Deductive- what's the positioning program you're doing? I've had such bad sciatica for the last few weeks. It has been horrendous at times.
I am also massive. Not really gained much weight at all, which is seriously shocking because I look extremely pregnant. Maybe because I'm short?
Sass I haven't really gained any net weight either. I think I'm back to where I was pre-pregnancy since I lost a chunk with the horrendous MS. I just have a little baby bump now.
Here's a 14 week bump picture for you deductive! What's hilarious is I look exactly as I did at just over 10 weeks. I'm just trading bloat for baby. I actually look even bigger by the end of the day since now my food has nowhere to go but out.
Had my 14 week prenatal appointment yesterday. I've gained more than TWICE the recommended weight for first tri but hoping things will even out once the weather here warms up and I can be active outside. I measured a week ahead... which is a coincidence because baby's CRL measurement was a week ahead at my 12+1 volunteer ultrasound. Got a good heartbeat this time since I was able to compose myself and not cry But baby wanted to play hide and seek with the doctor