow/no display.
For the birth whether it happens naturally or I end up having to get another c-section because the baby doesn't come by the date the doctor will set I only want my husband there. As I said I wanted my mom there but she will be at home taking care of my son. Maybe I can get my daddy to take over so she can come be with me. It didn't affect me at all to be naked around my mom even with the poking and prodding, but I'm not comfortable with anyone else being there, not even my sister. Regardless of whether I have a natural birth or a c-section no one will be visiting me in the hospital except my mom and son and my mom only gets to come because she will be bringing my son. I had so many visitors last time and it just was not a good thing. I was so tired and out of it from being in pain and I was feeling really anxious about people touching my son. This time no one gets to come until I'm sure I will feel comfortable with it. I don't care if that means that family members will be mad. It's my baby, it came out of my body, I can't do the million visitors again. It was too stressful and I barely got to rest the entire time I was in the hospital, which was 5 days between the induction and c-section recovery.
Hi ladies!

As far as people in the delivery room-at this point I think it will be me and the hubby. My mom would be the only other person I would want in there, but considering what's happening with her right now, we will just have to wait and see when delivery time comes. If she is able to be there I def want her there!

I am still having nausea off and on most days. I am running out of creative outfits to keep my bump hidden at work lol I had this very sharp pain in my belly out of no where this evening-it only lasted a minute or less. But it def scared me...a whole week to wait for our dr visit:nope: I have no idea what it would have been, hopefully nothing wrong.
Sounds like round ligament pains. Look it up. Sadly if that is what it is it will get more common the further along in the pregnancy you get. I used to get like 10 a day atleast in my third trimester.
It will just be DH and I at the hospital again. Like things calm and simple. My mom and dad will need to come to bring dd to meet her new sibling once we've got our act together.
I having a hard time hiding things too. I don't want to wear pregnancy tops because I think they make it so obvious. I'm in maternity pants but hiding them with bigger tops.
I'm having a c-section so it will be hubby in there with me. For my first it was going to be my sister and hubby but Davey turned transverse so we had to have a C section. Hubby offered to have my sister in there this time (she was disappointed because her daughter had c sections too and wanted to be in there) but as much as I love her I really want him in there with me. He should be one of the first to see our last little one. So I told him thanks I appreciate it but I wanted him with me.
I was an ecs w dd and bc of that I'm sooooo happy no one else was there. I think their anxiety would have only made me more anxious.
Hi ladies! So, no sharp pains today, but lots of cramping off and on all day long. I looked up the round ligament pain online as well as cramping between 10-11 weeks. It seems to be fairly common-saying that this is the time the uterus is moving up and things are making room. So I am hoping that's all it is. I have no problem with the pain, I just don't want anything to be wrong. I also feel very wet down there (sorry if tmi)-more than usual, like my period is going to start any second. Anyone else experiencing or previously experienced any thing like this?

I have been taking lots of sit down breaks today in between cooking, cleaning and laundry.

I hope everyone is doing well.
Ooh maternity clothes shopping sounds fun! Any recommendations for a good maternity bra? Preferably a reasonable price. Ive gone without a bra for some time now as none of mine fit but Ive been too ill to go anywhere anyway. I want to go to church this wkend though so I think a bra is necessary :haha:
I was taking a look at this one, actually: It looks so similar to the sports bras I'm currently in so I think it'd work, especially since my boobs are still going to be growing and I don't wanna get anything with actual cups yet.
Nori- I'm the same. Grossly wet. It's worse because of black leggings, I'm wearing black underwear, so it's even more obvious. So gross. I remember this from last time. I don't like how it smells either.
I had to go up a cup size today for the second time this pregnancy. And I still haven't gained a pound. Last time I was gaining like crazy so the bigger bras made sense. This time it's just surprising.
Hi ladies! So, no sharp pains today, but lots of cramping off and on all day long. I looked up the round ligament pain online as well as cramping between 10-11 weeks. It seems to be fairly common-saying that this is the time the uterus is moving up and things are making room. So I am hoping that's all it is. I have no problem with the pain, I just don't want anything to be wrong. I also feel very wet down there (sorry if tmi)-more than usual, like my period is going to start any second. Anyone else experiencing or previously experienced any thing like this?

I have been taking lots of sit down breaks today in between cooking, cleaning and laundry.

I hope everyone is doing well.

Hi Nori,

I am also experiencing the cramping on and off and the wetness, I got worried a couple of days back as it really felt my period was going to start, but nothing came. Nausea comes and gos but I have not actually thrown up yet. That did concern me for a while but I was advised that it can happen and still have a healthy baby. :D
Thanks Lavendar that looks great!

I have had the cramping as well. It just started today. Well, not really cramping. Lower abdomen feels heavy...a bit throbby? It does feel like it's my uterus. I guess that's normal.

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